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@emanresuA frick apple, just don’t bother with the webkit stuff
@graffe x86-64 machine code, 14 bytes: 31 C0 F7 F6 F7 D0 F3 0F BD C0 8B 04 87 C3 -- in assembly: f: xor eax, eax; div esi; not eax; lzcnt eax, eax; mov eax, [rdi+4*rax]; ret (standard calling convention: takes address of array of numbers, n, x in RDI, ESI, EDX, and returns in EAX)
@m90 very nice!
@cairdcoinheringaahing Wait, how do you even combine anarchy and communism?
Do you go with anarchy first and then a group of people decides to do communism in their corner?
Basically, communism without the government
Fun and off topic fact: I recently hit 2 million views of my photos on google maps
Which I think is very cool
Hello world now works
Language is basically done
Cool, which language?
Funky 3
I’m writing the documentation alongside the language, so that I don’t skip the documentation this time
Looking at the website for Funky2 rn, is this more a practical language?
The website looks very professional btw
It’s a practical language by design, although with some quirks.
Also it looks good because it’s using a wiki base lmao
I should use that, I'm working on a site rn and it looks awful lol
My intentions with the third version is to make it compile to actual binaries, which i feel will lend it more legitimacy, as well as improving compiling and execution speed.
@ATaco hands off my information :p
wait, did the rep badge grow a + sign recently?
Alright, I've started OLIMAR using my new library
I'll run it for one week, and if at the end of that time it hasn't crashed I'll publish the library to PyPI
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

LeoDog896PI Approximation calculator Make a function called main that prints numbers that, when divided, approximate PI. For example, 22/round(22/pi) = pi. For all numbers from 1 to 2^30, output the numerators of successively closer rational approximations of pi. Reference math: i/pi ~= x i/round(x) ~= pi...

2 hours later…
@raspiduino are you a fusion of raspberry pi and arduino?
Someone please post a question called "You've earned a bonus of 100 reputation because we trust you on other sites in the network", then make someone answer it, then put a 100 rep bounty on that answer.
^ and can i be the one getting the +100 rep :P
and i will take a 50% cut out of that :P
@AidenChow sure if you post a good answer
let me think of a good CGCC challenge that could have that title
that is difficult enough that I might award a 100 rep bounty to one of the answers
@ophact :| damn i actually have to do work to get the +100, that wasnt part of the deal! /s
but my 50% cut is :P
so you must give me 50 rep :P
not too sure about that either
there isn't even such a question yet
if someone does get 100 rep that person could fool others into believing that they just joined the site
@ophact but, hypothetically, if there was a question like that, i would gladly volunteer for the 100 rep bounty :)
once again, you do have to do some work to get the bounty
uh soo i found this:
Aug 17, 2021 at 13:46, by Redwolf Programs
I don't think this needs to be moved, but now that PyGamer0's posted the ingredients of every emoticon that does or can ever exist, this conversation should probably end :p
@PyGamer0 and?
@PyGamer0 yes :))
How can you see me even if I don't join the room?
@raspiduino we can see ur profile pic on top right
Sep 1, 2021 at 5:28, by Razetime
did razetime just (kind of) guess flax's name?!
@raspiduino cool, how it is like to be a fusion :P
Q: I Need Moore(less) Chips

LWS SWLIf you wanted to compute a very large long problem, that on a machine that you could buy today for an inflation adjusted price, will take some amount of years/decades. The issue is, if you only have that budget, and so can only purchase one machine. So if you purchase the machine now, it may actu...

So I'm working on an English assignment where we have to write a commencement speech. Here's my draft, could someone help me out? I'd appreciate any help making it worse than it already is
ugh, Python is weird
What did it do now?
sorry, my fault, trying to time something, but got really unlucky with the noise
there was this code where H is a monotonically decreasing list and the only reference is min(H) which is therefore always equal to H[-1] and therefore there's no point H even being a list
> Lionel’s last name was Tidi
To reduce the risk of the audience not getting the joke, could you say "not Messi"
but for some reason when I made the change the code always seemed to take longer
when in fact I was just being unlucky
@pxeger Hmm yeah I should do that
> You might think this is where Lionel turned it around, worked hard, and eventually started his own company to become a gazillionaire. If you did guess that, you were pretty close. Lionel’s dad did that
you've already used the "you might think this is where ..." trope; I wonder if you can come up with a funnier way of wording it
something like:
> Now thankfully, Mr Tidi here turned it around, worked hard, and eventually started his own company to become a gazillionaire - if, by Mr Tidi, you mean Lionel's dad.
@Neil The suspense is killing me, what happened?
@pxeger Thanks, that is a better way of putting it. I typed this all up in one period because I couldn't come up with an actual speech
@user when I ran the code a lot of times, it transpired that the time it took was just very noisy
Oh, that's what you meant by noise
> Hands shaking, partly because of nervousness and partly to get rid of the water
"Wringing his hands"?
...Yeah, I was not thinking
I think I might turn it in like this, with some more weird grammar and occasional fake posh language. It's better if the jokes are awful because that'll just mean the speech has gotten close to maximum badness
Are you handing in the speech but not performing it?
@pxeger i wouldn't have even suspected a joke if you hadn't pointed this out
@pxeger Oh no, this is just one of those pointless English assignments that go nowhere. Everyone's writing it but I doubt anyone will perform it
@user It's a nice idea, and I can see it working, but it will be very execution-dependent (relying on comedic timing, intonation, etc.). But I'd be concerned about its effectiveness when just read as text by a bored English teacher
True, my teacher's only comment on it was that it'd be more appropriate to use a story about myself
@cairdcoinheringaahing it was always accuracy for me. If the question gives "g=9.8", then you have to give your answer to 1 decimal place or you'll be expelled
To be honest, I'm mainly doing this because it's way easier to make up something crazy than it is to craft a well-written speech. If there's anything off, I can just say "Ahaha, that was totally intended to add to the stupidity/craziness of it"
AP exams only have a few free response questions where you put in the numbers yourself, and I think they're pretty lenient about too much precision and stuff like that
tbf I took all but one of my APs during the pandemic so they were much easier than normal
Kinda unrelated but I recently came upon this C++ library for typesafe units with no extra runtime overhead and it's unbelievably cool
Would be nice if they let you write C++ to calculate your answers on AP tests :P
When your language is so bad that its build system is so complex that its config files count as a language according to GitHub
(SBT isn't classified as its own language by GitHub but it's complex as hell)
Go does a fair amount of weird shit, but one thing it definitely gets right is its build system
Go doesn't use Bazel by default
Bazel is, AFAICT, only used inside Google
but it seems to work for them so...
Pretty sure other people use Bazel, I've heard good things about it
The one used inside Google is some anagram of that (or I guess it's the other way around, Bazel is an anagram of the other one)
yeah there's some kind of relationship like that
> { Fast, Correct } — Choose two
lmao, they left out the other thing that's normally included in the set: "Cheap"
Oh huh, the go executable itself has a build command
> Scalable
oh, yet another project describing itself as "scalable" when what they mean is "works at large scale". Scalable should includes small-scale too!
It's just one of those things that mean nothing
Advanced, scalable, executable, intuitive
If I can't build an empty project (which should take exactly 0s) with Bazel with <5m of fucking about and <10ms of running time, then it's not scalable
I want to bounty something. What deserves?
self-nomination, if that's allowed
if not, I have one I'm thinking of but I can't find it atm
am approve of self-nomination on self-reference question
wait a sec while I spaghetti
while you spaghetti?
to be clear, make spaghetti not spaghettify
aaah I forgot to specify that it's for that answer it's been too long
hopefully the "reward an existing answer" will stop any confusion
Q: An ASCII self-referential sequence

BubblerThe sequence A109648 starts with the following numbers 53, 51, 44, 32, 53, 49, 44, 32, 52, 52, 44, 32, 51, 50, 44, 32, 53, 51, 44, 32, 52, 57, 44, 32, 52, 52, 44, 32, 51, 50, 44, 32, 53, 50, 44, 32, 53, 50, 44, 32, 52, 52, 44, 32, 51, 50, 44, 32, 53, 49, 44, 32, 53, 48, 44, 32, 52, 52, 44, 32, 51...

so you're spaghetting
to spaghet is an act in which the spaghetter makes the spaghettee
lol alright
tfw people golf in ES3
Ooh, I have exactly 26k rep
That's like, 1000 rep for every letter that could be in your name
I used to have like 27.4k lol but with desmos LoTM and another deadlineless bounty, I've spent a lot.
Q: Is this a Jordan matrix?

BubblerBackground A Jordan matrix is a block-diagonal matrix where each block on the diagonal has the structure of $$ \begin{bmatrix} \lambda & 1 & 0 & \cdots & 0 \\ 0 & \lambda & 1 & \cdots & 0 \\ \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & ...

Nooo way I just discovered an extremely cursed "feature" in rSN
Sep 1, 2021 at 1:45, by DLosc
Twitch Plays Code Golf?
It would take a bit of explaining to describe how it works, but basically you can make a function where it's argument is a variable in another function
So when you call it, instead of providing the argument as a variable in the function's scope, it changes something somewhere else
@RadvylfPrograms So... closures? Nice job accidentally implementing them lol
No, nothing like a closure. And rSN already has closures anyway, in two different ways.
Imagine a function f, where f(2) would change some variable x in another function into 2.
Then run f without any arguments
What's the result?
Whatever f would normally return
... wouldn't it most likely return undefined?
Or the value it was passed, so in that case still undefined?
This makes sense to me
Something like:
function g () {
  let x = 2

  return {
    get: () => x,
    set: v => x = v
@emanresuA It could return whatever you want
@emanresuA No, I mean the argument list of the function contains what's basically a pointer to a variable in another function.
oh boy
You have pointers? oh god
he cannot be saved
more like references i assume
or even bindings
So instead of it seeing x in the argument list and going "okay, so we set x to 2 in this function", it sees a reference to some random variable and goes "okay, so we set xyz to 2 in whatever function xyz is in"
And the best part is that this was entirely unintentional
Ah frick the - being allowed in variable names just wasted me 20m of debugging time because I tried to golf n - 1 to n-1
I wonder why this isn't a feature other languages have :p
Maybe don't allow - at the start or end
or do :)
actually wait no that's actually a good cursed idea
because then you could write n-1 but not n-m
What if, if n-m is not defined, it defaults to n - m
but you could write n- m which has asymmetrical spaces
it's perfect
@emanresuA I already don't dw
The relevant part of the relevant regex is \.*\w([\w\-'\.]*[\w'])?
Oops I just realized negative numbers don't work
just a sec
Okay fixed
@RadvylfPrograms wait so are you implying that you can declare a function where rather than setting the argument name in the function scope it just alters another variable when you call it and then the function can access that variable...
... instead of the argument being its own thing...
Yes, precisely
i love this as a cursed language feature but it does worry me that you managed to add it by accident
is it caused by an error in scope management or how did you even manage
Wait waht
Is this... functional???
~ is the function syntax btw, since -> won't work and I decided | is ugly
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