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@DLosc Wouldn't the first be "has", not "is"?
@Zionmyceliaadamancy That's another option. What I want is a phrasing based on "A is a lower-precedence operator." I'm just not 100% sure whether to keep the hyphen in "lower-precedence" when it's used as a predicate adjective.
I guess it does make sense to keep it, thinking about other examples: "a spine-tingling movie" -> "the movie was spine-tingling"
@DLosc Spine tingling is a different construction. It's a gerundive of a verb phrase. Wheras "lower" is an adjective describing "precedence". I don't think the hyphen is warranted here.
Welp, time to post a question on ELU :P
s/post/search for/
The answer here boils down to: "Don't hyphenate adjectives in predicate position. However, sometimes removing the hyphens makes the sentence ambiguous or confusing. In that case, still don't hyphenate; instead, reword the sentence."
Which is a bit unsatisfactory to me. Is it really that bad to hyphenate predicate adjectives, in a construction which sounds perfectly natural to the ear, if doing so will prevent ambiguity?
lower-precedence implies to me that there's a class of operators that all go under "lower-precedence" and a separate class that does not
which seems like not how precedence works :P
In the context of the original statement, it is true. We're considering two operators, A and B. A is lower-precedence (than B), and B is higher-precedence (than A). Alternately, you could view "lower-precedence" as the comparative form of "low-precedence."
no i mean
I'd personally prefer "Operator A has lower precedence than operator B"
my point is "A is a lower-precedence operator" makes me think that "lower-precedence" is like, a quality of A, and not a relative relationship to B
like "here is a list of lower-precedence operators" doesnt make sense, but thats what the hyphen makes me think the usage is
my 2 cents, i could be interpreting it weirdly ofc
Again, "A is a lower-precedence operator" is not the full sentence. The full sentence is "A is a lower-precedence operator than B".
the dash feels unnecessary then :P
grammar hard abolish it
What you're saying could apply to any comparative adjective. Of course "Noah is an older child" doesn't make much sense by itself. You'd want to say "Noah is an older child than Madison."
i would certainly not say an "older-child"
with the dash
@thejonymyster No, because "older" is the adjective here and it's one word. In the operator example, "lower-precedence" is the adjective. "Older-child" would be equivalent to "lower-precedence-operator."
@DLosc While I get your point, "Noah is an older child" does make sense: if Noah is closer to 13 than 5, you could say he's an older child :P
since id say "higher-aged" maybe
@Zionmyceliaadamancy Yeah, I know. First example that came to mind.
But I do agree with your point, I'm just nitpicking :P
I'd still do without hyphenation
@des54321 yeah looked it up just now
@DLosc right hm
@RadvylfPrograms don't explain the joke
@RadvylfPrograms wait really? :O
ok wait heres an angle
Still not a great thing to name something after. :P
is "lower-precedence" an adjective?
BRB, naming my new language "Athlete's Foot"
@thejonymyster Yes, it's a compound adjective.
"X is [adjective] than Y" doesnt make sense :P
no uh gfsdg
actually... yea, no the whole construction doesnt make sense to me if its treated as one word
Another option: don't say lower or hgigher precendence at all, and instead go with looser/tighter, since I always have to google which one's "lower"
"X is an [adjective] than Y"
@DLosc either a) operator A is of lower precedence than operator B or b) operator A has lower precedence than operator B has
A is lower in precedence than B maybe
"A is lower-precedence than B" sounds perfectly fine to me
"low-precedence" is an adjective, and "lower-precedence" is its comparative form
@RadvylfPrograms Not a bad idea... can you get in your time machine and suggest that to whoever came up with the current terminology? ;P
maybe its the word "operator" thats screwing it up :P
@thejonymyster One man-at-arms, two man-at-armses :P
i wouldnt even be mad if one day i woke up and it was like that tbh
Buying a small whiteboard for my room is probably one of the smartest things I've done in a while. Makes thinking through programming (and math) problems much easier.
The Age of Empires 2 streamer I frequently watch usually says "men-at-arm" as the singular :P
sometimes i get confused by stack operations and i get a bunch of small pieces of paper to represent items on the stack
men at arm is also fun lolol
Several guys who have to share one sword
to me it draws imagery of multiple people needed to operate a single giant weapon
the plural of cul-de-sac is culs-de-sac
which sends me on one million trains of thought that i will spare you all
@RadvylfPrograms how big?
@WheatWizard Hm, good point. Also "court martial" -> "courts martial."
CMQ: Any ideas on ways to communicate to new users that suggested edits can't be used for golfing?
I like to say "districts attorney"
@Seggan 2'×3'
pretty good
@RadvylfPrograms lol I remember past-me doing that too
It'd be nice if we had a custom reject reason for that
@DLosc One nasty little hobbits, two nasty little hobbitses
@RadvylfPrograms I reject saying "This edit causes harm" and put "Suggest golfs in comments, not in edits" in the box
If that isn't possible, maybe include it here
> Do not use edits to golf solutions. Edits that try to improve an answer's score will be rejected. You should leave these improvements as comments instead.
In the "Everything Else" post, under "What should I do if I see a mistake in someone's post?"
Ah okay
You can also post a totally new answer with the golf, which is an option I don't see suggested often
what about edits that try to worsen an answer's score
Totally allowed
thank goodness
@thejonymyster The only edits allowed on the site are these. Fixing typos? Banned
CMQ: Opinions on array[index] leaving the array on the stack (in a golfing language)?
Hmm... Still no answer to my question surprisingly (not a code golf question)
if it's the delaying audio by 5s thing, it might not be too difficult to hack something together in Python
@RadvylfPrograms no
I hate SO's new vote buttons
they're really ugly
I somehow can't see them
It's an A/B test, only half can see them
I found a bug in CGCC's table markdown
i quite like that
i still have the old buttons
@user btw your boutys gonna run out in 2 days
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Radvylf ProgramsCompress Jelly's code page code-golf kolmogorov-complexity In this challenge, you'll print out the SBCS of Jelly, a popular golfing language. Its code page looks like this: _0 _1 _2 _3 _4 _5 _6 _7 _8 _9 _A _B _C _D _E _F 0_ ¡ ¢ £ ¤ ¥ ¦ © ¬ ® µ ½ ¿ € Æ Ç Ð 1_ Ñ × Ø Œ Þ ß æ ç ð ı ȷ ñ ÷ ...

@RadvylfPrograms trying to include a preformatted backquote in a table?
Yeah, finally got it to work with <code>\`</code>
Lovely challenge @Radvylf
@SandboxPosts Jelly, 2 bytes lol
@Seggan dw, I'm waiting until there's <=1 day(s) left
Do you want it now?
@user why
You can let the bounty end and it'll give you a 24 hour grace period to award it
For more visibility
@user idc, i was just making sure you didnt forget it
@user ah
@RadvylfPrograms that would be amazing!
@RadvylfPrograms how can you access the incoming audio stream in python?
Not sure, I don't know too much about that sort of thing
But I know with pre-existing .wav files it's not hard to manipulate stuff like timing, so all you'd need once you have the format and interfacing figured out is just a buffer and some timing
@RadvylfPrograms right. That’s the part I don’t know either. I just found python-sounddevice.readthedocs.io/en/0.4.4
maybe it will help?
@DLosc I don't really mind :P
One probably not very smart way to do it would be figuring out what URL the program that plays the audio listens to, and delaying all packets from it by 5s
Would only work sometimes though, depending on the design of the application
One solution would be to use four VPNs at once
If you use WSL, you could run the program through proxychains, and all you'd need is a SOCKS5 server on localhost with some custom configuration
<rant>this would never have been a problem in the good old days of analogue television</rant>
@emanresuA why not 2
It looks like there's an online version of BBC sounds, if it has the channel you need I could probably hack something together myself if it's not too spaghetti-y of JS
Four was just a ballpark guess, depends on how much delay you want
This is incredibly cursed but...I could overwrite XMLHttpRequest with a custom implementation that delays issuing the onload events until 5s later, but only for the right URL
That is a terrible idea. do it.
Okay, it's within an iframe, but luckily on the same origin so I injected a script that successfully overwrote XHR with a test function
i mean lgtm
smth like this should work
oh you already did it
@emanresuA looks pretty good to me, im already trying to think of a smart way to do it
actualyl that wouldn't work because then it would send immediately before opening
@thejonymyster #pridemonth
A: Why is the Schwarzschild radius associated with the tiniest micro black hole formed by a Planck mass twice the Plank length?

gjdgjdPlanck mass black hole has to store 1 bit of black hole entropy. This requires 4 Planck areas. The 4Pi for the physical surface area of the sphere is "built-in" to the definition of BHE so you only need r^2.

I love it when people have no idea what they're talking about
> Planck areas
every word on that page is made up
That's not a real thing, right?
planck length squared? :P
i think they refer to a square plank length
nija'ed by internet
> one bit of black hole entropy
are black holes tc
how many black holes do i need to emulate brainfuck?
at least 3
just make it a lenguage - anything you throw into it will be turned to lenguini :P
> Planck mass black hole has to store 1 bit
i love it its so insane
therefore if you use a large enough black hole it can store as many bits as you want
No, they mean "bit" as in "black hole digit", not "binary digit", so you need multiple black holes
i can simulate bash using an atom sized black hole and mathematica with an earth sized black hole
@Zionmyceliaadamancy my argument still applies
@graffe If you find the right channel on the online version of BBC sounds, try pasting this into the console and seeing if it works:
var cursed_script = document.createElement("script");

cursed_script.innerHTML = `var XHR = XMLHttpRequest;

XMLHttpRequest = function() {
    var xhr = new XHR(...arguments);


    var proxy = new Proxy(xhr, {
        get(target, prop) {
            if (typeof xhr[prop] == "function")
                return xhr[prop].bind(xhr);

            // console.log("get", prop, xhr[prop]);

            return xhr[prop];
        set(target, prop, value) {
            // console.log("set", prop, value);
@Zionmyceliaadamancy I think those are called blhits
> appendChild(cursed_script)
i see malicious code! not not open!
if the script is cursed it is clearly malicious
It certainly has malicious intent toward low latency XHTTP requests :p
CMC: Take n x sided dice (natural n and x), and label them from 1 to n. Roll all dice. What is the probability that the resulting roll will be in strictly ascending order, where die 1 is the lowest and die n the largest?
(n * x)!?
@Seggan No. Consider rolling 3d6. 1, 3, 4 is in order, but 3, 1, 4 isn't, so it can't be all permutations
then probably without the factorial
n * x
(x - n + 1) / (x ** n), maybe?
Again, no. Consider it with any 2 dice: the probability must be less than half
@RadvylfPrograms If n = 1, the probability is 1
@Zionmyceliaadamancy for 2 6 sided dice, the probability is 1/12
@Seggan It's 5/12
i havent taken that probability course yet
@Zionmyceliaadamancy still less than half
@RadvylfPrograms Closer, but still no
@Zionmyceliaadamancy Wait what? There's 36 possible rolls, only 5 of which work, right?
1 2, 2 3, 3 4, 4 5, and 5 6
Oh wait...
1, 5 also works
They don't necessarily have to be consecutive, just strictly ascending
Has to do with triangular numbers I think
@RadvylfPrograms It does :P
Wait, there's a closed form formula???
(x - n + 1) * (x - n + 2) / 2 / (x ** n)
@Zionmyceliaadamancy 50%. Either it is or it isn't.
Y'all solving this stuff with fancy math for no reason
@RadvylfPrograms @Zionmyceliaadamancy Is this correct?
@RadvylfPrograms n = 2, x = 4 should have 3/8 IIRC
Yeah and I don't think it works for n = 1
@user Ngl, took me like half an hour to solve it :P
caird (or should i say zion)
where did you get your new username from :P
It's Radvylf's fault
ik it's “©f⁶WṘḷḋ» but where did that come from lol
more jelly decompression quirks?
13 hours ago, by emanresu A
6 hours ago, by Radvylf Programs
Well my Jelly encoder doesn't quite work yet, unless caird changed their name to ​Zion mycelia adamancy! and none of us noticed
@hyper-neutrino you can kinda see a World in there
right but it's not like ChartZ Belatedly which came from the same compressed form as caird coinheringaahing but with the space moved
@emanresuA oh lol
Speaking of which, I have a JS (typescript) implementation of Jelly compression / decompression if you want it @RadvylfPrograms
@hyper-neutrino It was actually ​ §Ṡ⁽.-h¤, there was a leading space
It was caused by some things being appended to the bigint used for the arithmetic coding in the wrong order
greetings! I am on vacation right now
| :
@hyper-neutrino caird works lol :P
@Ginger how on earth did you find it
@Seggan I searched for "edex-iu" instead of "edex-ui"
Imagine if that works lol
ah yes, zion mycelia
@Ginger spoiler
Sorry, it's x + n - 2, not x - n + 2
hey did I tell yall I came up with a base-16 number system for katlani? explanation in relevant room
@emanresuA The code (in Jelly) is +’’cṛ÷* :P
A lovely example of dyadic chaining
@DLosc that was rlly good lol
00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

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