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well that kinda makes sense
if you consider divisibility by 2, and then by 3, and by 5, etc
Yeah, it's one of those statements that feels right just on intuition :P
Still think it's cool :P
Happy Data Privacy Day everyone :p
> We’re looking forward to continued work on privacy enhancing technologies in 2022, including efforts to generalize ODoH technology to any application HTTP traffic through Oblivious HTTP (OHTTP).
So...Tor? :p
@NewPosts I have a sumbission for this in one of my languages
> The OHAI working group will define a protocol for anonymization of HTTP requests using a partly-trusted intermediary
Yeah, quite similar to ODoH
hmm, I wonder if that partly-trusted intermediary might possibly end up starting with C and ending with loudflare
Well I mean, it's Cloudflare's blog, so they'd probably be one of them :p
@pxeger Is this working group lolcat related?
Oblivious HTTP Application Intermediation
but almost certainly a backronym
Cloudflare's already responsible for like half of the internet being secure, so I'm not too worried about giving them a little more trust
If Cloudflare decided to do something malicious ODoH and OHTTP would be the least of our concerns lol
I'd be less worried about Cloudflare deciding to do something malicious, than someone making Cloudflare do something malicious
Ooh my high school's course catalog for next year is now available
@taRadvylfsriksushilani I reckon you should take Latin, seems like a really interesting subject :P
@NewPosts figures you'd post that while I'm at lunch lol
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Is this valid?
oh cool...I was about to type up a long email to complain about my school's Computer Science III class not being considered Advanced for GPA purposes, but it turns out it is (and just doesn't have Advanced in the name)
@AaroneousMiller I'll allow it
is advanced your school's equivalent of honors or is it a weighting category that encompasses ap classes and classes of particular substance that aren't run by the college board
But usually advanced classes have "Advanced" as part of the name
But I recently learned that in 2025 (the year after I graduate) AP classes will no longer receive an increased GPA weight unless they're english, history, science, or math classes.
yeah my high school just had normal, honors, and ap
which means the absolute highest standard in every fucking subject was set purely by the cb
Oh, and in 2025, they're making the advanced-but-not-AP classes only a slight increase in weighted GPA
So, if you take advanced CS classes, no GPA weighting. They're going back in time.
what do yall think of the new transitions for top-down view?
Witness the incredible genius of my school board.
And if you take more than the required number of english, science, math, or history classes, guess what. You don't get extra GPA weighting for those either.
@taRadvylfsriksushilani why’s that?
sounds like your school is just screwed up
@user Well, it's actually a good idea if they had done it properly
Damn, this has hit -500 O.o
@cairdcoinheringaahing I wonder if that's related to it being a really bad change
nah, probably just a coincidence
y'know, maybe a design change with -500 score is just not very good
Yeah, but even the bad changes don't usually hit -500
because this change is utterly pointless and extremely visible
They were trying to limit the amount of credit you could get from taking a ton of advanced/AP classes, so that students wouldn't be incentivized to take 8 AP classes in a year (and suffer) in order to get a higher class rank. But they did it like...the worst possible way.
In fact, the only posts voted lower than it are all to do with the Monica incident
@cairdcoinheringaahing ...what
> Inconsistencies in implementation have led to several different layouts across the site. When gathering requirements for a unified post summary component, we found at least 5 (five!) different layouts.
> Scaling the design is tricky, both in window size and adding features and functionality. We need to support all sorts of metadata on all sorts of devices.
> Our post summaries were only designed to support questions (and answers, kinda). We need to be able to display various content types in single lists. For example, in a list of notifications, we may want to present an article next
Hell, this is lower voted than the announcement that they're allowing ads O.o
@pxeger None of these problems require changing the design. Just a refactor
I think new design suck
So long as they stay away from /questions, I have no opinion on it being the new /home format
@cairdcoinheringaahing they're not going to stay away though
i like being able to use /home for quick browsing of activity and it's barely usable for that anymore
@pxeger They weren't going to. Now, with such negative feedback, it's unlikely they'll keep expanding it without attempting to placate people
> We have no unified place to put an action menu.
How about here?
ah well. at least they aren't touching chat
the current onebox UI on chat is far too useful. It needs fucking up
They're never going to touch chat
Jan 24 at 19:27, by emanresu A
Jan 6 at 19:15, by pxeger
Dec 16 '21 at 2:02, by emanresu A
Chat never worked, so they never have to fix it
This is the lowest voted MSE question not posted by a staff member
@pxeger exactly. chat actually has some good features, which AFAIK is punishable by death at SE headquarters
@cairdcoinheringaahing WHAT
> The system should search posts for the word "please" in proximity to the phrase "don't close" or "do not close", and if found together disable the close link
how does someone even come up with that idea
like they're clearly serious
my mind has been blown
> I would suggest that rather than closing these questions, we set up a migration path to Yahoo Answers
Aka, if you say "please don't close" in your question, people cannot VTC
I can't help but notice that you haven't explicitly asked for this question to not be closed. Voting to close. — Pops Jul 20 '11 at 3:18
> I'll convert it to a feature request when abs(votes) > 100
> I think it's reasonable to grant their request and prevent other users from closing the question by preemptively closing it automatically. This will replace the "close" link with the "reopen" link, so I believe this adequately fulfills the spirit of your request.
> This would open up a loophole for crappy questions so large you could pilot the Queen Mary 2 through it.
People can be very funny when they find a very bad idea :P
> V fhccbeg guvf cebcbfny. Pyrneyl hfref trg hcfrg jura gurve bss-gbcvp be onqyl sbezrq dhrfgvbaf ner pybfrq. Nccebivat guvf arj Srngher Erdhrfg jvyy nyybj hf gb xrrc znal hfref jub jbhyq bgurejvfr jnfgr gvzr ba Lnubb! Nafjref.

Please don't delete this.
I do think we need a lot of changes to close voting, but this might be a little too far :p
You made a typo, the k at the end of the second blockquote should be kthxbye. — jonsca Jul 20 '11 at 3:17
A: Don't close questions where the user has requested that it not be closed

McCannot This is an artistic statement, please do not downvote it.

A: Don't close questions where the user has requested that it not be closed

jonscaThis answer is not an answer, but please don't flag it as "not an answer", and please don't downvote it.

"migrate it to Yahoo Answers" I CAN'T EVEN AAAAA
@cairdcoinheringaahing suggestion: migrate HATERs to 4chan
@cairdcoinheringaahing Ah yes, "revenge downvoter", "voting ring organizer", and "chaotic neutral", my favorite three badges :p
babe wake up, new alignment chart just dropped :P
There are three kinds of people
I just found a Haskell answer I thought was really clever, but when I went to upvote it I realized it was my own answer.
There's one kind of people - those who can extrapolate.
why gatekeep girlboss gaslight when you can revenge-downvote, organise-voting-rings and chaotic-neutral
I haven't had this good of a laugh in ages
I just misread an HNQ as "PS5 controller won't cringe"
This one was funny, until SE actually did evaluate the risks of allowing teen mods on the SE network :/
there's also this gem on our meta
and this
> I have realized my mistakes and realize how dumb I was being.
A: Evaluating the risks of allowing teen moderators on the SE network

JNKFollowing your logic, we should probably screen all questions on meta from users with purple fractal gravatars because you have a purple gravatar and 100% of your meta questions have more than 20 downvotes! Both your answers have negative scores, too. The correlation is FOUR TIMES AS STRONG as ...

@cairdcoinheringaahing They try for 13 minut and no undelete
> And all the chatter about avocados really needs to stop...
+1 for the gif. And because I agree with the answer, but mostly because of the gif. — DJMcMayhem Jun 28 '16 at 17:24
okay so these are amusing
but THIS takes the cake
> Hay guys, April Fool's is over now...
If we ever implement anything remotely like this, just kill me. — Nick Craver Apr 12 '12 at 10:27
Well, now that Nick's no longer working at SE, I know just what to ask :P
there's also this, which I feel was written by the same breed of 10-year-old that comments on YT videos complaining about "bad words"
@emanresuA Thanks, I hate this
> and please don't make it a "Facebook for programmers", for God's sake
> Please don't redesign the car - it works as well as possible now.
Whatever did happen to the sexuality.se proposal? I've heard about it occasionally but never the whole story.
And on school wifi I'm not gonna go hunting for it
> Not me - I consider the lack of friends and (especially) smileys as a feature, not a defect.
It didn't have enough traction.
@taRadvylfsriksushilani It failed in Beta
@WheatWizard love your new PFP
It's not new?

Q&A site for educators and professionals to discuss human sexuality.

Closed after 13 days in beta.

"since we still have no ability to permaban people" MIRACLES HAPPENS WHEN YOU ACTUALLY HAVE A STRONG WILLBoltClock's a Unicorn Mar 20 '14 at 15:42
@WheatWizard damnit caching
> sexuality-dead.stackexchange.com
well, that's not good
I too identify as "dead"
@GingerIndustries Different meaning of sexuality
Things I never thought I'd have to say #124410: Stack Exchange is not a dating site
@taRadvylfsriksushilani So, if I remember correctly, it was launched but you had to confirm you were 18+ when visiting, and posts were completely banned from hitting the HNQ so the site basically couldn't get any traffic and died a quick death
@GingerIndustries I love that, at least on my screen the "<--- The buttons would go here" bit points directly to the "bookmark" icon :P
It does for everyone I think, although with the custom fonts config I'm running, it's actually the downvote one (which is pretty accurate in this case)
The front page does feel pretty...misaligned though
why tf does my school block uwaterloo.ca
lmao wgat
ah yes, wgah
you've heard of d'oh, now get ready for w'gah
@taRadvylfsriksushilani that's where the Canadians are planning their invasion of Montana, so the NSA requires all american school computers to block access, so that Canada isn't tipped off that the NSA knows their plans
fun fact: sometimes when I take off my mask the elastic ear strap thing snaps back and sounds like the chat ping
The rest of the world is aware of this, but all american schoolkids aren't
@cairdcoinheringaahing one second
@GingerIndustries Imagine taking off your mask lol
@cairdcoinheringaahing okay they're aware now
The only place I don't wear mine is when I'm asleep or eating
I basically don't wear a mask anymore tbh
wait shit I hear a helicopter
Yeah. I don't really go outside and I live alone so there is not much reason to.
I'm doubly (soon to be triply) vaxxed, I've recovered in the last 180 days, and I take semi-regular covid tests, I literally meet all the criteria for doing things
I think I only wear one when walking around inside uni buildings
I don't wear one due to covid, I wear one to discourage people from talking to me
Including my own family
Well, I don't want to breath the same air as them, so that's different
People hear mostly don't wear masks outside.
@taRadvylfsriksushilani That's what headphones are for :P
i wear it most the time because I'm usually walking from one place I have to have a mask to another and it's just easier to leave it on.
okay the copter's gone, crisis averted
Looks like the phone number spam has moved to the rest of the network, so keep an eye out
oh boy
it sure is a good thing we've got smokey
y'know, you don't see that much spam in SE chat (probably due to the 20rep requirement)
has there ever been spam in here?
@GingerIndustries It's much harder to spam in chat
You need legitimate +20 to be able to do so
@cairdcoinheringaahing i know, but this is the Internet. it must have happened at least once
statistically speaking
I think we've had a few spam messages here
But we're one of the most active rooms on this chat server, and have been for years. Spam doesn't stick around here long
@cairdcoinheringaahing I noticed
I wonder if there's a list of most active rooms?
That's rooms by people in it, there's also chat.stackexchange.com/?tab=all&sort=active which sorts by time since last message
Ooh, the most recent new user in TNB was the 1300th person to talk here
@taRadvylfsriksushilani how could you possibly know that?
it says it in the bottom left
Boo, I should be able to sing the song while reading that
I think @NewPosts will spam
I know by memory almost 100% of the lyrics to Yakko's World
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Interesting that we're close to rooms like RPG General (room 11), despite being almost a year younger
Q: Prevent phone number spam

FmbalbuenaI found a lot of spams that contains miscrosoft help spams. link Is there a way to prevent?

Anyone want to see a true monstrosity?
@emanresuA which?
@emanresuA ಠ_ಠ
Submitting it utc tomorrow 'cos I've repcapped today
You have no idea how long it took to take and combine all those screenshots
@emanresuA todo: make a tool that does it for you
@WheatWizard Could you unfreeze the Brachylog room, please?
@DLosc Done.
@GingerIndustries ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I'm never doing that again
@Fatalize @UnrelatedString I have a Brachylog question, but I'll ask it here
→ 1 message moved to Brachylog
I have RO power.
How not to write Python:
return max(filter(lambda x:x % 3 == 0,map(lambda a:int(''.join(map(str,reversed(sorted(a)))) or 0),powerset(nums))))
@Fmbalbuena Gotta make it italicized
→ 1 message moved to Brachylog
Honestly thought that was going to be a rickroll, surprised you didn't take the oppurtunity
How to allow others to add a label in github?
@Fmbalbuena You've posted a lot of unnecessary questions to CGCC meta and Mother Meta in the last few weeks...maybe just run your questions by us first
Most often they can be answered pretty easily in chat
(Unless they're feature requests, but even then getting feedback before posting to CGCC meta or especially MM is a good idea)
> How to allow others to add a label in github?
@emanresuA what does that do?
Finds the largest number that can be made out of a digit list and is divisible by 3
lambda x:max(list(filter(lambda s: sum(x) % 3 == 0, set(x).powerset()))) works I think
By concatenating digits, I mean
Oh I see
Still not quite though
@taRadvylfsriksushilani at least 3
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Try rebooting it
@emanresuA Google, or the cats?
@BgilMidol I invited you to fix the bug (Github)
CGCC offline?
@taRadvylfsriksushilani ok
now works.
How to gain 50 rep?
Post 5 good answers
@taRadvylfsriksushilani another way?
"I want rep but I don't want to do work to get it", in other words?
@taRadvylfsriksushilani yes
@GingerIndustries Hi
@emanresuA You can't reboot it if you never booted it in the first place
CMC: Send this:
Nvm dammit
@emanresuA bounty me 50 rep ^ lol
@Fmbalbuena ?
@BgilMidol NLRNIS repo
if you know debugging
I have trouble sending due maintenance.
Too late, i have to go o/

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