there are currently two bounties left to be awarded in the Best of 2021 doc: Would anyone like to award them?
I'm considering (read: not committing to) writing a blog post on how to manage community esolang development/getting other people to collaborate with you
You seem to have managed to do that pretty effectively. Even just "tf do you do after you've made a language, how do yuo get people to use this thing" is a question a lot of people would like to have answered
Like, Flax, Ash, and how many other proto-golfing-languages are used or were going to be used by just one or two people
Vyxal's managed to break out of that, which is quite the accomplishment, so surely you've got some tricks
flax hasn't been usable for long and didn't you just plain abandon ash but yeah i think there have been other new golflangs that haven;t gone anywhere and i just can't remember them for obvious reasons :P
hell, there are some old ones like gs2 and pyke that were at some point used frequently but just kinda fizzled out without being clearly superseded like golfscript and co
and yeah vyxal's emphasis on not being too eso is definitely a nontrivial part of how it got popular but there's definitely something more to how people even noticed that
I'm gonna leave it for now, but what I got was that Vyxal was most active not in May 2022, but in the months that followed, while the rewrite was ongoing.
From jun-sep 2021 we were getting 150-200 answers/month. It fell to 70 in October, and now we're getting more like 60/month, pretty consistently
Take all of this with a grain of salt because some of the answers are dated June 2022
Okay, never mind - it looks like I somehow accidentally shifted everything a bit
Brachylog V1, 05AB1E, J, K, Underload, MATL, Forth, PigeonScript, Stacked, Implicit, Jolf, Clojure, Braingolf, 8th, Common Lisp, Julia, Pyt, Appleseed, Stax, Reality, dc, Vyxal, Keg, Swift 1 byte
You may edit this answer to add other languages for which * is a valid answer.
@UnrelatedString gs2 and pyke are prime examples of overspecialised langs - they can do some stuff, but a lot of their capabilities are constants or similar that exist only to, say, print hello world with specific casing. Pyke's creator spent ages trying to prove it turing-complete, which is not a good thing.
i think chrome stops shrinking your tabs after a certain point haven't used it in a while but i think it starts scrolling once the tabs can only fit the favicon and exactly none of the title--a bit narrower than firefox pinned tabs iirc
@emanresuA wait have you just been using the buttons and/or some keyboard shortcut(s) this whole time
been a while since ive used chrome but im like 90% certain it never makes your tabs scroll, it will just keep shrinking them, even to the point you cant see the favicon anymore
I made a chat app, which: - Was written in PHP - Used MD5 - Chat transcripts were stored in public files - Was vulnerable to SQL injection through the password field - Was vulnerable to XSS through `?err=` on the login page - Did client-side message validation - was vulnerable to XSS through bypassing said validation - You could impersonate anyone - Certain input to the password field threw a stack trace which included the SQL database password
@hyper-neutrino indeed, visiting will usually qualify as a visit
@cairdcoinheringaahing Of my 7 questions, 2 actually have the same score of 11, so that's the mode, although it's actually also my worst question score
@pxeger the function only captures the scope, not the value of i itself, so when using var they all reference the same i, while when using let (or more obviously const i of [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]) you get a newly scoped i on each pass of the loop.
I am making a library for communicating with a Wii Remote
The Wii Remote, as you know, has lots of features - so many that not all of their data can be sent at once
So, the remote has Report Modes: settings that determine what data is sent to the Wii, and allow games to not use features they don't need (to save bandwidth)
I want the library I'm writing to automagically figure out the most optimal Report Mode given a set of required peripherals, but I'm not sure how to make it do so
so, I'm letting yall have a stab at it! :p
You must write a Python function that takes in 4 arguments: whether to use buttons, whether to use the accelerometer, the amount of data needed from the IR camera, and the amount of data needed from the extension, and returns a ReportMode enum member corresponding to the Report Mode to use
If that particular combination is impossible, the function must raise an error
The function may return a report mode which sends more data then requested, but never less (and PLEASE don't cheat by always returning the maximum possible data mode)
Your highlight is that you're Turing complete?! I can do more in Perl regular expressions!
Lack of objects. C'mon, people! It's like, hello...
No networking libraries. All I want is to scrape a web page, GOSH.
No first-class functions. Congratulations — you get to commiserate with you...