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Sandbox posts last active a week ago: Title
@DLosc Can you explain to me why dso.surge.sh/… behaves differently from dso.surge.sh/…?
lmao welcome to songs
I literally did not know bass existed until now, I will never go back to laptop speakers
@RadvylfPrograms yes had exactly that experience
I was like, what is Mikey's job, he literally doesn't make any noise
And now I can hear him
thats so funny actually
which is why I have music that I like and music that is meh, rather than just "music is meh" (not exactly how I felt but I definitely appreciate everything better now)
*uses this as an excuse to share music*
Well, I got what if 2 today, so I'm not getting any work done
I meant to ask for that for my birthday too but totally forgot lol
september birthdays gang? :P
@emanresuA so proud of u :P
there's music for the heart, for the mind, and for the soul. And then there's music for the ADHD
(rickrolling is for the soul definitely :P)
What my parents really got me for my birthday is an excuse to ignore them when I'm in my room :p
"Hey Ryan why didn't you mow the lawn"
"Sorry, heaphones"
It also seems that they got you an excuse to forget how to spell
yea I don't think I've spelled "headphones" right yet lol
@RadvylfPrograms I'd share the literal forest that is my backyard but the sun is unobligingly sleeping
Oh god the ping sound is so much different with headphones
@RadvylfPrograms now imagine that but it's a) late at night (like midnight) and you're in a different tab doing something else or b) you get pinged 5 times in a row
@RadvylfPrograms it's very easy to get jumpscared by the ping noise
@RadvylfPrograms I know this for a fact because scenarios a and b have both happened to me
It's not as startling when you've got music at max volume already playing though :p
In other news, looks like they finally added support for viewing github action workflows to the github mobile app
@Wezl' let me share some pain with you @Wezl' @Wezl'
@RadvylfPrograms wait so you've never had headphones before?
Got a pair of wireless earbud thingies last Christmas but they didn't fit in my ears like, at all, so they sounded even worse
But I just went with some wired over-ears, and they're amazing (ATH-M50x)
@RadvylfPrograms Listen to Bohemian Rhapsody
Will WttBP work? It was partially inspired by that :p
Listen to Never Gonna Give You Up
Hpnestly, I was meh on the song before getting a quality pair of headphones, and it's now easily one of my favourite songs
And then all the random remixes of it lyxal has
@RadvylfPrograms What's that?
@RadvylfPrograms I just realised - you can now experience 8d audio properly
Oh you're in for a treat - 8d audio is trippy af with headphones
@emanresuA Still waiting on @lyxal to make Never Gonna Give You Up out of his screams and Aaron washing sounds
@RadvylfPrograms Only the third best song ever made
@cairdcoinheringaahing If this message gets enough stars Lyxal has to do this
TFoD is pretty good with headphones, and I still can't tell what half the lyrics are lol
I can hear the sound in the different ears in 21 guns and the noises my tongue makes
> the noises your tongue makes
The wire goes in the computer not your mouth
Dumbass Radvylf not knowing how to headphones smh
wow can't believe ur letting me appreciate rock music radvylf
(wait is radvylf secretly a vulfpeck fan- I feel so disappointed I didn't realize this sooner :O)
Never heard of them
*pastes another funk playlist*
90% of what I listen to is MCR, there's like, single songs from Green Day, Paramore, AFI, and a few others that I like
@RadvylfPrograms you should check out this playlist: youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTquYIH4L4RX6-SKp__3WR8EKUJct6_6i
Can't listen right now but that looks amazing
anyway vulf records includes (?) the fearless flyers, which is what I actually care about sharing
@RadvylfPrograms wait did you actually listen to music on laptop speakers
holy fuck
that is legitimately tragic and i am saying that as someone who's not even really into music
Well yeah what else would I have used, my motherboard's beep codes?
I mean I've had basically no interest in music until about a year ago (Octoeber 7th 2021) so I didn't have any speakers or headphones or anything 'cause why would I need them
or just like
listening to literally anything privately
I'd just listen to stuff in my room. Not like I need an excuse to avoid my family :p
how quietly though
or does your room have like really thick walls
I mean, they're normal walls
But I can't imagine sound going through them
i feel like any volume you wouldn't have to lean in to listen to clearly would be at least faintly audible through the walls
What kinda walls we talking here
Mine are like, drywall, air with studs, drywall
just like
normal, a few inches thick wood frame drywall kinda deal
yeah exactly
i was about to ask if yours are like brick or something
I can't really imagine sound going though them, at least not at the volumes my laptop can produce
max volume on your laptop could definitely leak through
I'm gonna have to try that
also consider the door itself; even if there's no gap under it somehow it's still probably only an inch of wood
Yeah, the door's the only point I'd imagine it'd escape, but there's lots of like, soft material in my room so the sound level fades significantly by the time you reach the door
but maybe i'm just plain paranoid about this :P
I've only gotten a comment like "were you listening to music I guess" once, and it was with someone standing right outside my door in absolute silence with my old (louder) laptop at max volume
Probably helps that I usually work while lying on my bed
I could definitely imagine people hearing some of the sound if I was at my desk (which is also closer to my door)
i tried that a couple times when i first got a laptop but it felt like an ergonomic nightmare
anyways i'm not sure how i'd even explain myself if someone thought i was listening to music :P
you were listening to music? how dare you
system of linear equation problem is very close to (or even contains) reduced echelon form ?
I was abusing my new learn math knowledge to do some codegolf
Yeah, ^^^ :p
Are you just like, self-conscious about your music taste?
(I mean, I'd be if I was listening to the other type of music I like, which is 2014-2015 pop music for some reason)
(I don't know how I'd explain to somebody that I like My Chemical Romance, AFI, and mid-2010s Taylor Swift)
i didn't have anything resembling taste in music until i got into anime
and now i still don't have taste in music, just something resembling it
which is even worse
I just listen to rhythm game music mostly
If I had to explain the music I enjoy to someone, I'd describe it as a monstrosity of meme music, soundtracks from TV shows like BB and BCS and OSTs from various rpgs, with a sprinkle of obscure edm style things I found from clone hero streams
Meme music includes ytpmvs and vocoded stuff
As well as anything from the weird world of gen z humour
oh yeah reminds me i've tried a few times to get into russian music just for some semblance of reinforcing vocabulary and grammar skills since i maintain and use my flashcards maybe once every two weeks but every time i get a recommendation i just forget to listen to it
which also reminds me some time i should actually try learning japanese :P
from esolangs to natlangs
@emanresuA {y} is a function that returns the current value of y when the function is called; (y) is an expression that evaluates to the current value of y when it is first evaluated. The lhs of M gets evaluated before the rhs, so y is still "" at that point because the yank in the rhs hasn't happened yet.
Also why is the input being treated as if it's the command-line args, that's weird
@RadvylfPrograms "I have eclectic tastes" is the line I plan to use if anybody asks about the music I like... which they haven't :(
@DLosc Because that's how I implemented it lol, pyodide stdin is sus
Ah, ok. Just means a couple language features aren't available, but they're not used that often these days anyway.
What about this though?
@emanresuA So y+_ is still an expression, and it uses the value of y when it is first evaluated. It just happens that the result of the expression is a function.
(Might be less confusing if you drop the parentheses, which aren't needed because M is pretty low-precedence.)
... why isn't it treated as a block then?
does anyone have a good idea for a character to use for boolean true if 0 is boolean false
@emanresuA Cuz it's not a block? ;P
Nvm got confused
then 0 is an O with a slash through it :P
then o should be completely unrelated right (:
of course :)
@att 1 and T come to mind
1 is out because this is church numerals
but yeah T is probably the best idea
come to think of it maybe for non-letter ideas... |?
hm that could be decent
@emanresuA Compare: lambda expression; block
@ also looks pretty reasonable
i made a very cool thing
it's a simple simulator
it simulates springs
and points
One of my old projects
@emanresuA it doesn't look very accurate :p
mine is slightly accurate
4 hours later…
Hi all
Does anyone know how bigints are implemented?
(say for example, python's bigints)
i suddenly remembered i made some project in python, a todo list keeper or something
i see
what does static do on functions?
makes it file-private
thats stupid
@pxeger oh
@Seggan its called keyword overloading
i know but using static for that?
presumably they didn't want to introduce a new keyword, so they looked at the list of existing keywords and picked the best one that was unambiguous
I've said it before, I'll say it again: backwards-compatibility is the root of all evil
puzzling.se needs a sandbox. Unless that is it has one and I just missed it?
I think there is one
oh where is that?
@pxeger who copied whom?
I think we were the first site with a sandbox
it's a great idea
Our sandbox has existed at least since 2011
any way to tell how old their's is?
Not easily, since I don't have 10k rep on puzzling so I can't look for the oldest answer there
but it looks like they've only had one sandbox question, so it was created on Aug 22 2016
(unlike us - we've had several sandbox questions that all got merged, so the earliest sandbox answer is older than the sandbox question)
all very interesting
now I just someone to give an answer to my bountied question :)
I feel the maximum bounty should be a power of 2 times 100
so I can double it each time
@pxeger looks at k
which breaks backwards compatibility everytime
each version of k breaks something lol
@pxeger i agree with that
@pxeger This is the main advantage newer languages have over older languages. Doesn't last long though
5 hours later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges Values In Array code-golf array Given two arrays of non-negative integers \$A = [A_1,A_2,\ldots,A_n]\$ and \$R = [R_1,R_2,\ldots,R_n]\$ which are equal in length, return a list which has the element \$A_1\$ repeated \$R_1\$ times, then element \$A_2\$ repeated \$R_2\$ times, all the way up...

What do you call a non-digraph or non-multigraph? Monograph has a different meaning.
Aha! I have finally fixed a major issue with SOCK²
Looks like actually, my school district was only half of the problem
Nice :D
Is it stable enough to sell now?
Seems like Crostini has some issues dealing with IPv6, once I disabled it, the proxying is working fine
@emanresuA Possibly. But I just had a job interview today, and I can't say for certain, but I might not need the SOCK² money soon :D

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