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how do i check all apps which i have authorized from github
like i recently authorized circuitverse...
settings -> applications -> authorised applications
thank you
Wordle 275 3/6

Wordle 274 5/6

@lyxal Why don't you go get some a tiny bit of rest
in a moment
I just gotta update the vyxal corpus
Wordle 274 4/6

@lyxal I did say a tiny bit, right? Two hours should suffice
btw, who's @ľýxäł?
No, you're @lyxal
@ophact it's midnight anyway, so I might as well go for 8 hours
I'm talking about @ľýxäł
no no I mean it
it's me
but not me
Why don't you sing Never Gonna Give You Up together?
Then I'll be convinced
it's scary how quickly you found and pasted that link
do you it have it bookmarked or something
I do
lyxal has been waiting his entire life for this moment
see if you can spot the bookmark
holy moly how many extensions is that
what is in Bad Jokes?
@lyxal "Joe Biden?"
@lyxal did you steal any ideas from flax yet?
@pxeger uni stuff surprisingly
@ophact that's a link to the g++ man page
And what's Smokey?
@PyGamer0 not yet but later
@Razetime looks like ... a lot, and probably more ...
@ophact Smokey is SmokeDetector, the SE spam detection project
it's not officially SE, but it's well known

Charcoal HQ

Where smoke is detected, diamonds are made, and we break thing...
You seem to be very good at naming stuff
yet you can't find the bookmark
@Razetime 17
I found it long ago
obviously it's Lyxroll
@Razetime youtube looper, pushbullet, dark mode reader, ad block plus, honey, an eye dropper colour picker, Grammarly, Toby, tampermonkey, internet archive, bitwarden, some github improvement stuff, better twitch emotes and duckduckgo
@pxeger we have a winner
Would lyxroll be pronounced "licks-roll" or "likes-roll"?
Both are weird frankly
the latter
So you like to roll.
I do
although I seem to have lost my passion lately. too much deltarune maybe
Not just rickroll, but rolling
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

AnttiPIs it a base-\$\infty\$ prime? To explain how base-\$\infty\$ numbers work, let's look at how base 10 arithmetic works. We can view a base 10 number as a list of digits (numbers). So 123 is [1,2,3] and so on. When we add numbers, we use the standard long addition, meaning we add digit by digit, ...

or maybe I've crashed the value of the rickrol so low with myself that it needs time to recover
What is it with AnttiP's profile pic?
Imma start short-selling rickrolls
@ophact https://cdn.sstatic.net/Sites/beta/img/bg-noise.png
@ophact yeah.
@pxeger its just noise?
for me it doesnt render ....
@pxeger But it shows up as the "no such image" symbol
@lyxal and just in case you're wondering, I have my bookmarks set up like this so I don't have to worry about leaking PII/personal stuff when screenshotting my browser
Personal identifying information
what the hell how many browser extensions did you install?
my computer can only use 10 extensions without crashing
what, im PyGamer0 not github.com/pygamer
> ophact: You know, when user comes over, lyxal can get a little…
pxeger: Psycho?
razetime: Scary?
pygamer0: Drunk?
ophact: All three.
> *The squad's reaction to being told they're the chosen one*
pygamer: I will not let you down.
lyxal: Sounds fun.
user: K.
ophact: No, I'm fucking not.
pxeger: Do I have to be?
razetime: Please god, I am so tired.
Anyhow that's enough awake for me for now
> Unrelated String: Are you laughing at that video of PyGamer0 and lyxal fighting?
Razetime: No.
Razetime: I'm laughing at the comments.
o/ squad fam
@lyxal o/
@lyxal did you share your pizza with @ľýxäł?
> PyGamer0: So, are they your friend or...
Razetime: They’re like lyxal, but if lyxal was ordered to be around you.
PyGamer0: Oh, so Unrelated String.
Razetime: Precisely!
@lyxal What in the world are all those extensions?
I only recognized Tampermonkey and Grammarly
> youtube looper, pushbullet, dark mode reader, ad block plus, honey, an eye dropper colour picker, Grammarly, Toby, tampermonkey, internet archive, bitwarden, some github improvement stuff, better twitch emotes and duckduckgo
There's Dark Reader and that cookie thingy too
@PyGamer0 Oh wow, that's a lot
why use an eye-dropper-color-picker when there's pyautogui.displayMousePosition?
use the function like 5 times per day
I logged on today and realised that I managed to get Mortarboard overnight
> GingerBot: OLIMAR just said "I have an appetite for destruction" and then they reached down and untied my shoe.
> Radvylf: You're a lying piece of shit!
PyGamer0: Oh yeah? You're the idiot that thinks you can get away with everything you do, WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD!
ophact: I'm leaving and I'm taking Lyxal with me!
Ginger, gathering cards: Aaaaand that's enough Monopoly for today.
these are gold
> PyGamer0: Okay! Let’s play Kiss Marry Kill!
PyGamer0: First who would you kill?
*ophact points at Ginger*
*Lyxal points at Ginger*
*Radvylf points at Ginger*
Ginger: *shrugs* I would kill me too.
TIL pH's full form is potential of hydrogen.
first Today I Learnt of TNB:
Apr 9, 2014 at 2:43, by Geobits
TIL: My screen recorder captures audio from Spotify.
1 hour later…
Thanks for the suggestion, but I think in this Answer to this particular Question the longer names are justified as I want to make a stand with them... — Timothy Truckle 4 mins ago
Ugh, this is what I was afraid of with the Ukraine flag question. Don't get me wrong, I support Ukraine in their fight, but code golf shouldn't have overlap with politics :/
Well, after a very long time, I'm finally back
How much have I missed
How was uh new Mexico I guess?
For a vacation it wasn't too bad but I hate vacations
what's wrong with vacations?
No part of not being at home, not having good wifi, and spending long periods of time in close proximity to my family is an attractive idea to me
And you have to pack stuff, and stay in gross hotels, and the humidity's always either way too high or way too low
I like vacations as long as I stay in the hotel.
There was also like twelve hours of sitting in a car both ways
@RadvylfPrograms Sounds like you're just going on bad vacations then :P
Well, it was a week long trip, just for three days of actually being there, and we only spent a few hours doing actual stuff for each of those days. Thanks to my family's completely awful sleep schedules, lack of ability to agree on anything, and various weather-related things
E.g., we went skiing the first day we were there, but only got to do a few hours of it since at no point in time was someone not trying to get us to go back and eat food and/or get ski poles they somehow forgot and/or were scared of skiing and/or saw a cat and so on
Vacations will probably be a lot more fun in a few years when it's just me and people I actually care to spend time with :p
@RadvylfPrograms Yeah, if you go on holiday to ski, then you should spend most of the time during open hours skiing
> saw a cat
Yeah. I was the only one who really wanted to ski, and it was an hour's drive from where we were staying, so we didn't get to do it much :/
@mathcat That one might've been me
He was a speckly boi
Cats are pretty great
@RadvylfPrograms I think I've travelled so much that I've gotten to the point where actual travel just. isn't ever an issue for me
I like cats too, even though I never owned one
tbh, I once had a dog for 2 years and I don't know what happened afterward.
Like, I can go through airport security with my eyes closed, I like long drives (both driving, and as a passenger), trains are no problem, etc.
@cairdcoinheringaahing Doesn't the security staff find it suspect that you walk around with your eyes closed?
Two packages arrived for me while I was gone and my neighbor was holding onto them so they don't get damaged/stolen, but now I have to go interact with humans to get them back :|
@Adám Nah, we're buddies :P Joe down at Heathrow knows it's just one of my quirks :P
@Adám I assume a lot of (most?) blind people walk around with their eyes closed. Not much point in having them open
@mathcat ...Did the dog just disappear one day?
I don't remember, I think I was 4-5 years old
@user I think most blind people have open eyes.
@mathcat ... and I never thought about it since then
@hyper-neutrino Don't forget to award codegolf.stackexchange.com/q/54
@Adám Oh ok, most of the blind people I've met were wearing shades and I assumed they closed their eyes behind them
idea: ngn/k but in python and mpmath
@cairdcoinheringaahing can confirm
@PyGamer0 why?
need the precision \o/
and simply for fun
capitalizing on wars for reputation go brr /s
i guess i have been using more k than apl huh
@Ginger that's a joke
we are not blind. we see the /s
you can never be too careful when joking about sensitive topics
what if they cancel me
What is the point of having braille in Unicode? Blind people can't feel the screen? Is it for printing purposes? Is there a special braille printer?
yes I think
also why the hell not
@Ginger yeah true
@PyGamer0 It's useful for discussing braille
nobody died from having braille in Unicode [citation needed]
@PyGamer0 What is the point of having useless fancy fonts in Unicode?
@Ginger i mean im not complaining, i get cool characters to draw with.
what is the point of having a Wheat Wizard character in Unicode?
I wonder if there could be screens that, instead of emitting light, have a tiny piston that moves forward and backward for each pixel, and darker pixels are pushed forward farther. So you can feel the letters or braille.
@RadvylfPrograms there's actually technology kinda like this in Andy Weir's newest book
can't explain too much bc spoilers but you should 100% read it
also I'm 99% sure that there are peripherals that use tactile displays so blind people can read things
@pxeger that is what I was thinking about
zero length message go brr
@RadvylfPrograms I don't think pistons are the thing you want, but that would be really cool
I'm doing this online training thing right now that has instructions in embedded PDFs and videos without subtitles. Fun
@user well they are a meter on each side /s
Solenoids can get small but not all that small. Each braille pixel (pixaille?) would still be quite big
Although once someone makes a bad version of it, others will start making better versions
you could probably do something using magnets
That is what solenoids are
tbh though I don't really know what I'm talking about here
imagine a very small (like Neopixel-size) component, with a tiny electromagnet and a sheet of flexible metal. when you power it it pushes the top sheet out so you can feel it.
Do you need a sheet of flexible metal?
I figured you could just have the pixailles stand separately
So it'd be like that thing where you press your hand on a bunch of pins and it makes an impression
lemme draw a diagram, one sec
@user ^
Yeah I get that, but there's no need to have one contiguous sheet
Just have the each pixaille be a tiny, standalone, rectangular piece of plastic or metal or whatever
Like this thing
Mar 9 at 19:32, by Ginger Industries
user image
Windows 11 is garbage
Thank you Microsoft for making an update to a product that somehow manages to make it worse in every single way
it's completely horrible to look at, it made my laptop unusably slow thanks to its inability to do anything with my SSD faster than 15 MB/s, and it removed task manager from the right click menu on the taskbar because why not
I'm just going to run it over with a car and use the extended warranty with accidental damage I guess
It's completely unusable, and I'm past the 7 days to revert to Windows 10
I would've been better off if Windows 11 had just bricked my laptop honestly
@Adám thank you for the explanation
@RadvylfPrograms what's the deal with 15MB/s??
No clue. Probably a driver issue of some sort, so it doesn't know it can read like 400 times faster
imagine using windows 11
this post was made by Raspbian Raspberry Pi OS Bullseye gang
oh also, did you know that I have contributed to RPiOS
Not sure what I'll do to install Raspbian on the SD card now, since my chromebook can't and my main laptop is basically a piece of warm metal at this point
did you know that new Raspberry Pis actually come with Network Install?
@Ginger do you still get a fully working version of mathematica with the pi?
It's a Raspberry Pi Zero
nvm then
I mean for free
@Anush not preinstalled
@Ginger but can you install it for free?
lemme check
it's about 1000 pounds on a PC so it's a big deal
Why would it be free on a rpi?
looks like the answer is yes
it's listed in the repo
I'm not going to try to install it bc it's like 5gb tho
@Ginger do you have small space to use it?
No, I have plenty of space. I just don't want to install something I won't use.
@Ginger that makes sense. But I am quite jealous
Mathematica is the Photoshop of math software
it's super useful but ridiculously priced so everyone just pirates it
@Ginger I have no idea how you could get a pirated version
it's all licenses isn't it?
I do know someone who bought microsoft office for 7 pounds :)
use libreoffice
it may look like a Windows 98 app but it sure does work
Just use Google's stuff
A program's visual appearance is more important to me than its functionality
Google's suite of office tools is nowhere near as good as MS office
(the real desktop tools, not the web apps, which are more comparable)
Sure but how often do you need any of that stuff
Okay apparently it's not the SSD...so now what
Google Workspace: normal people
MS Office: secretaries and office workers
LibreOffice: tinfoil hat people and Linux jockeys
I have custom templates set up for presentations I make in PowerPoint and notes or papers I make in Word, with all the fonts and colours and combinations thereof which I like
The CPU's at like 2%, the memory at 50%, the disk utilization at 1%, and the network at 0%, and yet it's running so slow it's unusable
You can customise the buttons that are most easily available, and customise (some of) the shortcuts
I don't get it
have you tried turning it off and on again /s
are the drivers up to date?
I mean that could easily work
what speed does it detect the disk as having?
maybe it thinks that it's much slower than it is
@pxeger No, it's been doing this for weeks across numerous restarts
if all else fails then I guess you could switch to linux
is now a good time to tell you I use Arch
Well I mean, I guess if that's what you're into go ahead
Arch's font is pretty nice though, I'll give it that
debian good
wdym Arch's font
The font in the terminal
@Ginger Everything's out of date though
Arch has no default font and no default terminal
I've only ever seen one font when using it
Do you have an image of what font you're referring to
Ooh those small quotes aren't very nice
My RPi runs heavily modified RPiOS Bullseye that I changed a bunch to be more like default Debian
it's also survived 2 in-place upgrades
I'm honestly surprised it still works
...and now my laptop seems to be working
I guess the threat of running it over with a car did the trick
threatening it with Linux did the trick I bet
> tricl
What a half-ninja wtf
We used the same idiom and our comments had the same general idea
@RadvylfPrograms nir'd
@RadvylfPrograms oh, that's the Linux kernel (not Arch-specific AFAIK) virtual console
(I just switched to said console to check, and when I switched back to the GUI I saw this:)
Oh, okay. I guess no other things I've used have had the kernel default font/terminal
pxeger is demon confirmed /s
Glad to see you're getting the full Arch experience
Things breaking all the time and getting to brag about how much pain you endure
@RadvylfPrograms I've seen it on Debian too
@RadvylfPrograms 1. this is the first time anything has broken in at least a month
2. this is the first time I've mentioned using Arch in at least a month
3. Only Firefox broke here, none of the rest of the system, so it might just be a firefox bug
4. More likely, this is a graphics driver bug, in which case:
nvidia more like nvidont amirite
Ayy we booting
Was worried for a sec
@RadvylfPrograms spicy
wait, what's booting
what were you gonna use it for?
Mar 4 at 14:42, by Radvylf Programs
I'm going to hook up a USB speaker to it, and make it read things like weather, news, my email inbox, etc. every morning
Oh wait it's using a british keyboard layout lol
best of luck to ya
you could also maybe add a light to it and have it do the "slowly increase light to simulate day" thing
Or make it play an extremely loud and high pitched tone for thirty minutes straight
@RadvylfPrograms that does not seem like a good idea
I am SSH, destroyer of TTY
Ooh I now have the rpi capable of playing sound
@pxeger That's not what I wanted to see when I loaded up chat on a Sunday afternoon. ಠ_ಠ
Idea: Flood fill KoTH
Wordle 275 3/6

HOW did this get +28???
Wait no, +31
I was just thinking about why my QBasic answer also got an unusual number of upvotes, and I think it's a combination of 1) popular question that attracts a lot of views with 2) simple code is easy for people to understand, so they upvote it. More-complicated golfs ought to be more impressive, but if you have no idea how it works, you might just keep scrolling instead of upvoting. I'm guilty of that too.
I think it's because HNQ plus horrendous HTML abuse
It leaped in front of the scratch answer, which has +20 now
Three people downvoted, I suspect because they tried running it.
All of the answers on that question have somewhat inflated votes IMO
So now I can err ... cast close and reopen votes
Couldn't I do that before?
Just VTC right?
You need 3k rep to do that
You might've been flagging to close
oooh, okay
@DLosc Whyever not? :þ
CMC: Given 5 integers, remove the biggest and smallest integer and calculate the arithmetic mean of the rest.
aka. rubik's cube average
sort, remove head, remove tail, take mean
@mathcat Desmos 28 bytes. input as a list of 5 integers. f(l)=(l.total-l.max-l.min)/3
39 bytes for any amount of integers greater than 2:
Ooh I put a heat sink on something I feel so professional
@mathcat Python, 30 bytes: lambda a:sum(sorted(a)[1:4])/3
Wow Node takes a long time to install on a rpi zero
Feb 21 at 18:58, by emanresu A
@pxeger It chonky
@pxeger lol nice approach, im a bit dumb for not thinking about slices :P
Desmos, 26 bytes: f(l)=l.sort[2...4].total/3
@PyGamer0 If you really want, try github.com/ZeroIntensity/pointers.py
pi@raspberrypi:~$ node -v
Illegal instruction
Looks like you're using python?
where did you install node from?
It's the arm7l one from nodejs.org/dist/latest
Looks like I need an arm6 one :/
Aha, found an official arm6 copy
is it not in the Raspbian repos?
May or may not be idk
it might not be the latest version there tbf
whenever I have a problem with version conflicts I just use Docker, but I'm not sure how well Docker would work on a pi zero
Well curling the most recent one seems to have frozen everything up :|
pi@raspberrypi:~$ node -v
pi@raspberrypi:~$ node -p '"Hi!"'
I did not know Node had that -p option; I wish more languages had features like that
Haskell has -e but I can't think of any other examples
PHP has one
(Node also has -e, which runs something but doesn't print the result)
I didn't know about -p either
-p: Emoticon for someone who put all their facial feature mana into "nose" instead of "eyes"
Looks like the Ukranian flag question really hit the HNQ boom.
It's at the top of the list with 74 hotness points, the one below has 18.
> Current weather condition is clear sky, with a temperature of 297 degrees Celsius and 27 percent humidity.
oh no
spontaneously bursts into flame
WHY is there a unicode emoji for "person in suit levitating" (🕴)
> This character was originally introduced into the Webdings font as an “exclamation mark in the style of the rude boy logo found on records by The Specials".
I'm more confused than before now
@emanresuA How else will you express "Clark Kent accidentally revealing he's Superman" in a single emoji?
I gotta say, I love one of the justifications SE gives for not blocking russian IPs:
> The people who would be most inconvenienced would not be policy makers or members of the military – those people have access to tools to evade our IP based blocks.
As if Putin is just browsing Cooking.SE, or Russia's top general relaxes by golfing in Pyth
For the "Peer Pressure" badge, do people just intentionally post bad quality posts, get some downvotes, then delete their post? is that a valid (or allowed) way of obtaining that badge?
It's a stupid badge
Usually, it's a user's first question, and the user doesn't know how to write a good question.
Yeah, but it shouldn't exist as a badge
Badges are meant to encourage people to do helpful things
You may as well have a badge for "post a question deleted as spam"
I threw together a basic weather thingy for the raspberry pi alarm clock. It's not perfect, but here's what the output looks like so far:
Current weather condition is clear sky, with a temperature of 24 degrees Celsius and 27 percent humidity.
Today will see broken clouds and overcast clouds, with overcast clouds and light rain tonight.
Is it going to read out your cgcc inbox?
ooh, good idea
I hadn't thought of that yet, but it definitely should do that
I thought that was in your original plans for it?
@RadvylfPrograms (At some point I'll bother making it say more intelligent things when the cloud or rain levels differ throughout the day. "today will see few clouds, overcast clouds, light rain, heavy rain, and light thunderstorms with heavy rain" is something it could possibly sat and that doesn't make much sense)
@emanresuA Oh, it might've been
I didn't get much sleep for the last week or so :p
Can't wait for the trolling opportunities
> Detonating in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
Working on the gmail and google classroom stuff now
It's surprisingly easy
Is there a gmail webhook interface or something?
All you need to do is use an API of some sort: developers.google.com/gmail/api/quickstart/python
Also like a total sussy baka I just spent 10m installing Python and Pip and stuff and then remembered I'm using JS for this project
nice lol

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