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00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

Making misleading questions is what teachers live for :P
@RadvylfPrograms 'Cause real life ain't nice
Ain't no one told you before that life's a bed of roses, kid?
Calculus: Because real life² ain't nice™
And calculus ain't even real life, it's just about halfway there
Maybe the teacher started writing the question in November of 2018, and the kilogram was redefined as they typed it out. So the kilograms used at the start of the question weren't exactly a thousandth of the metric tons used at the end of the question.
@RadvylfPrograms the average cat has fewer than four paws
Only if you allow cats to have fractional numbers of paws
hold please
I bet I can figure this out
@RadvylfPrograms Whcih I don't
@RadvylfPrograms There are cats with 3 or fewer paws
But "the average cat" doesn't have 3.99 paws, it has 4
You can't have cats with fractional paw counts
@Fmbalbuena Just so you know, in the "Convert to base i - 1" challenge, the bracket wasn't unmatched. In a range, such as [0, 2^31), brackets mean inclusive, while parentheses mean exclusive, so that range essentially means "numbers from 0 through (2^31)-1"
The average number of paws on a cat is less than four, but the average cat has four paws
Sure you can *slices cat*
@RadvylfPrograms laughs in cat with six legs
If some sadist goes around making it so that there are more cats with fewer than 4 paws than there are cats with 4 paws, you can definitely end up with a median and possibly a mode less than 4
Y'all focusing on cats, while I'm over here stuffing extra bits into my bytes
I believe they call that overeating :P
@RadvylfPrograms "the average" means sum(cat paws)/sum(cats)
Surprisingly, there are no good numbers on how many cats lose legs per year.
@StackMeterPlus Yes, but that'd be the average number of paws on a cat
@GingerIndustries correct: those numbers are not good
Not the number of paws on an average cat
Two similar but different things
> All cats have at least 0 legs.
Before we discuss this further, we need to define what a "leg" is /srs
> leg: a limb used to walk on
When someone loses a part of their limb, people sometimes say they've got half an arm/leg
@user it's simple
@GingerIndustries What is a limb? Where does the leg begin and end? What is walking?
we take the original volume of the limb, then the current volume, then divide current by original and you get how much of a limb they have
It's a problem of language, not math. When I say "the average cat" or "the average house" or "the average person", that's almost always used in the sense of "most cats" or "most houses" or "most people", except in a few cases
> In humans, "leg" is the roughly cylindrical section of meat extending from the center part of the body downwards towards the ground (when the head is facing upwards).
> leg starts at bottom of big middle part and ends at bottom hand part.
humans? roughly? meat? center part of the body? What's that?
for example, if 40% of your leg got sliced off, you would then have .6 of a leg
What is a head? Do legs cease to exist when you do crunches?
E.g., if you hear "the average house has two bathrooms", you'll assume that's rounded, because houses don't usually have a fractional number of bathrooms (ignoring "half-baths"). But if you hear "the average number of bathrooms in a house is 2.23", that makes more sense.
I would think of the first as the mode rather than the mean
> The average household has 1.5 children.
[insert Far Side comic here]
@GingerIndustries If the head is facing upwards while you're sitting, what are legs? Are they only the part that goes from your torso to the ground, or does it still extend from your torso to your toes?
@user The fact that you are talking to me means that you have access to the Internet. Simply click here to view the related Wikipedia page.
I see my piercing questions have stumped you 😎
Did that help?
My mood is better now, thanks
Rick Astley always soothes me
However, I am distressed by the fact that my legs are now gone due to my position, according to your definition
@user You would have to know what your legs are for you to know they were gone. QED.
I see my piercing questions responses have stumped you 😎
Yes, my legs are now stumps
Precisely. My job here is done.
@GingerIndustries QED what? What have you proven?
Thanks for the legs btw
@user That you know what legs are
Further proof:
Aug 22 '21 at 19:58, by user
@pxeger I have infinitely many legs, for I am God
In order to say that, you would have had to know what legs are.
I cannot be certain that what I think are legs are really what legs are
well now you're entering Ruler of the Universe territory.
Besides, "leg" is merely a word that different people define differently. Your definition is different from mine
Let's clear up this ambiguity then. What do you define as a leg?
I honestly don't know, I don't have a clear definition
But you do have one.
(as proved above)
Does the skin and hair on it count? They keep falling off. Does the blood in it count? It moves elsewhere in my body. A lot of the cells (all?) get replaced, so perhaps those don't count either
There is no one leg, because the leg keeps changing. Therefore, I have infinitely many legs
@GingerIndustries Anything that lyxal steals, therefore he average human has 4 leg.
That doesn't answer my question. What do you define as a leg?
I don't
Do I?
You're about to ask how I know.
I don't know what it is, unfortunately
@GingerIndustries You don't know. You can't know
I do know.
Another example:
How do you know that you know and that you do not merely think?
Nov 17 '21 at 2:13, by user
I like how no one has legs and is just crawling on the ground
i have been playing accordion (the card game) and i got stuck with 4 cards
Did I really say that, though? How can you be sure of that? How can you be sure that that message really says "I like how everyone has legs and is crawling up the wall"?
How can you be sure that's what it says?
Perhaps your eyes are lying to you and telling you it says "I like how everyone has legs but is just crawling on the ground"
@GingerIndustries I can't. I never said I'm sure
It's never really possible to be sure about anything, by that definition.
Sure you can, remember that famous thing about being?
> I think I think, therefore I think I know I think I know I am
Regardless, if you don't know what a leg is you can certainly find out.
What's there to find out? The leg isn't a universal constant. It's a term made up by humans
Then there is no true definition of "leg." I can make up my own
Again, so?
There's nothing to find out. What I can find out is how everyone defines leg
@GingerIndustries You said "if you don't know what a leg is you can certainly find out"
I certainly cannot
By that I meant you can find out the human definition of leg.
I know of no other definitions of leg to learn about.
There's no one human definition of leg, there's several that happen to have a huge overlap
If you ask someone, "Is water wet?" you're not going to get the same answer from everyone because the definition of "wet" isn't some precise thing, it's kinda vague and it's different for everyone
Btw thank you for humoring me and continuing this shitpost of a conversation, but I have to leave now o/
@user However, most people have a general idea of what a leg is.
@all What's a leg? (as defined by you)
Q: Sum of the first elements of the sequence

sinvecWhat's wrong with this sequence? 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 80 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 ... Input A number n from 0 to 1000. Output A number s equal to the sum of the first n elements of the above sequence. Standard code-golf rules apply. The shortest code in bytes wins.

12 mins ago, by Aaroneous Miller
@GingerIndustries Anything that lyxal steals, therefore he average human has 4 leg.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

AnttiPUTF-∞ It's 22022 and the Unicode consortium is having a problem. After the writing system of the ⮧⣝Ⅲⴄ⟢⧩⋓⣠ civilization was assigned the last Unicode block, the consortium members have been scrambling to find a new encoding to replace UTF-8. Finally UTF-∞, a proposal by Bob Rike, was adopted. UTF-...

Any contrary opinions here, or is it tag burnination time?
@GingerIndustries Sure, just saying there's no one definition
@DLosc Burnination time, same withthe other one I think
@DLosc Merge seems like a good option
Speaking of tags, does anybody else think this question is not but rather language-specific ?
@GingerIndustries same
@cairdcoinheringaahing WRT codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/q/24508, in particular this part of your answer:
> I disagree that the entire Sandbox FAQ should be moved into the Sandbox body, but it could do with a rewrite in order to make the more frequently asked questions much more obvious.
Firstly, can I ask why you disagree with merging the entire FAQ?
But more importantly, how do you suggest we rewrite the sandbox intro otherwise?
@pxeger It chonky
@DLosc Agreed
@emanresuA Well, I didn't really mean the entire FAQ, but I was mainly thinking of the accepted answer there
I know. It's still double the current length
Is there some policy I can link to that questions have to be self-contained, and one shouldn't need to follow an external link?
in an update to this, i got a game with 3 cards
I rewrote the majority of the sandbox's body a few months back
So we've sort of halfway done that
Maybe the important bits can be copied to the first paragraph though
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

SegganInterpret Shue code-golf Overview Shue (simplified Thue) is a language that was designed by AnttiP for this challenge. A Shue program consists of the possible outputs and a list of string replacements. For example, the following program prints "yes" if an unary string is even: yes no 11=2 12=1 22...

Q: Say everything but the forbidden word

Wheat WizardIn this challenge you will take as input a non-empty list of integers which will serve as the forbidden word. You must then output an infinite stream of positive numbers such that: The forbidden word never appears as a contiguous subsequence of your output. Every finite sequence of positive int...

@pxeger To quote emanresu: it chonky. I think it'd be better to just add in short summaries of the most important parts, then link to the full FAQ
sounds reasonable
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

pxegerOutput a random unary string code-golf random Your task is simple: output the letter x a random number of times. Every possible length of xs must have a non-zero probability of being output. Of course, there must be some lengths whose probabilities tend to \$ 0 \$, in order for the total probabil...

1 hour later…
­F<ëÄ–o®gxJgò‡‰ž–Ç;÷¼¼º·µtŸÅ¬k鬶¯«¶r\î?ÙꇗåaùøE†Çì»àj3W(vµewú‰+kK8àQ‹oª€ÌN?x®ñ×¹AÐ…ùË]ñ•¯ñ²N— áωK¸[7^Y‡qj¦{[q—.í‡Øöû^«EAã«—¨cî;€E–¾¬Å½U§ÃˆÉO-ÇŽ–‰š£œ•È:`Uœ2¨eœÒSÍw¨p.¾šÂ
@GingerIndustries Uh... you okay? (⊙_⊙)
@DLosc < à,½ @É<g¨< À½ Â<Œ…< @½ €Ä< ]< €ë¼ @Û<.0„< Àؼ ³<’![< @¼¼ Å<pP< À¼ ÀÀ<Jƒ< –¼ €°<Ìu< @§¼ €®<pœ< €p¼ €¢<F}< |¼ ®<yð; @Á¼ €|<V
I am breaking the law
How about putting that here instead
Wait I created that room
good idea
BREAKING NEWS: Security flaw found in all major web browsers which allows them to run arbitrary javascript!
BREAKING NEWS: S ec u rity flaw found in all major web browsers which allows them to run arbitrary java s cript!
Feb 15 at 16:04, by Ginger Industries
You know you're on TNB too much when you instinctively put underscores around a word to italicize it in PowerPoint
how to get a message pinned:
1. send message in room you own
2. pin message
3. move message to target room
I'd demonstrate but I'm sure that would piss someone off
ya know what? I'm going to do it on April Fools day.
then my actions will be justified
@GingerIndustries no, you're thinking of GEORGE
The GEORGE is a noble animal
@GingerIndustries I need help
I need quotes from TNB to scream
Because I'm out of ideas
@lyxal Well, we knew that already.
Just 40 seconds left to record
Feels like a milestone really
@lyxal like what?
@BgilMidol funny one liners from the transcript that don't require lore context to be funny
Jan 26 at 17:14, by Ginger Industries
I've figured out why the planets jump around!
@GingerIndustries can it be more than 5 minutes?
I've accidentally gone 19 seconds over
Aug 17 '21 at 13:08, by PyGamer0
31 mins ago, by exedraj
9 secs ago, by Redwolf Programs
12 secs ago, by user
@GingerIndustries I got four notifications because you did something in your room and now I have unicode spam all across my inbox >:(
May 11 '21 at 1:23, by caird coinheringaahing
@lyxal frick, only 10/10 not 69/420? I failed as a crewmate, hella sus. Let me just go commit frick and die
Sep 21 '16 at 3:14, by PhiNotPi
Give a man a Java and he can code for a day. Teach a man to algorithm and he can code for a lifetime.
(might have crossed the line from funny to profound, idk)
Give a man two Javas and he can code through the night :P
Probably the right time to mention that I already have my 5 minutes now.
I'm in the editing process
Having said that, I'll quickly record user's suggestion
@lyxal I mean, you already did mention:
17 mins ago, by lyxal
@GingerIndustries can it be more than 5 minutes?
@DLosc as in, does it still count
I don't want to do more than I have to lol
18 mins ago, by lyxal
I've accidentally gone 19 seconds over
Of course it does, you can just choose a window of 5 minutes and have the bigger video be a separate one
Idea: Song made out of out-of-context TNB quotes
These two feel like they could totally be part of some song
Alright no more recording
Only editing
Not a quote, per se, but this shirt pxeger found could be scream material
1 min ago, by lyxal
Alright no more recording
00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

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