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am back
@lyxal wait ur australian
yea he is
also I have more photos of my other kitty
@GingerIndustries text and images are automatically flipped before being displayed
It's a thing that comes installed on every phone in Australia
also do you want to see the other kitty
is it just a big gaint meme right
no, it is a real kitty
that Australians see everything upsidedown
@GingerIndustries I'd like to make an edit of it, yes.
her name is Luna and she is the evil one
kinda like lyxal in kitty form
@PyGamer0 (yes, but don't tell anyone I said so)
there she is
lookin evil
@GingerIndustries i like the other kitty who was about to commit arson
@PyGamer0 but this one looks like it belongs to a supervillan
not really
@lyxal cmon she's got everything! the posture, the condescending look
@GingerIndustries but she is under a chair
i also have this one:
that's her being anxiety
she looks real snooty but she has an anxiety disorder or smth and will flee as soon as you breathe at her
unless you gain her trust
@GingerIndustries breathes
@GingerIndustries Patrick: she is staring at me, MENACINGLY
wrong image
one second
user image
@GingerIndustries as you can see, it's not anxiety, it's guilt
I also have this much older one:
im just diggin through my folders trying to find more of them
y is nobody accepting my edits
@DialFrost because i dont have enough rep
but the rest have...
anyone here a avid chess player
@lyxal not funny, the previous 2 were very funny
i mean like, the answer for me is my pfp
lyxal captions your kitties!
@DialFrost i would say i am a noob, i think @Razetime plays chess
razetime plays chess?
im also noob
u use lichess.org pygamer?
does anyone else have kitties
I have need for sleep though
hi @Razetime u play chess right?
@lyxal thank you for giving us these comedic masterpieces, o/
@DialFrost sorry i dont eat lichens
is he afk
@DialFrost yes
u use lichess.org razetime?
alright, time to work on PXLCODE
username rallzetime
ur actually decent
me with my 14-line file:
although im alot more active
it has been a while since a played.
that rating may not be accurate
so ur underrated ?
@DialFrost ok i made an account what do i do lol
go home pyxl, ur drunk
play games:)
@DialFrost overrated
@DialFrost with whom?
the public?
guys guess how many games i've played and my bullet rating
im not very good tho
^on lichess
any guesses?
@DialFrost 2k
i gtg bed soon lol
2k games?
bullet is not good for improving at chess
neither is blitz
for me it is
it has its benefits
i've played 19k games in total for all variants of chess
although i rarely have time to do rapid/classical
ok if anyone wants to help me w/ PXLCODE there's a room for that
@Razetime blitz is actually good enough to improve greatly
if you spend more time on classical you will give your head time to actually remember patterns and improve.
i fall asleep
i play 15s and 30s chess daily my guy
chess is a very slow, sleepy game
it can be fast and fun
slow and sleepy doesn't mean it isn't fun
i am a slow and sleepy person and like chess very much
im a fast person and like chess very much
classical chess is a beautiful game if you take the time to appreciate it
bullet is a beautiful game if you take the time to appreciate it
blitz games meanwhile are 15 theory moves and then 30 blunders
so is bullet
it's just an estimate
ru sure
how many accurate moves do you play per blitz game
its usually less than 5 based on my experience
GM's get 0 or the occasional 1
We are not talking about GMs here
we are talking about personal improvement as a chess player.
look at the msg above it then
less than 5
usually 2
hm. I definitely wanna see your games then
for some reason i improve by playing a lot, a lot lot lot lot of games
search me up then
^my user in lichess
I can't really calculate your average from your profile
but your most recent game all by itself has 14/36 inaccurate moves
and the next recent one has 21
out of 25
for blitz?
both blitz
calculating from both players
obviously computer analysis is extremely biased
but when it comes down to playing good moves blitz is not healthy. Moving fast is fun, but it doesn't lead to good chess unless you're already an amazing player (which requires classical experience)
i still luv fast games no matter wat
my sch alr has a titled player im very surprised
i suppose you have some experience in offline chess
do try playing at an offline tournament.
and yes i do agree 15s and 30s is abit too fast for improvement but tats wat i like :P
it costs too much :(
i played a game of chess
@DialFrost ah that's a sad barrier.
well if you have any low cost open tourneys try them
especially classical
it'll give you some perspective of how your chess habits are helping you
the FIDE torunaments are $60 to enter if u have no FIDE rating
btw im in singapore, everything is insanely expensive
idk about singapore, but if you do manage to get finances to try it out it's worth at least one shot
singapore is the country where a standard car is 300,000
a 300,000 car in USA e.g. ferrari is basically 1mil in singapore
very rare to see expensive sports car here
rare correction not veyr
well i gtg sleep
gn guysss!
take care, sleep well
@DialFrost you can edit posts to fix typos if u want
k thx
@GingerIndustries actually "also/" is better
@PyGamer0 nice catch
@BgilMidol i think the "something like" part needs to be accompanied with more specific rules
one second thought its not that big a deal
but both the cops and robbers need to have objective scoring criteria still
@thejonymyster working on it
then once thats done i think youre good to post
when you discovered the answer you've been trying to golf has an unnecessary byte...
gotta automate that in the future
@thejonymyster good?
@BgilMidol this is not python only, is it?
also i think i should add a max number of slices
@Razetime the slice type or the code?
you need to specify both
or you could score the cops on the amount of slices that they used, with lowest being best, thats what i thought you had in mind when i first saw the post to be honest
hm that is a good idea jony
maybe better as a tiebreak
someone is here
@thejonymyster good?
@BgilMidol i feel like this may be too easy but my experience with cops and robbers is too limited
maybe really fat code with tons of slices will work.
@BgilMidol i think im underqualified to say
the challenge concept seems perfectly fine, but i have issues with the formatting
rather the phrasing of the post seems odd, but i dont have experience with that
i typically need help there as well
i am back
@StackMeterPlus Welcome
i had a spurt of inspiration and churned out 4-5 answers in a few hours
I am back too
(from exams)
who posted a tinylisp HW answer a few hours ago
...that's what I intended to post a while ago
but didn't due to power outage.
I bet @Razetime is really gone this time unlike the last time
p. s. tell me to post an effortful answer at least once in two weeks
if i failed tell me to give a bounty
@cairdcoinheringaahing We post the stats of how many posts get status reviewed each month here - meta.stackexchange.com/questions/348642/…
update: I am not dead, I am just working on PXLCODE
how's PXLcode?
^ the feeling when you hold shift when typing and when you're almost done, you're too lazy and release shift
@mathcat things
@mathcat just use CAPS LOCK
but it's one key higher than shift :/
@DialFrost Just so you're aware, the policy on SE is to reject suggested edits that only add syntax highlighting. If it's part of another edit, that's fine, but if it's just to add the syntax highlighting, it'll be rejected
@PyGamer0 it was pretty memorable
I don't think this answer deserves three downvotes. It's a duplicate, but those are explicitly allowed under site rules. It didn't have a byte count at first, but this is a new user and it's not uncommon for people to not be sure how the byte counts work at first. It made effort to explain how the answer works, which is already more effort shown than a good 80% of the answers on this challenge. — ta Radvylf srik su shilani 3 mins ago
If anyone here was someone who downvoted that Python submission to HW yesterday, I don't think it should've been downvoted that much
It was a new user, and it seems they at least put some effort into it, so three downvotes isn't really the best welcome message
We got a bunch of sleet here last night, so it looks like it's snowed but it's just ice
It's been more than 336 hours since the Best Of nominations post was put up. Should we start the voting?
@taRadvylfsriksushilani I love sleet. It's such an absurd form of precipitation--like hail but not painful.
How's my challenge proposal going?
@taRadvylfsriksushilani ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Probably
Need a mod for that though
@ParclyTaxel I'm having a little trouble wrapping my head around the math, but from a code-golf perspective I'd say you should mention what are acceptable output formats. We usually like output formats to be pretty flexible. One reasonable (to me) format would be a list of lists, each of which consists of four integers in the interval [0, 13] (or [1, 14]).
My parents' office: Decides to require full disk encryption on their company laptops, with super long secure randomized passwords
All the people who work there: Write the passwords on sticky notes
@DLosc So I can think of two main formats: a list of lists of 14 distinct symbols (not just numbers) and 91 printed lines. Do I have to list every such format I can think of?
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Security at the cost of convenience comes at the cost of security, lol
@ParclyTaxel I think you could use language something like this: "Output should consist of 91 blocks of four values each. You may use any 14 distinct values. Formatting is flexible, but there must be a clear separation between blocks, and it must be clear which four values are in each block."
And then it wouldn't hurt to show a couple of different possible formats as examples.
@taRadvylfsriksushilani is it secure against online attacks?
No, that's not what disk encryption protects against
@taRadvylfsriksushilani s/No,/Technically, yes, but/ ?
@taRadvylfsriksushilani secure to "man in the building" attacks
Yeah, since these are laptops, I'm sure the reason for the disk encryption is in case the laptops are stolen
So the real security task is to make sure the post-its don't get stolen.
ok so PXLCODE just crashed so hard the debugger broke
i don't even know what to do now
@GingerIndustries never give up
Epic people never give up
(which means I am not epic)
and epic people never let you down
and epic people never run around and eat desert
and epic people never make you cry
@DLosc Full Post-it Encryption
@DLosc codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/a/24407/110698 – does it look better now?
@taRadvylfsriksushilani cmon you broke the sequence
and epic people never say good boy
c-c-c-combobreaker! (its ok)
@GingerIndustries and epic people never say goodbye (to their post-it notes)
@DLosc and epic people never tell lies and hurt you
epic people have known each other for so long
their hearts have been aching but
they're too shy to say it
I'm actually very new to this SE, having spent most of my time on MathsSE and (more recently) Puzzling
@ParclyTaxel Yes--I'd just tweak "The following are acceptable output formats" to "The following are two possible output formats" to make it clear that those aren't the only acceptable formats.
@ParclyTaxel Welcome! A background in maths and puzzling is a good sign that you'll fit right in here. ;)
@ParclyTaxel nice. I was something like SO -> MathsSE -> CGCC -> Puzzling -> CGCC
My only three SEs are MathsSE, Puzzling and now this
Is the "standard loopholes are forbidden" message still popular these days?
No, it's the default, so all that linking to it does is give people ideas :p
heyyy PXLCODE imports work
time to throw together a standard library
I have made 19 nominations this year lol (out of 71, so 27%)
As it turns out, I am the creator of the 1+ esolang
Q: The 1+ Metagolf Challenge

nullI'm letting this one out of the sandbox. Hopefully it is well-written and make sense, feel free to improve. So in order to make 1+ more popular (and ease the creation of golfed 1+ text-printing programs) here comes the metagolf challenge: The 1+ Language 1+ is a fun deque-based esolang where 1 is...

Well, made my probably-final nomination.
There is now just one category with no competition
Wait, no, two
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Is your nick related to that katlani thing or is it rot13 or what?
It's katlani
@ParclyTaxel My username is also katlani
My username is just about a decade old at this point; it comes from paclitaxel
@ParclyTaxel katlani
It translates to "Redwolf writes programs", and I usually go by Redwolf Programs
For my proposed challenge it's hard to verify output by hand, so I've included a drag-and-drop verifier. Is that OK?
(also please check for any holes or hazy points or other problems, I should be posting it within the next 24 hours)
CMQ: Is it possible to create your own unicode chars and add them to a codepage?
Yes, in the PUAs
(Private Use Areas)
Just make a font that supports them and you're done
Any reasonable font editor like FontForge will do
Just scroll to the PUAs and put your glyphs there
For Slowest Gun in the East, the description suggests that the category is for late answers that are unappreciated compared to earlier answers. Does that mean an answer that comes years after the challenge was posted, but is the first valid answer, doesn't qualify for SGITE? I could nominate it for Wild Card instead.
@taRadvylfsriksushilani TIL that the Raspbian default font (I think it's called Piboto) has a Tux emoji as the first character in its PUA
@DLosc I'd read it that way too, but Bubbler has already nominated a first answer, so it's probably fine
And a category for first answers to old unanswered questions would be good anyway
CMQ: What 's the "HNQ Jackpot?"
What is a CMQ?
Chat Mini Question
There's also CMC (Chat Mini Challenge), CMM (Chat Mini Meta), and CMP (Chat Mini Poll)
fun fact: I am #820 in total site reputation
The first thing that comes to mind when I think of CMC is Cutie Mark Crusaders – I am a pony artist
@GingerIndustries getting your challenge (or the challenge which your answer is on) onto the Hot Network Questions list and getting loads of upvotes basically by luck
@GingerIndustries I am #80 all-time on MathsSE
@pxeger would this question count for that?
@GingerIndustries idk, it did hit the HNQ, but it didn't get loads of upvotes
@pxeger well if we assume that 50 upvotes is about the amount needed, then it may not have gotten loads but it did get l
so it hit the HNQ Ja
questions with properly clickbait titles often hit the HNQ
@pxeger alr, I will take this into consideration
@GingerIndustries The reason why Calvin's Hobbies is ninth in all-time rep while only having posted 25 answers. ;)
@DLosc ಠ_ಠ
And, in the opposite direction, the reason why ais523 posts most things as community wiki these days (to protest how easy it is to gain rep from low-effort clickbait).
@DLosc conclusion: post low-effort clickbait
@GingerIndustries that's CW though
I am also not sure whether my proposal would merit the kol-com tag; the output is not fixed, but the mathematical object to be output is, so...?
That's a kolmo, yeah, if I'm reading it right
> Output all blocks of some SQS(14) – how it is constructed is irrelevant
If I'm reading this right, you may want to add the tag
Does it look good for publishing on main, people?
@ParclyTaxel link?
@ParclyTaxel I'd suggest adding a reference implementation so small-brain people like me have something to work off of.
@GingerIndustries a reference implementation will be just something like print("[[0, 1, 2, 4], [1, 2, 3, 5], [2, 3, 4, 6], ..., [5, 0, 8, 10]]")
@ParclyTaxel @pxeger oh, alr. Looks good then! :)
reminder that the SI unit for "soccer" is "football"
Q: How many laps around the permutation?

LynnYour input is an array of numbers: a permutation of \$\{1, 2 \dots n\}\$ for some integer \$n \geq 2\$. How many times must you repeat this list before you can "pick out" the numbers \$[1, 2 \dots n]\$ in order? That is: find the lowest \$t \geq 1\$ so that \$[1, 2 \dots n]\$ is a subsequence of ...

whats the complexity class of deciding whether something is turing complete?
@thejonymyster (turing-complete)complete
@thejonymyster ITTM
Determining if something is turing complete is equivalent to solving the halting problem
I think
Might be harder than that, idk
But it's definitely not easier
Because you can do if<anything>then brainfuck
@taRadvylfsriksushilani which "halting problem" does this refer to
I wasn't aware there were multiple
or wait, give me a second im stupid
The halting problem basically states that its impossible to design a turing machine program that can, given any turing machine program, determine if it halts, in a finite amount of time
but we don't know yet
also I have developed a theorem to prove that a sphere has infinitely many sides
E.g., you can't write a brainfuck program that can take any brainfuck program as input and return whether it halts in a finite amount of time
@GingerIndustries Yeah we do
so proving tc-ness is just as hard as proving haltingness (or maybe more)
i find that quite surprising honestly
well proving tcness implicitly proves halting undecidability
good thing we've got brainfuck then!
likewise, proving halting decidability disproves TC
if it can run brainfuck then it's tc
i think we've used that here several times to disprove TC; just show that a language can always be said to halt or not, or that it is unable to not halt
@GingerIndustries this too. generally implementing another TC language is the easiest way to prove TC lmao
brainfuck and BCT are common choices AFAIK
but what if you decide it never halts?
It's automatically not TC
i didnt know that made it not tc :0
Actually, I don't know
I think it technically wouldn't be TC, but for any practical purposes it would be
@thejonymyster I could design a language that keeps checking if an incrementing counter is a solution to the collatz conjecture before running code, or any other unsolved problem. If there is no solution, it's not TC, since no program ever halts. And since that problem it's checking could be any program, it's the exact same as the halting problem.
@taRadvylfsriksushilani i need a bit to process how that works 🔍🧐
i mean if you make a version of Python that just puts while True: pass at the end of every program, then technically i believe that is not TC even though it can basically do anything python can, it just can't halt
not sure though
Wrote my first answer on here:
A: Kolmogorov-simple numbers

Parcly Taxel1+, 20 bytes, outputs \$2^{2^8}\$ 11+"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*: Try it online! The fastest way to get big numbers in 1+ (of which I am its creator) is to repeatedly square. One less repetition of "* will give an 18-byte representation of \$2^{2^7}\$, which however can be naively represented in 16 bytes; ...

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