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Ah yes, Cascading Style
my favourite styling language
"but lyxal didn't you already do a course on web development?"
and for some reason, I'm doing another one that's completely different
also, turns out the campus wifi doesn't like github.io pages
oh boy using Java for the web. Can't wait to learn how to do that
java applets are such an exciting new technology
I know right
HTML5 sounds like it's a thing of the past
Like, we're in 2022 and they're only up to version 5
You're going backwards. Soon you'll be learning all about the exciting new world of mainframes and terminals.
you joke, but that could probably happen
punched cards are going to revolutionize the textile industry, just you wait
So will the steam engine
And imperialism
I just need 100 more words, hmm
Which is more than it seems like
HTML stands for Hecking Tag-based Mind-hurting Language right?
good good
> Invalid htmls
I get what it means, but the terminology used is pain
yes, I would like one html please
valid or invalid?
A little of both. I like to live on the edge.
or, as I should say, the Internet Explorer
@user I understand you now
This is unedited lecture content btw
Hey guys I now know how to best design response times for @user
this lecture is a fricking gold mine for username jokes
Finished my paper
@lyxal lol 10 seconds?!
I think something like 2s is the maximum loading time you're supposed to have before you're at risk of people just leaving
@RadvylfPrograms idk when this course was developed
Idk about y'all, but if something doesn't load in <1 second, I leave
> Where is the thing I am looking for
> Where have I been
> Short term memory
> Impatient
This actually fits me to a T lol
Aug 17 '21 at 12:37, by user
I will kill you if you tale it out of context
@DLosc I'm my own country, what do you expect?
Well, my chaotic-neutral PvZ strat worked surprisingly well on survival endless
I threw in some cactus, a few winter melons, and cob cannons since they paired well with it
Anyone want to play Tanks?
Unfortunately I got unlucky with two waves of gigagargantuars, and like ten at once, so I died in round 15
me when no idea what you're talking about
I know what PvZ is, but I've never played it :P
Basically, I have a really weird strategy that definitely should not work but it surpriringly does. But then the really big scary boss thingies came in in huge waves and I died.
@emanresuA i think like five years ago my half cousin may have played it during a dinner gathering but i know actually nothing beyond the basic premise of static defenses against linear waves of enemies
i say linear to contrast with, say, a tower defense game
but i have no idea how they actually move
just assuming it's usually right to left
The zombies move right to left in five or six lanes, yeah
does the number of lanes change dynamically or is it just some games are 5 some games are 6
There's five maps, three have 5 lanes and two have 6
The ones with 6 have two lanes in the middle that are a swimming pool
It's a pretty fun game, would recommend. It's $5 on windows, or free on android/chrome os (though with ads, worth paying $2.5 to get rid of them)
wait is it not some like
massive sprawling series
....also envisioning a grid with 5 rows is making me miss duelyst :(
There's a PvZ 2 and I think a PvZ 3, but I've heard they're not that good and they both make you buy some of the plants with real money
there's also like
a shooter?
I think EA took control at that time
Okay I think the internet finally did it
My sense of humor is broken
I've just thought about the last 10-15 things I've laughed at, and if anyone were to ask me why they were funny I'd just stare blankly at them
Best antifreeze message:
in talk.tryitonline.net, Sep 9 '16 at 16:48, by Dennis
@StackExchange Please don't ice me homie.
Got some pretty crazy luck on my custom wordle thingy
custom wordle?
Yeah, implemented a small wordle myself
is there a link?
Not yet, it requests the word list from an nginx server I'm running on localhost, so it'd be a bit annoying to use
I'll put it on redwolfprograms.com
That reminds me, I made a really cool game on localhost:5501
Idea: globalhost
There's not much in terms of UI, just start typing
That was hard
And that was lucky
I'm also really impressed I managed to make it look this visually plain with just 10 lines of CSS
hmm yes
Was stuck for ages on that last one
one in three
@RadvylfPrograms as usual, no mobile support
gray for letters that are present but misplaced is kind of confusing
@RadvylfPrograms what the shit
Array.prototype.fill = function(v){
  return this.map(_ => v)
@UnrelatedString at first I thought duelyst was a yugioh online thing but turns out I was wrong
sup guys
@lyxal 🤔🤔🤔🤔
i added new puzzle to sandbox
this one was
this time, i changed it
can you really not make images display in a multiline message
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

DialFrostDirected Acyclic Word Graph A directed acyclic word graph (DAWG) is a data structure that represents a set of strings, often used as a compact way to store a dictionary. Each word starts from the source node and ends at the sink node. In between the source and sink is a network of nodes, connecte...

sandbox is 299k views now! 1k more to 300k!
oh wow
@DialFrost oooooooooooof -2
ppl hate me
idk why your posts keep getting downvoted
maybe it's because of the output format, idk
@UnrelatedString just don't send multiline messages then. Easily solved
Also, fun fact: holding shift and pressing enter on an ipad on chat will make a multiline message
you can hold shift on an ipad?
wait my iphone lets me do that too holy shit
That was basically my reaction too
@AidenChow Well, I've downvoted about five because they're plagiarized from other places
@UnrelatedString Unfortunately it doesn't work on Android
@DialFrost No, they hate they you're basically stealing all of the drafts you're posting
My neighbor's cat has gotten super skinny recently :(
At least it isn't morbidly obese
He was a medium to large cat for the whole time I've lived here (about six years), but recently he's been getting skinnier and skinnier
He's literal skin and bones now
He looks like he's probably days or weeks away from dying
i have changed the output format and how ur supposed to answer the question
I'm going to try to sneak some canned cat food to him, if I see him alive again. Chances are he's sick with something like kidney failure and going to die anyway, but I've heard starving is an especially awful way to go out
and someone said i shld take ideas from challenges and change the output and way to answer
I CHANGED IT, wat did i get? downvotes
I think you're misunderstanding the advice a little bit
You shouldn't copy the challenge exactly and change the output format
You should take ideas from other challenges, and rewrite them in your own words, possibly with your own ideas mixed in
The downvotes aren't directed at you, they're just a way of saying that people don't think these challenges would be well received on main
ah, so your saying that the puzzles made by the community are bad
No. I'm saying that people upvote challenges they think are interesting and unique. A challenge directly copied from another site is the exact opposite of that.
The challenges themselves are pretty good
i didnt directly copy
i changed it
i made it so u dont output the minimum number of nodes in the graph
i want them to output the graph itself (in a specfici way)
But changing the output format is a pretty minor change. I think people care more about the fact that wording was copied, and that it seems like it's intended as a very low effort way to get rep (not at all saying that's what you're doing, but it's what I could imagine people seeing it as)
the concept is the same, not the challenge
and usually, the purpose of CG is to practice
not get rpe
so i'd prefer to keep to the practice side not the rep side thank you very much
I know, and I get it. But I think that's why people are downvoting.
Actually you made it worse by changing the output from node count to some arbitrary string representation of a directed graph
(I didn't downvote yet, btw)
and i made it easier bubbler
ur supposed to get the the graph in string so u count the length of it to output the no. of nodes
No, specifically on this site, outputting a formatted string is much harder (and generally adds unnecessary complexity) than outputting a number, period
(and counting the number of nodes does not require building an actual graph)
for me it does
Challenge writing takes a lot of practice, I totally get wanting to use outside challenges as inspiration. I think people just want to see more of what you write rather than other people.
@DialFrost and that's why writing challenges is hard. You have to expect what people will come up (to some degree, at least) and check what kind of output requires/allows what kind of algorithms and approaches and what would work best
nothing works best for me tho
Then you need more challenge-solving experience first, rather than challenge-writing
And if you want to write more algorithm-oriented (or math-oriented) challenges, try solving more of that kind and see how they're written
Q: No Three In A Line Problem

user111154How to make an algorithm of no-three-in-line problem? Without using a coding? I don't know how, please help me.

Nuke plz
> Without using a coding?
I take it no htmls either
You're allowed a couple of htmls, they're not real codings anyway
is jsons a coding?
JSON's like plain text, whether or not it's coding depends on the application that's using it
@RadvylfPrograms huh, i thought posting challenges from other sites was allowed as long as you give credit. i guess i was wrong
It's more that these are exact copies or close to
@emanresuA so you can only take inspiration from other challenges, not copy?
I'm not quite sure how it works :P
@Bubbler i have challenge-solving experience not challenge writing
i found a meta post (but its a while back) that says (at least how i understand it) copying stuff is ok as long as credit is properly attributed: codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/a/684/96039
you have 17 answers : 24 questions
@AidenChow Doesn't mean people will like or upvote it though :p
@RadvylfPrograms i guess thats true
How to judge a person: look at their recommended videos list on youtube
lol my YT recommendations have literally nothing to do with my IRL interests
i simply don't watch things while logged in
@lyxal the point here is that it's saying Big Shot is considered J-pop
Big Shot is not J-pop
hence the :thonk:
@lyxal I mean, a morbidly obese cat would probably die of a heart attack or something similar. Not too painful. Starving to death on the other hand...
I mean, he's the size of a kitten now. He was larger than any of my cats a few months back.
I think sometimes the video with that thumbnail doesn't actually appear in the list, so... just ignore that, I guess?
When you pet him you can feel each and every one of his bones
I'm sure he's not having a great time
Also, youtube is the ultimate truth, Big Shot is J-pop if youtube says so /s
Well YT has cateogrized a song I like into no less than 10 genres lol
@Bubbler it's probably confused because of the Big Shot x Gangnam Style mashup I watched once
and Gangnam Style isn't J-pop either, it's K-pop
If there's J-pop and K-pop, does that mean there's APL-pop?
I read as "apple-pop" and suddenly PPAP came into my head :/
could someone explain to me why do msgs need to be moved to another chatroom instead of just being deleted directly?
You need mods to delete, ROs can move
@RadvylfPrograms sorry if this is a naive question but what is RO?
Room Owner
We have italicized names, and some special privileges like moving messages out of the room and kicking users
The list of current room owners is here, btw
E.g., the "room" dropdown for me looks like:
and they appear as italic usernames in chat
TNB's ROs are elected by the community, caird, Adám, Bubbler, and I were added pretty recently
cool thx
TIL APL function results can be introverted /s
ok i take it back @Bubbler
im not good at solving challanges
especially the CG ones
im not like neil
4068 answers 7 questions
neil is like
the worst possible person to set your standard by lmao
lol im not that good with solving challenges either with any normal or golfing langs (even though i know python) so i just stick with desmos :D
i can solve challenges yes
but itll take me forever
so im basically the worst problem-solver here
@DialFrost hmmm maybe target some easier challenges that you can solve quicker, not the complicated ones
thats usually what i do
easier challenges tend to already have excellent answers in popular languages, but you never know when you might figure something crazy out
and you can also try picking up something less popular
@UnrelatedString yeah, this
including practical languages that simply aren't big here
ik that i cant compete with other ppl in python, so i just stick with desmos :P
i dont even know any other langs
i learn fast, but i get bored very very quickly
@DialFrost hmm idk, ig just keep looking for one that suits you
cant :(
@DialFrost well, thats what lyal and lotm are for
for ppl to learn new langs
@AidenChow I read that as lyxal lol
@lyxal Your entire existence is to help people to learn new langs.
That do be how it is
Q: Draw an ASCII Volume

sinvecGiven a volume level V in the range 1-10. Your program should draw the following ASCII art. When V=1: \ | / When V=2: \ \ | | | / | / When V=3: \ \ | \ | | | | | / | | / | / And etc. Trailing spaces are allowed. This is a code-golf challenge so the shortest solution wi...

@cairdcoinheringaahing What do you mean by "ignore"? The challenge already says "You may choose whether to include the empty string as a possible output"
@cairdcoinheringaahing because I replied to a deleted message; I think you'd already deleted it when I replied
@lyxal shoot doesnt work on android
4 hours ago, by lyxal
@UnrelatedString Unfortunately it doesn't work on Android
It's almost as if I already made that observation
@DLosc what's W?
@pxeger W
Probably not the one Dlosc meant, but it's a W
> Usually when you see a language having very concise code, you would either expect it to be 1) very hard to learn or 2) have a lot of abundant built-ins. Keg is a wonderful exception; check it out!
> Keg
This was way before vyxal
And when 2x-1 was still around
2x-1 made it and I helped contribute to it
@RadvylfPrograms two tries for "ROATE"
@pxeger i looked at Keg
ok bruh i posted a python answer like an hour ago just to see how badly i would do, turns out ppl managed to cut my code down to 50% of its original length...
I found a quite clever approach in Vyxal
@emanresuA oh didnt realize you can put a print function inside list comprehension like that
idek if i should edit these golfs into my post, its basically not even my answer anymore
@AidenChow Go ahead. I don't usually golf in python anyway :P
@emanresuA and yet you are still better at golfing in python than me :(
TIL Python's unary * operator has lower associativity than +
im back
I was messing around with this but sadly it's a bit longer
@emanresuA so * as in unpacking?
anyone can propse any ideas for new challenges?
@DialFrost i got none
if i had any, i would post challenges more often
but all the challenges ive posted to main received no answers :(
mine got downvoted in sandbox
so i had to delete
I'm an idiot
@AidenChow Here's 90 bytes
@emanresuA i literally have no idea what is going on anymore but thats amazing
Python's print prints stuff space separated
I've abused that
my post has so many strikethroughs 😂
and i think my answer is literally a port of another persons answer
yeah the pari/gp one
somehow got +3, idek how
duuuuuuuude someone else just golfed it down to 87.
3 hours ago, by Aiden Chow
ik that i cant compete with other ppl in python, so i just stick with desmos :P
i feel like i just proven myself true here
im just gonna stay with desmos at this point, python too competitive
86 (trivial) because python strings
@emanresuA :|
@AidenChow More that there are a lot of people who golf in python
i golf in python but i stink at it
@DialFrost saaame
at least u cld solve the acsii puzzle
i cant
nah, ive seen some of your other answers, they are really good
@DialFrost You do have some pretty great answers
and I was wondering why you deleted some of your sandbox posts
@ophact probably because they had negative score
@emanresuA Wouldn't \/ be counted as / unless an r-string was used? I'm confused.
I'm not sure why it works but it works
let me see what `` combinations work.
You can't really type backslahses in chat
Very weird
You can do this:
'\a' gives the unicode character with character code 7
yeah what how does that backslash thing work
if i add two backslashes as opposed to one it still output same thing
CMP: or , which looks better for collecting items
@emanresuA ^
ok why is there so many different abbreviations?
what is CMP?
Chat mini ... poll I think
is there like an official list for all these abbreviations
@AidenChow yes
@PyGamer0 where?
Q: What are our specific abbreviations and terms?

AdámNewcomers to codegolf.SE are often compelled to ask what many of our abbreviations and terms mean. Let us list them here so this information always will be easily available. Return to FAQ index

ok thanks
what the... why are there so many of them
@Fmbalbuena Please stop confusing them
@AidenChow ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
who made all of these up
Can anyone confirm that this user profile has the main/meta account buttons and this one doesn't?
@emanresuA you mean the button on the top right
@emanresuA yes. i guess valorum doesn't have a network profile? not sure how that makes sense
Hmm okay
oh nvm, i think valorum has this account hidden or smth
so you can't go to the network profile from it
@emanresuA \
halfway to getting fanatic badge :D
@pxeger remember this?
Dec 3 '21 at 15:57, by pxeger
How do I get F(x) + G(y) for monads F and G and dyad + (basically an APL fork) in Jelly?
well now flax has to take care of that
so +FGHᐣ ←→ λ+F(G(H(⍵)))
/ \
@AidenChow what's that
A badge you get for visiting the main site 100 days in a row
I'm 922% of the way to getting fanatic
@lyxal ez
1 hour later…
@AidenChow Same :p
i'm gonna see if i can put out another python 3 answer
CMQ: Chat room/Tutorial for MATL?
@lyxal I wonder if OLIMAR will get Fanatic
As long as my server stays up I see no reason why not
has to actively visit main site
as in open a page on main
visiting chat doesn't get the badge
Strange, how do you know?
no, that's just how it works
like getting fanatic on meta cg just for visiting chat doesn't seem logical
00:00 - 13:0013:00 - 00:00

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