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some day I'm going to make a Minecraft Forge tutorial
with all the stuff
Imagine using forge
Made by multimc and fabric gang
@lyxal wait no not this again
@lyxal Forge, Fabric and MultiMC must all unite against the common evil of MCreator
Admittedly I don't know how to properly load the mods I have with mutlimc
only wimps who are too lazy to learn Java use MCreator
I wouldn't immediately bash it like that
It seems to be a good starting platform for mod creators
@lyxal ninja'd
@lyxal I wouldn't immediately bash it like that
it's the oldest one that's still supported and as such has many mods created for it
JS experts: Why does [3, 3, 2, 1, 0].map([].indexOf.bind([1, 2, 3])) return [ 2, 2, -1, -1, -1 ] and not [2, 2, 1, 0, -1]? Try it online!
Said another way: Why is not equivalent to [3, 3, 2, 1, 0].map(x => [1, 2, 3].indexOf(x)), which produces the expected answer?
is indexof modifying the local array within the function somehow?
it seems to "remove" the first element every time it is executed
@JoKing indexOf here is just the builtin function, so I wouldn't have thought so, but perhaps it's implemented with some kind of state...
Map provides three arguments, changing how indexOf works
indexOf can take a second argument for a minimum index
Ah, that's it!
Thank you.
aha, lol
Got to love JavaScript :P
Any time someone mentions JS doing something weird, if map is involved, 90% of the time it's that :p
Funny I've run into similar gotchas with parseInt, which takes radix as a 2nd argument most people don't about...
I really think they should've had map and mapI, where only mapI is given the index as well
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Hey I have a question
Can you make a golflang with me when you bulid RTO?
@Jonah Another array programmer writing "unusual JS" ;-)
@thejonymyster Can you help me to print a generator?
i do not know how to do that ^_^
help me, make jony learn generators.
you want someone to teach me to teach you? seems like an unnecessary extra step
@thejonymyster I'll teach Fmbalbuena to teach you. But, I'm not sure how, so I'll need someone to teach me first
@thejonymyster No, because I want to make a golflang.
@cairdcoinheringaahing I'm willing to do that, but could someone give me some pointers on how to do that?
@user i think i've figured it out, but i need someone to help me explain it
@cairdcoinheringaahing @lyxal Do you know outputting infinite list (generator) in Python, because I need to learn
print(*gen) where gen is the generator works
inifinite values though
It still works, just takes infinite time to finish :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing maybe can you print(*gen)if gen==type(range(0))else print(gen)
@SandboxPosts status
@SandboxPosts @taRadvylfsriksushilani Sandbox is down
@Fmbalbuena Only mods and room owners can use that command
@SandboxPosts sorry
@cairdcoinheringaahing can you teach me a bit of Jelly?
Just a bit? Feel free to ask me in JHT
I'll check on NP/SP, since they seem to have been having some issues
SP's doing some weird stuff
OK, bye
Ohhh you know what might be the issue?
I think it's in multiple rooms, so it gets pinged multiple times?
Wait, no
But uh...
[03:13:53] request: chat.stackexchange.com/chats/1/messages/new
[03:14:00] request: chat.stackexchange.com/messages/ack
[03:14:00] request: chat.stackexchange.com/messages/ack
[03:14:00] request: chat.stackexchange.com/messages/ack
[03:14:00] request: chat.stackexchange.com/messages/ack
[03:14:00] request: chat.stackexchange.com/messages/ack
[03:14:00] request: chat.stackexchange.com/messages/ack
There's some stuff that's seriously broken
I should really finish NPSP 2.0
What happened?!
{"time_stamp":1642303005,"content":"There's some stuff that's seriously broken","user_id":347075,"user_name":"ta Radvylf srik su shilani","message_id":60163490}
{"time_stamp":1642303005,"content":"There's some stuff that's seriously broken","user_id":347075,"user_name":"ta Radvylf srik su shilani","message_id":60163490}
{"time_stamp":1642303005,"content":"There's some stuff that's seriously broken","user_id":347075,"user_name":"ta Radvylf srik su shilani","message_id":60163490}
Every logged piece of information is duplicated five times, as if there were 5 WS instances running at once
Well, should be fixed now
why on earth is !("" instanceof String) lmfao
what is it then
@hyper-neutrino stackoverflow.com/a/56655832 This is defined in the ECMAScript specification Section 7.3.19 Step 3: If Type(O) is not Object, return false.
Woo. Just got my 500th bronze badge.
@hyper-neutrino "" != new String("")
String, Number, Boolean, and a few others are like Java's Integer, they're wrappers around the primitives. However, in JS they add literally nothing
So instanceof String is checking if it's one of those String wrappers, rather than a string primitive
And that's what leads to my absolute favorite line of JS of all time: !!(new Boolean(false)) // true
so i suppose 1 instanceof Number would fail too?
@taRadvylfsriksushilani that's wonderful
@WheatWizard \o/ congrats
1 hour later…
@WheatWizard I do have more distinct bronze badges than you, although obviously I suck at asking questions so I don't have hundreds of nice question badges for example
I'm back!
(I mean, on a device where I can type a message in less than two minutes)
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Same lol
Advertising's job was to connect people with things they might find useful, but it's really lost its purpose.
Honestly, if a company advertises their product in a way that respects me as the customer, and gives an honest description of the product, a review from a purchaser, or something like that, I'm not going to be annoyed and might actually consider buying it if it's something I need. Unfortunately most companies seem to be under the impression that the more they annoy and bother me, the more likely I'll be to buy their stuff.
Advertising should exist, I think. There's products that you just don't really think to discuss recommendations for ("Hey, Joe! What brand of cat litter do you use?"), or where quality differences might not be so obvious just by looking, or where the product isn't something you'd need often or find in a grocery store (where a consumer wouldn't be likely to be aware your product exists).
In those situations, good advertising would benefit everyone. The company gets more customers, the customers become aware of a better option than what they're currently buying/are aware of a new thing that could be useful to them, and the site hosting the ads gets money to continue doing what they like doing.
But honestly, if someone can figure out that you're looking for a new laptop, that's kinda concerning privacywise.
Yeah. Ads in their current form are pretty dystopian and often just plain obnoxious for the consumers.
And if you need a new laptop today, then you'd probably prefer to buy one from a local store instead of buying one online.
@taRadvylfsriksushilani But my opinion on that is that consumers don't really have much power to change that. Blocking ads is an indivual solution, but I don't think that will ever be sufficient to fix the global/systemic issue of current advertising.
Q: Does having no 'if' blocks in code mitigate side-channel attacks?

postoronnimLooking through descriptions of Spectre and Meltdown it seems that speculative execution - the basis for these attacks - occurs only with branched code. Therefore, it seems logical to conclude that having no if statements would preclude speculative execution and consequently, the side-channel att...

why is it that old canonicalish challenges had to impose built-in restrictions?
why did people think it was a good idea to do that?
Yes, go on, write a program without any conditionals
@lyxal ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Q: Convert from base 10 to base 2 without built-in base conversions

TheDoctorBackground: You have been given an assignment to convert base 10 numbers to base 2 without using any premade base conversion functions. You can't use any imported libraries either. Problem: Convert an input string from base 10 (decimal) to base 2 (binary). You may not use any premade base ...

@emanresuA Branchless programming is a thing
any other question asking for dec to bin would probably be vtc'd as dupe of that
Especially in cryptography
@taRadvylfsriksushilani I thought this had more spelling mistakes than it actually did.
Side channel timing attacks are a serious issue, so using bitwise/boolean tricks instead of branching is almost always required for some stuff like implementing crypto algorithms
Like constant-time comparison?
@lyxal That's what downvotes are for
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

ta Radvylf srik su shilaniBCD to binary, with bitwise atomic-code-golf In this challenge, you'll convert an 8-digit BCD (Binary Coded Decimal) number to a 32 bit (unsigned) integer in the fewest instructions possible, with only bitwise instructions available. Task: You'll be given a single positive integer as input, from...

Ooh, Atkinson Hyperlegible looks really nice with Roboto Mono. I know what font I'm using for RTO now :D
(For anyone who hasn't heard of Atkinson Hyperlegible, this is a great video on it)
(I feel like this is a good choice to use for an online interpreter, since there are often languages with very similar names, so being able to quickly distinguish, e.g., l and I could be handy for esolangs with odd names)
Anyway it's late here lol so o/
Have any Linux users tried the new smart virtual background in zoom?
people never put their tags in their sandbox posts
I don't think is really relevant here
Ok thanks. Anything else?
Q: Is this continuous terrain?

emanresu AVery related You're given a piece of ASCII art representing a piece of land, like so: /‾\ __/ ‾\_ \_/‾\ \ Since an overline (‾) is not ASCII, you can use a ~ or - instead. Your challenge is to determine if it is connected by the lines of the characters. For example, t...

I guess
@taRadvylfsriksushilani abrudz.github.io/sans
1 hour later…
Finally! Why do I get everlasting "Just a second..." once in a while when I enter SE chat?
I have a question. Is it even possible to insert \x00 into code on TIO?
CMQ: How do I make this shorter? Try it online!
@PyGamer0 well there's the obvious lambda l,s:[l[i:i+s]for i in range(len(l)-s+1)]
or you can write it as lambda l,s:[l[i-s:i]for i in range(s,len(l)+1)]
itertools + more-itertools seems perfect
+1 byte, but might be improvable: lambda l,s:[[l[:s],l.pop(0)][0]for _ in l[:1-s]]
@null Yes.
I think it's only impossible to put null bytes on your clipboard
@NewPosts ugh please stop copying challenges I had in my mind
how do i apply f n times to an argument in python like APL's ⍣
I literally thought of it this morning
@mathcat i see you are using minefont for your pfp
@PyGamer0 Couldn't you define it recursively?
pow←{                   ⍝ Explicit function power.
    ⍺=0:⍵               ⍝ zero count: finished.
    (⍺-1)∇ ⍺⍺ ⍵         ⍝ tail call with reduced count.
or as a reduction?
pow←{↑⊢∘⍺⍺/(⍳⍺),⊂⍵}         ⍝ Explicit function power.
@PyGamer0 here's one way of doing it: lambda x,f,n:[x:=f(x)for _ in"_"*n][-1]
although a recursive or reductive definition will likely be better
@PyGamer0 yes, used it as a test first but it looks cool
@PyGamer0 a while loop should do fine
While? For a fixed number of iterations?
yeah while(n--):x=f(x)
oh wait python doesn't have decrement does it
while(n := n - 1): x=f(x) then
power = lambda f, n, *a: *a if n < 1 else power(f, n - 1, f(*a))
Why < 1 and not == 0?
@PyGamer0 you'll get a syntax error on the second *a
did you mean just a?
@pxeger yes that's the problem I've een having
@Adám how did you do it
DevTools :-) code.value=
@pxeger yeah
@Adám to handle -1 and below since i cant reverse the function like apl
I'd error rather than pretend that all is fine.
@Adám ok
@pxeger can we output a list of unit fractions
Hmm, I'm not sure
I'll say yes, but only if they're arbitrary-precision rationals, not floats
yeah that's what i was asking about
2 hours later…
@pxeger can you add more_itertools python module to ATO?
@emanresuA i think brave has a thing for advertising without tracking or sth
Q: Output every substring ... eventually

Wheat WizardYou will be given as input an infinite stream of positive integers. Your task is to write a program which outputs an infinite sequence of lists with two requirements: All lists in the output are finite sub-lists of the input stream. This doesn't have to be contiguous so [1,1] is a sub-list of [...

FGITW go brrr
or maybe more like BANGBANGBANG
(since it's a Gun)
Not just one Bang? Your aim must be really bad if theee shots are needed :p
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Why tf do they exist?
so I've come up with a concept for a rotationally symmetric triangular USB connector
patent it and manufacture it and give it to user
It better be rotationally symmetric
@user it's like usb-c except there's one difference
If you make a non-symmetric USB with more than 2 sides I swear I'll hunt you down and replace your laptop charger with a 10-sided USB that only works one way
2-sided non-reversible USB is bad enough
using big brain engineering, instead of having, say, 5 connectors total (5 identical on each side) I can have 15 connectors total (5 different on each side)
my design has uh
36 pins total
@user ill make a 60 sided usb for you then
ofc it will work one way
I hope you are doomed to use it for the rest of your life then >:|
so excluding big-brain pins that's 15 data channels
usb-c has 24 pins counting power, mine has 30 excluding power
@user eh ill bump the number of orientations of 120 and break into your house and change all usbs, hehehe
Will your design fit on those sleek new laptops though?
actually mine has 33 pins excluding power and big-brain
the downside is that it requires advanced usb chips to function and so is more expensive
i'd tell yall how it works but I want to patent this at some point
@user damn you
@GingerIndustries Go for it!
I hope you consider donating some money to me after you get rich though :P
who knows man
fun fact: my single favorite bash command of all time is sudo pkill -9 $RANDOM
russian roulette but worse
Russian roulette, Linux style
Gah, ninja'd
and my favorite insult is "I'm going to cd into your ~ and rm -rf your mom"
I thought people were more like files than folders
In fact, people in Java are mere objects, not even classes with their own files
@user most people are, but moms have a subdirectory for babies
check universe.planets.living.earth.entity.living.human.female
this is out of date now
Isn't there an updated version for 2016 and 2020?
i'll check
ninja'd by 5 milliseconds god damn it
@GingerIndustries fsck?
alternatively: touch finger mount
@pxeger ಠ_ಠ
be sure to rm ~/.bash_history so your mom won't find out
Where did you even find that shirt lol
@user probably your mom's house
(it's based on a pretty common meme)
Dang it, I was hoping it was available on Amazon
Although this is definitely not the sort of thing one would wear in real life
this particular image is from RedBubble, so if you actually want to buy one, go there
@user insert find joke here
@Fmbalbuena I have a question
@taRadvylfsriksushilani nothing compares to this regex monstrosity I found on SE
@GingerIndustries what does it do?
@mathcat checks if the device it's running on is mobile
in a browser?
@mathcat yup
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

mathcatClimb a ragged list code-golfragged-listascii-art Your task is to represent a ragged list as ASCII art that looks like a mountain. You are given a list of lists, either having other lists inside them or being empty. Here is somewhat a description: Looping through every list: If entering a lis...

@user wha
so you drink tea?
how ... how do you know?
i am batman
@PyGamer0 i am catman
and i am mathcat
*anime battle music*
Ginger vs. PyGamer vs. mathcat, who will win?
Secret weapon of mathcat: maths
place your bets
I would like a little background on all the competitors
Which weapons do they use, how many wins have they had in the past?
@user Ginger Industries: Master of stupid puns and golfposting, armed with The APOL cannon and The Power of the Smooth Furnace
What exactly is this APOL cannon?
@user it prefixes you
...not sure what that means but it sounds dangerous, so I'll place some money on Ginger
@user mathcat: master of rickrolling master of starting to make languages and giving up the next day
@mathcat if you're never gonna let us down then maybe you're a good bet
mathcat: knows the lyrics of never gonna give you up by heart
@mathcat well, I guess you know the rules and so do I
what about our last contestant?
wait wait wait
my most important weapon
SE Nitro
but my golfposting skill is unparalleled
and I have a backup fighter
oh no
@user GingerBot: Can summon any object in the Katlani vocab but can't interact with any of them, can execute arbitrary APOL at will
A bot sounds like cheating to me
@user I created it, it's my backup fighter
it also gives me a chance against SE Nitro
@user all we need is @PyGamer0
@user ok my stats:
- epic minecraft player
- lvl 100 on nethergames
and my secret weapon: words and swords
oh also i have a 1.5 kdr ratio
btw i use arch linux
i also have a backup fighter @Milk
he is a sock
Socks are not very useful weapons, I'm afraid
@user its clear i will win
wait isn't milk pxeger's?
because i know APL
@mathcat no
@mathcat that was a joke by pxeger
Oct 15 '21 at 12:17, by pxeger
@AaroneousMiller that was a joke. I was trying to wind up whoever really owns milk by not letting it be a mystery
Found this cool-looking site but nothing loads :(
Obviously, PyGamer0 is being mind-controlled by pxeger
ok i must sleep now o/
and i have a better sleep schedule than lyxal
Is that really a power, though? Night owls can stay awake and keep fighting longer
@user ?
I think it's time I have a sock
i was properly nocturnal for like the entirety of december and that shit actually sucked
didn't sleep very well during the day, wasn't very wakeful at night
@UnrelatedString I was semi-noctural. Wake up around 2/3pm, then go to sleep around 4/5am
Having 9am exams has forced me to change that :P
that was about my schedule for the first week or two but eventually i started waking up at like 7 pm and getting to sleep at 9 am
CMC: print Fibonacci(Fibonacci(x))
or rather i'd always feel half like sleeping by 8 am and sleep at either 9 or... noon
@Fmbalbuena Dyalog APL Extended: ⌂fibonacci⍣2 Try it online!
@Fmbalbuena Dyalog APL: +.!∘⌽⍨∘⍳⍣2 Try it online!
@Fmbalbuena Vyxal, 4 bytes
@Fmbalbuena I have a question
@UnrelatedString Why? Don't most places close at night?
didn't exactly go out that often
Imagine not going to McDonald's every day
I sleep 10pm-7am every night and if that gets budged by 15 minutes my entire week is ruined
I don't know how you people cope with such bad sleep schedules
I don't
I function best when I get like 10 hours of sleep from 9pm to 8am, which is not an option :(
@user that's 11 hours lol
I am not functioning at my best
I need to wake up at or before ~5:00am for school (okay, I could probably wake up later, but I'm so slow it takes me over an hour to get ready) and I can't go to sleep before like 10pm or I won't be able to do all my homework and stuff (okay, I could probably go to sleep earlier, but I procrastinate on everything)
is there a way in sql to create a table only if it doesn't exist already
i tried looking up "sql create table if not exists" but apparently "exists" is not a word people use
so my search engine tells me it can't find results containing "exists"
destroy it first to make sure it doesn't exist
This shows how to copy a table or sth nvm it appears to be what you want?
i don't think so?
Oh, only
@emanresuA i want to create the tables on startup so deleting them each time kind of defeats the point in having a database
i read from some page that i can't find anymore that there's some "IF NOT EXISTS" clause you can use when creating a table except that gives me a syntax error so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Q: Check if table exists in SQL Server

VincentI would like this to be the ultimate discussion on how to check if a table exists in SQL Server 2000/2005 using SQL Statements. When you Google for the answer, you get so many different answers. Is there an official/backward and forward compatible way of doing it? Here are two possible ways of ...

^ also provides a then block thingy where you can create the table if it doesn't exist
hm, alright, i guess i can do that then. thanks
i thought there was meant to be a simpler way than that
@hyper-neutrino that was a joke
The answer below the accepted one appears to be better
There is this but they just say to do the same thing ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
aow, git.io has shut down :(
it was my go-to URL shortener because you can only use it to link to GitHub, so its links were obviously trustworthy
You can put a rickroll gif in a readme tho
I don't think anyone really cares about that
there are at least three more
user (and variations of it) is a pretty common username
@pxeger (actually, I suspect that at least the last two are old or alt accounts of the real Redwolf)
I wonder if 10105 is Redwolf's date of birth (10/1/05? 1/01/05?)
Is Redwolf SMP a bot or something? (or was it supposed to be a bot?)
Ah, it is a bot
@hyper-neutrino I'm like 99% sure you can do CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS
it seems like that works, yeah. i just had it in the wrong place
@pxeger That almost fits...
Oct 8 '21 at 13:36, by Redwolf Programs
@cairdcoinheringaahing 16 as of a few weeks ago
(If it's 1/10/05) because americans
@pxeger here's the documentation for CREATE TABLE in Postgres:
  { column_name data_type [ COMPRESSION compression_method ] [ COLLATE collation ] [ column_constraint [ ... ] ]
    | table_constraint
    | LIKE source_table [ like_option ... ] }
    [, ... ]
] )
[ INHERITS ( parent_table [, ... ] ) ]
[ PARTITION BY { RANGE | LIST | HASH } ( { column_name | ( expression ) } [ COLLATE collation ] [ opclass ] [, ... ] ) ]
[ USING method ]
[ WITH ( storage_parameter [= value] [, ... ] ) | WITHOUT OIDS ]
@NewPosts Butter?
Poor Most Palone won't be able to do their homework now D:
@NewPosts Ran this through a plagiarism checker and... got three results from codegolf.stackexchange.com
i've had this in the sandbox for a while. is there anything in particular i can do to make it better / more suitable to post? its ok if its just not a good idea for a challenge, but so far people have been generally positive toward it
Thing is, repeated programs usually don't do anything interesting...
And it's quite hard to craft one such that when repeated a certain amount of times but no less, does a certain task, without it being obvious.
I suspect a lot of it is going to be <code>#<code>#<code># or if(i++==3)dostuff();if(i++==3)dostuff();if(i++==3)dostuff();
That's just my opinion tho
maybe it's better as a single player challenge as i originally thought
or idk
maybe 3 strings instead of 2 :think: whos knows
thanik you
Someday I'm going to track down the person who started calling 2700K bulbs "soft white" and stab them
Is it not more urgent to stab the one who decided USB-A should look symmetric but be non-reversible?
@pxeger Nope. Well, the 05 is from my birthday (that's why I picked it), but the 101's from...actually I don't remember.
Redwolf SMP is a bot, it was going to act as a bridge between the CGCC gaming room and the Minecraft chat
@redwolf10105 huh the link to your Stack Overflow profile on your SE chat profile doesn't work
> Page Not Found
Yeah, it was yeeted for sockpuppeting
So I have a new SO account associated with this account, but the one linked to chat is still the old one
> Half this account's posts are probably stupid and embarassing, but I was like ten so deal with it :p.
Shhh :p
Fun fact: If CJY's CGCC account was a person, it would be old enough to make its own CGCC account in just over two years
Oh, and their Stack Overflow account is already old enough to make its own Stack Overflow account: 13 years, 5 months
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