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SOCK²'s debug interface now has cool graphs:
Is this serverside or clientside?
Client side
The client-side proxy has a WS server running, so my debug interface just connects to that from the browser and is sent all of the stats
I don't entirely understand how sock^2 works, but how hard would it be for your school district to fix if they found out?
The easy way to take care of it would be blocking the URL I use to smuggle the proxied traffic through
That's easy to change though right
As for detecting traffic that isn't being proxied, which is a significant percentage of it, there's not really much of a way to detect it as far as I can tell
@emanresuA Yeah, mostly
I'd just need to create another semi-legitimate school-related website
So I have an excuse to get it unblocked
@RadvylfPrograms (Since what makes SOCK² so effective is that it only proxies traffic that needs proxying, and everything unblocked and secured by TLS is just rerouted to a socks5 server running on the client)
Oh is your school wifi whitelisted
@emanresuA I'm not entirely sure if it's a whitelist or blacklist
If it's a whitelist, it's very comprehensive, and if it's a blacklist, it updates very quickly
I would say try heroku free tier but it ded
Well, when I got my new radvylfy domains, I tried them though DO first, and they were blocked
So I think it's just a whitelist, and ContentKeeper probably collates the whitelists from all of the schools and companies that use it, so that it's hard to find stuff that shouldn't be blocked but is
They might even use some sort of like, AI thing to figure out if a site's "appropriate"
Try *.herokuapp.com, *.fly.dev
Hopefully won't matter, the traffic that goes through the proxy-proxy is mostly occasional static sites like MDN and documentation on github.io, so I doubt it'd raise any suspicion
The only thing I send through it that's at all meaningful in terms of bandwidth is my stress test, the Reddit homepage, which is like 20 MB
CMC: See if you can spot anything wrong with this SBCS codepage
(there is something objectively wrong with it)
Same error as Vyxal 2?
Duplicate superscript +
wait really?
that's not what I was thinking of
Q: Understand "Merge two sorted linked lists" on hackerrank

wonderrank123The question comes from the problem https://www.hackerrank.com/challenges/one-week-preparation-kit-merge-two-sorted-linked-lists/problem?isFullScreen=true&h_l=interview&playlist_slugs%5B%5D=preparation-kits&playlist_slugs%5B%5D=one-week-preparation-kit&playlist_slugs%5B%5D=one-week-day-five Sampl...

Also why is not with ⁰¹²³?
@emanresuA lambda grouping - that's intentional
no the issue I'm thinking of is way more subtle
What happened to quad backtick for next 4 as lambda
rendered too similar to the other 3
and " and and ?
I saw that too
no, those are for strings
y'all are missing a very very crucial flaw with the SBCS codepage
Four mighhhhht be execcive lol
@lyxal That's not an ASCII % is it
Is it all non-ASCII, if so I hate you
it's more obvious than that
oh okay phew
No, it's ASCII
@RadvylfPrograms jelly has last 4 atoms as monad/dyad
oh wait you mean the string delimiters
Actually that would be god-tier though
A language that looks like it just has an ASCII code page, like the old second gen langs, but they're all homoglyphs and you don't tell anyone
" " for normal strings, for dictionary, and for b255 compression
Is it that isn't monospace?
I mean half of the characters there do not monospace
it's not to do with individual characters
There's 17 rows
There's a 0 row after 9
Oh wow that's ... lol
I feel like an idiot
I somehow managed to big brain a SBCS with 17 rows
So it's a S BCS
Nice hair space
Yeah, did the code point from memory
Took me two tries though
gotta love thinking you have more characters to assign stuff to then you really do
Since I can't remember which order they go in
Idk if anyone's going to but pinned just in case
It's hard to write good questions
Offline for maintenance?
Oop nvm
2 hours later…
Fun fact: In french, OOP is POO
Pobject Oriented Ogramming
@lyxal did you mean Pbject Oriented Ogramming?
2 hours later…
project oriented obgramming
2 hours later…
my brain wants to make a practical programming language, heavily based on math
something like:
repl> x < 3; x ∈ 𝕎
{0, 1, 2}
repl> f(x) ≔ x² + 3x - 2
repl> f(x) = 0
{-3.562…, 0.562…}
I have a text file with text followed by some number of spaces and then a decimal number with two decimal places on each line. I just want to add up the numbers. What is a golfed command line to do that?
e.g SumUp *CHOCK SHOP 3.00$
that one of the lines
sorry that is with cat -A. The line is actually
SumUp *CHOCK SHOP 3.00
shell is not the right tool for the job for anything involving numbers
use Python or something
or even Excel may be easier
how about running perl/python from the command line?
maybe grep can find the numbers?
@pxeger Excel isn't good at numbers, it's good at automatically converting numbers to phone numbers.
maybe it can be fed to dc ??
I just need an expert :)
and the answer is....
awk '{ sum += $NF } END { printf("%.2f\n", sum) }' temp.txt
awk for the win
1 hour later…
LDQ: Good/mnemonic unicode character for range(0, len(thing)) and range(1, len(thing) + 1)?
Make them similar, whatever they are
How about Θ for [0, length) and Φ for [1, length]?
too similar to each other?
if you're gonna use a greek letter, I'd choose iota
I need two letters
iota and what?
oh lyxalllll
ya know what I just saw on the starboard?
@Ginger with a moderator election starting tomorrow, if I want any chance of being taken seriously as a candidate then I'mma have to pass on that
I think your biggest selling point in the elections is that you don't take yourself seriously
I understand, but I've come to want to be a tad more serious
well as long as you can still epicly troll us sometimes that is fine
so anyway, CMQ: Should a desktop shell start from /sbin/init or systemd?
I think systemd because init feels like a relic of another age
systemd is an instance of /sbin/init
$ la =init
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 22 Aug  8 13:35 /usr/bin/init -> ../lib/systemd/systemd
okay, so I guess the real question was: Do I use a systemd service or something in /etc/init.d?
whoopsie :p
you should probably be using a login manager, e.g. sddm
you misunderstand, I am making a desktop shell
in pygame
for a raspberry pi zero
but the answer is a systemd service, the stuff in /etc/init.d is probably run by a systemd service anyway, and is only there for backwards-compatibility
@lyxal iota and kappa
how is a twitch emote gonna help with an esolang?
@Ginger pygame-r0
@lyxal :/
@lyxal but is it good?
1 hour ago, by lyxal
I understand, but I've come to want to be a tad more serious
@pxeger I only said a tad more
@PyGamer0 I think so
I'll use those two characters
evil smile
from flax's wishlist.md
- ι range
- κ range from 1
@lyxal alternatively, iota and dotless j for symmetry?
dotless j seems better for complex number literals
although somehow I've forgotten to include something for complex number literals
CMC: all partitions of a string (or array), but sorted and grouped by number of groups. e.g. "abc" -> [[["abc"]], [["a", "bc"], ["ab", "c"]], [["a", "b", "c"]]]
you may sort in either order
Vyxal, 5 bytes: øṖ⁽Lġ
which is øṖartitions, ġrouped by ⁽Length
brownie points if you don't use a partitions builtin
well lucky for me it's too late at night for brownies
1 hour later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

pigrammerIt's Just Rocket Science code-golf math Write a program/function that finds the amount of fuel needed to escape Earth's gravity well given the exhaust velocity of the fuel and the amount of mass needed to get to using the Tsiolkovsky rocket equation: $$\Delta v = v_\text{exhaust}\ln\dfrac{m_\tex...

whos gonna run for mod tomorrow?
(or walk if you prefer)
At only one upvote I'm still reluctant to post this:
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

userDecompress a Sparse Matrix (WIP) The dual of this challenge. Decompress a sparse matrix reversing the method here Compressed sparse row (CSR, CRS or Yale format). There will be 4 inputs, either as separate variables or as a list of lists: V, a list of the nonzero elements of the matrix in row-ma...

3 hours later…
@pxeger Would you mind updating Charcoal on ATO to 00bb2cee11cf2b08657aa9cd3e537ff50a5a0da3?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Wheat WizardCreate a nibble shorthand I recently stumbled across this image on wikimedia commons. It's a little bit of an information overload at first, but after examining it a bit it shows an interesting number system for writing nibbles. Image created by user Watchduck. First off a "nibble" is a 4 bit n...

@AncientSwordRage It probably got buried in the sandbox, so no one notices it to upvote it anymore
Evening all!
1pm lol
9:30 PM here
This is very impressive and deserves upvotes codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/252211/108721
@mathcat somewhere in the EU?
@Steffan west coast US?
@mathcat my guess wasn’t too bad :)
also EU doesn't mean Europe, it's short for european union
I know that!
Which maybe mens my guess was better than it might have been :)
means :)
@mathcat was 8:30 AM here
@emanresuA whoa….Australia?
Ah….New Zealand?
Sorry about the ignorant Australian guess
@Neil Done
@pxeger Thanks!
2 hours later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

RenaldiAn Optimally Suboptimal Solution You have grown disillusioned by finding optimal policies for heavy-tailed distributions and their "skew you" attitudes. You decide that for this challenge you are putting your foot down and refusing to optimize your policy further if it means having unbalanced err...

1 hour later…
Reminder that codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/25098/… still needs your input!

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