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printitall: 4bytes, :🍺
@PyGamer0 nope
@Fmbalbuena why
convert chars to X and don't look like bottle
oh waiy
Only tabs to ~ are allowed
no footer or header because php minium size to do anything is 4 bytes
while python is 0 bytes
@Fmbalbuena wat?
its a language i created just now
the header and footer is the interpreter for the language "printitall"
is not valid
it is
it prints everything
its even TC
because copy of this and this
@PyGamer0 TC? no, it's Total
it's easily TC
@hyper-neutrino wdym?
printitall is just a lamer version of foo
mainly since foo can be implemented in god's own language (rust of course) rather than python
^ uses python 3.8 for :=
@Fmbalbuena bet you those arent TC
@PyGamer0 What arent TC?
@Fmbalbuena text and quine
@PyGamer0 oh
@hyper-neutrino Oh, hey, look at that, ACE
@AaroneousMiller ACE?
Arbitrary Code Execution
In computer security, arbitrary code execution (ACE) is an attacker's ability to run any commands or code of the attacker's choice on a target machine or in a target process. An arbitrary code execution vulnerability is a security flaw in software or hardware allowing arbitrary code execution. A program that is designed to exploit such a vulnerability is called an arbitrary code execution exploit. The ability to trigger arbitrary code execution over a network (especially via a wide-area network such as the Internet) is often referred to as remote code execution (RCE). == Vulnerability types... ==
@AaroneousMiller you just needed to give me the full form
@AaroneousMiller actually you found a way to do ACE in an older version of Vyxal?
Doesn't Vyxal have a "run as python" operator?
ok give me any english word and i will give its full form
@RedwolfPrograms It does, but I believe it has some sort of safety thing to prevent you from wiping the server or whatever
@AaroneousMiller its disabled on the online interpreter
@AaroneousMiller I'd hope there's some better sandboxing than that lol
@AaroneousMiller It don’t run online do it?
@RedwolfPrograms lol nope
@PyGamer0 and several in the current version...
@AaroneousMiller Ferb, I know where we're mining bitcoin today
@Fmbalbuena ><>, 104 bytes:
i do believe a codeblock format would be better
!>go$1+:v^|  |
|/v?=x!e/0|  |
Seemingly only works in suppen.no/fishlanguage
@RedwolfPrograms You could set up your own python anywhere sites more easily lol
But that's less fun :p
(For legal reasons that's a joke)
hm I wonder why it doesn't work on TIO
i mean clearly it's due to ascii issues but
It outputs nulls instead of spaces
@tjjfvi YOU WON
I think that's technically correct, according to spec
because a lot of stars
ah, makes sense. arguably funnier like this but neat
@AaroneousMiller That ACEtest file was created in the Vyxal online interpreter
is that just the normal fish quine but wrapped in a loop of of pipes/slashes/underscores/tildes?
@AaroneousMiller oh wat
Pretty much
It needs special handling because of the newlines
This is why the interpreter should be client side
@PyGamer0 I was testing the new ACE exploit I found a couple days ago :)
@rues ye
@rues or, use an established-secure sandbox system like ATO ;)
("established", "secure")
@pxeger too hard
Or use an established and secure one, like RTO :p
Python anywhere free so we use that
i think i got a tacit system
Locked down docker with runsc is OP
ATO's free (for you)...
copy APL's
@RedwolfPrograms are you telling ud to run vyxal with rto or is tgere supposed to be a coma there?
(Not a coma though)
@pxeger Oh cool, are you thinking of adding vyxal?
Comas are important
Vyxal will be part of the 35 that RTO is released with btw
@rues I started doing that, actually, and then got distracted and never finished it because I decided the Vyxal online interpreter was good enough
Understandavle :p
@RedwolfPrograms Avatar Be like: @WhitewolfPrograms
Do y'all like my christmas pfp?
@RedwolfPrograms ?
There’s a new one?
@Fmbalbuena My normal pfp is red
@RedwolfPrograms I paid that joke the correct amount of attention the first time
@rues Nope, now it's a pawprint in the snow :p
@RedwolfPrograms in that it's exactly the same as the halloween one and you've been using it since october?
Before, it was a paw print in the blood?
@pxeger Yep, but that's not the joke, it's the context for a joke
@rues No, but I know what it'll be in February
Don’t tell me, white again?
Nope, blood
the red pfp has more positive associations than negative associations though. red is also associated with love and passion. because you know, color theory
Maybe I'll switch to the Redwolf SMP one :p
@hyper-neutrino hunger too
Oops, that's big
Depends on the shade of red tho
@RedwolfPrograms That's the legendary MinePaw
The walls at my school used to look like dried blood, then they repainted them and they look ok now
i might give this tacit a try
Isn't dried blood mostly brown
@rues spooky
@RedwolfPrograms idk
@RedwolfPrograms reminds me of minecraft grass block
I drink it before that
@PyGamer0 I actually copied the exact colors from it yeah
Redwolf is a minecraft addict
No, it's an Object
Wait how did you go from "Redwolf is minecraft a dict" to "Redwolf is a minecraft addict" lol
Hehe ruined ur joke lmao
@RedwolfPrograms ??? I edited it
No I mean those are like totally different sentences lol
I started out trying to type “redwolf is minecraft addict”
Idk how addict became a dict tho
My fingers are too fat for this tiny phone
because ur bad at typing
I gud at keyboard typing
I bad at eyesight
I should do nitrotype on my phone to practice actually
Also redwolf and hn, y’all should get back to school or uni or whatever
Nah, I'm in CS right now
Smh my head, y’all always in tnb instead of being productive
@RedwolfPrograms CS as in computer science not tear gas
I don’t think you needed to clarify that lol
Maybe I'm just in Riot Control 101 :p
Omg are you a cop
Yes you are under arrest for impersonating a TNBer
You were soliciting illegally golfed code
I have done absolutely nothing wrong
You forgot to ask if I was a cop, I'm legally required to say yes
Btw @rues, do you want me to award the bounty in ~3 hours, or in ~5-6 days?
Even my golfed code is so long it barely qualifies as golfed, so it’s all above board
@tjjfvi tge latter
@RedwolfPrograms i asked if you were q cop
@rues i just finished my japanese class earlier and i am "doing homework" for my other class rn
The "gay bomb" and "halitosis bomb" are formal names for two non-lethal psychochemical weapons that a United States Air Force research laboratory speculated about producing. The theories involve discharging sex pheromones over enemy forces in order to make them sexually attracted to each other. In 1994 the Wright Laboratory in Ohio, a predecessor to today's United States Air Force Research Laboratory, produced a three-page proposal on a variety of possible nonlethal chemical weapons, which was later obtained by the Sunshine Project through a Freedom of Information Act request. == Background... ==
@rues K. I'll try to remember, but if you could remind me when the deadline is getting close that would be great.
@RedwolfPrograms wtf
The double quotes make me uneasy
@tjjfvi will do, thanks for the bounty!
Feel free to award it as soon as you want if you’re not sure if you can award it later :)
> It appears that a 'heavy sweating bomb', 'flatulence bomb' and 'halitosis bomb' were also considered by a committee at the time.
> 'flatulence bomb'
@RedwolfPrograms their great plan to defeat the enemy was…to make them fall in love with each other? Wut??
make love not war, as the saying goes
@RedwolfPrograms at that point it’s cheaper to just walk over, fart, and detonate an explosive yourself
@hyper-neutrino they weren’t even guaranteed to fall in love tho
Who approved this lol
Aight time for me to go put splinters in my hand again o/
Sounds like an enjoyable pastime, to be sure
rues are you ok
Sounds like a messy and inefficient way to get your tetanus booster but ok
Hello. who there?
CMQ: Should [0, 0] be truthy or falsy?
I'm thinking truthiness for an array should be based on whether it has any truthy items
Is that a good idea?
@RedwolfPrograms falsy
Should a string of null characters be falsy?
@RedwolfPrograms truthy because the length is 1.
Idk, I'm thinking I should use the same rules for strings
And make null bytes falsy
Or should I just make all non-empty strings truthy
@RedwolfPrograms true
Should a dict with no data in it ({}) be truthy or falsy?
@RedwolfPrograms Truthy
Wait really?
Because if the list contains something then it's truthy
Not lists, dicts/maps/objects
With nothing in them
but i think about implementing, not python.
@RedwolfPrograms new posts ded?
Uh oh I hope not
@NewPosts STATUS
Ah frick
Q: Challenge: create a large number using an esoteric programming language

Binary198I enjoy large numbers and esoteric programming language, so I decided to combine them into a programming challenge. Your goal is to return the largest number possible in the shortest amount of code. Rules You must use an esoteric programming language. See here for a list of banned languages. Your...

^ dupe?
Odd that NP/SP were last seen a minute ago
@NewPosts STATUS
Whatever happened literally just happened
Oh wait, NP/SP were just seen?
But they're not responding
Should casting a dict to a number return its size?
sorry don't see that.
Fmbalbuena's About page: Languages I Don't Like - Vim
Me: And I took that personally.
:p (nah, it's cool if you don't like it, I get it)
@AaroneousMiller i edited about. have fun.
@AaroneousMiller ono? what is ono?
see that again
Q: Challenge: create a large number using an esoteric programming language

Binary198I enjoy large numbers and esoteric programming language, so I decided to combine them into a programming challenge. Your goal is to push the limits of esoteric languages like BF or Pyth and return the largest number possible in the shortest amount of code. Rules You must use an esoteric programmi...

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ VTC as dupe
or FTC as dupe
@Fmbalbuena :D
@AaroneousMiller you are third
A: Challenge: create a large number using an esoteric programming language

FmbalbuenaGol><>, 18^18^18^18 >99+99+99+99+XXXo; Try it online!

Those three messages in a row should probably only have one starred
@Fmbalbuena You shouldn't answer questions that should be closed
@RedwolfPrograms but uhhh why?
> I think it is in bad spirit to answer a question you believe should be closed, whether it is a duplicate, unclear or other. The intention of closure is to stop new answers so the question can be fixed. By answering you are acting to undermine the benefits of closing the question.
@RedwolfPrograms how many close votes the user do?
What do you mean?
how many user VTC this question.
Two so far, but you seem to think it should be closed since you left a "Does this answer your question?" comment
ok so i can hyperping nope.
@Binary198 hi
i wrote the "create a large number using an esoteric programming language"
@Binary198 yeah
@AlanBagel Charcoal, 3 bytes: ‽№γ
@Neil LOL errors when ¿ Try it online!
and fails a newline
@Fmbalbuena since when is that printable ascii?
(no message here)
also, charcoal has... interesting input handling, so a raw newline is tricky
["\n"] works I guess
(still no message here)
I got this message: "You have reached your question limit" in SO. what i do?
@Fmbalbuena Maybe see stackoverflow.com/help/question-limited? (Not sure if this the problem)
@AlanBagel no, not
i asked two bad questions
and good one
@Fmbalbuena what's your rep level? Are you below the cutoff for 'new user' restriction lifting?
@ThomasWard i have 53 rep
i'd ask a mod to take a look then, or post on Meta.SO about it. Only mods on the site will have an insight to what's up on your account.
My good one is here
generally speaking though, your 'question limit' might be a question ban / question posting restriction that you need to ask SO mods about
(TNB is not where SO mods hang out)
but if it's system imposed you're stuck because not even mods can do anything about it
@ThomasWard main SO chatroom?
@DLosc Your programming language quiz answer got a auto-VLQ flag
@rak1507 those are monads.
@Fmbalbuena or a meta.so post.
i usually try to NOT prod mods on minor inconveniences unless it's an emergency situation
(and I have other ways of prodding SO mods lol)
Ok but meta.so is down
@emanresuA :(
ok so don't talk so i have to gtg now.
@emanresuA lmao i remember reviewing so many short answers that popped up in that queue, i wonder what the current stats for flags for each type are
@RedwolfPrograms falsy
@emanresuA someone should make a userscript that, when the review queue is left open, auto-approves every post
@pxeger lol
since it's so rarely accurate
@pxeger Oh, so half the people reviewing on SO? :p
That would be a bad idea though, since that's also where legit NAA/VLQ flags go
i remember there was a post on meta about adjusting VLQ flags
I like the free reviews :p
@DLosc ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ :P
I love how there's a legit wikipedia article featuring a gif of a cartoon cow being squished into a sphere shape
at least with naa / vlq ppl get free reviews out of it
the ones like excessively long or too many answers can only be handled by mods and fortunately it doesn't matter on this site but that's a waste of mod time lol
What should converting a number to a dict do?
I'm thinking {n: n}
And what should stringifying a dict do? Not the "fancy" stringify, this is like a "rough" stringify. E.g., arrays are joined by "".
Should I just sort the dict's items by their keys and join by ""?
That could actually be useful for golfing some stuff
@RedwolfPrograms Number to dict should be {1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3, ..., n: n}
Thing is, that would be inconsistent with my handling for arrays, which is just [n]
If it was [1, 2, ..., n - 1, n], I'd do that
CMQ: why This is cursed
Try not to ping random users when you have a question that isn't directly relevant to them
@RedwolfPrograms ok so you can fix?
I can't go to TIO from my school's wifi, sorry
@RedwolfPrograms oh ok
code is print((lambda: __import__("sys").stdout.write('Hello, World!'))())
and prints Hello, World!13
What did you expect it to do?
printing inside lambda function
i'm trying to do one-liner
Why not just use print in the lambda function?
@DLosc oh sorry i'm trying to do but won't work
ok so the hard part is while loops.
i don't understand what you are trying to do
I'm really confused about what you're trying to do here... (ninja'd)
why can't you just print normally
@hyper-neutrino `print inside lambda function
that still doesn't explain anything
lambda x:print(x) ??
lambda:print("Hello, World!")
@hyper-neutrino but without newlines
python doesn't allow while loops inside lambdas
lambda x:print(x, end = "") ?
lambda x:print(end = str(x)) ?
for loops can be done via list comprehension but not while loops
@Rɪᴋᴇʀ yeah but i'm trying to do
it is not possible to recreate one
while loops can only be sort of simulated using recursion in some cases but you can't do real while loops and you're better off either using comprehension or just programming normally
python (3 at least) doesn't let you readjust the iterator variable in the loop like some langs so
You could use eval if that counts
eval never counts :/ lmao
@hyper-neutrino or better itertools
itertools and abusing lambdas should not be included at hte same time
Do Python's array comprehensions work with generator functions?
(If Python has those)
@RedwolfPrograms yes
@RedwolfPrograms yes
@RedwolfPrograms I think so, if I understand what you mean
pretty sure that errors if it attempts to loop forever
i remember trying it once
yeah using eval for oneliners is 100% cheating cuz like
otherwise there's no point
stop talking
because i'm trying to do
I know with JS you can use generators in for..of loops (the closest thing to array comprehensions other than .map) to make infinite loops, but generators are really weird in JS and so are for loops lol
Though you can just do for (var x of arr) arr.push(1); in JS lol
huh. apparently generators work in python2 and 3 both
@Rɪᴋᴇʀ I don't think it errors, it just loops forever
@Rɪᴋᴇʀ I can. i can do infinite loop using lambda
Wish I could use TIO, I feel like I'm missing out lol
@RedwolfPrograms why you can't use TIO?
School wifi
what happens if you use TIO?
It's just blocked
from what? lmao
what wifi blocks it
I'm like 90% sure it's because of the word "brainfuck"
@DLosc I could've sworn it used to throw an error
but i'm tripping apparently
Can you use
still blocks?
@RedwolfPrograms brainfuck
why not blocking?
Because of our good friend HTTPS :p
why https removed
@RedwolfPrograms can you use this
I've done it before though
(At home)
do you win
Can't remember how many I got right
@Fmbalbuena Scored 1200 just now. Lost two of my five lives because I couldn't distinguish among different TeX dialects. Pretty miffed about that.
@DLosc i got 1500.
lolcode is one? lmao
@Rɪᴋᴇʀ ?
it's a lang in that quiz
@Rɪᴋᴇʀ LOL coding
TIL about the "Firing Squad" Synchronisation Problem
The firing squad synchronization problem is a problem in computer science and cellular automata in which the goal is to design a cellular automaton that, starting with a single active cell, eventually reaches a state in which all cells are simultaneously active. It was first proposed by John Myhill in 1957 and published (with a solution by John McCarthy and Marvin Minsky) in 1962 by Edward Moore. == Problem statement == The name of the problem comes from an analogy with real-world firing squads: the goal is to design a system of rules according to which an officer can command an execution detail...
@Fmbalbuena 2600 on the second try, but I got some of the same questions again which made it easier.
@pxeger might make a good code golf problem, in fact
@DLosc essay

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