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00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

@RadvylfPrograms I helped with that too
I solved Semantle #68 in 70 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 7.03. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #53. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 74.33. semantle.novalis.org
kinda got lucky with that one, lol
lol my penultimate guess has a similarity of 74.33 while semantle says that the "nearest" word has a similarity of 67.45
actually too good
also i only have 5 top 1000 words :P
not including the solution
my path was roughly like spoiler
@AidenChow was it a ???? or
@UnrelatedString ye it was
specifically, it was a misspelling of the actual word
i just hit 299 on guess 3 and
it's not really helping
@UnrelatedString ye it probably wont be too helpful if u dont know how its connected to the answer, but i can definitely see how thats related to the answer
Honestly this would be pretty cool
Like, imagine how excited you'd be if you were just chatting with someone and they used your word
"Yeah, just the other day I had to go get my bassoon waxed"
"No way, you know bassoon?"
"Yeah, played it since I was six. How long have you?"
"Oh no, I don't play it. I maintain the word bassoon."
"Oh wow! You're doing us a great service."
This fox seems like such a nice guy: youtube.com/watch?v=K9Mk2Aqk9Mw
ಠ_ಠ the canvas backend is logging to a file, which is triggering the vscode live server extension, which is causing a reload every time I place a pixel with logging enabled.
Okay apparently I should use a stream instead of appendFile
Except... I want it to be constantly logging, not just when the process ends...
I'll have it log 100 messages at a time.
One issue I've run into before is that when a screen session ends, the process in it is killed immediately. No chance to log stuff. So definitely have an option to log to stdout so I can just use pipes for the production instance.
Okay... the problem with that I had was that it fricks up readline
Daemonizing it would be the fancy way to do it, and then you'd make it communicate with a node script as the command console (which can die at any time with no consequences), but that's a lot of work
Maybe an option to make it print to stderr, so it can be piped with 2>>?
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I know virtually nothing about that sort of stuff but I'll add options to log to stdout and stderr
@RadvylfPrograms no, don’t demonize it! Why do people today demonize anything they don’t like? Demons!
You should demonetize it
I run into this exact issue with NPSP currently, and it's also a node script, so maybe if I come up with a solution to it I can PR it onto canvas
Should package-lock.json go in my .gitignore?
(Now that I actually have some dependencies)
I solved Semantle #68 in 52 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 13.54. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #19. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 26.40 (422/1000). semantle.novalis.org
my #19 was 48
not very helpful
my #2 was 48 lol
#13 was 781
haven't got it yet tho
I solved Semantle #68 in 121 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 21.56. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #2. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 67.45 (999/1000). semantle.novalis.org
i'm bad at it
once i got it in 6 tho
Mar 24 at 3:50, by hyper-neutrino
I solved Semantle #54 in 4 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 26.92 (602/1000).My penultimate guess had a similarity of 52.08 (995/1000). https://semantle.novalis.org/
I love old xkcds
Just stumbled across 104 and it feels so...it just has this early xkcd feel
Randall doesn't get existential or ^ enough anymore
And 101 has the other kind of early xkcd feel
so today is my computer exam
10 marks MCQs and 40 marks for writing 4 programs
(let's hope I don't golf the programs)
good luck!
also my commit messages as very informative
Now this is something usable
My hobby: Finding people who apologize for their bad english in YT comments and saying kind and reassuring things to them
There's no punch line I just don't like it when people do that
Hello again
@RadvylfPrograms pretty sure vim is designed for large codebases where editing is more common than writing code (because its already written)
@RadvylfPrograms Agreed. (Also--wait, it's upside down? 0_0 I didn't realize b/c I previously saw it on ExplainXKCD.)
But yes, the early XKCDs are also full of... landmines, shall we say. =P
@RadvylfPrograms old xkcds are always amazing, I think my favorite really early one might be 105, you dont quite get them like that anymore
my hand is paining from writing System.out.println
@Bubbler maybe u could make it so that u can set the program size to be any number of rows and columns, along with the buttons. so that u dont have to keep on pressing the buttons for bigger programs
and we haven't learnt public static void main(String[] args)
Piet editor update: both PNG and SVG export are now supported, with better usability
@AidenChow Yeah, good idea
data URI is weird, when I try to save it from an <a> link it somehow gets truncated at 182 bytes
That's happened to me before...
fortunately I could use object URL containing a blob, which is actually easier than constructing a data URI
and TIL download="filename" property of <a>
.... i hate this.. git refuses to store my credentials
what am i doing wrong
ok time to update my colorscheme
got back to semantle after an extended break and uh
i have another top 1000
and it seems even less helpful
several things i've thought of related to 695 have negative similarity
never mind
I solved Semantle #68 in 69 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 13.61. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #3. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 12.24. semantle.novalis.org
@UnrelatedString 69 nice
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Aiden Chowcode-golfgridsimulation Simplified Piet Interpreter Background Piet is an esoteric stack-based programming language in which programs are images meant to resemble abstract paintings. To keep the challenge from being unnecessarily complex, you will not have to consider most of the colors, which de...

^ alr i put up a rough draft for a simplified piet interpreter challenge
lmk if there are any problems with it
i dont have much challenge writing experience lel
@Bubbler @des54321 and anyone else who is familiar with piet, any suggestions for my piet challenge? did i make it way too long?
CMegaC: Piet/any non-image-lang Hello, World! polyglot
@allxy ascii piet allowed or no ?
No. That's the hard part.
Has been done before
oh, well idk how image files are handled as text, so i wouldnt know how to do this lol
and i think the image format matters too?
any image file in a normalish format
maybe something about mainstream interpreters accepting it
i think the image format does matter, different image format store data in different ways, one image format may be better than another ?
@UnrelatedString oh yeah true, need to find a text-based language interpreter that somehow accept image files too
just pass in the raw bytes
not too sure how thatll work
eh idrk
CMP: center or centre
PPM can be mixed with other kinds of text
CMP: meter or metre
your choices makes sense
but it doesnt make sense for both to exist
This is basically British English vs American English
My username ends with -er so center/meter
my username almost ends with -er
@PyGamer0 metre: unit of measurement; meter: to measure, or measurement device
-meter is a suffix meaning a measurer of something, I've never heard meter used as a verb
3 metres away
makes sense
@pxeger what about centre vs center
Noun: meter (plural meters)
  1. (always meter) A device that measures things.
  2. (always meter) A parking meter or similar device for collecting payment.
  3. (always meter, dated) One who metes or measures.
  4. (chiefly American spelling, elsewhere metre) The base unit of length in the International System of Units (SI), conceived of as 1/10000000 of the distance from the North Pole to the Equator, and now defined as the distance light will travel in a vacuum in 1/299792458 second.
  5. (chiefly American spelling, elsewhere metre) (music) An increment of music; the overall rhythm; particularly, the number of beats in a measure.
(3 more not shown…)
TIL SE chat has Wiktionary oneboxing
Feels like we're a lot less active than before
@pxeger You pointed at the verb form, and it shows the noun form. Great.
@ophact TNB has had a huge amount of off-topic babble about pixel art and word games, lately. That has scared me off.
Ah... the pixel art
maybe I should learn it
come to think of it we should probably make a semantle room
That might be a good idea...
...I remember you having a different pfp
i have had several
but not several unrelated ones ;)
@UnrelatedString ya good idea
is it created yet?
i can do it if nobody else has
go ahead I guess
I'm wondering if it would be considered on-topic for code-golf as a separate room
I guess discussion about it in the main room would still be tolerable
but making a room on code-golf for it might seem extreme
oh looks like semantle is within the scope of the wordle room on math
so we could use that


For discussion about today's puzzles (spoilers!). A full list ...
so we chat there?
so we just gonna chat about semantle over there instead?
suppose so
and wordle too?
qwordle looks hard
sounds good
I was replying to ^^^
I think we should look at How might the Staging Ground & the new Ask Wizard work on the Stack Exchange network?, as the new feature could effectively replace the Sandbox
@UnrelatedString i dont dle
@Adám yeah TNB has been quite off-topic lately
@UnrelatedString Math.SE already has one if you want me to link it
nvm you already found it i scrolled past it to backread lol
Funny that Stephen, despite not having posted in 10 months, still actively reviews posts all the time (and is one of the top site reviewers of all time)
@pxeger I doubt it can replace the sandbox, as only questions that would go to First Posts queue would hit it. At best both will live with each other.
Yeah, once I've finished writing my current answer complaining about openness, I'm gonna write another one listing the things it would need to replace the Sandbox
with the conclusion being "This would need too much extra work to replace the Sandbox, so it probably won't"
Q: Average-ignorant sets of integers

Binary198Recently a friend of mine posed the following: What subset of the integers satisfies the condition if a and b are in the subset, their average is not in the subset? I know the set of non-0 squares satisfies the condition, but I wonder if there exists a more... dense set that satisfies the condit...

@pxeger Not really
The sandbox is used for much more than new users
A: How might the Staging Ground & the new Ask Wizard work on the Stack Exchange network?

Adám first-time question Authors Does that mean that every user can only ever experience the staging ground exactly once? Maybe make it depend on how many well-received questions a user has under the belt? Maybe make it possible for a site to force all questions through the staging ground? Useful fo...

A: How might the Staging Ground & the new Ask Wizard work on the Stack Exchange network?

Adám the needs of your site in this area It would be nice (e.g. for Code Golf) to have a customisable "must include [at least] one of…" for the tags field. Background: Code Golf uses certain tags to indicate post type, and every question must have exactly one of a mutually exclusive set of tags.

I looked up navigator.online and forgot it could be a webpage
Waiting for more voting and feedback on a new default I/O proposal
@lyxal do you think i should start implementing the flax elements?
i just realized i asked it in tnb lol
CMP: What should a, v, x do, dyadically?
@lyxal btw b is now for base conversion
it should work like apl's base conversion
@PyGamer0 x: repeat
a: logical and
@pxeger i have / for repeat and `` for unrepeat
v: logical or
(mnemonic: )
thats ∧: and and ∨:or
@pxeger i suppose i can use that and save codepage space
@lyxal what do you think ^
@lyxal how did you manage to get vyxal.pythonanywhere.com?
reserved iirc
IIRC Lyxal created the vyxal account about a year ago
@Ginger because not many people with projects called vyxal use pythonanywhere
not what I meant but I just answered my own question so eh
does anyone have spare server space? I want to host a makina web ide
use gh pages
What's it written in, and what's your raspberry pi doing?
the pi hosts local projects, but can't be a server due to personal reasons
gh pages is frontend-only and makina is written in python
(sure, I could port it to JS but... why the hell would I)
use something like heroku or google app engine or pythonanywhere?
Use pythonanywhere then :P
all (can be) free
Or use webassembly python /hj
what is this "webassembly python" of which you speak
Give it a few seconds to load
now that I can get behind
Makina is no-deps pure python
so it should be plug&play!
Even if you have dependencies, should mostly work with those, you might have to do a little config though
@Ginger you sure?
I thought that was Makina
makina (should be lowercase, I misspelled it) is a cell-based 2d form of torture esolang that I made, named after the Katlani word for "machine".
o/, slep
CMP: What should dyadic x do and monadic Ċ do?
Ċ should choose one item from a list at random
nice idea
x for splitting things
(if you don't have that already)
i have that already
anymore ideas?
dividing lists into even chunks?
even chunks?
or maybe flattening lists?
@Ginger wdym
@Ginger thats F
@PyGamer0 given a list, return a list of every item in that list grouped evenly together
waity no
that is stupid
> dyadic
lemme think of something else
merge two lists?
like adding them together except it doesn't duplicate items and preserves item positions
wait no
also bad
how about difference between two lists?
Morning pogchamps
Just. No.
I can handle usage of the word "pog" but not like that
This sus is on fleek my guy
Stop writing sentences that don't need to exist
those words don't need to go together
I'm going to do a four hour long stupid test soon
I will be in lecture hall 2 if anyone wants to join me
Let me just go board a plane to come over and participate with you
No need I'll send my private gyrocopter
when will it arrive?
I just invested in military-grade mid-air refuelling and afterburners thanks to a missing lock at the local air base, so 2.5 hours or so
Well that's no good.
2.5 hours to get here, 2.5 hours back, that's 5 hours
Nw, the test starts at 9:30
dumbass it's 10:51
test started an hour and twenty minutes ago
Well, 12:31 in your timezone then
tf kinda test do they hold at midnight?
What time will we end this iteration of canvas today?
I won't be online to do it for about 8 hours
now o'clock?
@allxy Is that fine?
(they won't respond)
(they're asleep for the night)
Aight, I'll shut it down now.
It is done.
Anyway, gtg now or I'll miss the sus buis
you were doing so well
@RadvylfPrograms hyper-neutrino epicly trolled by flipping his logo backwards
sup it's radvylf on a school laptop
Luckily we'll all get to leave the room early if everyone here finishes the test. And don't worry, there's only 72 of us in the same room
So I'll be here for five hours or so
Gah this thing has an Fn key in the bottom left instead of Ctrl
Kept wondering why Ctrl+Bksp wasn't working
why don't you go ctrl+bksp some women?
Because that's murder lyxal
it's only deletion of bits
everyone knows women don't exist
I wish I'd remembered you're allowed to read when you finish, I'd have brought a book
Ooh, I forgot how cool GFS's identicon is
@GoldFarmerSprow Are you normally allowed on SE chat in tests?
shoulda brought a chromebook
@pxeger It hasn't started yet
Fair enough
9:30 is when they start (no idea why they need to specify the start time so precisely for a test that's only taken in one time zone)
It's 11:43 rn test started 2 hours and 13 minutes ago idiot.
Luckily so far the person who's supposed to sit two feet away to my left hasn't showed up yet
You need to change the username of your sock. It's no longer an anagram of your normal username
Oh yeah, you're right
no, he's pxeger
I've changed my bet for how long I'll take to 41 mins, to avoid a situation like last year
Where I bet 20 and took 21 like a total baka
We shoulda compromised on "hot moron"
@lyxal you should go to sleep early today...
Instead of "not moron" over "hot moms"
@GoldFarmerSprow but then it wouldn't be a portal 2 reference
It's a 5 hour test, and you'll finish in 21 minutes?
Or put an exclamation after "moms" and it'll be "not moms!!! :o"
i take 45 minutes on 1½ hour tests
@pxeger Yes, and you only need a 25% to pass
The STAAR test is a joke
25% wth
@GoldFarmerSprow that line would greatly change the plot line of Portal 2 lmao
Is there anyone who takes anywhere near 5 hours?
What is this test on
English II. It's like 40 multiple choice questions and a 200 word essay.
im am going to drink a glass of coffee
@GoldFarmerSprow bruh we have 350 words essays
How do you write a (good) 200 word essay in 21 minutes?
I didn't, last year's was Biology
I don't think I could write the same word 200 times in 21 minutes
Oh, fair enough
@pxeger It's online
@pxeger just create an essay plan before hand and memorise the frick out of it
And fear not, our english teacher only spent two months teaching us exactly how to do this specific test instead of anything useful
@GoldFarmerSprow would you like an ebook
or is that not allowed
tomorrow is a hard exam for me
Not allowed
@GoldFarmerSprow how many pages is 200 words?
Like half a page
but isnt that paragraph writing then?
oh wait those are like 80 words
I love how they're having us do online tests for some vaguely covid-tangential reason, yet they're sitting us two to a table half a meter from each other
Imagine 200 words in 21 minutes
I just looked at a past paper, and...
> 1 Nancy has not used the most effective word in sentence 4. Which word should replace have
to create a more effective sentence?
A carry
B accept
C manage
D enroll
> 1) Students, are you having a difficult time completing all the activities in
your schedule? (2) Teachers, are you exhausted from nonstop work? (3) You are
not alone. (4) Every day in schools across the nation, teens **have** challenging
classes, hours of homework, and extracurricular activities such as sports and music. [...]
This is English II?
In high school?
Yes, I swear it's just a copy-paste of the 3rd grade one
what is the STAAR test for anyway?
These types of questions do exactly one thing IMO, and that's waste time for non-native speakers.
@lyxal It's what they use to determine how well schools are performing
we call that NAPLAN here
NAPALM would be cooler
What would the M stand for?
National Assessment Program - Arithmetic, Literacy, Mathematics
> 18 What is the correct way to write sentence 28?
F Best of all, they will be using the same system as 95 percent of the rest of the world, in turn this will contribute to safety, facilitate trade, and improve international communication.
G Best [...] world; in turn contributes to [...] communication.
H Best [...] world, which in turn will contribute [...] communication.
J Best [...] world. In turn will contribute [...] communication.
Does nobody find this patronising?
I'm pretty sure they just add that since the people over at the STAAR headquarters have the task of making a test so easy that basically nobody can fail it
Since if you fail the test you fail the grade
i should try to increase my vocabulary in English during summer holidays
that sentence sounds wrong...
The STAAR test does too much. 1) it exists, 2) it's used to determine how well schools do, 3) it's used to determine who gets to pass and fail
I'm glad I don't have to do things like that anymore
I'm of the opinion that, as with school lunch food, all of the Texas congressmen and senators should be required to sit down and take the test before we do
So they realize how stupid it is
wait are STAAR tests the only thing that determines school quality?
Pretty much yeah IIRC
The NAPLAN here is nothing like that then.
> NAPLAN tests are one aspect of each school’s assessment and reporting process and do not replace the extensive, ongoing assessments made by teachers about each student’s performance.
We are after all the great country(TM) that came up with NCLB
Where schools who are struggling get their budgets cut cause that'll do a real fucking good job at fixing the situation
@lyxal this is taken directly from the NAPLAN site. This means that they explicitly acknowledge that this is just a tool to assist assessments
@GoldFarmerSprow just another reason I'm glad I'm upside down and not in the land of the free
> The test used to be developed by Pearson Education every school year, although the most recent contract gave Educational Testing Service a role in creating some of the tests,[1] under the close supervision of the Texas Education Agency.
I w o n d e r if we only still have to do this cause of the money
but seriously though, the things I see on reddit on subs like r/mildlyinfuriating of school students posting their lunches and what you say about school life makes me feel sorry for y'all over there
Schools which are struggling should have class sizes cut, and budgets kept (nominally) the same
How do you cut class sizes
You'd need to build another school
00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

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