@GingerIndustries Your interpreter also needs to have a way to interpret a file composed of raw bytes as APOL code. That way, when you claim a score of 13 bytes, you can (if asked) provide an actual 13-byte file that runs the correct program.
apparently some students from two different high schools got into a fight by the marketplace near there and there was an axe, a machete, and a baseball bat involved. i'm so confused
@tjjfvi this is what I get if I replace the black in your image with white
Which title i should put?
Check if the Input is any shorter string (Call X) (len(input())>len(X)) X can be reshaped with the size bigger than the length of the string.
The string "abba" returns Truthy becacause "abb" can be reshaped to the size of 4.
The string "acc" returns ...
You could generate a random image, take the sum, divide by the expected sum, then multiply. That'll scale the colors to roughly the right amount, and you can apply random increments until the sum is exactly correct
That's much faster, and will result in a more uniform (but not perfect) result
@hyper-neutrino I wonder how many times you've posted this exact message and it's gotten starred. I think it's happened at least twice in the past week or two. :P
Operator precedence is dead
Calculate the result of some math expressions using the following constraints:
Numbers will be between 0 and 9
Operators are + - / *
Expressions will always have the format
Number operator number operator number...
Parenthesis have the highest precedence
The order of ...