{"time_stamp":1642303005,"content":"There's some stuff that's seriously broken","user_id":347075,"user_name":"ta Radvylf srik su shilani","message_id":60163490}
{"time_stamp":1642303005,"content":"There's some stuff that's seriously broken","user_id":347075,"user_name":"ta Radvylf srik su shilani","message_id":60163490}
{"time_stamp":1642303005,"content":"There's some stuff that's seriously broken","user_id":347075,"user_name":"ta Radvylf srik su shilani","message_id":60163490}
Every logged piece of information is duplicated five times, as if there were 5 WS instances running at once
@hyper-neutrino stackoverflow.com/a/56655832 This is defined in the ECMAScript specification Section 7.3.19 Step 3: If Type(O) is not Object, return false.
@WheatWizard I do have more distinct bronze badges than you, although obviously I suck at asking questions so I don't have hundreds of nice question badges for example
Honestly, if a company advertises their product in a way that respects me as the customer, and gives an honest description of the product, a review from a purchaser, or something like that, I'm not going to be annoyed and might actually consider buying it if it's something I need. Unfortunately most companies seem to be under the impression that the more they annoy and bother me, the more likely I'll be to buy their stuff.
Advertising should exist, I think. There's products that you just don't really think to discuss recommendations for ("Hey, Joe! What brand of cat litter do you use?"), or where quality differences might not be so obvious just by looking, or where the product isn't something you'd need often or find in a grocery store (where a consumer wouldn't be likely to be aware your product exists).
In those situations, good advertising would benefit everyone. The company gets more customers, the customers become aware of a better option than what they're currently buying/are aware of a new thing that could be useful to them, and the site hosting the ads gets money to continue doing what they like doing.
@taRadvylfsriksushilani But my opinion on that is that consumers don't really have much power to change that. Blocking ads is an indivual solution, but I don't think that will ever be sufficient to fix the global/systemic issue of current advertising.
Looking through descriptions of Spectre and Meltdown it seems that speculative execution - the basis for these attacks - occurs only with branched code. Therefore, it seems logical to conclude that having no if statements would preclude speculative execution and consequently, the side-channel att...
You have been given an assignment to convert base 10 numbers to base 2 without using any premade base conversion functions. You can't use any imported libraries either.
Convert an input string from base 10 (decimal) to base 2 (binary). You may not use any premade base ...
Side channel timing attacks are a serious issue, so using bitwise/boolean tricks instead of branching is almost always required for some stuff like implementing crypto algorithms
BCD to binary, with bitwise
In this challenge, you'll convert an 8-digit BCD (Binary Coded Decimal) number to a 32 bit (unsigned) integer in the fewest instructions possible, with only bitwise instructions available.
You'll be given a single positive integer as input, from...
(For anyone who hasn't heard of Atkinson Hyperlegible, this is a great video on it)
(I feel like this is a good choice to use for an online interpreter, since there are often languages with very similar names, so being able to quickly distinguish, e.g., l and I could be handy for esolangs with odd names)
Very related
You're given a piece of ASCII art representing a piece of land, like so:
__/ ‾\_
Since an overline (‾) is not ASCII, you can use a ~ or - instead.
Your challenge is to determine if it is connected by the lines of the characters. For example, t...
You will be given as input an infinite stream of positive integers.
Your task is to write a program which outputs an infinite sequence of lists with two requirements:
All lists in the output are finite sub-lists of the input stream. This doesn't have to be contiguous so [1,1] is a sub-list of [...
If you make a non-symmetric USB with more than 2 sides I swear I'll hunt you down and replace your laptop charger with a 10-sided USB that only works one way
using big brain engineering, instead of having, say, 5 connectors total (5 identical on each side) I can have 15 connectors total (5 different on each side)
Climb a ragged list
Your task is to represent a ragged list as ASCII art that looks like a mountain.
You are given a list of lists, either having other lists inside them or being empty.
Here is somewhat a description:
Looping through every list:
If entering a lis...
I need to wake up at or before ~5:00am for school (okay, I could probably wake up later, but I'm so slow it takes me over an hour to get ready) and I can't go to sleep before like 10pm or I won't be able to do all my homework and stuff (okay, I could probably go to sleep earlier, but I procrastinate on everything)
@emanresuA i want to create the tables on startup so deleting them each time kind of defeats the point in having a database
i read from some page that i can't find anymore that there's some "IF NOT EXISTS" clause you can use when creating a table except that gives me a syntax error so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I would like this to be the ultimate discussion on how to check if a table exists in SQL Server 2000/2005 using SQL Statements.
When you Google for the answer, you get so many different answers. Is there an official/backward and forward compatible way of doing it?
Here are two possible ways of ...
i've had this in the sandbox for a while. is there anything in particular i can do to make it better / more suitable to post? its ok if its just not a good idea for a challenge, but so far people have been generally positive toward it