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can i make puzzle called create a list whose ith element is the maximum of the first i elements from a input list
[0, -1, 3, 8, 5, 9, 8, 14, 2, 4, 3, -10, 10, 17, 41, 22, -4, -4, -15, 0]
[0, 0, 3, 8, 8, 9, 9, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 17, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41]
its relatively simple tho
I've got 3 bytes in vyxal: KvG
Prefixes, maximum of each
for my puzzle?
another puzzles possibly could be find the XOR of two given strings interpreted as binary number
although its possibily duped
wow nice lyxal
can u suggest which one i post, or both, or neither
@DialFrost it'd probably be the approach most golflangs would use
Meaning you'd have a bunch of 3 byte submissions
@DialFrost I feel like I might have seen this somewhere
so er i dont post the first one?
how bout the second
@DialFrost probably not
Q: XOR two strings

Dom HastingsGiven two strings as input, return the result of XORing the code-points of one string against the code points of the other. For each character in the first input string, take the code-point (e.g. for A, this is 65) and XOR the value against the corresponding index in the second string and output ...

That's what I was thinking of
Not exactly a dupe
It's the xor of code points
Not binary strings
but still too close
Xoring strings of 1s and 0s would be dupe worthy I think
But xoring two strings with an alphabet of two characters
That could be an interesting idea
A sort of bijective xor
i have 0 idea wat ur saying but okey lol
how bout shift numbers of a given list, so that they cover the range 0-1
so like u have to keep the proportion of numbers
but divide them so they are above 0 and below 1
prob dupe
Isn't that just taking the reciprocal of each number?
(it might not be)
(I'm asking a question not saying it's 100% a dupe)
so like this
input is
18.5,17.0, 18.0, 19.0,18.0
output is
0.75,0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 0.5
actualyl i should change the decimal places but nvrm
u think bout it first lol
sry i gtg eat dinner first
Cool cool
Whoops, mis-read the CMC
That's a pretty hard one
im back
wdym coder?
I was trying to solve a CMC
lxyal is the puzzle ok??
idk tbh
i js randomly make one
usually theyre not very good
@DialFrost I think it has potential
It needs to be a tad clearer as to how to generate the new numbers
But it's got a good foundation
ill post it in sandbox now
wat tags shld be under it?
how bout numbers?
wait no such tag
Post it in the sandbox and I'll suggest tags once I see the full specs
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

DialFrostProportional numbers Your task is, given a list of float numbers, to rescale and shift numbers of a given list, so that they cover the range of [0,1], basically meaning the numbers, n, have to support n>=0<=1 This may be confusing, but you have to divide the numbers and keep their proportion to e...

@Coder Try it online!????????
@DialFrost I've edited some suggested tags into the post
thx lxyal
No problem 🙂
@Coder doesnt work
how bout a puzzle where u sort numbers based on strings
so like the only strings u get are "one two ... nine"
limited input
but its quite lame tho
im pretty sure theres a challenge with number palindromes up to n
(I should make sure not to leave in any debugging code in my submission next time)
Q: Find my other token (Cops)

thejonymysterRobbers thread Cops, Choose two strings of code, one public and one secret. We will call them P and S. You will be writing a program using only repetitions of these strings. For example: if you choose P=helloand S=world, valid programs would be hello, world, helloworld, worldhello, helloworldworl...

2 hours later…
Hi; what are the requirements for a language to be able to be used in submissions? I was working on one a while ago that supported text output (basically just that) and I wanted to use it in [kolmogorov-complexity] tasks
There are no requirements.
@Komali one sec, I'll find the meta post
@WheatWizard huh, thought there were
Q: Do submissions have to be answered with a programming language?

Nathan MerrillWe've got various answers strewn across meta that tell different stories: On the standard loopholes, we disallow answers that aren't programming languages. This appears to be the most definitive answer of the lot. It has a vote count of 16/-8. However, on a question that asks "Should answers ...

@Komali ^ that's the one
I have accidentally deleted the Moon
@GingerIndustries H
@GingerIndustries oh i dont see it outside in the sky too
@PyGamer0 well if you can't see the irl moon then that is a much worse problem
@PyGamer0 found the issue, I managed to break the rotation values
CMQ: Fast Knuth up-arrow notation in python?
@BgilMidol that's a bit of an oxymoron
@GingerIndustries where?
@BgilMidol Your question. Up-arrow notation is used to represent very large numbers. If I'm understanding correctly, you want to calculate that?
@GingerIndustries no, I want a faster implementation.
@BgilMidol You want to calculate the number represented by up-arrow notation?
@GingerIndustries I already have an implementation, but it's a bit slow. I want to make it faster
@BgilMidol I can't really help you there.
@emanresuA It's doing what now
It only compares languages' rankings on the same question
So, for Add Two Numbers, it'll find every pair of languages competing. Then, it'll update the score for all of those based on how they perform in that challenge.
Now, the method you suggested where you just count wins, or any variation of it, would be strongly biased, toward questions with more answers, or more popular languages, etc.
@emanresuA This is by design
The goal of my ranking system's "pure" rankings is that it has the specific mathematical property of score_a / score_b being the ratio of expected byte counts
I will have tag-specific scores as well, and answer-count-biased ones will be the primary ones shown
But trust me, I have put more than a year of thought and work into this, so it's pretty likely that most of the issues y'all think of are already planned to be addressed :p
@BgilMidol It could very well just be slow due to the computational cost of working with very large bigints
And in that case, there's very little you can do other than reorganizing the computations into something like a binary tree
@taRadvylfsriksushilani when will the next chapter release?
In a day or two, I'm working on the language ranking stuff right now
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Wheat WizardChallenge Statement The goal of this challenge is to build the 5 state Infinite Time Turing machine that takes the longest to halt. The rest of this challenge is some definitions and an example to help you. Turing Machines For clarity we will define the Turing machines as used for this problem. ...

Working on the animations for this and I'm hoping to post it later today.
Q: Generate a random number in a range, but it cannot repeat

sigmaxfHow would you create a function in javascript that returns a random number between 0-5000, but in any calls to this function, it cannot return a number that was already returned in a previous call. After 5000 calls, it would return null or false (as there will be no numbers left that were not pre...

@WheatWizard hype, this looks really cool. i like the formal definitions even though i already understand turing machines
unrelated but: can anyone explain the busy beaver a coin question to me r/like im five or whatever
i know i was annoying in the comments but it really seemed like a nonsense question to me i just wasnt getting it at all
but liek i Want to understand
i want to believe
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Bgil MidolSlice the source code cops-and-robbers Cops First, to understand slices, see here. Cops, your job is write to a program, that when sliced, will input a string and reverse it. The slice could be something like [::-1][2::6] which means "reverse the code, then get each sixth char starting from index 2.

Feedback on ^?
@BgilMidol you should explicitly define what transformations are allowed,
and also: does the unsliced program have to do anything?
@thejonymyster no
then is it really a program
no uh
does it have to be valid code at least?
its ok if not i just wanna make sure i understand
ok yea that makes sense
that should be clarified then too eventually
and then im guessing robbers just have to find a valid transform of the same code which also solves the challenge
well yes
right i know thats kinda obvious but i didnt wanna assume in case you had some crazy other idea lol
maybe have the cop specify how many slices they did?
and have that be a maxima
or something idk lol
this seems like a good challenge idea and +1 but u should copy the relevant info from the link cause challenges should be self contained etc etc
@thejonymyster The idea is that BB(n) is not computable, but if you had a lookup table you could in lookup the answer. A lookup table could be encoded all sorts of ways. The idea here is that it would be encoded in the probability of a coin flip. You then estimate the probability of the flip in order to extract information.
Guys I made the world's most useful progress bar
> 1100011.00011111100010101011001101001101101101110101%1%%
@taRadvylfsriksushilani whats that?
I did .toString(2) instead of .toFixed(2), so it converts the percentage to binary instead of rounding :p
well, what does it say in base 10?
99.1% or so
@taRadvylfsriksushilani what is the percentage for?
Progress for each round
of what?
The ranking script's calculations
what does it rank?
@WheatWizard ah
@taRadvylfsriksushilani why are there 3 % signs?
Because I rely on the fact that the percentages never get shorter in lengths (which, with toFixed, they don't), and don't bother clearing the line before printing the percentage
Why have people VTC'd this as "needs more focus"? It's unclear, but I don't see how it asks for more than one thing at once
OverflowError: (34, 'Result too large') in python. I thought it supported infinitely big numbers?
@pxeger Agreed. I misclicked (should have been "unclear"), but now I can't change it.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

cheemsIs this a hamiltonian cycle? path-findinggrid There is a 3x3 square block made of 1x1 square blocks, with coins in each 1x1 block, starting from top left block you want to collect all the coins and return to top left block again, if possible provide instructions to achieve this. Rules From block...

Q: Longest infinite loop in 5 states

Wheat WizardChallenge Statement The goal of this challenge is to build the 5 state Infinite Time Turing Machine that takes the longest to halt. Since Infinite Time Turing Machines can run for infinite time your score will be a "transfinite ordinal". That's the challenge statement, but if you don't what all ...

@PyGamer0 Are you this esolang user?
if i was there i would also name it PyGamer0
ok, This name looks like @PyGamer0
@BgilMidol Yeah but your computer's memory doesn't
@Fmbalbuena i mean they both have "Py", sure
@taRadvylfsriksushilani so why doesn't python get more?
@thejonymyster i really want to changemy name
you should do it
i dont like PyGamer0
Well your computer only has so much memory
oh yeah
@thejonymyster ill change it to gyxal :P
@PyGamer0 What is you username in esolangs?
or pyxal
Usually numbers aren't big enough for that to matter, but...tetration grows pretty fast
@Fmbalbuena i dont think i have an account there,
just join esolangs.org and see if you have a account
if i had an account here this would be my username @thejonymyster
@thejonymyster I know your username, link
or esolangs.org/wiki/Talk:Categorial if you don't want to rickroll
yup thats me
i even have a few langs up there
@BgilMidol commented
and i will upvote when Robbers is clarified.
@BgilMidol Really? I need to understand the Robbers' challenge
Cracked <somebody>'s answer
The slice is [::2].
Is not good but
Cracked <somebody>'s answer
iimmppoorrtt  ssyymmppyy;;pprriinntt((ssyymmppyy..iisspprriimmee((iinnppuutt(()))))
Is good
Because you can't know the code.
Ooh...I just learned a really ingenious trick
I was having issues with the geometric mean of a large list of numbers being Infinity due to float precision, and an SO answer suggested summing the logs instead of taking the product
wtf thats awesome
i love math
CMC: Post a challenge
@taRadvylfsriksushilani that happens? Because of float precision?
Yeah. Floats can only go up to around 10^300, and with a list of 600 numbers around 100, it exceeds that easily
what happens if you take the geometric mean of a bunch of logs
and then raise it by e... is that th exponential mean
@taRadvylfsriksushilani ey, that's my lineᵀᴹ
@thejonymyster That actually sounds kinda cool
Okay...Jelly's popularity-corrected score is almost 40000 lol
@taRadvylfsriksushilani it seems to get around the "exponents are noncommutative" issue
which simultaneously makes me go "wow cool" and "so that must mean it is wrong somehow" gfdsg
Okay...who's ready to see the results of my rating script?
i am so ready
@taRadvylfsriksushilani mememe
It includes both the actual score and the corrected one based on popularity
@taRadvylfsriksushilani ?
It's a script I've been working on for about a year that ranks all languages on CGCC based on golfiness
@taRadvylfsriksushilani a year?!
@taRadvylfsriksushilani A YEAR?
Yep. Off-and-on, of course.
nonstop. no sleep
the "off" time is blinking
without food.
hamster feeder pipe thingy
or one of those beer hats
Ok, so Husk is twice as popular as Vyxal?
hey look it even includes APOL
i kinda wish it were a fancy table so i could change the sorting
@GingerIndustries eyyy more than js and python
I'll make ones with different sorting, give me a sec
wtf my lang i made with exactly one answer in it isnt on here >:(>:(>:( :P
@taRadvylfsriksushilani my hero ty
wait, what are they currently sorted by?
it seems like
CORR.Rating first, then by sublangs
ok makes sense lo
Sublangs always go below the actual lang no matter the sort
it does make sen'se
I answered a lot of languages to codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/203233/…
its weird that the first few sublangs dont seem to be like.... golfier than the main
like especially the ones that are just flags
youd think that if a flag were included, its because it allowed the solution to be golfed more
Almost done
Includes sort by actual rating, alphabetical, and post count
@taRadvylfsriksushilani What is that?
It's all languages used on CGCC, ranked by golfiness
The one on the starboard is probably the sort you want
<number> <number> <number>?
First number is the number of posts using that language
Second number is the actual rating
Third number is the rating, with a multiplier based on the post count
okay so I've added jupiter to the model
Why not every lang?
there are some problems however
@GingerIndustries ???
can't see it? hold shift and drag
@Fmbalbuena Because I get my data from CGCC answers
you may have to do it for a while
So languages not used on CGCC can't get ranked
problems with jupiter being to scale:
1. it's so far away that once you find it the sun and other planets are actually out of the camera's far plane
2. it's so big that when viewing it the camera actually gets stuck inside the planet
3. it spins so fast I think it causes issues with my math by completing a full rotation more then once per frame
conclusion: jupiter is why we can't have nice things
One project I can use this for is ranking the best golfers on CGCC
Jupiter, the law breaker
I'd take everyone's answers, and compare their byte count to their expected byte count based on the rankings
@GingerIndustries force jupiter into the bg
On average, a Jelly answer to a question is 17% of the byte length of a JS answer
okay, I changed some things and jupiter is now visible, it just looks a bit odd
I'm rather surpised JS has a higher score than Haskell.
Their scores are very close
A JS answer is going to be about 1% shorter than a Haskell answer it seems
I was hoping I would have had enough Haskell + hgl answers for it to show up.
Wait, so what exactly is the difference between the rating and the corrected rating?
Hmm, I do count a lot of Haskell + hgl answers...I'll check the script
I have 20 of them.
@AaroneousMiller The corrected rating takes post count into account. So a language with 10 answers will be pushed closer to a score of 1000 since there's not enough answers to be certain
makes sense
I also have somewhere around 10 Haskell + free answers.
Oh, I last downloaded the post data on Jan 4th, and most of the Haskell + hgl answers are newer than that
I immediately dislike your ranking system because bash is higher than zsh :P
@taRadvylfsriksushilani huh, there are more answers in Retina than Charcoal
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Huh. So the only reason why Jelly has a massively higher corr. rating than Vyxal is because there are more answers in Jelly than Vyxal? Seems odd.
Yeah, that's the only factor that it takes into account
Really the rating itself is far more "correct", but the corrected one looks a lot more like what people expect
Well, all that matters to me is that the rating of flagless Vyxal is beating both Jelly and 05AB1E, even if only by a small margin, so I'm happy with the results :P
Well, that's not flagless vyxal
That's vyxal combined with all flag combinations of vyxal

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