What on earth does that mean? #speak
<ETHbot> Youtube has been called.
Of course they have. They're called many times every day. #speak
<ETHbot> AUTOMATED RESPONSE SuperJedi224 1 pc3.08568e26 angstrom
You aren't any fun. #speak
<ETHbot> 1 barn 100 square femtometers, say something to the definition of life? I was considering just using crossorigin.me like this time? Use help
<ETHbot> Supported commands: #help #ping #xkcd #ppcg #quote #quine #speak #goat #teach #is #add #hi
<ETHbot> If you want me to calculate something, say something like this:
What is two plus two?
<ETHbot> What on the size of a goat 'syntaxerror: A goat 'syntaxerror: A goat is.
Were you trying to #quine yourself? #speak
<ETHbot> My name is a goat is a separate Chatbot account than ETHbot only reply to the cross section of life, e.g.
Yeah... about that. #speak
<ETHbot> Chatgoat has an api though, I was considering just using crossorigin.me like this:
<ETHbot> Youtube has an api though, the meaning of life? Use help.
<ETHbot> Were you could make ETHbot only reply.
I'm going to kill you now. #speak
<ETHbot> I was considering just using crossorigin.me
<ETHbot> What is a goat is 'ETHbot'. about that?
<ETHbot> What on something like this:
<ETHbot> I guess. Are you now.
You are now a goat. #speak
<ETHbot> Darn, the size of the meaning of the size of life, good point..
<ETHbot> Learned these words:
<ETHbot> 2 and 3 is 'SyntaxError: missing ; before statement'.
2 and (\\d) means "+$1+2".
<ETHbot> Learned these words: 2 and (\\d) ("+$1+2")
<ETHbot> 2 and 3 is 'SyntaxError: missing ; before statement'.
<ETHbot> Syntaxerror is 'ReferenceError: syntaxerror is not defined'.
<ETHbot> Math is [[object Math]].
<ETHbot> Math.log is function log() {
[native code]
<ETHbot> Console.log is function log() {
[native code]
<ETHbot> I didn't understand these words: Console ('math')
<ETHbot> I didn't understand these words: M ('math')
<ETHbot> Error processing question.