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00:00 - 13:0013:00 - 00:00

@Ginger That's one reason
@des54321 This is parsed as i*(= 3 Null)
That's right, 3's the operator in that
Multichar operators are always going to behave a bit oddly in rSN due to some parsing features
Since technically +=1 is code you might intend to set the value of + to 1, but it's ambiguous and can also mean other things
does your lang let me reassign numbers?
i have a thing for using 1 as a variable
Yes: 1 = 2; var{1}
You can't use 1 directly though
That would be unreasonable (unlike the rest of the language, of course 👀)
CMC: Given a non-negative number and some noun, print the number, a space, the noun, and a plural s if the number is different from one.
Just an s or do we need to do stuff like es, ies, etc?
just an s
otherwise I fear it would become a chat maxi challenge
Katlani: x~n~x+' +n+cond{x!1}{""}$'s
Wait no
@Laikoni Vyxal: øP
yes. there really is a built-in for that exact thing
@Laikoni APL: {⍺,⍵,'s'/⍨1≠⍺} Try it online!
@lyxal Fails on the length-0 word.
length-0 word isn't a noun now is it
Good point.
@emanresuA i dont think so... plus there is a grammar
Any idea how to improve this?
Python, 40 bytes: [`lambda i,n:print(i,n+(""if i==1else"s"))`](https://ato.pxeger.com/run?1=m72soLIkIz9vweI025ilpSVpuhY3NXISc5NSEhUydfKsCooy80o0gCxtDSWlzDSFTFtbw9Sc4lSlYiVNTah6zTQNAx0FpcSCgpxUJU2uNA1DFJ4RggfRsGABhAYA)
@lyxal Nice, thanks! I knew about multiplying strings with ints, but I did not know that it's also possible with booleans
imagine using desktop calculators, made by js calculator in paste gang
Began work on a Mathematica-based golflang. Will probably abandon the idea but seems interesting.
Isn't Sledgehammer Mathematica-based?
Although IIRC it's not super capable
Both look like they can be easily improved on though
Mathematica solves the "more builtins are more good but take a lot of work to make" issue
do yall remember my stack based esolang with infix support :P
Dec 2, 2021 at 4:53, by PyGamer0
user image
exactly lmao
does any one know that this is about?
in re: when i google "please don't remove my spaces" it is the only result
i dont know smilebasic but i dont see anything there that would cause that specific message to appear, and if something would cause that, id presume itd be documented and googleable
so I just pasted ¯\_(ಠ_ಠ)_/¯ into desmos:
user image
that's a solid contender for my PFP
shrugged into the void and it shrugged back harder
also I'm pretty sure that Radvylf's paste2upload userscript just crashed my browser
can you send a screenshot? :P
speaking of radvylf i really like what hes done with his website recently
ah the bakde potatto
"this afternoon" eh?
several afternoons have passed
he never specified which afternoon is "this" one
strange that a programmer's website would perpetually be one day away from completion
@RadvylfPrograms i think i might try that to learn C
just need the language specs :P
@thejonymyster Likely that (please don't remove my spaces) is supposed to be a space, but SE's markdown doesn't let you put a single space in a code block very easily
@RadvylfPrograms ` ` works perfectly
Aha indeed:
lmao someone screwed up the formatting of the threading docs
hello coding gurus!
wait wot
I know what I saw!
sorry it's a little OT but I am confused by python again. I want to use dlib.find_min_global from dlib.net/global_optimization.py.html . You will see the function that it optimizes is defined as def holder_table(x0,x1):. But what do you do if you have 100 variables? Do you really need def holder_table(x0, x1, ...,x99)? I mean can you somehow pass a list of variables instead?
@graffe Splat an array, maybe? Not sure if there's a limit with that
@RadvylfPrograms could you say more about that? Note how dlib.find_min_global is called.
Assuming we are below the limit I don't know how to do that
Oh wait hmm, yeah I'm not sure
I am stuck!
no, you're graffe
any suggestions from the gurus here gratefully received
@RadvylfPrograms sure but id just use the word "space" then lol
mainly i just think (please don't remove my spaces) would be a funny error message
do yall ever wonder why you have a tab open to Python's telnet docs
CMQ: Is replacing < and > with their respective HTML entities a good way to prevent HTML injection?
Yes, if everything goes right
I'd do &apos, &quot, and &amp too
Is it rosin batwaffle day?
Looks like JS to me
(rSNBATWPL) 2 - 1
excuse me
(rSNBATWPL) 2+if
(rSNBATWPL) 2+if+if
(rSNBATWPL) if+if
(rSNBATWPL) if+2
(rSNBATWPL) if+3
okay not quite JS
if = -1? if+if=0?
I don't know anymore
be careful with your spaces, i learned that i *= 3 multiplies i by three but i*=3 does not
@RadvylfPrograms so..... in-place operators like += *= etc are useless for golfing because you have to surround them with spaces, making x=x*5 shorter than x *= 5
unless for some reason your variable name was super long.
Chat-on-Chat now supports Markdown and MathJax! (gist.github.com/Radvylf/bdbaedb4c2bd1ba1127ea3251558bec6)
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

mattConvert Klingon romanization to pIqaD Context Klingon is a constructed language from Star Trek. It has two writing systems: a not-very-good Latin alphabet (with case distinctions, I being different from l, ...) and its own script, called pIqaD. Task Convert the bad[disputed - discuss] Klingon ro...

or will that break everything lol
@all is it okay if I disable escaping of & in my code?
so it is or is not ok
Not OK
Why would ytou do that in the first place?
If it's because < becomes &amp;lt; just rearrange stuff
to fix html entities being double-escaped
Get nonja'd on
wait wait one seccle
oh, I'm redundant!
I'm escaping it twice lmfao
@Ginger (2+if+if) != (if+2+if)
Beat that, JS
@Ginger you have to also do & -> &amp; otherwise you might get invalid HTML; also, if you put the value in an attribute value like <a href="user input">, then you should also do " and '
has replit been taking LSD or is my internet awful
(rSNBATWPL) if+if
(rSNBATWPL) 1+Null
(rSNBATWPL) 2+(if+if)
2+if+if makes sense if if+if is null, but is [ built-in ] equal to 1?
(rSNBATWPL) [ built-in ]
(rSNBATWPL) [ built-in ]+1
(rSNBATWPL) 1+[ built-in ]
(rSNBATWPL) Null+1
(rSNBATWPL) 1+Null
[ built-in ] isn't valid rSN, it's just the output format
But a built-in cast to an int is -1
yeah, but still strange that it behaves differently based on if it's on the left or right side.
And that if+if is null if if (cast to int) is -1
(rSNBATWPL) (if+0)+(if+0)
I guess that makes sense
but not that if+if doesn't equal (if+0)+(if+0)
It acts more sensibly with floats, where NaN's an option
if + 2.0
(rSNBATWPL) if+if+0.0
(rSNBATWPL) 0.0+if+if
Or maybe not
I guess it only casts to a float at the last possible second.
(rSNBATWPL) if + 0.0
I was wrong lol
that "works"
@Ginger 2+(if+if) = 2+Null=2\
._.MC: Print fibonacci numbers forever
@emanresuA Python, 31 bytes: a=b=1;while[print(a)]:a,b=b,a+b
i=0;|=1;|while print{i=i+|=i}
wtf does the | do there?
It's a variable
It saves a byte
Since k (what I was going to use) requires a space
wait | is a valid identifier?
Anything is a valid identifier
wait so can i just reassign + to mean something else or is that not how it works
Well why wouldn't it be
@hyper-neutrino Of course, thar's what all sensible™ languages do
@RadvylfPrograms And they said x=y evaluating to the old value of x wasn't useful
I'm actually shocked that works:
(rSNBATWPL) i=0;|=1;(i<10)while print{i=i+|=i}
(0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8)
If starting at 1 is acceptable, i=|=1;|while print{i=i+|=i} saves two bytes
Oh, obvious byte save is using $ instead of {} for the print
or alternatively, |while(i=i+|=1)print
Oh, using a for loop saves a ton of bytes
This returns a partial built-in, you need to curry it with {} first, so it's slightly cheaty IO but still allowed
for{i=|=1;print$|=|+i=| is even shorter
This is so cursed lol
I think this is comfortably beyond what a recursive solution could beat, but I'd love to be proven wrong
Ooh, if you can depend on user input for 0 and 1,
I'm sorry what
It's not really competitive because of the data-containing user input, but it's really short
++ is a function, right?
behaviour for input 1 is undefined
JS: n=>(f=(x,y)=>y-n?f(y,x+y):x)(0,1)
Returns 0 for 1
I'm gonna post this as a real challenge
If it's not a dupe, it's a cool challenge
I have a kinda neat 11 bytes :P because the obvious 7 doesn't work
Q: Previous Fibonacci number

pxegerThe sequence of Fibonacci numbers is defined as follows: \$ F_0 = 0 \\ F_1 = 1 \\ F_n = F_{n-1} + F_{n-2} \$ Given a Fibonacci number, return the previous Fibonacci number in the sequence. You do not need to handle the inputs \$ 0 \$ or \$ 1 \$, nor any non-Fibonacci numbers. This is code-golf, s...

Look at me, skipping the sandbox
I'm a real code-golfer now mum!
Risk taker here bois
saving so many bytes by not posting to sandbox ngl
i mean its pretty straightforward and awesome, sometimes you just have a winner :P
@pxeger Can has output infinite list of result?
(i.e. for 21, [21, 21, 21, 21, 21, ...])
Not a standard IO method, so no
what but that rules
so sad
my cat is yelling at my door
Personally I'm of the opinion that using even standard I/O rules like "currying is allowed" is boring and borderline cheaty if you can do it a more "normal" way
she wants to go out but doesn't understand that it is rainy and wet and cold and she will not like it
@RadvylfPrograms But that's unenforceable, and in the case of stuff like currying, it's not too egregious
Stuff like an infinite list of the correct output is just lazy though
@Ginger Simple solution is to let her out and let her discover that for herself :p
all code golf is lazy
too lazy to type mor
Why use many byte when few byte work?
Few byte not work tho
imagine a world where golfing made code better
NES games is an instance of that being true
What if we combined quines with print x without x
@NewPosts The Funky3 solution to this is identical to the JavaScript one, and that’s not cash money.
1 hour later…
Don't you have to count the flag? Wouldn't that make it 6 bytes? — David Conrad 8 mins ago
Trying to think of a polite response to this
Oh well Kevin did
TIL Rust is named after the fungus, not the type of corrosion
@emanresuA What's so hard about writing a polite response to that?
Just link to the meta thing discussing flags
@emanresuA I'd respond something along the lines of "flag scoring is difficult to get right, and adding bytes for flags was hurting certain languages that need flags to function, so our site's rules now consider flag variants of languages to be similar to different languages, and don't compete with the rest, at no byte penalty." But then again, I wouldn't use flags in the first place :p
I don't usually, but I had to mantain the palindrome and I consider it fair to use flags when the challenge overrides I/O defaults
Yeah, that sounds fair
Btw chat-on-chat is not immune to blockquote nesting
Yeah, I'm now aware
Adding some CSS to fix that
Q: Build a Markdown bomb

Mason WheelerI'm sure most of us have heard of zip bombs and similar decompression bomb tricks, where a maliciously crafted input creates a massively disproportionate output. We even had a question on here to do that to a compiler at one point. Well, it occurs to me that Markdown is a compression format of s...

Chat-on-chat is too laggy to use
do we have any prologers here?
@flawr @UnrelatedString You have been summoned
i'm easily the worst person on this site at prolog out of everyone who actually knows any prolog
There's like two people who know Prolog here
fair enough
@UnrelatedString that's great, because I have a really bad question:)
oh hell yeah
There was a userXXXXX but I think they left so you're pretty much the only one
@user + everyone who went to Lxyal's lexturue on tuesday
Ah yes of course, that quality lecture must have made them experts immediately
@user there's also fatalize but he's not too active either
Oh true I guess if he made Brachylog he's very good at Prolog
i'm convinced there's some stuff in there that nobody understands
@UnrelatedString So I was trying to solve the reverse-fibonacci (given fib(n) find n) challenge, but did not succeed. I got the "forward" (given n find fib(n)) fibonacci evaluation to work (see tio.run/##KyjKz8lP1y0uz/z/…), but I couldn't use it in the other direction. Do you know what I have to change for that?
you could use clp(fd) but i forget how to actually import that lmao
what is that?
According to Google you do ?- use_module(library(clpfd)).
@flawr stdlib sort of thing
constraint logic library but i don't think we have to worry about any of the constraint logic itself to use bidirectional #=
@user thanks lmoa
hm I thought I'll just "quickly" do that before I'm gonna count sheep:)
MathJax's documentation is for the wrong version
This is so annoying
It's changed significantly and I'm just blindly guessing how to properly set security-related options
@UnrelatedString I g2g now, thanks for taking a look!
Idea: output an infinite sequence of all positive integers such that for no base b, the eventual fraction of integers divisible by b is 1/b
@emanresuA is the double negative in this sentence really necessary?
Oops, only needed a single negative
but first, is this even possible?
im not sure i understand the question,
i mean i get the idea but like
what do you mean by "eventual" fraction
if youre going to use all positive integers
isnt it always going to be 1/b
Not necessarily
Say you have the sequence 1 3 2 5 7 4 9 11 6 13 15 8
ah, so each finite truncation (i think?? haha)
The eventual fraction of even numbers is 1/3
@emanresuA I believe this is impossible, as the "eventual fraction" always tends towards some finite fraction, and so you can always find a b
Especially if the sequence is a permutation of the naturals
what if the fraction isn't in the form 1/b tho
00:00 - 13:0013:00 - 00:00

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