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5:28 AM
when apt warns you to use caution when using it in scripts because it doesn't have a stable CLI interface, what does it mean by caution? Like you are either going to write a script that involves it or not I don't get how I can be cautious here
5:53 AM
@AdamL they mean that if you're scripting something, the chance of breakage is higher if you use apt rather than apt-get. aptis being tweaked by its developers more frequently and probably isn't backwardly compatible with older apt versions.
My man apt has this:
The apt(8) commandline is designed as an end-user tool and it may change behavior between versions. While it tries not to break
backward compatibility this is not guaranteed either if a change seems beneficial for interactive use.

All features of apt(8) are available in dedicated APT tools like apt-get(8) and apt-cache(8) as well. apt(8) just changes the default
value of some options (see apt.conf(5) and specifically the Binary scope). So you should prefer using these commands (potentially with
1 hour later…
7:09 AM
ok thanks I didn't realize it would not apply to apt-get
2 hours later…
8:50 AM
@Kusalananda i added your sed command to my answer, hope you don't mind ;-)
I had another one before, but yours is easier
@pLumo I don't mind at all.
Yeah, 11 points to 10.000 ;-)
@pLumo Nice!
2 hours later…
10:49 AM
Good morning
I was wondering where I can read and learn more about Debian's development process (including freezing process)?
My instinct tells me that many software development processes (including freezing processes) in companies are similar?
@Tim Did you do a search? This information is not hard to find. It's also (IMO) not useful unless you are using Debian.
Well, relevant, I should say.
11:50 AM
Hmm, git is chattier than it used to be.
12:17 PM
@FaheemMitha Example?
@Kusalananda git status after making a local change. Makes suggestions about what to do next.
I don't remember being that being the case before.
Is anyone here familiar with GitHub pull requests?
Should I make a separate pull request, and then link the pull request to it?
Do you mean the parenthesis in no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")? That's "always" been there...
faheem@orwell:/usr/local/src/nsepy/nsepy$ git status
On branch master
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.

Changes not staged for commit:
  (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
  (use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
        modified:   README.md

Untracked files:
  (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
@FaheemMitha I usually work on a branch, then commit and push. Then I create a PR from the web interface.
@FaheemMitha I think that's what it has always looked like.
But then again, I usually don't read that text too carefully.
@Kusalananda What's the order of operations? First do a clone? Then create a special branch? Then commit to that branch?
12:30 PM
@Kusalananda Well, I think it was terser back in the early 2000s. Like 2008/2009 or so.
I didn't start using git in earnest until about 2014.
@Kusalananda Well, it's changed a bit.
I'm not actually a Git user, though. So I'm not familiar with the evolution.
1 hour later…
1:37 PM
Look out! Now I'm dangerous!
Also, Firefox (on macOS at least) has a really nice built-in screenshot tool that allows you to grab an element anywhere on a page.
@Kusalananda ho ho, nice!
For some crazy reason my next tag badge is supposed to be (albeit only bronze).
And my next hammer is ...
Did you know that you can "target" your next badge?
@Kusalananda you've "found" gold! Congratulations!
@JeffSchaller if you mean choose which one to display in your profile, yes; if you mean work towards a specific badge, I guess so too...
I like not thinking about it so I just let the site choose for me.
@StephenKitt the former is what I meant, yes. and with all those keymaps in your head, I understand why you'd let the site choose ;)
@JeffSchaller haha I can imagine what sort of tombstone the denizens of /dev/chat would choose for me ;-)
1:45 PM
Dammit, @Kusalananda! Who reads the entire question before answering? You nerd! :P
TBH I like the right-hand part of my profile better than any other:
(I need to vote more.)
@terdon I love it! The title is rather misleading
“empty” as in “not there, at all”
@StephenKitt I even left a comment about how @Kusalananda misunderstood the question and was silently patting myself on the back over how clever I was. Sigh.
Instead, I ended up deleting my answer because it was I who wasn't answering the question, not Kusalananda. Grrr.
Oh, hey @StrongBad! Weird seing you without your diamond :(
@terdon Don't say this to anyone, but I didn't.
Here lies Mr. Stephen Kitt
Whose typing has slowed quite a bit.
He left quite a trail of quotes
Yet managed to restrain his votes.
On his way out he exclaimed, "I hope this place doesn't turn to ****!"
Well done on the words there!
2:05 PM
@JeffSchaller a limerick epitaph! thanks!
My next suggested tag is (bronze). I'm going to pick another. I'm not even sure I've ever used a RedHat system.
@terdon they took away my diamonds today. I still have access to one of my sites mod chat rooms. I thought it might be caching and when I refreshed I got logged into a bunch of rooms.
@Kusalananda my corporate overlords require me to point out that it’s “Red Hat” (no they don’t, it just bugs me)
@StephenKitt Oops. Sorry! Thanks for that.
so the new tag badge is [tag:r hel] (will that break the syntax parser?)
yes it will
2:54 PM
@StrongBad You're probably listed as an owner.
Are all of you C or C++ programmers?
Java has several autobuild tools: Maven, Gradle, Ant, .... With them, I can have a default build file for specific projects ready, and modify it according to my need.
I was wondering what autobuild tools are currently popular for C and C++ projects? Do they create default build files for different types of C++ projects? I suck at writing makefiles from scratch, though I can learn
@Kusalananda So, in a bit more detail, should one (a) fork on Github (b) clone the fork (c) create a separate branch for the PR (does GitHub have naming preferences of constraints?) (d) commit to the branch (e) push the commit/branch back to the Github fork (f) Do whatever it necessary to actually make a PR?
@Tim autotools works pretty well, though it's not exactly flavor of the month (or any month). There are lots of options. I've tried using scons and CMake before.
C and C++ were my first programming languages
I haven't used them for a while, and worried I might forget them. Might revisit them and learn how they are used in industry, when I have time to
Neither of them do everything that autotools does. And I didn't much like CMake, honestly.
Autotools has such a long history that you can practically Google every error one comes across, and you can usually find out what it means, and how to fix it.
@Tim C++ is really more like a collection of closely related languages.
I hear the standard is still evolving, relatively fast.
I was plagued with Visual Studio when I learned C/C++
Then used makefiles created by others when I switched to Linux
and codeblock IDE
3:03 PM
@FaheemMitha If you don't have write access to the upstream repository, then I would do something like that, but working on a feature branch is not strictly necessary then. I usually follow the "Git flow" workflow, with feature branches called feature/topic (for some "topic") branched off some development branch.
Does C++ become mainstream again?
@JeffSchaller no, RHEL is all stuck together
@Tim Seeing how younger people's brains work, no. They would go for the new and exciting languages.
@FaheemMitha (a) yes (b) yes, git clone git@github.com:fmitha/project.git (replacing fmitha and project as appropriate (c) typically yes, no constraints beyond git’s (d) yes (e) git push fmitha yourbranch (f) follow the instructions shown by git after the push
and if you need to update your PR following a review, force-push your branch: git push -f fmitha
3:09 PM
Urgh, force pushing is the worst (if collaborators do it when you have the branch checked out).
@Kusalananda true; it’s also possible to add commits to the branch and push it without force-pushing
Just pushing as ordinarily should be enough.
I tend to amend commits to address review comments...
(we don’t work on shared PR branches)
@Kusalananda I don't quite follow the branch part. Are a feature branch and a development branch different things?
@StephenKitt Ah. Ok.
3:12 PM
@StephenKitt Thanks, that is helpful.
@StephenKitt Yikes. In Mercurial, if you force push, you're doing something wrong. Isn't there an alternative?
@FaheemMitha On the projects I work on there are two main branches: master (a stable release) and develop (where development happens). Features are often developed on separate (temporary) feature branches off of the develop branch.
@FaheemMitha like I said, you can also add commits to a branch and push it without forcing
what you do depends on what you want your history to look like after it’s merged
@Kusalananda I see. The default branch in Mercurial is "default". So "master" is the Git equivalent?
Need to do other things. See you later.
@StephenKitt Um. Don't quite follow that part, but I'll revisit it when I get to it.
@Kusalananda Have a nice evening. Stay safe.
3:22 PM
@StephenKitt --force-with-lease is always better isn't it?
@terdon indeed, it is
however with a GitHub-style fork-based workflow, there’s little risk of losing work because of a force-push, which is what the lease system tries to protect against
@terdon --force-with-lease?
@FaheemMitha man git push
@StephenKitt Ok.
@StephenKitt Not if you're the only one working on the repository, no. But if others do, you'd still need the -with-lease, right?
3:33 PM
@terdon yes; my point is that since most GH projects involve only pushing to one’s own fork, leases aren’t necessary
however my use of git isn’t necessarily all that typical, since I only work on open source projects which require reviews before merges (whether the PRs take place using git or email)
so for most people, learning to use --force-with-lease by default (when one has to force-push at all) is better
GirHub popped up a window about something called GirHub Actions.
better still, never learn about force-pushing
@FaheemMitha yes, it’s a form of automation on GitHub
@StephenKitt Should I ignore it for now?
@FaheemMitha yes, it’s only relevant for people managing repos really
@StephenKitt Ok. Thank you.
@StephenKitt What's wrong with just cloning over HTTPS?
3:40 PM
@FaheemMitha since your intention is to push to your forked repo, you’re better off using SSH
@StephenKitt Oh, that was ssh? I would have assumed a ssh:// at the beginning, in that case.
@FaheemMitha you can say ssh://git@... but the ssh:// part is optional; see the “GIT URLS” section in man git clone
@StephenKitt Why does the review make a difference? I also work in the same way, but still always use leases when forcing. Usually after a rebase.
@terdon the point of leases is to avoid the following scenario: against the master branch at commit A, user F writes commit F, and on top of that, user G writes commit G (and F is unaware of this). So the tree looks like A → F → G, hopefully on a branch, but importantly, a branch shared by F and G. If F updates commit F (F’), and force-pushes, the branch will become A → F’ and G will be lost.
Force-pushing with a lease would fail because of G, and user F would then have to rebase G on top of F’ before being allowed to force-push the branch.
If everyone works on their own branch, this never happens, or at least user G keeps a copy of F in their own repo and user F can’t destroy that.
Likewise if all reviews are done by email (e.g. for the Linux kernel, or MinGW-w64), the issue doesn’t arise either.
(And my tendency to rely on force-pushing and rewriting history is probably tied closely to the fact that I learnt git-based code review on the kernel and on projects using Gerrit.)
4:01 PM
@StephenKitt I tried what you wrote as written, and it failed. Also, I probably need to do setup for the ssh thing on GH.
@FaheemMitha the latter explains the former
@StephenKitt It wasn't a permission error. Probably some syntax thing I got wrong.
@FaheemMitha OK, go to your forked project, click on the “Clone or download” button, and GitHub will tell you what to do:
Indeed it was. Now I'm getting a permission error. Apparently I can't even copy and paste correctly.
@StephenKitt Ok, thanks for the tip.
@StephenKitt Actually, isn't there a way to push using HTTPS?
I have vague memories of doing so once.
4:09 PM
@FaheemMitha yes, IIRC it involves entering your password every single time you push
Hmm, one plus of using Git is that instructions are everywhere on the Net.
which gets old very quickly when you spend a lot of time pushing patches
It's like using Microsoft.
@StephenKitt Presumably saving the password somewhere is an option.
Though I suppose that doing so securely may not be an option.
I don’t know, it’s always worked fine for me with SSH keys so I’ve never tried anything else.
If you've seen Stephen's keyboard, you really don't want to see his passphrase.
4:13 PM
@JeffSchaller one way to slow me down is to force me to log in somewhere using a US keymap
@JeffSchaller What's the matter with Stephen's keyboard?
Does it use Dvorak?
@FaheemMitha it's a (much?) less-common layout
@JeffSchaller Ah. How so?
yesterday, by Stephen Kitt
user image
4:14 PM
@StephenKitt That's a keyboard?
looks like it could launch a nuclear sub single-handedly, doesn't it?
@FaheemMitha that’s the GNOME keyboard applet showing my keymap
It looks kind of empty. Stephen, you should add in some Greek, Hebrew, and Arabic letters.
Maybe a few math symbols too.
Integral signs always look good.
They are really just big S's, but they'll impress your friends.
Yes, it looks like HTTPS just involves sticking the password in some config file. Screw that.
4:53 PM
The usual way I've handled auth via SSH is to have to generate a private/public keypair, and then create a entry in the ssh config file with a corresponding host. And then use that host. Does git or GitHub have a different way to do it?
And I'm not sure how a ssh domain would work with:
git clone git@github.com:fmitha/nsepy.git
Because that has no place for the ssh domain.
@FaheemMitha You add your public key to your Github settings
@Kusalananda Yes, I got that part. But how do I tell ssh where to look for the local/private key? Normally the ssh config entry tells ssh which one is being used.
You use ssh-agent?
(off to eat dinner)
@Kusalananda For something like doing an occasional authentication for a repos push, I'd probably just type in the phrase manually. Though I've used keychain in the past.
5:12 PM
@StephenKitt That's the standard French keyboard, isn't it?
Hands down the most unpleasant keyboard I've ever had to use. Shift to get to numbers!?
Ok, these instructions are confusing - help.github.com/en/github/authenticating-to-github/…
Particularly this part:
When you're prompted to "Enter a file in which to save the key," press Enter. This accepts the default file location.

> Enter a file in which to save the key (/home/you/.ssh/id_rsa): [Press enter]
I already have a existing file at that location.
I think I'll just do it the way I know how to do it.
Does anyone here using blank passphrases with GitHub? Is it is bad idea?
@FaheemMitha I don't have all the context here, but if you're creating a new SSH key just for github purposes, then I would suggest a unique filename -- so that you're not clobbering your existing file.
5:27 PM
@JeffSchaller Yes, that's what I normally do, of course. I was just a little confused by Github suggesting something else.
Ideally ssh-keygen wouldn't let me clobber an existing file, but I don't know if it so considerate.
@FaheemMitha it looks to me like the github instructions are just copy/pasting the default ssh-keygen instructions. They could improve by showing /home/you/.ssh/id_rsa_github or similar.
I think it probably adheres to that ancient Unix maxim. Gun... foot. Not my problem.
@JeffSchaller Well, if they are just copy pasting, that's naughty. They need to work harder. Earn their no doubt humungous salaries.
particularly when they say "press Enter. This accepts the default file location."
5:30 PM
Unfortunately I'm very suggestible. I constantly have to remind myself that everyone else in the world doesn't necessarily know better than me.
Fortunately, it's getting easier with age. Since, as time passes, I meet more and more idiots.
@JeffSchaller Yes, that was the bit that gave me pause. I don't even have my keys under version control, alas. Maybe I should.
Thank you for the helpful warning/suggestion. Much appreciated.
I wonder if my GitHub passphrase can be my GitHub password? Any reason why not? Two birds, one stone...
@JeffSchaller Do you use ssh when pushing to GitHub?
@FaheemMitha I have never "pushed to github", but if I was going to, that sounds like something I would try
@JeffSchaller Ok.
@FaheemMitha I never ever have empty passphrases on keys (SSH or any other type). For SSH, I use ssh-agent. I find it slightly odd that one is even allowed to use empty passphrases (or at least that ssh-keygen lets you know it's possible).
@Kusalananda Does it really make that much of a difference in security? The key is still perfectly good, after all.
@terdon It stops the use of the key in the case of a break-in.
5:39 PM
This sums it up nicely, I think:
A: Is it okay to use a SSH key with an empty passphrase?

Mo.A key with no passphrase is reliant upon nobody else being able to get at that key (who wouldn’t be able to get at the resources it gives access to anyway). So, if the key grants access to a machine next to it, and both machines have the same level of electronic and physical security, then it’s n...

If you're already on a safe enough system, it should make little difference, but if not it could make all the difference in the world.
@terdon Yeah.
I would consider any system running on hardware that can be picked up and taken away "not safe enough".
Then again, I'm the guy who also use Yubi key tokens with SSH.
And I'm the guy who had to look up Yubi keys. I think we're each in the right job :P
@Kusalananda Yubi would be one of those hardware thingys, I guess.
Apparently banks don't support them.
So, could I use my GitHub password for my passphrase?
Hmm, I get:
The key's randomart image is:
+---[RSA 4096]----+
|+ ...oo .. |
|o..o.o. o o |
|..o.o+oo .+ |
| oo ..=.++. |
| .. E *S= . |
| . + o B.= |
| o + + +.= |
| + . ooo |
| .oo |
I think this means something, but I don't remember what.
6:15 PM
@FaheemMitha Yes. Part of the actual key is a hardware token stored on a USB dongle, and you would have to touch a plate on the USB device to acknowledge that you are actually there.
@FaheemMitha You could, but now everyone knows that you might have the same password for to things.
@Kusalananda I don't normally, but I doubt anyone is going to try to hijack my GitHub account.
@Kusalananda Fancy. Do you have to utter a cryptic incantation too? Or make mystic gestures?
@FaheemMitha The mystic gesture is enough, and required.
(feeding the cats)
@FaheemMitha "^$#@, what's my passphrase for this key, again?" could be the cryptic incantation
(cats are fed + diabetic cat has had her shot)
@Kusalananda Pets are a lot of work.
@JeffSchaller That's an idea.
@Kusalananda So those Yubi keys are generally useful devices?
6:33 PM
@FaheemMitha So they are. They are however less work than a child.
@FaheemMitha I also use this key for 2nd factor authentication to Github and other places, so yes.
(where are my socks!?)
@Kusalananda So you bought it for your personal use, or was it for work?
Got it privately, using it a bit privately and for work.
(found socks!)
@Kusalananda Ok.
Hmm. I can't find anything in the documentation for the syntax to use if one is not use ssh keys with the default names. Weird.
I wonder if github has a IRC channel. It probably does.
Oh, never mind. I need to replace github.com with my hostname.
I'm not sure why nobody mentions that here, though. It's pretty standard.
6:51 PM
I just found that my teeth have plagues ...
all my teeth. I can't smile any more
I haven't looked into a mirror for years
I will scare people
7:05 PM
My teeth are otherwise healthy, I guess
Is there some DIY way for cleaning the plagues and tartars on the teeth?
@terdon yes, with a somewhat unusual keymap (“fr(oss)”). I’ve been using AZERTY ever since I started using computers so it’s wired into my fingers!
@StephenKitt I just don't understand how anyone can write code on that thing. The AZERTY vs QWERTY is fine, but needing two fingers for most basic programming symbols is a pain.
@terdon it's ... wired ... into ... his fingers ... all he has to do is think "5" and it comes out
@terdon yeah, I hear that a lot. My pinkies just DTRT ;-).
7:17 PM
Stephen <-> quick-connect USB <-> HCI driver <-> keyboard
The laptop that I found the other day has a mirror like screen, and that is how I realized the problem
What is wrong with grep -Eirzvl 'chmod|archive' to find files that do not contain chmod nor archive ?
@Isaac wouldn’t grep -EirZL be better?
-L lists files which don’t match, -Z separates file names with a null byte
@StephenKitt Well, the -z is intended to look at the whole file(s) as one entity, using \0 instead of \n.
@Isaac ah, right, so grep -EirzL
7:28 PM
@StephenKitt But the -L might work, as -EirzL (instead of v), testing ....
@Isaac yes, it will work better
@StephenKitt Yep, it seems to work ...
-L will list files which don’t match at all
whereas -lv will list files with at least one record which doesn’t match
printf 'chmod\0test' > testfile will illustrate the difference
I thought -z was for null-delimited incoming filenames (e.g. from xargs -0 or find -print0)
If I create a new local git branch, is it automatically pushed to remote?
7:31 PM
@FaheemMitha no
@StephenKitt So I have to that force thingy? Or something else?
@StephenKitt Yes, -L is almost equivalent to -v in that they negate the result. In this case, the whole file is treated as only one element, so, yes, in this case both work. Thanks.
@Isaac the whole file is treated as only one element only if it doesn’t contain any null bytes
@FaheemMitha the first time you want to push the branch, git push <remote> <branch>, replacing <remote> with the name of the remote, and <branch> with the name of the branch
@StephenKitt <remote> being whatever git remote returns?
@JeffSchaller -z, --null-data
Treat input and output data as sequences of lines, each terminated by a zero byte (the ASCII NUL character) instead of a newline.
7:33 PM
In this case "origin".
@StephenKitt Which, of course, Unix text files don't contain, correct?
@Isaac right, that's what I refreshed my memory from. You're -r recursively searching, so no incoming filenames, and you give a pattern on the command-line, so I was confused about why you needed -z
@Isaac yes, they don’t
perhaps you're looking for the output to be null-delimited?
@FaheemMitha one of the entries git remote returns, yes
7:36 PM
I guess that's the equivalent of hg paths.
@JeffSchaller No Jeff, I do not need the output to be zero delimited, But I could ask for it if interfacing to xargs or something else. I am trying to simplify the answer to this question: unix.stackexchange.com/questions/578956/…
@Isaac ok; the use of "recursive" along with incoming filenames might be confusing
Ok, so created a branch, switched to it (with checkout), and made a new commit. Now I need to push it back. But is there an equivalent of hg log -G?
@JeffSchaller Which incoming filenames? The whole find command that calls two grep for each file to then provide an output similar to ls migh be replaced by only grep -EirzL 'chmod|archive' or rather: ls -l $(grep -EirzL 'chmod|archive') if you nitpick that we need an output like ls. Of course, more care needs to be taken with files that might include newlines or spaces. But that is outside a chat discussion IMhO.
Curious syntax:
* commit b7b051631e0f0188d86a793af039f8e9448954cc (HEAD -> readme)
7:44 PM
@Isaac if you're trying to simplify that answer, I would not add -r to the grep calls, because the find specifies -f so you'll never recurse
Hmm, apparently git log --graph works, which is actually the same syntax as Mercurial.
Should I create an issue before the pull request?
Unfortunately this diff creates a lot of spurious noise.
@JeffSchaller That is a valid point, but find does recurse by default, so it is more similar to grep -r. But yes, to find files on "this directory", the -r is not needed.
@FaheemMitha that depends on the project’s practices
@JeffSchaller I misread your comment. Discard the find call, remove find from the command to use. Just one single call to grep.
@StephenKitt Ok. I'm writing an issue now. So, do I just add a link to the PR in the issue, or is there some more sophisticated way of handling it?
7:49 PM
@FaheemMitha that also depends on the project
@Isaac ahhh, and I misunderstood the scope, too. Although with grep -r ... I still don't see a need for -z
Usually you link to the issue in the commit message (git commit --amend to edit it before pushing).
(unless you're post-processing the filenames somehow)
@JeffSchaller I suspect the -z was to fix the -vl, but -L would do the right thing without it
@StephenKitt Oh. I haven't done that. Should I do an amend locally, and then push?
And when you say link to the issue, you mean the entire URL?
7:50 PM
@FaheemMitha yes. Read the contribution guide first, if there is one.
Do you have an example on hand?
@FaheemMitha that depends on the project.
@FaheemMitha an example would be pointless, it depends on the project.
@StephenKitt There isn't one. It's just a small thing.
@FaheemMitha tell me what project it is and I’ll take a look
7:52 PM
@JeffSchaller The -z switch is for internal file \0 not related to an output or input of a list of files. It divides a text file on \0, which a normal unix text file will not contain, thus, the whole file contents will be treated as a single line.
@Isaac and again, with -L you don’t need it
@JeffSchaller That would make the alternation chmod|archive work for the whole file.
@StephenKitt What is it that I don't need?
@FaheemMitha OK; file the issue, and add a “Fixes: #nn” line to your commit message, where nn is the number of the issue
@Isaac -z
@FaheemMitha that way when you open the PR, it will automatically be linked to the issue, and merging the PR will close the issue
@StephenKitt Ok. Can I make that change locally and then push it?
And it needs to be a separate line?
@FaheemMitha yes, git commit --amend
@FaheemMitha I’m not 100% sure, but I’d add it as a separate line
7:55 PM
@StephenKitt Ok.
@StephenKitt Ok
Fixes: #nn. So just the number of the issue? Not a complete URL?
@FaheemMitha like I said, the number of the issue
@StephenKitt Ok. Sorry, I missed that.
the # is important
@StephenKitt Then the whole command is not working, the requirement is to find files that contain both chmod and archive. Back to the drawing board ....
@Isaac ah right, I thought you wanted to exclude files containing either
but that is indeed not the question
7:57 PM
@StephenKitt Correct.
Got this error, which no doubt is easily fixable.
To gh:fmitha/nsepy.git
 ! [rejected]        readme -> readme (non-fast-forward)
error: failed to push some refs to 'git@gh:fmitha/nsepy.git'
hint: Updates were rejected because the tip of your current branch is behind
hint: its remote counterpart. Integrate the remote changes (e.g.
hint: 'git pull ...') before pushing again.
hint: See the 'Note about fast-forwards' in 'git push --help' for details.
But I'm getting sleepy.
@FaheemMitha had you pushed the branch already?
@StephenKitt Yes.
@FaheemMitha oh, OK, so you need to git push --force-with-lease fmitha
@StephenKitt Oh. Do you mean fmitha there?
Not the branch name?
8:00 PM
@FaheemMitha no, the remote name
@StephenKitt Oh. The remote branch name? Isn't that the same thing? My local branch is readme.
@FaheemMitha no, the remote name
as output by git remote
faheem@orwell:/usr/local/src/nsepy/nsepy$ git push --force-with-lease origin
fatal: The current branch readme has no upstream branch.
To push the current branch and set the remote as upstream, use

    git push --set-upstream origin readme
Not following the logic here. What information does it need that it does not already have?
huh that’s weird
git push --force-with-lease origin readme
@StephenKitt Ok, that worked. But I'm not sure what it's asking for. It doesn't know the relationship between the local readme and the remote readme?
That doesn't seem like a hard bit of book-keeping. Don't they have the same hashes and stuff?
@StephenKitt Seems to have worked - github.com/swapniljariwala/nsepy/issues/129
8:07 PM
@FaheemMitha it does, after the first push
But I'm somewhat underwhelmed by Git's bookkeeping. Is there anything else I should do?
@StephenKitt This is all after the first push. I already did the first push.
@FaheemMitha follow the instructions given in the error message, if it happens again
yes, I know, which is why I was surprised
5 mins ago, by Stephen Kitt
huh that’s weird
@StephenKitt Thanks for the assistance. I'll try to remember what I can of it.
@FaheemMitha you’re welcome ;-)
@StephenKitt Maybe I made an error somewhere along the line. Though I did git push origin readme (just checked it again).
I also don't see why git push origin readme doesn't work again.
8:10 PM
@FaheemMitha because you changed the commit
anyway I’m off, good night
I'm trying to control myself from pointing out how much better Mercurial is at this, but with Mercurial, you just do a push. If it's an anonymous branch, it tries to stop you from pushing. And I think a named branch needs a specific --new-branch flag. Other than that, it's automatic.
@StephenKitt Good night.
@StephenKitt Yes, I know. So what? What else could I possibly mean by that?
@FaheemMitha Anything unknown is weird.
@Kusalananda I don't see how that is relevant.
@FaheemMitha I switched over from CVS to Git in 2014 and was extremely frustrated for about a year before Git started to feel as natural as CVS had done before that.
I would have said exactly the same thing as you just did, but with Mercurial replaced by CVS.
@Kusalananda Well, my point was simply that Git shouldn't need to be told information it should already have.
And in Mercurial, you don't have to.
Of course, I might have made an error along the way. I'm regularly criticized for not always having an MWE on hand, and I don't have one here.
Mostly in TeX SE.
8:23 PM
There's no information about your new branch in the remote repository. You're talking to that repository, and it doesn't know about your branch. It needs to know how to attach it.
@Kusalananda Sure it is. I just pushed it.
So it's an exact copy of the local.
Perhaps it is expecting me to do something different remotely than locally, but I don't;see why. Or why it can't just assume the obvious, default configuration/relationship.
Anyway, time to sleep. Take care, everyone.
I'm trying to run `sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall` but that returns:

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
nvidia-driver-440 : Depends: nvidia-dkms-440 (= 440.64.00-0ubuntu1)
Depends: nvidia-kernel-source-440 (= 440.64.00-0ubuntu1) but it is not going to be installed
Depends: nvidia-compute-utils-440 (= 440.64.00-0ubuntu1) but it is not going to be installed
Depends: nvidia-utils-440 (= 440.64.00-0ubuntu1) but it is not going to be installed
Depends: xserver-xorg-video-nvidia-440 (= 440.64.00-0ubuntu1) but it is not going to be installed
I've read about 1000 SO threads with similar errors but haven't been able to get my ubuntu-drivers autoinstall command to work
If anyone here could offer some advice I'd be super grateful
8:55 PM
@duhaime The package you are trying to install `ubuntu-drivers` requires additional packages (unmet dependencies).
Some of the aditional packages **can not** be installed.
Probably because they **don't exist** in the repository you are using.
@duhaime Debuging this kind of problem is usually complex. It depends on which ubuntu version yo have installed, which repositories you have used, and which packages you have manually installed in the past. One first step would be to know which version of Ubuntu you are using and what version of libnvidia-compute-440:i386 you have installed.
Thanks very much for your response @Isaac!
do you have much experience with nvidia / cuda @Isaac
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