@ArtOfCode ok. I saw some stuff about exes, which aren't platform-independent. And your users need to have a JVM -- probably not unreasonable, but remember that it's a thing some of them will need to do. You guys considered and discarded something web-based?
@Green sure, initially. But are they programmers? Math geeks? GMs who need a map for the game they're starting tomorrow? People with Grand Ideas for a whole world?
What are the basic functions this tool needs to do? I don't mean things like "make a fractal-based map"; I mean things like "accept parameters", "write files"... does the user need to be able to draw or is it all data/text-driven? Stuff like that.
Are you generating an image in the end (of a map), or is there some data format you want to write out that the user could then import into other map software, or...?
@Green I don't know. You guys tell me. Well, tell each other. :-) When somebody uses this tool to help him make a map, what is he getting out the other end? An image? A GIS-able thing? Something else?
@Zizouz212 that's what I'm asking the room. :-) I'm not trying to interfere, but from the outside it just kind of looked like requirements-gathering had been skipped, so I just wanted to ask.
@MonicaCellio I don't think export to a GIS format will be too useful (that's a 2.0 feature.) I don't get the impression that many authors/DMs are using ArcGIS to keep track of their worlds.
@Green works for me. It might be a version-200 thing for all we know. As I said, this isn't my area -- if I'm using it I'll be happy with an image that groks layers.
@ArtOfCode Monica has been around the software field for a while and seen what happens when you jump straight to implementation. :-) And doesn't want to see people get frustrated here down the road.
@ArtOfCode That's making me cringe to keep a giant flat document with all our requirements in it. I don't mind keeping a vision statement there....why can't we make a vision.md and keep it in Github?
Ok, here's a suggestion: use cases. What will users do with this software? Without getting bogged down in details, can you describe a sequence of steps that starts with "runs application (or visits web site and logs on)" and ends with "takes mappy goodness home"?
Opinion from everyone please: desktop, or web? @bowlturner? @MonicaCellio (yes, you're entirely welcome to give opinions too :) ) @HDE226868? @bilbo_pingouin?
@ArtOfCode as a user, I like simple -- using a web site is easy so long as I can save the end product locally; installing an application is more work and might interact with my OS, other apps, antivirus, whatever. I install plenty of apps, but it's an extra step. Do you want casual users? Web is better for them.
Now the down-sides: web requires hosting, and assume it won't have much in the way of security (probably not a concern here, but worth calling out). Web means you're downstream of whatever nutty thing the next version of Firefox or Chrome does.
@bowlturner Honestly, I would okay with the "scratch that itch" approach. Ziz wants to work on a Desktop version. Everyone else wants to work on a web version. As long as the efforts aren't completely incompatible and used a common code base, I think it would okay.
It would seem we're leaning more towards the web side. We'll wait for @HDE226868 and @bilbo_pingouin to chime in on that one tomorrow, I think, but @Zizouz212 - if we were to do web, is that acceptable? i.e. it's not a deal breaker for you?
Cools. Well. It's now 22:45 for me, so I'm going to head for bed. I'll be around for a while, sitting with my phone, but I won't be talking so much :) Productive discussion, though. This outlook is good.