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00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

I wonder if Log4j is turing complete
Might actually be kinda bad if it is, since the halting problem could be used to defeat WAFs, and it could lead to DoS attacks if infinite (or very slow to terminate) loops were possible
My server's missing out on all the fun, I had to shut it down for the next few hours
yawns I think someone forgot to give me my coffee or morning breakfast pastries
@ThomasWard ☕🥐🥐
ANYWAYS how is everyone
@Adám I think I feel hungrier.
@ThomasWard Good.
@grandBagel And I offer you an APL?
@Adám Are APLs edible?
@Adám I prefer Py'n'APLs
unrelated: i hate when major vulns make everyone go insane in the programming/security world >.<
@ThomasWard Not everyone
@ThomasWard I love it
@grandBagel Today, a colleague suggested putting Py'n'APL on Tatin.
IRL you rarely get to see things go really really horribly wrong all at once, whereas with major vulns you get to watch the world burn
Plus they're fun to read about
I'm probably going into cybersecurity in a few years, so this is the sort of stuff I like :p
And this one's not that significant, since Log4j isn't as widespread as, say, OpenSSL, so you get to watch the panic unfold without needing to make sure you're safe
@PyGamer0 Yeah, but that's a whole interpreter file. Vyxal's elements.py alone is larger than Jelly's full codebase
[text](link "hovertext")
(The hovertext is optional)
The "hovertext" is optional text that'll appear when you hover over the link
The link is where the actual link should go
Anyone who can crack this?
Finally it worked!
@RedwolfPrograms It’s still pretty widespread lol, we probably indirectly depend on it
I uh...forgot to go back in and fix that
Hopefully the teacher doesn't look at it super hard
@Adám heh.
@Adám well, I mean, I still hate it 'cause we on IT Security teams have to audit everything and do a ton of mitigations and stuff xD
and then attend all the security briefings xD
@RedwolfPrograms "Welcome Agent Tosh. Your assignment, should you choose to accept it, is 'ur mum'"
:o I got one of my own challenges with the random questions script
This looks like a very good idea by SE: asking people to list "essential" userscripts so that it's easier to not break things with their JS updates
Ooh that's cool
Should any of mine be listed? I'm thinking GRT
Not sure how widely used it is, but GRT would definitely be a nice idea. Maybe Custom Fonts?
CMC: given a positive integer n, if n = 0 or n = 1, return -17, else return 0. Can you do better than -17*(n<2) in Python?
4 bytes in Jelly: insignificant, times -17
Custom fonts is basically deprecated
Seems like something bitwise might work, given that ~16 = -17
Userstyles work much better for that purpose, CF was mostly just a stand-in
@cairdcoinheringaahing yeah, that's why I asked for something so boring and trivial because it feels like there ought to be a better option
@pxeger APL: ¯17×<∘2 or ¯17×2>⊢
Oh, and in conjunction with asking about userscripts, they are also asking about thoughts on an official API for userscripts
A: Essential Stack Exchange userscripts and the dependencies they utilize

Redwolf ProgramsUserscript name: Generic Review Tool (GRT) Primary audience: Reviewers Brief description: Automatically detects new review tasks and opens them in a new tab (a much lighter weight and actively maintained replacement for the older Review Stalker and Review Stalker Reloaded) List of objects/propert...

@cairdcoinheringaahing This is sooooo awesome
It's almost like the site plugins idea we'd had a while back, but much more feasible
@cairdcoinheringaahing Maybe someone should bring up the gradscript here
@RedwolfPrograms Maybe. The gradscript is sort of getting more and more irrelevant as time passes, as it's not longe being maintained
Oh, I really do need to make that leaderboard script I'd been planning...
Honestly, the only things jt still does are a different header, tags being green and a leaderboard on [code-golf] challenges
This seems like an interesting challenge, but definitely unclear in its current form
Maybe printing the steps in some way would be neat
That is a good euphemism for exploding: "rapid deterioration of characteristics and functions of customer systems". — trognanders 10 hours ago
:D I can upvote and do cool stuff on SE on DDG for Android again!
@Adám hey hands off my stash! You can't just go stealing a man's croissant stash like that
@lyxal Those are Danish pastries.
Not according to unicode
> Croissant was approved as part of Unicode 9.0 in 2016
Searching for the emoji on ddg returns results for croissant
It also renders as one, for me at least
That's a shiny croissant lol
The fact that Adam denied the fact they were croissant makes me even more suspicious that my night stash of croissants is under attack by code golfers
"Pastry" is golfier, I suppose
@emanresuA @AaroneousMiller @user remember when we were discussing getting a domain for vyxal? Well I just remembered I'm part of github education and that gives free stuff (such as domain registration for a year) to students
vyxal.me could be plausible lol
I don't think they'd be giving that kind of domain for free lol
It is only $18 a year.
Pretty cool domain, if I may say so myself.
brb, gonna buy it and resell it to you at twice the price
Same price for lyx.al so you can make lyx.al/vyxal
or vyxal.lyx.al or vyx.al.lyx.al
Well see I don't got money for paid domains lol
@RedwolfPrograms looks like some sort of powerful bracelet
@lyxal Sure, as long as we can hold onto it - we don't want deprecated links
is BMG exist?
@lyxal AICMC?
Not till 13 hours from now
Nice numbers
and my network rep is 69k
vyx.al is too good of a domain not to go ahead and buy if it's available
I mean you can find $1.50 a month just by looking at the sidewalk as you stroll around
I'm considering buying it and prepaying for five years or so, then just transfering it over to lyxal with or without permission :p
Someone just began supporting me with $2 a month through GitHub sponsors. That covers my aplcart.info domain.
I suppose I could finish setting up my own github sponsors account and see if that could work
All i have to do is finish writing the perks and stuff
Copy mine!
nvm Stripe is being stupid
it won't accept the digital licence that is perfectly valid in my state as proof of identity
oh nvm I didn't see the continue anyway button lol
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