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Hmm, I should probably list the ratings of flagless/versionless variants too
V and V (vim) are being counted as two separate languages
@taRadvylfsriksushilani I'm not convinced 8th and 4 are really languages
They probably aren't
@taRadvylfsriksushilani I can see why you'd want to penalize languages that did well on 14 specific problems vs. languages that get used for everything. I wonder if it's worth penalizing a language so much for being used hundreds of times vs. thousands, though.
@pxeger I did the deduping/cleaning up steps at midnight last night, and I was very tired, so I didn't do a very good job :p
(CC V/V (vim))
@AaroneousMiller Complicating the matter, there are some pure Vim answers where the header is V (vim) just because the poster used TIO and didn't change the header.
@taRadvylfsriksushilani is there a reason the different c compilers aren’t considered variabts?
Yeah, same issue as V (vim)
C++ is surprisingly low
@taRadvylfsriksushilani What exactly is the correction formula here?
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Anyway, amid the flood of "This could be better," let me add "This is really cool and I bet it was a lot of work" :)
@DLosc Thanks! Yeah, I expected a lot of feedback, there's still a long list of things I need to work on :p
@taRadvylfsriksushilani 2021 or 2022
@thejonymyster 1987 :P
@pxeger I find the geometric mean of the answer counts, which is currently around 50. Then, I take a logarithm with that as the base of all of the languages, and take their rating to that power
So, for example, a language with 2500 answers would be squared
(The scores have a constant of 1000 multiplied afterward, so anything below that actually gets moved down)
I'm thinking the correcting isn't actually as necessary as it seemed
I think a pertinent idea would be error bars, but 1) I'm not good with statistics and 2) I don't know how to apply that concept to a ranking list.
I think I'm going to change the sort to actual score
that would be admitting defeat
It has a few instances of languages with 10-20 1 or 2 byte answers that are near the top, but meh
It does seem like it doesn't make that significant a change
It changes the top 10 a lot, but if you filter out languages with under 100 answers, it's pretty accurate looking
And that would put Vyxal in 1st place :p
Some languages missing from the leaderboard: Flipbit, Plumber, Yggdrasil, Minecraft
Not enough Plumber answers
yea im curious abt where some langs went
@taRadvylfsriksushilani some of the langs have single digit amounts?
@thejonymyster That's intentional, due to a special case
They should be discarded later though, unless there's a second "special case" (i.e. bug)
There do appear to be quite a few some bugs and/or human errors with the variant marking stage, though
i wonder if we should do this as a like yearly thing or something
I'm going to try to update it monthly
@taRadvylfsriksushilani How many do there need to be?
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Looks like we need to post more answers in GS2 and see if it's really that good. 46 answers isn't that few, and it's got a huge lead over the next closest language.
@AaroneousMiller 10
maybe i will try and sneak in some nine more headascii answers before the end of february >:)
hopefully at least beat bf
I'll be updating these ranking quite often in the next few days, since I'll be making lots of improvements and bug fixes
is this gonna be linked on that one meta post
Once it's cleaned up a bit, and I add support for tag filtering and that sort of thing
right yea
still hype
As far as Minecraft not being on the leaderboard, I'm wondering if it is getting confused by a lot of answers specifying the minecraft version, or saying "Minecraft Functions" or "Minecraft Command Blocks" and stuff like that
I want to have separate , , , , etc. categories
@AaroneousMiller I know Minecraft exists in the list of languages it finds, so it's weird it got left out
I'm going to port this to HTML + JS now so that we can all play around with the script together
CMQ: How to golf:
@taRadvylfsriksushilani It puts MATL ahead of Pyth now, which feels right.
def f(x):
    return e("<<".join("x"*x))if x<3else e("<<".join("t"*e(t)))
Q: How can this code be golfed

FmbalbuenaThis is a simple 3x3 2D listsimulator, I wanted to create (more golfy) and i got this: i=[b:=[0]*3,[0,1,0],b[:]] u=lambda:int(input()) while 1:i[u()][u()]=u();print(i) Try it online! Is there anything to be shorter?

@BgilMidol use semicolons to golf
saved 2 bytes
i need at most 100 bytes
def f(x):
    return e("<<".join("x"*x))if x<3else e("<<".join("t"*e(t)))
exactly 100
def f(x):e,t=eval,"f(f(x-1)-1)";return e("<<".join("x"*x))if x<3else e("<<".join("t"*e(t)))
@Fmbalbuena i need to save 5 more
def f(x):e,t=eval,"f(f(x-1)-1)";return e("<<".join("x"*x))if x<3else e("<<".join("t"*e(t)))
def f(x):e,t=eval,"f(f(x-1)-1)";return e("<<".join("x"*x))if x<3else e("<<".join("t"*e(t)))
4 more
def f(x):e,t=eval,"f(f(x-1)-1)";return e("<<".join("x"*x))if x<3else e("<<".join("t"*e(t)))
def f(x):e,t=eval,"f(f(x-1)-1)";exit(e("<<".join("x"*x))if x<3else e("<<".join("t"*e(t))))
@BgilMidol correct?
I don't think that's allowed
This is allowed, 100% sure
if you don't want then
def f(x):e,t=eval,"f(f(x-1)-1)";print(e("<<".join("x"*x))if x<3else e("<<".join("t"*e(t))))
@BgilMidol ^
Is there a way to improve my old answer
Cursed language feature: = is assignment, == is equals. So !== is not equal, and != is assign-anything-else
x != 1 will make x 0 or 2 or null or anything that's not 1
@taRadvylfsriksushilani nope, ! does so (In python only)
@taRadvylfsriksushilani x===y makes x an assignment to y
wait no
i miscounted but you get the idea
@taRadvylfsriksushilani I'm pretty disappointed that ¬≡ doesn't do exactly this in Brachylog.
Seems like it ought to, but it just fails. :/
Currently implementing a very basic terminal and file system library emulator so I can port my ranking script to HTML + JS lol
@DLosc I guess that's not "There exists an output that does not equal the input," but rather "There cannot exist an output which equals the input" (which, yeah, is clearly not going to work).
@Fmbalbuena I wrote a crack, but then realized I did it wrong, so I gotta go change it
give me a sec
@taRadvylfsriksushilani As long as you don't tell an lies
I can do autocomplete!
This will make it sooo much less painful to type in the names of languages
@taRadvylfsriksushilani HOW??
I'll never tell :p
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Please or i will ask to github copilot to hack you.
I'm using a second copy of the prompt and input behind the first, to pad a div to the right x-position
Imagine asking github copilot to solve a complex challenge?
@Fmbalbuena I found a crack using Python 2, but I can't find a crack with Python 3
I changed the source code
sorry, sorry i have to gtg
ever wanted context for how big the solar system is?
I've changed the simulator I made to a top-down view temporarily
so all you have to do
is zoom out
that big ring is the orbit of Jupiter
@GingerIndustries Is that to scale? Wikipedia says Jupiter orbits about 5 AU from the sun, but the radius of its orbit in your sim looks like a lot more than 5x the radius of Earth's orbit.
@GingerIndustries I'd love to slow down time a bit, so I can have a better look.
Q: Smallest OCI Container That Handles PID 1 Signals Correctly

Gabriel JonesIntroduction There have been a few examples of the smallest possible OCI container that does "X". Challenge Produce the smallest possible container that correctly handles PID 1 signal responsibilities. The container does not need to manage child processes. The container does not need to emit anyt...

i wonder how the ratio of questions that have at least one user who has posted multiple undeleted answers to it compares between our site and other sites
@taRadvylfsriksushilani I'm guessing the Vyxal score has some form of weighted average for including the flag variants? Is it possible to see how Vyxal scores without considering the"Vyxal s" submissions?
Not yet, which is going to be fixed soon
After I port it to HTML + JS, though, because this is looking seriously cool
@DLosc oh, it is. and saturn is ~30x farther.
Seeing √ å ı ¥ ® Ï Ø ¿ beat Husk reminds me of the fundamental flaw behind any system that ranks languages based on CGCC answers: people sometimes only use specific languages when they know the answer will be golfy, while other users use a language for any/all challenges
Okay apparently Japt -! is included twice
@taRadvylfsriksushilani If you're accepting suggestions, an ability to sort/select by language would be cool
Oh, for viewing the results?
This script is gonna be soooo overengineered and I love it
@GingerIndustries I don't get that. How can that fit with Jupiter having an aphelion of 5.5 AU and Saturn having an aphelion of 10.1 AU?
CMQ: How to golf
def f(n):
    return x if n<x-(x<<x)else f(~-e("<<".join("a"*e(a))))
@DLosc [X,1]≠ makes X be any integer other than 1, so it kind of exists
¬ cannot be used to assign a value to a variable anyway, due to how \+ works in Prolog in the first place (it backtracks through all possibilities to verify it never succeeds)
CMC: Implement sdate: Output September X, 1993, where X is the number of days since September 1st 1993
@taRadvylfsriksushilani dif/2 in Prolog does exactly that, and you can probably declare a new operator to write it as X != Y or something similar.
@Fatalize It can't be backtracked to get different results? Or am I doing something wrong?
So if you want to backtrack on it you need to create actual choice points such as labelling
If it created choice points it would always create infinitely many choice points which doesn't make sense with other metapredicates like findall
@hyper-neutrino Is that off by one? I'm getting 10376 for mine.
@DLosc I'm getting 10375.0.
(It should be the number of full days since August 31st 1993)
Assuming the website is correct, today should be 10376
@cairdcoinheringaahing <implement anything related to dates and times> -> no thank you
@Fatalize *cries in Jelly's lack of date functions*
@Fatalize Is there documentation (or a rule of thumb) on which builtins create choice points and which ones create constraints? When I write Brachylog, I'm constantly guessing whether I need or not, and I frequently guess wrong.
@DLosc The source code is the documentation
Jelly's only datetime function is ŒT which takes an integer z and does:
> Let the last three bits of z be abc. If a is 1, include the time; if b is 1, include the minute; if c is 1, include the second.
runs aways to hide
I think the "include the time" is meant to be "include the hour"
@DLosc More seriously, I don't actually have that problem that often? If it sounds like a constraint, it most likely is
on integers, at least
@Fatalize I've tried reading Brachylog's code occasionally, and the main thing it taught me was that I don't understand Prolog as well as I thought I did. ^_^
To be honest even reading the code it's not that obvious what behaviour you'll get
Most predicates for integers are constraints
like absolute value, square, etc.
most predicates that work on any type create choice points
(then you have stuff like multiply which creates constraints, but also choice points sometimes if the list of numbers to multiply is a variable...)
So a constraint is "we're not going to assign anything to this variable yet, we're just going to note that it can't be (e.g.) greater than 5, and if/when it gets assigned in the future we'll fail on any potential assignment that violates the constraint"?
And a choice point is "here are six different values this variable could take, and we're going to try them one by one until we find something that doesn't fail"?
@DLosc If you only read predicates or metapredicate implementations it's not that hard, they all have the same structure more or less
the transpiler on the other hand...
@DLosc Yes exactly, constraints are basically delayed checks
@DLosc Yes, although this reasoning kind of breaks with constrained integers where you would think they always have a set of values they can take
choice points occur when there are at least two different ways to satisfy a predicate, through disjunctions ("or") or different unification possibilities
When you set a constraint to an integer, you don't actually try to unify it to anything, you just constrain it, and there is only one way to do that: apply the constraint, so no choices involved
tl;dr there are choice points when during execution, the interpreter needs to "choose" something, which doesn't happen when you declare a constraint on something (that's not a choice)
And does create a choice point? I was going to say it means "try all integers in increasing order of their absolute value," but that doesn't quite fit because it knows to stop if existing constraints mean there are only a finite number of possibilities...
clp(fd) is... complicated
but yeah labeling respecting constraints intelligently is something it does
@DLosc creates one choice point for each possible value the integer can take
Under the hood, when you write >.∧0<., the internal variable for the output has an "attribute" that says it should be in the domain 1..4
so can only choose between 4 values
clp(fd) is the Prolog library that manages all of this logic and writing that is basically years of research and developpement efforts
because it's not always so obvious how the domain of an integer shoould change depending on the constraints
but at the same time you want to reduce the domains as much as possible (with no error obviously), to get more efficient constraint solving
(The guy that helped me extend so that it worked with infinite domains (say any positive integer) is the guy that actually developped clp(fd) for SWI-Prolog)
Q: Is OK to post a challenge for a sandbox post with 0 votes but is 1 week old

FmbalbuenaIs OK to post a challenge for a sandbox post with 0 votes but is 1 week old? I have a lot of sandbox posts with 0 votes that are posted to Main, But this is OK?

I have doubt ^
@cairdcoinheringaahing T-SQL, 33 bytes: PRINT DATEDIFF(D,34210,GETDATE())
@Fatalize That's really cool
@Fatalize Wait WHAT?
(to be fair that says more about the popularity of Prolog than the quality of Brachylog :p)
Ok, When Python mentions to Pyth?
and when Someone golfing language mentions someone language?
Most likely never
:174382174 Wait WHAT? Python mentions to Pyth????
@Fatalize That's not true, Jelly is mentioned in the docs for Vyxal :P
@AaroneousMiller Then Vyxal is serious
@AaroneousMiller No, Vyxal is verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrious
@Fatalize If you count PyPi as Python docs, then Jelly and Serious are both mentioned there :P
PyPI is definitely not docs lol
and I don't think jelly is on PyPI
Huh, guess Dennis didn't get round to doing that
He reworked it so that you can do import jelly tho, if you have it downloaded on Python's path IIRC
Pip is mentioned in the Python docs :P
...my stupid chemistry class is doing vinegar and baking soda volcanoes and the instructions say to "wear gloves and ask the teacher for help if you get vinegar on your skin"
This is 10th grade
What the frick is wrong with my school
@taRadvylfsriksushilani If you get vinegar on your skin, just lick it off, make a face and continue
CMQ:: is this valid?
@AaroneousMiller ಠ_ಠ
(It'll never terminate)'
@cairdcoinheringaahing But vinegar is an acid, and therefore incredibly dangerous to have come in contact with human flesh
@AaroneousMiller Ah, like how lemon juice will literally melt off your skin like the Ark of the Covenant
Baking soda is a strong base, so when you mix it with water it dissolves human flesh
@cairdcoinheringaahing I think Tom Scott made a video like that?
And the reaction produces CO2, which is famous for its toxicity
Welcome to Science with TNB :P
@emanresuA If it literally never outputs anything and never terminates, even on a desktop version that runs for an arbitrarily long time, then no, it's not valid. If programs with infinite runtimes were valid, I could write a valid program that solves the halting problem.
If it works in theory as long as you let it run for 9 trillion years or so, then yes, it's valid.
@taRadvylfsriksushilani It also produces the dreaded dihydrogen monoxide!
And the imagery of a volcano, which can kill people, could be troubling to younger audiences
@taRadvylfsriksushilani You forgot to group K (oK) and K (ngn/k) into K
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Also I don't know how you got 614 answers for Vyxal - a brief search gives ~900
@taRadvylfsriksushilani And idk what's up with your rankings for taxi and mornington crescent because taxi has more answers and higher golf rating but lower score.
@lyxal scan-dyadicmax is two bytes
@emanresuA Same issue as C (gcc) and V (vim)
Single letter language names aren't getting handled properly due to a mistake in the regex
@emanresuA Uncommon flag combinations could be a possibility for some of them, and any posted in the last month won't have been caught
The last month?
@emanresuA More answers actually make the corr. score lower for languages below 1000
Are you using SEDE?
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Hmm ok
@emanresuA Yes, but since I've been working on this for over a year, fetching new answers every time SEDE updates would've been way too annoying
And I had no idea I was going to get it working last night
Oh ok
How are you bypassing the 50k or so answer limit on SEDE?
Modulo'ing the ID by 4, and downloading each of those groups
Oh nice :P
The script finds all posts-*.csv files in the directory, not just a single one
@Adám This is a planned feature
@GingerIndustries Loading seems to be broken
console says type error planets is null
and planets is not iterable
anyone know a better way to do atob to a typed array? I currently have Uint8Array.from(atob(string), c => c.charCodeAt())
UTF-8 encode? Likely to be longer
Golfingwise, .fromn't
i'll fix it :/
I got vinegar on my skin and I didn't melt
I do smell like vinegar now though
Rather strongly
@taRadvylfsriksushilani How many people have signed up for the profile swap?
@taRadvylfsriksushilani that's unfortunate. maybe try bleach next time?
I'm not sure we should do the swap
@taRadvylfsriksushilani what? why? It's a time-honored tradition
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Did you tell your teacher?
@GingerIndustries It's happened once
Caird brings up a good point, I'm an RO now, so swapping profiles with someone is probably a bad idea. It was only mildly funny the first time, and still caused a huge amount of not-that-funny chaos
@cairdcoinheringaahing A time-honored tradition!
I do still think that a profile-swap form of guessing who is who could be fun
well if we don't do it we should do something else. I will not be bested by Wikipedia
Just, not in this room, and as a game
@cairdcoinheringaahing Yeah, but maybe not in TNB :p
I can spell
If you were ninjad by caird, were you ninjaird?
@AaroneousMiller ಠ_ಠ
you know you've really screwed it up when the orbit of Saturn lies beyond the area the randomly generated stars are created in
but no, my numbers don't lie
nvm my numbers 100% do lie
the sun is now to scale
@GingerIndustries link to simulator?
You can get into weird situations where your view is broken
Try zooming into the small planets and the zooming gradually slows down, then you get stuck
@taRadvylfsriksushilani yea, I'm working on the reset button
@taRadvylfsriksushilani What is profile swap?
codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/2140/… any more feedback before i post this?
I think you are done
but wait a bit more
why should i wait longer i posted it like 4 days ago
wait 1 hour maybe.
@EphraimRuttenberg it looks good to me
Hmmm you can post now
@EphraimRuttenberg This looks good, and I agree with you about the uncertainty about including the letter scores. You could allow answerers to take a mapping of letter -> score (or equivalent) if they wish
yeah i added that into the challenge
I'd also suggest emphasising that the word doesn't need to be a legal scrabble play, just to avoid any possible confusion (maybe bold that sentence?)
Otherwise, looks ready to post
Q: SuperSquares NxN

drmosleyGiven an integer N from 1-9, you must print an NxN grid of NxN boxes that print alternating 1s and Ns, with each box having an alternating starting integer. Examples Input: 1 Output: 1 Input: 2 Output: 12 21 21 12 21 12 12 21 Input: 3 Output: 131 313 131 313 131 313 131 313 131 ...

@DLosc you're right, it was broken. I fixed it :/
on that note, onioni?
yesterday, by caird coinheringaahing
@SandboxPosts @Fmbalbuena this would be a better challenge if it was just "given two inputs, do the sum as follows" instead of making it about doing the sum for pairs of elements in the input
I have (part of) the language ranking script running in the browser :D
Q: Score a Scrabble Play

EphraimRuttenbergBackground In Scrabble, players take turns placing tiles on a grid so that each contiguous set of (more than one) tiles in every row and column makes a word. In one play, tiles can be placed anywhere in a single row or column as long as they are all part of the same word. A word is scored (withou...

There's no need to make it about a list to sum elements, just do it as two inputs
@cairdcoinheringaahing I don't understand you
@Fmbalbuena Currently, you're asking to implement a function f (the "sum") with that behaviour, then, given L = [a, b, c, d, ..., y, z], return [f(a, b), f(c, d), ..., f(y, z)]. Requiring the challenge to "sum" over every 2 elements instead of just 'given two inputs, "sum" the inputs' is unnecessarily overcomplicated
Return [sum(a, b), sum(c, d) ...] where f(x, y) is sum and a, b, c, etc is elements of the input
@cairdcoinheringaahing correct title
No, don't change the title, change the challenge
Don't bother with returning a list, just return f(x, y) given x and y
I need to change the title to "Sum two lists"?
Does anyone know if answers in Vimscript are the same as answers in Vim?
(For the ranking program)
CC @AaroneousMiller
I think I've seen them referred to interchangeably
@GingerIndustries onion my ma is that you should allow 0-based indexing. Also, you might change the flavor text to clarify that the robot never "breaks" in the scenario imagined by our solution, but rather stops before a jump that is too large for it.
@taRadvylfsriksushilani I don't think so, although some of them might be incorrectly labeled.
@DLosc ah, thanks.
For example, this answer definitely will not work as-is in Vim. That kind of Vimscript answer is a separate language (albeit a closely related one, which can be run from within Vim).
CMQ: Do you ever "autocorrect" yourself? Like, when I try to type certain words that are very similar to common ones, I end up typing the second without even thinking
camera reset is done (but looks a bit odd)
On the other hand, this answer is actually Vim, even though it's labeled as Vimscript.
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Yes, that happened to me earlier this week. I wish I could remember what the word was.
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Yes, I almost always write Redowlf: chat.stackexchange.com/search?q=redowlf&room=240
@cairdcoinheringaahing The irony of typoing a typo X^D
("almost always" yes I see how many times I've ddone it. That doesn't count the edits where I've corrected it :P)
@DLosc It's surprsingly hard to make a typo on purpose
Also, my brain isn't functioning tonight
@cairdcoinheringaahing Seems like an example of self-autocorrect then :p
@taRadvylfsriksushilani LYAL vs Lyxal
Apr 29 '21 at 6:36, by Lyxal
Pet redwoof: medium dog weighing 5.00 kg at 16 years old (No doctor assigned)
I started to make a golfing language but this is not full interpreter
(Don't ask me why)
I swear, having to regularly cook for myself at uni has messed up my eating habits so much. Its 10pm, and I'm eating tuna from a can and drinking a beer ebcause I can't be bothered to actually make anything :/
I have to gtg now o/
@cairdcoinheringaahing My go-to foods are different, but yeah, relatable
Tortilla chips, beans, and salsa makes a good snack, but sometimes it turns into a meal
@DLosc This isn't even my goto food: my accommodation provided me with a couple of boxes of free food (I think cause I reported I tested positive for covid, so they assumed I was in my room instead of at home), so I'm working my way through that
Canned mac and cheese is the worst thing I've ever had
@cairdcoinheringaahing Oh, lol
@lyxal Can you star This? because you starred a lot of github repo
@emanresuA that was from testing data from a uni assignment I did last year
And the names are based on all the minecraft dogs I had on the redwolf smp
I had a house called The Nineteenth Bark
And it housed dogs such as "Razewoof", "WoofKing", "UnrelatedWoof" and so on
Wow lol
Thinking back to it now, the family tree I accidentally created would have some really weird implications for here
in CG&CC-gaming, Dec 17 '20 at 1:01, by Lyxal
HyperWooftrino, Wood-only, Redwood Programs, Razewoof II, UnrelatedWoof, Doorwoof and Caird Woof(however the name is spelt...i don't remember exactly)

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