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the AI just created something saying that the DOD called for a jihad against Mathematica and that a war started between the two. Confusing, especially since it ended with something about the US declaring war on the cute fluffy bunnies.
@lyxal My science teacher's iphone is "FBI surveillance van 4"
the bit on the sidebar that shows you what's going on in rooms you're in other than the one you're looking at clipped that to "the AI just created something saying that the DOD called for a jihad again"
@RadvylfPrograms Same lol
i'm weirdly bad at doing rot13 in my head
I don't think anyone is good at that.
@UnrelatedString so am I, doesn't stop my brain from trying
I'm quite good at rot26, though.
ehem, I prefer rot52 /s
that's twice the rot
absolutely incredible
twice the rot, half the teeth!
I'm much better at decoding rot13 than I am at encoding, probably because I expect to understand the output when decoding, which helps with like error correction
@Romanp im especially good at rot104 :P
The more rot, the better!
@RadvylfPrograms too much rot, go back
I can beat all y'all. rot(26*TREE(3)).
rot26000 sounds like a really bad package made by someone with no idea what they were doing
@forest i think you mean rot(26*TREE(3))
rot(26*loaders number)
But rot(26*Rayo(10^100)) is better still. :^)
Because who needs computability?
can't break the cipher if you can't compute it
flawless security
powerpoint be like
That 26* makes it a little easy.
just maybe
TREE is a fast-growing function right?
To put it mildly, yes.
@RadvylfPrograms Rayo(TREE(TREE(TREE(3))) would be even better.
I prefer rot-Cos[1/2 (125/12167 + (2475 \[Pi])/10051 + (16335 \[Pi]^2)/8303 + (
35937 \[Pi]^3)/6859 - (5/23 + (33 \[Pi])/19)^3) Sinh[1]] (26 +
23/32 (1/121 - (-(1/11) - (10 \[Pi])/47)^2 + (20 \[Pi])/517 + (
100 \[Pi]^2)/2209) Cosh[\[Pi]]^4)
Always put the fastest growing function at the front.
@Romanp So what exactly is a fraction of a character rotation?
@forest Well at that point just replace all the TREEs with Rayos :p
I can do this for as long as needed
I don't know. Mine evaluates to 26, but I would assume you multiply until you get a unicode character which is valid?
but irrationals then would have no value
@Ginger Not as impressive without recursion.
I screwed up. It's Rayo(10^100), not Rayo(100), which would be rather smaller.
But I can now edit my old posts. :P
looking through the transcript and found this:
i feel like theres a very relevant xkcd for this nonsense we're doing right now
there always is.
I've noticed in my short time in this channel that nonsense describes almost every interaction in here.
third panel
There are 5 mods in this room
@forest We're in one of our less-on-topic phases right now
@forest pretty much
there are plenty of on-topic discussions ofc
@Ginger Yeah well don't count me. I only signed up to moderate Crypto.SE, not chat. :P
CGCC has been a bit low in activity recently so on-topic discussion hasn't happened much at all
but we like to have fun every once in a while here at Pode Polf Cack Gxchange
Plus a lot of the more uh...mature users (no offense to y'all) aren't active right now
That is something I noticed as well. :P
I do not like that emoticon
We need a The Nineteenth Byte's Silliness room
Actually, that could be a good idea
but then it's not in the main channel, preserved for posterity forever
@Ginger No, a room we can move especially off-topic stuff to
Sort of like The Tarpit's Silliness
call it the Byteenth Night
That way TNB keeps a better signal-to-noise ratio and the clutter and starboard spam isn't as offputting to people who actually want to discuss CGCC
I'm proposing this on meta brb
well, if you see any I'd love to talk to them
contrary to appearances I do want to do code golf
there just hasn't been too much discussion of it here
Because we have been a bit off topic recently, and while people are having fun I don't like how legitimate discussion of our site has been buried
@Ginger I approve of this name, and will only be joining the room between the hours of 1am and 6am
@RadvylfPrograms hate for the name to be a misnomer
as such I shall now discuss code golf
Yeah, in reality, having a channel either for migrating stuff afterwards or just for a change of location could be helpful.
prfr txt glf, n vwls mns shrtr wrds. glfy
n ned 2 typ s mch f yu glf it al
CMC: Given an input string, output a truthy/falsy value depending on whether or not it follows xkcd.com/1045 (the first letters of every word are in reverse alphabetical order)
lemme make a Python solution
Long but works (mathematica). Although it is case-sensitive, so IDK if that qualifies.
@RadvylfPrograms could also make every answer cw language showcase style
Block[{b = First[Characters /@ StringSplit@#]},
LexicographicSort[b] == Reverse@b] &
Longer but if something like "AA AB" is acceptable within the terms, this fixes.
Yeah, but that doesn't reward people who spend hours and hours designing and implementing a language
see? I am doing golf of code
@RadvylfPrograms Okay I'm back ;)
maturity? in this chat room? pfft. but yeah I'd be in favor of a secondary chat room, will have to wait and see how it goes by meta vote
Maturity is overrated anyway. I'm an adult but I never grew up.
@UnrelatedString I pretty much lost interest in the language showcase when it became CW. Not because I only wanted to get more rep, but because 1) the question was predicated on a correlation between upvotes and permission to post more, and CW'ing destroyed that correlation, and 2) the little green +10 notification is pretty satisfying to see. It's affirmation in abstracted internet-points form.
Python 3, 116 bytes: lambda i:all([x>=y for x,y in zip(*[iter([string.ascii_lowercase.index(x)for x in[h[0]for h in i.split(" ")]])]*2)])
@RadvylfPrograms see? code golf!
Q: Should we make a room for TNB's off-topic discussions?

Radvylf ProgramsThe Nineteenth Byte, CGCC's main chat room, is no stranger to silliness. However, especially recently, I've felt there's been a much larger volume of off-topic conversations. In order to prevent discussion of the site being buried, I propose that we create a second room, for TNB's silliness or ot...

Phew, you scared me for a sec NP
That took longer than usual, almost 1.5s!
np is showing signs of its age
it's almost a year old!
Ooh it's almost its cake day!
we should hold a birthday party for NP/NSP when they turn 1
11 days!
perhaps we shouldn't be discussing this party in their sight
I was about to kick-mute NP but then I realized it wouldn't show up for y'all lol
we do need a code-golf themed off of New Posts.
don't do that :(
I have the perfect present planned
Maybe shortest program to fetch a new post when it's posted?
prefectures are amazing
How about a kolmo for its pfp
ooh good idea
I want some rep so I'll make it
And maybe we could make it so you take a bool as input, for whether to print NP's or SP's
good idea
@RadvylfPrograms what size should the output be?
I've never really made a challenge like this before
@Ginger are you going graphical or ascii art?
I would say replicating this 32x32 icon would be fine
alternatively, the original is 128x128
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

GingerDraw New Posts' Profile! kolmogorov-complexity Note: this question will be posted on NP's cake day. New Posts and New Sandbox Posts are chatbots that occupy CGSE's main chatroom, The Nineteenth Byte. They've been doing their jobs for almost one full year now, so I thought I'd make a challenge to ...

TIL about Planck's Principle which basically sums up how I feel about generational politics
@DLosc why 48x48?
@Ginger Did you try downloading the images and opening them in an image editor? At 32x32, they're blurry (not two-color). (The blue image isn't two-color even at 48x48, but it's closer.)
oh, sorry
did not know that
There's also a small bump along the bottom right edge that is clearly one pixel at 48x48, which is strong evidence that that's the correct size.
changed to 48x48
Much better. The blue image still has multiple shades of blue pixels, tho.
I put the shades to use in the challenge itself
Sure, but you also say "Here are the images you need to output." So the images you link should match the description of the images we need to output.
*opens Piskel*
Imagine not having Piskel as an app
(Or do you?)
@allxy MS Paint, baby
ok, fixed it
@DLosc 48x48 is the original size yeah
@Ginger 👍
posted a link to campfire in the comments of another broken chat application, let's see what happens
@RadvylfPrograms I hadn't seen this before, but I'm pretty sure mathcat did that by themselves, not as some sort of "official" move by "Vyxal Corp"
Yeah, I figured it was just one of y'all (didn't know who though)
I personally don't think Vyxal has a superiority complex problem. Admittedly, Lyxal is very proud of it, but that's pretty understandable
The rest of us don't view Vyxal as the best golflang ever (and I really doubt Lyxal does either)
yeah, probably bad wording on my part
No it's fine, at some points some of the Vyxal people got a bit ambitious
Lyxal even made a team in the Github org at one point to advertise Vyxal or something at one point but obviously nothing came of it
@DLosc ...and come to think of it that probably goes for a lot of people since it's been pretty dead lately
1 hour later…
Q: King of the Ziggurat

SegganBackground You awake on the ground. Above you is a giant stepped pyramid-like structure. Based on your ancient history lessons, you recognize it as a ziggurat. You have been transported by Dr. Sargostein back into ancient Mesopotamia to play a game. In this King of the Hill Ziggurat challenge, yo...

\o/ finally beat the wither
only took twenty iron golems
I pretty much did negative damage to it lol - I hit it twice and got killed by wither at least three times
I tried to do a wither fight once, figured I'd do it in the nether to it blowing up stuff I like, and then it blew a hole in the floor and I fell into a pool of lava
Iron golems actually sounds like a great strat
Hard mode is hard, and the Bedrock wither is even harder :|
Do you have an iron farm?
Bedrock iron farms are also a pain
man why am I so bad at trig now I used to be good at this
It carved out this huge cavern
I've heard that, yeah
My friend ended up making a zombie iron farm lol
Since I guess prior to 1.14 bedrock iron golem farms were practically useless
@des54321 Remember, COH-SAH-TAO
working on a python solution to Translate Text into Matoran, and the number part basically needs trig
There's no scare mechanic in bedrock, so you have to construct an artificial village
Secant is the reciprocal of sine
hold on do python math.sin() and math.cos() use radians??
why would they use degrees
Degrees (and especially...shudders...gradians) are evil
i could have sworn i used them before and they were degrees
IIRC radvylf made a language with a builtin where if n < pi, radians to degrees, else degrees to radians
It's a perfect solution
Except for literally anything
well my solution is actually working now, except for a question on whether i need to handle spaces
Look, it works for all of the following values:

0r -> 0°
pi/2r -> 90°
pi r -> 180°
3pi/2 -> 270°
0° -> 0r
90° -> pi/2r
180° -> pi r
270° -> 3pi/2r
That's 8 test cases, so using some statistics, there's an approximately 90% chance it'll work for any others!
C'mon, it's hilarious
So TIL you can afk minecraft through screen time limits
I am in Minecraft :o
@allxy That's how I got the twelve stacks of iron for the wither fight, and the rest
My beacon's half-emerald and half-iron
@allxy did you afk iron golem farm to get iron to build iron golems
Yep lol
i wonder if there's any way to design an iron golem farm that just takes them out of village limits instead of killing them to just build an army faster
I get playable FPS with some slight bugs
Around 30, which isn't bad. The cursor doesn't get captured, though
@UnrelatedString There's nether portal designs but those are complex
makes sense
My iron farm's only at half efficiency because I couldn't bring myself to breed more villagers
i barely play minecraft at this point but one of my enduring interests when i do play is has always been building aesthetically novel villages
that KOTH challenge thats up right now does seem interesting, I might try a solution to it tomorrow
I feel like theres gotta be some way to compress this stupid-long dict I'm using in this program, like with some eval() BS or something
@des54321 you might want to hurry, first bounty has been claimed ;)
Well my sister stole and threw away my dry erase marker and eraser
So pog
@Seggan I'm pretty sure I'm bad at Java, but opening your base code for the bot wrapper in IntelliJ has led me down a rabbithole of package errors
did you do a maven load
okay I dont have the JSON library youre using, thats at least one problem
I cloned the github and then opened it as a project in IntelliJ
mhm do a maven reload and you should get the lib auto downloaded
sorry bad at java, how do I do that?
nvm im using gradle, not maven
also in the Main class, your big MAP string has a Text block literals are not supported at language level '8', whatever that means
yeah, use java 16
got it
or 17 works too
thats the gradle reload button ^^
(grayed out on mine due to intellij loading my project)

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