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In bash, func(){ ... } declares a func, but is there any case where something goes in between the ()?
I mean, you can put whitespace there
but anything else is a syntax error
And in fact the () is completely optional, you can just do function foo { ... }
8 hours later…
that's weird
@ToxicFrog function is also optional! You can do foo(){ } or function foo {}.
And foo {}?
@AndrasDeak no, you need either function or () to indicate a function declaration
That's what I thought. So it's insufficient to say that "() is completely optional" and "function is also optional" :P
I just realised that Stack Overflow Jobs is going away. I realise the answer to this is almost certainly no, but has anyone here ever got a job through it?
@AndrasDeak yep. Insufficient, but true! Perfect confusion!
But that's why I clarified: You can do foo(){ } or function foo {}.
I should have added _but not foo{} or function () {}
Yup :P
By the way, @AndrasDeak, I hope it was clear that when I referred to you as an "unsavory character", the other day, that was meant as a friendly joke and a welcome. I assume you took it that way from your answer, but since there is no body language in chat, I wanted to make sure.
I was just pleased to see a familiar "face".
@terdon haha, yes, of course. I make enough noise here that you shouldn't have to worry about that (but I understand it's better to make sure)
we have tag!!
then we close the request for the learning type questions!
the tag is created by the community; can you [mods] delete it?
@αғsнιη the community can delete it too — once the tag is gone from all questions using it, it will be deleted.
@AndrasDeak yeah, I wasn't really worried, I think I know you well enough to know you can detect a joke :) Just checking to be on the safe side.
What Stephen said, @αғsнιη.
thanks @StephenKitt; I voted some questions for deletion too, and some require one more deletion vote to delete entirely
@terdon you can help us in this way too : )
there are 6 questions remained with just having "learning" tag, and there is really nothing to substitute them with another tag other than deleting the questions altogether
@αғsнιη Only two are open as far as I can tell. Anyway, there are two choices: completely delete the posts or create a new tag that fits them.
I don't really want to go around unilaterally deleting posts just to remove a tag. So if this is something you feel is worth doing, please open a meta post about it.
I'm tentatively planning to move from my current email hosting provider to mailbox.org. At least on trial basis. I thought at the same time I would try getmail instead of fetchmail, which I have been using for 20+ years.
But fetchmail has an init script, at least in Debian. While getmail doesn't. I was thinking of using a systemd script for getmail. Because one really needs a script to run these things. Though I would prefer not to have to write my own, because it will likely be buggy.
Put it in a cron job...
@StephenKitt Isn't systemd better than cron?
@FaheemMitha “better” depends on what you’re trying to achieve. Given what you wrote above, the fact that cron jobs are hard to get wrong seems like a big advantage (I’m assuming you already know how to set up a cron job, and aren’t as familiar with systemd user units).
@StephenKitt Correct, I'm not familiar with systemd user units. Perhaps I should have said "flexible and powerful" instead of better.
I still use fetchmail on my home computer, with the Debian system service; I use isync on my work computer, driven by a systemd user unit (and timer).
I'm also open to learning about systemd stuff.
While we're on the topic, can anyone recommend a good tutorial? Or should I just look for a man page?
@StephenKitt I still use fetchmail too. But it quite frequently stops working for no reason. Unless unstable internet connections are a reason. One reason for trying something new. After 20+ years, it's not too hasty a decision.
I’m just wary of adding a hurdle in your mail migration ;-).
@terdon these are remaining questions with learning tag, which I believe those can be deleted as none of them suitable to stay in our site
Yeah, maybe, but I really don't like deleting myself if I can avoid it. Certainly not without a meta discussion.
Yes, this isn’t a “nuke it from orbit” scenario...
@StephenKitt I plan to test extensively first. But I'll reconsider if someone says that systemd units (or whatever they are called) are junk.
Of course, in that case, some reasons would be appreciated.
@StephenKitt Those certainly seem readable.
Q: remove "learning" tag

αғsнιηWe have the "learning" tag which 5 questions now tagged with this, however as I checked none of these questions are suitable to https://unix.stackexchange.com when knowing that asking for learning materials is off-topic; Can we request for deletion of this learning tag alongside deleting those qu...

@αғsнιη great, thanks!
1 hour later…
Did we need something deleted?!? :)
Jeff already revving up his whacker
pruners, hedge trimmers, loppers, hand saw, weed whacker, chainsaw... I'm ready for action. #SendMe
I heard talk of chainsaws
"Whack the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure."

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