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Oh, I'd heard the weather was quite gloomy all the time
i haven't been to seattle since i lived there when i was like 5 but i can still remember the weather not being ideal
i went to seattle once but i think the weather was ok when i was there
The states I've been to: California, Washington, New York, Mass., Vermont, New Jersey, Utah, Connecticut, and a couple more that I've just driven through
@Wezl-acautionarytale I could find like a million examples
i mean. i'm from an area where its 110F+ for 2-3 months of the summer reasonably consistently, i'll take sucky rainy weather
@Wezl-acautionarytale I feel very happy about starring this :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing "new jersey" o7 i'm sorry for your loss
Believe it or not, the weather isn't the only thing I dislike about the UK, and I do kinda like rain when I'm inside :P
Pet hobby: Triggering people's pet peeves :P
@Rɪᴋᴇʀ It was only to visit Princeton :P
spent less than 24 hours in the state :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing o7 i'm sorry for your loss x2
@cairdcoinheringaahing states I've been through: Alaska, Hawaii, and I flew over kansas on the way to the latter ;P
i have to gtg
Only kansas?
What flight did you take? :P
Must have gone into space midway, stopped in Kansas, then gone back into space lol
I only went through like 5 of the states of the UK though :P
aren't they provinces there?
oh neat
We don't have that kinda of regional devision
i know they've got counties lol
We have "regions", but not administative ones, and the closest we have are "constituencies", and there are 650 of those
I read that as countries
@Rɪᴋᴇʀ Yeah, but counties are basically nothing :P
Oh right, I went through England, Wales, Northern Ireland, and two others that I forgot the name of
...doesn't the uk actually have countries come to think of it
but yeah within england
Yeah, I guess that counts :P
@Rɪᴋᴇʀ same here
@Wezl-acautionarytale Well, there's only one more, and it's called Scotland
@lyxal CA, NV, or NM? :p
So I'm not sure where else you went :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing not when I went there
is the isle of man just within scotland
Did you go there in the 1700s?
@UnrelatedString No, but it isn't a country
It's like a special administrative region
ah so "crown dependencies" aren't within countries but don't have the full status of countries either
and there's like three of them that are all mid sized islands
Yeah, the UK is an absolute mess :P
@Rɪᴋᴇʀ NSW (I'm upside down)
@UnrelatedString The Channel Islands, probably
@lyxal ah, neat. yeah living in a desert really do be like that
@Rɪᴋᴇʀ even suburbia gets stupidly hot during summer (which is right now btw)
@lyxal well I live in suburbia that gives just too much rain to be a desert officially (mediterranean climate iirc), lol. school in september sucks since it doesn't cool off until like, mid oct
@Rɪᴋᴇʀ Here, read this absolute clusterfrick to understand the UK counties :P
@Rɪᴋᴇʀ mm yes hot days at school do be like that. mid-march is when things cool down here
sounds like about the right timespan, considering oct is the 3rd month after june and march is the third month after december (solstices)
> Large ceremonial counties often correspond to a single police force.
The fire service is operated on a similar county basis
the ambulance service is organised by the regions of England
@cairdcoinheringaahing huh. that's bizarre
@Rɪᴋᴇʀ do things start getting bad in may (one month before summer) for you?
because they start getting bad in November (one month before summer here)
@lyxal may is often somewhat decent? hard to say since school lets out at the end of may/early june so i was never really in class and annoyed at the heat for that time, so i don't remember
I know i'ts been really bad the last couple years, it only used to be 100F+ (37.8C+) back like 6-7 years ago
@cairdcoinheringaahing Keep in mind, this is only England, and doesn't even address the 3 other countries in the UK ಠ_ಠ
just turn england into one large state with no more subdivisions period. it's all the city of "london". rename england into "Greater London" as well.
and then do the same for scotland, wales, NI
Nah, lets just follow in the footsteps of 1800s US legislators and make everything into squares :P
whta about modern legislators? who make funny looking shapes?
turn the netherlands into a square, not in terms of administrative divisions but just geographically
welcome to gerrymandering 101
my favorite is the bottom left because the non-contiguity can't even be excused by bodies of water
Fun fact: not every weird shaped district is gerrymandered
and it also nearly has an enclave
The 4th congressional district of Illinois includes part of Cook County, and has been represented by Democrat Jesús "Chuy" García since January 2019. In November 2017, incumbent Luis Gutiérrez announced that he would retire from Congress at the end of his current term, and not seek re-election in 2018. Jesús "Chuy" García was elected on November 6, 2018. It was featured by The Economist as one of the most strangely drawn and gerrymandered congressional districts in the country, inspired the "Ugly Gerry" gerrymandering typeface, and has been nicknamed "earmuffs" due to its shape. It was created...
That was created due to gerrymandering, but due to the way that the population has spread out, it's actually generally representative of the two "arms", and wouldn't make sense to combine/mix with the centre section as they're generally differently aligned politically
oh, that's interesting
morning razetime
@cairdcoinheringaahing huh, neat.
that is actually really interesting
I think John Oliver did a pretty solid section on gerrymandering, and how "It looks weird" doesn't always mean "It's gerrymandered"
@Rɪᴋᴇʀ oh hai there
@cairdcoinheringaahing lmao what a savage
i wonder what that username means
(yes it's a rickroll, but it's creative)
@UnrelatedString I believe they're a friend of z nuts
@cairdcoinheringaahing answer gone, what'd it say?
it can be inferred from context
ninja'd ^ :/
@lyxal that's an incredibly pitched version of hte tf2 pan sound. lmao
"Offensive answer detected - Position 151-160: deez nuts" i like how it has a special slot for that
@hyper-neutrino γράφομεν ἕτεραις γλώσσαις; καλῶς!
thanks, google translate
Well, it's not wrong X^D
oh? what does that mean lol
("Are we writing in other languages? Great!")
@rues People used to do that
chatiquette actually doesn't mention language, although SE network-wide policy is to use english except on the sites where you don't
(It's Koine Greek, not modern Greek, so I imagine Google Translate will have more than the usual amount of trouble with it)
Back like when my grandparents were kids, they could bring bb guns to school, make rifles in woodworking class, all sorts of stuff
And like...I know times were different or whatever, but that's totally unimaginable to me lol
out of curiosity, why do you know koine greek?
@hyper-neutrino mods r funkillers, you heard it here first smh
@rues Sanskrit's not being actively developed, but there are several forks that are really popular
@Rɪᴋᴇʀ ^^ this tbh
@DLosc Fun fact: if you want your C/C++/C#/etc. developer friends to hate you, replace one of the semicolons in a file with ;
nah like i don't actually care all that much since this room is literally never on-topic, but i just checked and noticed i did not include anything about language
@hyper-neutrino didn't know you felt so strongly about sanskrit damn
@Rɪᴋᴇʀ Seminary + interest in the Bible + interest in languages
(because it's not really necessary)
@Rɪᴋᴇʀ ಠ_ಠ
@DLosc oh, you went to seminary? neat
what denomination?
Church of the Nazarene
@hyper-neutrino tha_tha to you as well
interesting, that's a kind of methodist right?
It's basically an offshoot of Methodism, yeah. There's a lot of other influences in there too, but the guy we consider our main founder was Methodist.
interesting. are you a deacon or somesuch currently?
(unclear what the proper term for somebody working as an associate pastor/etc. would be)
@cairdcoinheringaahing I completely agree, especially with the part where you said #
^ ## ####
@Rɪᴋᴇʀ Not currently. Long story short: I was an associate pastor for a couple years, it felt increasingly like not a good fit, so I went back to programming while I figure out life and everything.
@DLosc interesting, thanks for sharing. best of luck in finding a niche :)
@Rɪᴋᴇʀ Terminology is confusing, yeah. We do have deacons, but that's kind of a technical term that most laypeople wouldn't recognize. Pastor is usually the term people use (with various adjectives in front of it).
@Rɪᴋᴇʀ Thank you!
@cairdcoinheringaahing Interesting. Over in the US we have sheriffs for every county, but then also police/fire dept. for every city. Not sure which of our countries' systems is weirder lol
i'm familiar with deacon as non-head-pastor person who gives sermons at a given church [occasionally, at least], but specifically ordained/etc. :p
@Rɪᴋᴇʀ Which is where terminology gets funny, because Nazarene deacons are people who are ordained to some kind of ministry, but specifically not a preaching ministry (although there's nothing to say they couldn't preach a sermon from time to time). For example, the worship pastor at my mom's church was ordained as a deacon.
@Rɪᴋᴇʀ Which denomination was this?
@DLosc protestant/mostly nondenominational church. the head pastor was..... an interesting individual, idk his background but he had some unique beliefs about how a church should be run
@DLosc oh, that's interesting. I wouldn't have guessed that there was a difference like that.
Yeah... The terms "elder" and "deacon" come from terms used in the New Testament to describe church leaders, but since we don't have a whole lot of detail about the organizational structure of the early church, and since churches today are structured pretty differently anyway, the way the terms get mapped onto modern leadership roles can vary pretty widely.
> Fractals are shapes that are self-similar and are usually quite detailed.
I don't know enough about the math around fractals to write a more correct tag excerpt, but if anyone here does, that'd be appreciated
Ooh, I could maybe do that
I'm pretty sure the word "usually" could be deleted, for starters
I like how it says "fractals are self-similar" but then goes on to describe several non-self-similar fractals
I think we should get rid of the tag
@RedwolfPrograms I was thinking about that... the Mandelbrot set does exhibit some amount of self-similarity, though, doesn't it? Even if it's not exact
Hmm, maybe. But fracticals definitely don't have to be self-similar. E.g., the famous "how long is britain's coastline" problem is considered a fractal IIRC
> fracticals
Muscle memory from words like "practical" I guess :p
Fractical: a fractal with real-world applications
Can I make a 2048 tag? We have at least 10 questions about it
CMM: ^
Yeah, I count 12 questions about 2048, which is not insignificant, but also not big enough adding the tag to those over a week or two would be an issue
@cairdcoinheringaahing Wait what, I didn't send this
@RedwolfPrograms I was wondering about that too--isn't there a sort of self-similarity about even the coastline shape? It has random-ish bumps with smaller random-ish bumps. Then Wikipedia told me the term I was looking for was "statistical self-similarity."
@RedwolfPrograms I think it's worth asking on meta
Will do
@RedwolfPrograms I think it's a useful tag for challenges where a submission competes against a pre-written piece of code
Looking at the questions it's on, it's applicable to most, if not all, and there isn't another tag that covers it completely
Eh, ok. I'll maybe clean up the wiki a little bit later.
@RedwolfPrograms Note that seems to exist
Oh huh. Maybe that should just be applied to all the 2048 questions, many of which seem to apply. Maybe make a synonym?
Since I don't think a single one is correctly tagged with that
Okay some of them are
Okay about a third but still :p
> There is some disagreement among mathematicians about how the concept of a fractal should be formally defined. Mandelbrot himself summarized it as "beautiful, damn hard, increasingly useful. That's fractals."
@cairdcoinheringaahing I'll bring that up in the meta post
Found our new tag summary
Potentially, instead of creating a meta discussion about a new tag, create one about cleaning up the tag?
Identifying posts that should be tagged with it, and organising a retagging?
@DLosc I think maybe "infinitely detailed pattern" is a good place to start
Up to you tho, it's your post
Maybe I'll make a section of the post, but I think 2048 should exist either as a tag or a synonym, and I think sliding-puzzle's fine for the most part
All the cleaning up it really needs is some extra questions and maybe a synonym (both of which are directly related to 2048)
@RedwolfPrograms Yeah, "infinite detail" is a good phrase. My initial reaction is to say something like "geometric object" or "figure" instead of "pattern," but is that language too mathy?
I like "figure"
My hesitation about "figure" is that it might suggest something that fits into two dimensions, but there are also higher-dimensional fractals.
I actually like it for the opposite reason, to me it suggests any number of dimensions
Don't fractals have a non-integer dimensionality?
@RedwolfPrograms I added a proper tag wiki, feel free to edit if you think it needs improvement
Q: Should we make a 2048 tag?

Redwolf ProgramsCurrently, we have at least 12 questions relating to the game 2048. I think it would be worth creating a 2048 tag, as there are a non-insignificant number of these questions now. We have tags for other games, like chess, boggle, scrabble (many of which have fewer than 10 questions), so there is p...

Should be applicable to KotHs?
@DLosc Or at least I think that's always true, but since Wikipedia says just "fractal dimension > topological dimension," that technically might allow an integer fractal dimension... I'm not sure if that would make any sense, tho.
I think it's better to say fractional dimensions or real-number dimensions rather than non-integer
I think that's what was meant
Although idk if a fractal with an integer number of dimensions would make sense since I haven't read too much about fractals in a long time
@RedwolfPrograms 1) Fractional implies a rational number, which is not necessarily the case; 2) real numbers include the integers. What's wrong with non-integer?
Is it possible a fractal could have an integer number of dimensions though, "by chance"?
I was just suggesting those wordings if it is, but I don't know enough about the subject
a fractal is not defined by its standard topological dimension and y'alls wording seems to imply it is - a fractal dimension is a measure of (loosely) how well it fills its space
what's wrong with just saying it has a fractal dimension greater than its topological?
Most people are not mathematicians [citation needed] and don't know what either of those terms mean.
There's a question called "Can people who deny naturalism consistently believe in science?" in the HNQs, and I misread it as "naturism" and was quite confused lol
"Can scientists wear clothes and still be scientists?"
Having grown up around scientists, yes :P
It would have been a very weird childhood if not :P
I mean didn't one of the greek people a long time ago think of a smart thing while getting in a bath? Maybe wearing clothes is inversely correlated with scienceness but the slope is just really small
(That's not very good science, but after all I am wearing clothes)
@DLosc I think you could probably safely use those and trust people to google, honestly, or just elaborate more in the further description
Yeah, I'd put those terms in the wiki not the excerpt
The excerpt should be pretty close to layman's (or laygolfer's) terms
Given the lack of scientific advancements made during sex, I doubt there's any link between scientific skill and nudity :P
Hell, look at Newton
@cairdcoinheringaahing If he's nude, I don't want to
Yeah, but lots of people think of their best ideas in the shower
No, they think of ideas in the shower. Most of them aren't good :P
@DLosc Wow, just gonna be mean to Newton like that :P
Nah, I'm an equal-opportunity anti-nudist
Which is doubtless why I haven't made any major scientific breakthroughs :P
@RedwolfPrograms I think it would be pretty much redundant
3 hours later…
in Charcoal HQ, Nov 18 at 23:42, by Cody Gray
Sep 7 at 5:22, by Makyen
Quoting the chat message takes up a lot more vertical room and requires 2 chat messages, rather than one.
oh hey @hyper-neutrino do you know what せや な means in japanese? came up on discord and i do not speak japanese but you do and you're online
google gave me "yes" (kansai dialect?) plus a specific sentence ending that doesnt seem to affect the word just the contxet of the sentence
i'm still just learning so i don't know very much :P
jisho.org is good
oh neat thanks
oh actually that DDG translation seems better than google (which just puts it in hte latin alphabet)
@hyper-neutrino oh ok
@PyGamer0 there wasn't really anything wrong with you quoting your old message i just remembered that message and the irony is my quote is longer than yours, lol
lmao, even
i saw that you have quoted the quoted the quote lol
hah i thought that was the joke
@emanresuA i love how it doesn't provide a translation if you remove the space
how the fuck does it get "sesyn"
lmao what
"se" "ya" "na" -> "se" + "sy" "n" i guess? i see the "n" at the end but not sure how "seya" become "se" "sy"
lol yeah... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@hyper-neutrino jisho.org informs me that means "no comprendo". thank you for your service
@Rɪᴋᴇʀ Lol, I got "Don't understand" and thought it was an error
laughs in was halfway through looking up the kanji when i realized i've definitely heard the rest of the verb before
@emanresuA lmfao
@UnrelatedString ok weeb
@emanresuA xD
@UnrelatedString would it have helped if i used kana only
it wouldn't have been idiomatic but it would have been faster for specifically me to read ig
jisho tells me "usually written with kana alone" on 分かる and i assume by extension its conjugations
I'd go with わかりません :P
(Because I don't know kanji)
is that how they render in italics here
oh yeah would it be more appropriate to use formal or casual in a situation like here lol
actually caught me off guard for a sec
@hyper-neutrino oh interesting
@UnrelatedString what
that makes more sense
interesting that its doesn't have that connecting arcing bit but さき do
is there a name for that as like
a dimension of font variation
@UnrelatedString all of them do in my font
maybe i have a userscript to override it to dvsm or something
kind of forgot about that
...refreshed the page with the userscript off and it looks the same
i mean
we probably just have diff system fonts or smth like that
yeah probably
Love it when I get vindication for having the longest answer because actually mine was the only valid one
...thought I could bandaid-fix mine but didn't realize it's actually treating the initial 1 as a singleton list instead of actually taking its digits
tbh i was just too lazy to fix mine
it's 2:30 and i'm doing statistics idk what the fuck my life has become
it works if you slap DFƊ in before the ¡
and then it at least still ties pxeger's
(by the way the bandaid i was thinking of was prepending V to the repeated bit but then you just get a bunch of ones because you just rle a singleton lmao)
CMC: Almost flatten a list. Flatten a list such that it has a max depth of 2, rather than 1. [1, [2, [3]]] should become [1, [2, 3]]
@ATaco Jelly, 2 bytes: F€
...oh yeah
i was about to say
doing it the other way still seems interesting (i.e. [1, [2, [3]]] -> [1, 2, [3]])
@UnrelatedString that's just a max-1-depth flatten, rather than an all-but-one-depth flatten
i guess that would still just be uh
@UnrelatedString CMC:
@ATaco Oh true, vf in Vyxal
@ATaco v=>v.flat((f=a=>a[0]?Math.max(...a.map(f))+1:-1)(v)) (JS)
How much of this is stolen fro mJelly?
although i will add someother elements
CMQ: Do you think if Lynn runs the corpus again, will the results be different?
@emanresuA and i will change the characters
results are slightly different
Those aren't very useful :P
(Source: Vyxal)
> 45 !¡!
45 ¡!¡
what lol
What does MoveX(:MoveY) in Charcoal?
The question is edited to make more funnier
@emanresuA wdym?
The post has reposted and deleted all Immediately.
Ok undeleted
Someone can help me to learn Charcoal?
Charcoal fun
i have to gtg
@Fmbalbuena i think @Neil knows charcoal very well
@lyxal Turns out I can't post the AoCG for tomorrow, can you take it? (If not, get someone else to do it; this is going to be my last message for a while)
@emanresuA I can do that
I'll be getting reps while helping democracy. What more could I ask for lol :p
Because chances are I'll be posting the challenge while waiting in line to vote in our local council's election tomorrow

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