At this moment we have 59 visits/day (one of the lowest rates since the start of the private beta).
When Community Promotion Ads can be launched?
How to encourage users to get involved?
Should we promote HR on Area51? I mean inviting users to participate and help us.
I'm trying to decide between two computers that will be used for graphic design, heavy adobe usage - Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign, etc, as well as some web design work as well. I have the Adobe Master Collection CS6 installed on my current computer. I have it narrowed down between these two c...
> We recently entered public beta, so we need to get word out to the rest of Stack Exchange about Open Source Stack Exchange. One of the best ways of doing this is with Community Promotion Ads.
I'm using yellow for the You don't program in BIOS. Should I use a different colour? I should probably make the Hardware Recs SE part more distinct and use a different font/colour as well
You can really blame at @HDE226868 for that kinda. I sort of copied that entire thing from Open Source anyway. Sorry @HDE226868 for stealing your post :)
After a bit of back and forth in chat, here's the final product. Special thanks to everyone, especially Art for really giving it the finishing touches.
@belford A number of sites have 100%, including I believe my own Open Source.
It'd be a better idea to compare our stats to SR's. Recommendations sites have low answer rates, because some questions nobody has the experience to answer.
Sure, I would agree. According to the information about no upvoted answers... Is there any way to suggest "featured" badge for the question? Should we call Robert Cartaino? I mean this post:…
@belford May be easier just to wait til we have mods. The CMs are understandably pretty slow at responding to flags, and often leave non-critical flags like that alive until the moderators are installed.
Thing is, Stack Exchange is a part of the site name if you think about it. There's no argument for it, but there really isn't anything against it either
> The default character encoding in Java for OS X is MacRoman. The default font encoding on some other platforms is ISO-Latin-1 or WinLatin-1; unlike MacRoman, these encodings are subsets of UTF-8. Programs that assume that filenames can be turned into UTF-8 by just turning a byte into a char will cause problems in OS X.