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Q: Proper use cases for Android UserManager.isUserAGoat()?

Ovidiu LatcuI was looking at the new APIs introduced in Android 4.2. While looking at the UserManager class I came across the following method: public boolean isUserAGoat() Used to determine whether the user making this call is subject to teleportations. Returns whether the user making this call...

Q: Upgoat or Downgoat?

DowngoatGiven an image of a goat, your program should best try to identify whether the goat is upside down, or not. Examples These are examples of what the input may be. Not actual inputs Input: Output: Downgoat Spec Your program should be at most 30,000 bytes The input will contain the full goa...

2 hours later…
CMQ: Should we pin all WIP languages onto the starred board or make them into a list?
Hmm, does users with 20- reputation show up on the avatar list?
Hi, @lyxal
@NumberBasher well ig u could compile them into a list if u want to, but i feel like itll be hard to get a fully complete list becuz there are a lot of code golfers out there and not everyone is advertising their WIP langs
and also i feel like its kinda hard to classify what langs are WIP and what langs arent, like when does a lang become WIP to not WIP?
hmm and idk about pinning it on starboard... maybe pin when its LDW?
@AidenChow I mean, a list where eerybidy can add their lang for info
@AidenChow exactly
that's... not what I expected
@NumberBasher honestly i dont see a problem with that. ru going to host on github or what?
just, hosting it on github => nobody is going to see it.
so what then?
=> useless
wait wdym by nobody is going to see it... we just sharing the link among the cgcc community, its not like we trying to get other ppl to know about it
ok, well i'm afraid that ... whatever, ok, i'll do it
Can you guys edit this gist?: gist.github.com/TvoozMagnificent/…
@NumberBasher how? all i can do is leave a comment
How do I make it edittable
or do I have to create a repostiory
@AidenChow .
Note that, even if you create a repository, others can't directly edit it. They submit a pull request (PR) and you need to approve them to get it edited
how can I make something edittable directly?
@NumberBasher i think the best u can do is pull request unless u use smth else other than github
@thejonymyster Well, you would have a lot of consecutive keystrokes or nearby keystrokes and some with shifts and some without, like <see edit history>
@AidenChow OK< then I will do that
So guys, the not official at all LDW language list is honorably presented here(github.com/TvoozMagnificent/WIP-langs-for-LDW)!!!
hmmm actually i think u can invite a collaborator, not sure tho
you know what I'm too lazy for that
let's do PR
Can someone actually star the link and try to make it appear on the board?
... why not just use an existing service that provides exactly this sort of thing
There's probably something with exactly this purpose but an anyone-can-edit google doc works fine
4 hours later…
well, why can't you just background it
I can but it uses so much CPU and RAM that it slows down everything else to a crawl
2 hours later…
@NumberBasher Typically every large KotH has its own room yeah
@NumberBasher If you want to post a lot of detail about it that wouldn't be of use to a general code golf audience, then yes
If it'll just be occasional questions or updates, you don't need to
@RadvylfPrograms My koth considered large :eyes:
Well, it's large in the sense that there's strategy and discussion possible.
Which is most (esp. good) KotHs
example: the only KoTH I ever made was not good and did not get a room
What was it?
something about Crazy Eights
@Ginger It's not bad, I think you just got unlucky
Need some momentum to get started
Typical guideline for "should I make a room for this":
1. Is it too specific to be of interest to the typical code golfer? (So a specific challenge or language)
2. Will there be significant discussion of it? (A couple monologues back and forth every few days is fine here)
3. Will that discussion be too specific for TNB? (E.g., a stream of thought, or discussion of the language's implementation details, instead of general tips for golflang design or big updates, which are fine here)
yeah ive kinda abandoned the fig room in favor of tnb
tnb is the best of course
the nineteenth byte after 4th generation golfing languages: the ninth bit
if half a byte is a nibble, is half a bit a nibbled?
@RadvylfPrograms ok
@thejonymyster Fractional bits are possible, if you use a base other than 2
@thejonymyster tbh i dont think were ever gonna get past 4th gen
@mousetail yeah fig does this
@mousetail in that case: the ninth of a bit
pretty sure we cannot get any more golfy then we are already
Ok I thought fig was going to be able to run on a normal computer
⅑ bit
@Seggan ive talked about it here before but i think what we have to do after we exhaust general use golfing langs is domain specific golfing langs
@lyxal wow lyxal so vulgar
@thejonymyster I find that kind of boring tho
I'm having my identity stolen by a DBA.SE mod pretending to be me send help
@RadvylfPrograms why for?
@thejonymyster So metagolfscript?
Eventually it'll be this MGS-esque fractal of ever more optimized langs
Nothing more specialized
well no you see, that's only phase one of the plan
phase two is we start using these domain specific langs out of their domain
for the true challenge of all time :bangbang: idk
@Ginger thats literally what i just said...
@Ginger Hard disagree
We've got a lot of room to explore with different encodings, overloading, and better operator choice
Which happens quite frequently
@NumberBasher what is this
oh hey @Seggan is here
hi Seggan
hi lyxal
havent met in a while
:61862361 Umm they were posting about you in this server, umm im going to have to block you until you explain this...
@Seggan ikr
...? why wont my reply reply
I wonder
ah i just missed the bus lol
didnt catch that one
@RadvylfPrograms if you have an operator which changes behavior entirely depending on where it is used, is that "overloading" or something else
@RadvylfPrograms yeah a different encoding is my def of 4th gen
cant get far beyond that tho
@thejonymyster Depends
if "where it is used" is referring to like, even vs. odd byte index, then I'd say no
if it refers to the data or other operators around it, it's more overloady
right ok hm
@thejonymyster so are you ever gonna reveal your lang?
important note: whenever i say "im working on a lang" theres a 60-70% chance im talking about a brand new wip
i dont like to get hopes up :P
so each LDQ was for a different lang? :P
each individual question, yes
lol this latest one looks hopeful though, i just wanna get it at least like.. runnable though
im just always at work y_y never a chance to code
shame you can't code as your work
true but im not interested in practical code
at the very least though it wouldnt be obvious when im slacking off :P
@thejonymyster i managed to reimplement fig to runnable in 3 hours
nice >:)
in clojure
my clojure programs are an awkward mix between functional and imperative programming
I once woke up and made an esolang in 1 hour to 1 and a half hours
so quick esolangs can be done
if theyre simple
i managed to make a BF compiler in half an hour
@Seggan or if you have a few hours of dreams to get the specs :p
lol you made it up in a dream?
what is it anyway
@Seggan had a dream about making an esolang, woke up, made the esolang a thing straight away
well i will talk abt what im trying to implement lol; its not anything spectacular or new but it will be my own :-)
idea is the program is just a series of mappings/scans/reduces, slightly tacit (any operator missing an operand will just assume "the current* element of the list")
i havent decided whether to try and make it TC / have loops of any kind
if i do im torn between having an explicit loop construct vs having the entire program be a loop xd
imagine having motivation to innovate new esolang ideas
couldn't be me after 8 months of not following a planned timeline
@thejonymyster explicit loops
*or previous if its like, a reduce or something
@Seggan right that would be better, no idea how i should implement it though
@lyxal are you hinting of a new language? :eyes:
@Seggan no
ah wait win emoji keyboard exists
@lyxal couldnt be me either :P im sure my idea exists already lawl
if ppl end up finding my lang interesting ill feel bad for how badly implemented it is :-) the syntax is basically a joke atm
i always get the chat moves mixed up oops
off-topic goes in OTTNB, garbage goes into our cakes which we then send to DBA.SE
aw i was off by one
Database Administration
noo my eggs
I thought CR was our enemy
@mousetail radvylf once moved a whole off topic convo there
radvylf dumped a bunch of messages into their main room by accident a while before you joined
I was there
@Ginger and we will never let him live it down because its really funny
or until we forget or something
imagine a bunch of people crash in through your ceiling and then start discussing site relations while everyone else stares at them like ghosts
Can room owners just move messages to arbitrary rooms they don't manage then?
@thejonymyster as you can see, you're right
@mousetail this
May 31 at 21:00, by Ginger
well now you've done it
@mousetail what's better is that pinned messages in the original room stay pinned in the target room
that about sums it up
@Seggan argh this is driving me crazy now i want to rework the syntax to be not bad to make my lang presentable LOL idk if i should do it
I need to become a room owner now
i dont wanna scrap decent code for unknown quality code
@mousetail what, here?
in general, i imagine
I'd make a comment about how that position requires maturity and experience but lyxal did it with just experience so
In all honesty this seems a very abusable mechanic
well yes
You can flood a room with a lot of messages and it takes more time to get rid of them
we count on people not being assholes
hi. my names is brandon, im learning python 3. i can help anyone if they need my help :D
@brandonsantibañez Hi
hello brandon and welcome to TNB!
please make sure you read the chatiquette over
and then make sure you enjoy your stay in this little corner of the internet
we have cookies!
lyxal, give our guest a cookie please
@Ginger with a lot of bytes taken
Ginger's cookies are not that good though
I'd give them a pass
they're not mine, they're lyxal's
All good then
they're not just mine, they're the organisation's
okey it ready
@thejonymyster in the interest of ever having a testable version of the lang, i am not going to implement this yet :P
Docker is kinda antisocial
so basically one of us
TIL it adds a bunch of iptables rules that break things that rely on bridges between network namespaces
Which explains why all of my VM and container networking adventures have ended in tragedy
@Seggan New programming language I made
My transpiler that outputs polyglot code moves forward... :)
Only PHP and C tho
I guess other languages might be possible as well... :d
But there would have to be a macro system in place.
So not Java
Q: Can I have macros in Java source files

Muthu Ganapathy NathanIn my program I'm reading integers form console many times. Every time, I need to type this line. new Scanner(System.in).nextInt(); I'm used to C/C++ and I'm wondering if I can define something like #define READINT Scanner(System.in).nextInt(); and then, in every place in my java program ...

Or maybe Java?
oh hype :D
glad to see you still making progress
argh i just had another crazy challenge idea but i know i have like a billion sandboxed challenge ideas i havent updated
make it a billion and one
will do
wanna state it here first though just cause thatll be faster to do first
(in case the response is "no thats bad")
no thats bad
ah yeah youre right its basically some kind of quine variant
go ahead
no it actually is i didnt notice until just now LOL
ill say it but i wont sandbox it, i dont think it brings enough new to the table
...actually if i make it not quiney it could be workable
2 programs, 2 languages,
in lang A, program X takes input program X and outputs program Y,
in lang B, program X takes input program Y and outputs program X,
in lang A, program Y takes input program Y and outputs program X,
in lang B, program Y takes input program X and outputs program Y
but i think this could be better if they didnt input/output programs, not sure though
first draft had three programs and three languages :P
was like "no, thats way too much, get to the core of the challenge lol"
@thejonymyster If you have two programs that output each other that's basically a quine
thats the unmodified version
oh ok
sorry, wasnt clear
I thought the modification was making it two languages
no yea the modification would be changing the input/output of the programs
but i still want to maintain that like.... symmetry pattern
langs (A,B), programs (1,2),
in A, 1: f(x); 2: f^-1(x)
in B, 1: f^-1(x); 2: f(x)
previously f(x) was if input is 1, output 2
(or something)
@NumberBasher whats it about
golflang or...
sandbox question to hopefully clear up my queue a bit :P: in re this comment, does this make sense to allow? usually questions that take some function as input just do that, but considering the numbers to apply the function to are also given as input...
comment is proposing taking input as [a,b,c,] [f(a), f(b), f(c)]
instead of just [a,b,c] f
i cant tell if thats a reasonable way to allow more langs to participate or if its cheaty, as it potentially skips a step for langs that can take that sort of input
and i dont want to invent a whole bunch of rules for different languages
i feel like cutting out the necessity of taking function input is just a good thing
it's not strictly necessary and it's not critical for the idea of the challenge
well thats 2 for 0 against, on it then :P ill still allow either though
is this why the DBA references have begun? :p
that was, as they say, the precipitating event
> Software is like sex; it's better when it's free.
> - Linus Torvalds
its also better open source
@thejonymyster Software is like sex: It's better if it's free and open source
and no malware pls
Software is like sex: it's better with #[no_std]
posting dumb coinflip game soon unless the feds get to me first
or unless theres an issue with it or something
@thejonymyster I think Torvalds was using free in the sense of FOSS
wait, the free in foss isnt beer?
I don't think it is
> Free software means that the users have the freedom to run, edit, contribute to, and share the software. Thus, free software is a matter of liberty, not price.
got it
so foss is free "you can edit and share it" and open source is "and we will make it easy for you to do"
so when my friend said mario 64 was foss, they were only half right :P
Yeah Nintendo's not big on the whole free thing :p
so if some foss is available at no cost, is it ffoss?
I'd call it FLOSS: Free (beer) + free (Liberty) + OSS :p
oh my god i love that
something about the L coming from the collapsed meaning in parentheses tickles my brain
CMQ: can ski combinator calculus be implemented as
or is that not rigorous
I think they can, ignoring recursion limits (assuming the S combinator is correct 'cause I don't remember it exactly)
ok cool good
im just concerned about the S one cause its supposed to like
not run if it doesnt have enough input? or something
wait i see the problem, theyre all supposed to take like, curried arguments right
so k should be, say, k=x=>y=>x
and then i dont even know what s would be :P
s=x=>y=>z=>x(z)(y(z)) probably works
there doesnt seem to be a js answer here so it makes me wonder if im still missing something
also i apparently downvoted this in january? i think the whole "evaluation order is up to you" confused and upset me :P
Q: Play a dumb coinflip game

thejonymysterWrite an interactive program or function which allows the user to play The Coinflip Game! The object of the game is to repeatedly flip a coin until you get the same result \$n\$ times in a row. Specific behavior of the program/function is as follows: At the start of the game, the user inputs a p...

this is so weird, I can't figure out how/why on earth it works
in scalar context, inside a while loop, <.> which is the same as glob('.') seems to return '.' every other time and an empty string every other time
1 hour later…
@thejonymyster it seems like getting rid of the part where the programs output eachother removes the justification for there to be two programs at all
@mousetail ... You are
Of the radiation hardening room
@emanresuA well clearly they weren't at the time of writing :P
Oh wait, I stand corrected
I RO'd them when I created the room
yeah im just bad dw
@mousetail shit that's a good question
theres also the answer someone put which takes all input up front
happy birthday linux!
@thejonymyster I might post a answer on the general IO thread, there is one for generator output but not input I think
1 hour later…
Did you even click the link
Tired of people not clicking links in CMCs then asking for context
you can't fool me that easily, radvylf programs
@emanresuA ˢˢʰ ᵇᵉ ᶜᵒᵒˡ ᵇᵉ ᶜᵒᵒˡ
@RadvylfPrograms ᵍᶦⁿᵍᵉʳ ᶜᵃⁿ'ᵗ ʰᵉᵃʳ ᵘˢ ʳᶦᵍʰᵗ
Ginger, what is this contributing
My bad, I started this
did you hover over each individual character of that message
and read the tooltips
I'm following instructions, is all
No, because they're plain text
CMC: Given a list of words, convert it to a chat hover abbreviation. Link can be whatever
ooh, good idea
(or you can take a link as input)
python time
@emanresuA WAIT
I just realized that was supposed to be a hover-for-spoiler
Please make them clearer in the future, especially if they're rickrolls...
I figured it was just an elaborate rickroll
And was semi-impressed with it
@RadvylfPrograms Sorry, it's my default spoiler link
soryy caps lolc
wait that doesn't work
wait I'm doubly stupid
remind me how spoilers work?
[spoiler](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ "hovertext")
@mousetail do they have one for "prompt input" in general cause theres now at least two programs where the input is taken all at once up front and i dont know whether i should say something or not <:P
@emanresuA guys watch out this is a rickroll link
phew, saved me :p
Python 3, 59 bytes: lambda i,w:"".join(["["+l[0]+"]("+i+' "'+l+'")'for l in w])
It'd be difficult to shorten that much more I think
@Steffan it's enumerating the matches, ending with the empty string, so you can use while (<gl*b>) to enumerate file names matching gl*b
@thejonymyster That way, you can't get the string representation of the term in the end
ah right
js is USELESS!!!!!!!!1111
@emanresuA there really needs to be a better way for hover spoilers for mobile

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