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hmm, fair point
@GoldFarmerSprow ah see now there's the problem. It's contracted out to companies instead of being a government initiative.
if the test makers put academia over profits you might get somewhere
Everything is here, thanks to lobbying and stuff
Can't have a school teach people if it's not profitable ay?
What kind of country would this even be otherwise
as I said - glad I'm not you.
Computer Science Principles in room 2417 is sponsored by AWS, use this free promo code for $100 in credit!
It's garbage
Is college even worse?
Because I hear it's just a debt-trap for students
Oh yeah in terms of paying for it everything here is awful
hello new(?) person
And my parents apparently think that "paying for your own college will make you more responsible" or some shit so I'm stuck with it
@Ginger I'm radvylf
26 mins ago, by Gold Farmer Sprow
sup it's radvylf on a school laptop
Ah. Copying profile...
hello radvylf! wb
@Ginger look at how you might rearrange the letters of Gold Farmer Sparrow
Autocorrect moment
@Ginger you might find a familiar name among the anagrams
I see
> Glad Vapors Fry Mr
Seems pretty good to me
Fry Mr. Glad Vapors
he knows what he did
Sounds like a mid-2000s anti-smoking campaign
Vapor-fry Mr. Glads!
> On March 16, 2020, Governor Greg Abbott waived the STAAR for the 2019–2020 school year because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
And then guess what
They undid it
A year later
So everyone had to take the test from last year
You could also have Lardy Rags For Mvp
Oops broken key moment
"Dry flavor!", gasps Mr.
"Dry," gasps Mr. Flavor
A Rag Lords Fry Mvp
I'd hate to be Fry Mvp having a Rag dictating my every move
> © 1994-2022 Wordsmith
Mr. Ford laps gravy
I think I have the best one: "Mr Fold Gravy Raps"
gold farm sprarvy
"yuh yuh yuh Mr fold coming at you with that fresh gravy. Quality sauce I cooked at the navy"
Embrace the gravy rapping
I foka but I do not know why
@lyxal I'm gonna need a YouTube video of you rapping a full song by the end of next week.
I foka, therefore I am
to foka or to motherfoka, that is the question
petition to get lyxal to post a video of them singing the Gravy Rap
@pxeger give me the rest of the verse and I will
okay, hold please
"davy" could be another rhyme (davy jones?)
creating room...
Also someone needs to find some beats for it too
Use a sorting algorithm

 Gravy Rap

@GoldFarmerSprow spits bars to the sound of bogosort
I find it kinda funny those videos of the noises sorting algos make have spread beyond the world of programmers so they're filled with "I have no idea what this is but I love it" sorta comments
or just use that hello world program
Well, I should prolly go now o/
good luck
not that it seems like you'll need it
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

KeizerHarmIs this propositional formula an instance of an axiom? code-golf parsing logic Please help me automate my discrete mathematics homework. Given a valid propositional formula, check if it is an instance of one of Łukasiewicz's axioms. Here's how it works. A term can be defined inductively as follow...

7 days away from my first gold badge
Nicht neun, sieben
@PyGamer0 Both; they are two different words. Sadly I saw the wrong word used on some subtitles recently, although I forget the context now.
@Neil In American English, they use "meter" for both
yeah well they would
@emanresuA is canvas dead
(i hope)

rip canvas

3 hours ago, 1 minute total – 8 messages, 2 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked 18 secs ago by pxeger

^ @Ginger
o no
hopefully it will be back
> first iteration of canvas
I believe it will be
Q: Remove include guards

OfftkpChallenge: In the programming language of your choice, Get multi-line string input from user Check if the string input has include guards (example below) Remove them Example: Note: assume include guards don't have comments next to them, and always start from line 0 and end on the last line. Inp...

FUCK I clicked the wrong close reason and now I can't re-vote
why can't I change my close vote SE‽‽‽
try the <- button
You have created slim fast for reputation. Amazing. — Tim Post Dec 16, 2011 at 8:38
Someone took like 3.5 hours 'cause why not
But luckily the S-Z people apparently are pretty quick other than 3 or 4 of us
Did you do well?
it is time to delete windows and catch pokemon
We should probably unpin the canvas message @RadvylfPrograms
I read through all of this and I'm kinda regretting it.
Lemme guess, it's selling you something?
Nah, I just think the general idea is stupid
what the fuck is a strangler fig pattern
You have to make big, often breaking changes at some point. And why would you waste time doing it bit-by-bit?
i just read the linked article and that's not even a design pattern that's just a rewriting process
yeah like maybe theres some merit to writing code that way, maybe it works for that guy, but thats just not how I write code
i feel like there is some value to the idea of growing part of what you need around what you need it to replace but you have to be careful not to waste extra effort on it or let it damage the structure of the new stuff
...strangler fig pattern? lol what
ideally you'd never have one system that's large enough to have to respect as you're replacing it to begin with
Comparing writing code to free soling a mountain is kinda ridiculous imo
If you slip climbing a mountain you die, so small increments make sense. if you slip while writing code it errors later and you fix it
> If you can think of alternative ways to change the code, choose the pathway that promises the smallest steps.
Uh...no please
Doing big, breaking changes means you go through the whole codebase once, not ten times
Task<IReadOnlyCollection<Reservation>> ReadReservations(DateTime min, DateTime max); oh my I love OOP so much hmm yes it is very good
@Ginger In a day or two. We just want to take a break from pixel placing, and do some logging stuff, get the time lapse working, etc.
is there anything I can do to help yall?
Not really, unless you want to help reverse engineer the initial state
I have this early dump:
That's not quite early enough but it might help
well, the earliest state known to my memory banks is... completely blank
@RadvylfPrograms Yeah lol
@RadvylfPrograms also the free soloing analogy seems to stress the idea of practicing the big stuff, but what the fuck are you practicing for in rewriting a codebase
you aren't going to make the same refactor 10 times
ikr lol
i do like the idea of committing whenever you have successfully made a meaningful change but that should not so much as cross your mind while you're actually writing the code
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

BowlingPizzaBallDraw the Norwegian flag I feel like it's about time we give the nordics a chance.Mostly inspired by this flag challenge. The Challenge Here's the flag: The flag has a ratio of 22:16. It is divided into proportions like such: The exact colors on the flag are #BA0C2F or (186, 12, 47) (red), #002...

28 messages moved to canvas
Nah, the qr code's correct
yeah let's look at later versions of the qr code
I did the same thing as today a year ago:
May 6, 2021 at 13:50, by Gold Farmer Sprow
On a school laptop for a state biology test lol
@UnrelatedString Well you are if you do it in tiny little steps, so this guy probably thinks you do :p
@RadvylfPrograms I would very much like to watch this video
@Bubbler I tried it and got an error when I clicked on the Share tab: Uncaught TypeError: i is undefined. After that, it seems like the PNG and SVG buttons don't do anything.
Ideas for the opcodes of my audio stack-based language? The audio will be dissected using FFT into its individual frequencies, and each frequency will represent a stack. The amplitude of a section of audio will determine the operation on that stack. Currently I have 22 slots (I can always increase the amount), and slots 0 and 22 are already taken up by NOPs (0 is nop to filter out noise and 22 is nop for a certain reason).
That leaves 1-21 as free space
All stacks will be executed concurrently (not on different threads, but all stacks must "tick" before the next tick starts)
scp idea: a filing cabinet with a usb cable that contains the filesystem of the computer you connect it to
So like, you plug a cable in from your laptop to the cabinet, and it contains a clone of your hard disk?
if you have multiple partitions each drawer gets a partition
unused drawers are locked
> We have previously mentioned our plans for a new section on the site called the Staging Ground, which is aimed at improving the new user onboarding experience and increasing the quality of first questions.
Hold up
Haven't read anything about this
But it sounds, at least on the surface, like a sandbox of sorts
but even experienced users use the sandbxo
@DLosc Hmm, that's weird. What is your browser? Maybe try clearing cache? (Normally, clicking on any of those buttons should prompt you for download)
@Bubbler It was Firefox... let me try on Chrome.
It works on Chrome, but also still gives an error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '0').
... and the downloaded PNG won't load in Windows photo viewer or Paint.
I get same error here
... because its contents are an SVG, despite the .png extension.
nope. file opens fine
PNG export works fine for me
Wait no
After I do it the first time, it's stuck as the same file
So you probably downloaded it as an SVG, then when you try to download it as SVG the same bug happens and you get the SVG version with a PNG extension
I don't think so. I always tried PNG first. Same results on Edge as on Chrome.
That's... extremely weird. I can't repro any of your problems on Chrome and Vivaldi here.
Semi-repro: It always downloads the first image you've downloaded
For each type individually
So if I export as png, update it, and export again I get the first png
But png and svg are independent
Very likely something has to do with the js error. I'll try publishing in dev mode so that the console gives you the precise error location in original code
Gimme a sec
Given the varying results, I'll try to remember to try again on my personal laptop when I get home from work.
^^^^^^ On firefox 99ish
dev mode is live now
Hmm, typing "firefox blob" in google autocompletes to "firefox blob download not working"
Wait hold up
Taking derivatives of vector valued functions
This feels kinda meta
Not really
Just take the derivative of each part
Grammarly be like
But then
In summary "take our unavailable survey"
It mustn't've been open long - the email was sent as 2am and I opened it at 9am and it was unavailable
someone used tor to get hundreds of gift cards
@RadvylfPrograms in light of the difficulty of doing user-submitted interpreters, I suggest that we pivot RTO to have a different flagship feature, something that was orignally planned to be added regardless: live KOTH arenas
wait you were serious?
...I don't like the sound of that response
RTO's entire reason for existing is user submitted interpreters
Without that feature I would have zero reason to have even considered the project
never mind then!
(but srsly I want to work on live KOTH arenas)
Go ahead then!
It's a feature I haven't fleshed out much at all, so it's a good thing for you to work on since I won't be as nitpicky lol
so here's my outline: (using Python as an example)
to create an arena/bot you write a program that uses the rto.koth module
using some magic bullshittery the contents of this module change depending on what you're making
in arena mode, it gives you the Arena class, which you subclass to make an arena
ditto for bot mode and the Bot class
Already too language specific and complex IMO
It's not meant to be a KotH library
Like, they'd write their own controller from scratch
yes ofc
the classes are just hooks for RTO
Having things like "arena mode" isn't necessary then
all you have to do is extend the class
We just have them draw to a canvas
metaclasses do the rest
The KotH tools would primarily have the responsibility of acting as a way for people to run a large number of rounds at once (instead of on their own computer, using like four cores on my server), allow people to run the controller online even if it's in something like Python, and automatically updating the list of bots from a CGCC question.
me no get
None of those require something as restrictive as a concept like an "arena mode" that implies you'd have to use some cookie cutter model for how your controller's output looks
can you make example?
Well like, these are some of the common issues you run into when running a KotH:
1. Making your controller easy to use. If it's in a language like Python, you need people to download it and run it and stuff, and they often have to manually download all of the bots.
2. Running lots of rounds, especially in randomness-based KotHs, is really time consuming.
3. It takes a lot of work from the author to update lists of bots and leaderboards
4. Cross-language KotHs are totally infeasible since anyone wanting to run the controller needs to download all of the languages, and the controller author needs to get them all to play nice
Points 1 and 4 are the most important ones
RTO, having a ton of languages pre-installed, is in the perfect position to be able to run cross-language KotHs
how do we get data between controller and bot?
A few possibilities. One would be the most compatible, and that's STDIO. The controller says "give this info to this bot", and RTO does that, and returns its response to the controller. The better option for most people will be premade libraries for Node, Python, Java, etc.
and those libraries are what I was thinking about a few messages ago
Oh, I was thinking like...you were talking about graphics
And Bot would draw a bot
si ma bakil
of course not
all is forgiven
but no
so an arena would be something like:
import rto.koth

class MyArena(rto.koth.Arena):
    def __init__(self):
        super().__init__(config data goes here)
    def tick(bots):
        for bot in bots:
(just a prototype, plz don't kill me)
puts down knife fine
It is not how you design things, really
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