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should have been ら
I recently realised that まの means stuff, and かいまの (shopping) literally means "buy stuff"
yeah i think that's もの
That's what I meant.
not まの。 物=もの/ぶつ
I made mistake
買物【かいもの】=買 (buy) + 物 (thing) lol
there are a good amount of words like that and honestly it makes more sense to make vocab by just combining kanji than to come up with random stuff
in chinese "tap/faucet" is just 水龙头 which literally is "water dragon head" (makes more sense when you consider the cultural context that dragons are good creatures in most asian mythology and (at least in chinese culture) are associated with providing rain/water)
Ok ok. My japanese class hasn't really done anything with kanji yet, just hiragana :P
ah fair enough
my japanese class actually doesn't allow us to use kanji even tho our textbook has it (w/ furigana ofc) so like for writing we have to write in hiragana
lmao what
idk probably just to make sure we like actually can properly read/write hiragana well first before moving on in the 2nd year class
i'm taking 1st year jp in 2nd year because i didn't take it last year
imagine not having learned kana over a month of shitposting gibberish into google translate
how... how far are you into the year
like is your semester mostly over already
like nearing the end of the first term
and they're still doing that
well ok you only use hiragana in 101/102 and only start using kanji in 201 lmao
also i put 201 on my course list for next term but it didn't go through cuz there's like literally only one fucking class for some reason
so i'm gonna have to waitlist at the start of next term like i did this term
i guess i shouldn't be too surprised a university taught language class has to slow its trajectory down from how much half of my classmates in russian seem to be suffering from the class going at an actual good pace with intermittent exposure to material that we haven't been taught yet
and that's for an indo-european language
well most of it is focused on learning a bunch of grammar for foundation
ain't nobody got time for kanji :p
you'd still think they'd want to get the ball rolling on that sooner rather than later
and i feel like it could improve vocabulary retention
to be fair we kinda just see it in the textbook so we sort of get a bit of exposure to it but just don't have to use it, and ig to be fair and make sure we have kana mastered they just don't let us write it for assignments
@UnrelatedString i 100% agree with this tho
i took a placement test to skip 101 and go to 102
and nearly had a stroke reading the kana soup
i guess it's not too big a deal if it's in the textbook and not just completely expunged from the material
we had a reading test a few weeks ago (literally just read a script in jp) and it was easier to read the kanji copy from the textbook than the hiragana script on the assignment page
@hyper-neutrino i can imagine
i'd expect reading hiragana, which is literally just the pronunciation written down, to be easier for a test just seeing if your pronunciation is good, but apparently not; having the kanji there made it easier even though i had to recall how the kanji were read. weirdchamp
even if the pure kana text uses spaces between words unlike normal japanese that's still not how you're used to parsing it
ok it's better than chinese tho where the whole thing is just a giant dense wall of characters lmao
@hyper-neutrino That's part of the reason they invented katakana (And later hiragana) in the first place :p
i feel like using man'yougana for morphology is considerably worse than what chinese has going on
wait katakana came first? actually that makes sense cuz it's closer to being a derivative of chinese than hiragana is
yeah wait what i thought they were pretty much parallel developments
@UnrelatedString ok just looked it up and like what the hell lol
hiragana just weren't actually adopted for things until later
No one even mentioned korean lol
If I remember correctly, katakana were used by monks as it was easier than reading kanji
something i've been wondering
everyone loves hangeul
korean has an ng sound but japanese doesn't and only has n
it doesn't enter into these discussions because that's just a shared premise
But then the monks didn't let anyone else use this new writing system, so the other people made their own script derived from katakana.
my mom (from nanjing (south)) can't really distinguish -n and -ng in chinese words but my dad usually can (beijing (north)) and i think generally northerners care about/distinguish that more
(I may be remembering wrong)
so it could be an areal feature
korea is connected to the northern-ish side of china I think (or is at least closest to that) and japan would've been reached by more southern chinese people
@emanresuA it definitely sounds wrong
wonder if this is causation :p
from wikipedia
> Katakana was developed in the 9th century (during the early Heian period) by Buddhist monks in Nara by taking parts of man'yōgana characters as a form of shorthand, hence this kana is so-called kata (片, "partial, fragmented"). For example, ka (カ) comes from the left side of ka (加, lit. "increase", but the original meaning is no longer applicable to kana).
> When it was first developed, hiragana was not accepted by everyone. The educated or elites preferred to use only the kanji system. Historically, in Japan, the regular script (kaisho) form of the characters was used by men and called otokode (男手), "men's writing", while the cursive script (sōsho) form of the kanji was used by women.
> Hence hiragana first gained popularity among women, who were generally not allowed access to the same levels of education as men, thus hiragana was first widely used among court women in the writing of personal communications and literature.
reminds me i need to figure out how the fuck to use the ime thing so i don't have to whip my phone out whenever i want to type something in japanese
that and consistently practice typing in russian so i don't spend 30 seconds hunting for ч or ш whenever i need to look something up
like sometimes i just resort to typing an entire row out
get multiple keyboards
searching for definition of зани---йцукшгзщгшюбьтясмчясчс---маться
also reminds me it fucks me up that я is on z in the actual russian keyboard layout since i used to occasionally use the mac phonetic-qwerty layout where я is on q which is the same finger but in the opposite direction
@UnrelatedString Can’t you find someone’s Japonais keyboard online?
lol yeah getting an IME would be. helpful
what OS? should be easy on windows
i already have it configured as one of my alt+shift options
Should be easy on any zoS right?
i just don't actually know how to use it
like i am currently on it right now but it seems to default to literally just typing latin letters and i can click the icon to make it kana but i feel like there has to be a keyboard shortcut for that
Turning on the digital keyboard or onscreen keyboard or whatever it’s called might show you which key correspond to which
alt-caps for katakana
shift-caps to toggle latin and whatever mode you had before
at least, that's how it works for me
neither of those seem to be working for me but that would make sense
looked it up and yeah both of those caps lock shortcuts are supposed to work
but also it seems like alt-tilde works
which is alright i guess
huh. wack
now i shall attempt to type the shrug thing
i actually had to go back to the normal english keyboard for most of that because the layout in the ime has funky symbol placement
it pretty much went hyphen backslash backslash backslash underscore open paren alt+shiftshiftshift alt+tilde tsu tab*18 close paren backspace alt+shift close paren backslash underscore forward slash hyphen
1. why so many shifts how many layouts do you have 2. why spam tab, just use katakana mode and type tsu lol
i have no idea how to turn katakana mode on
as in i'm pretty sure that's what shift capslock is for but it didn't work
uh it's alt-caps
also if it doesn't work you can probably just click on the thingy (maybe right click and select the option)
that last option did work
(also 4 layouts because russian and japanese are nice to have on hand and greek is occasionally easier than copy pasting the letters for symbolic use outside of typesetting environments)
ah makes sense
...looks like caps lock alone switches between latin and kana mode
not sure why i never tried that
so caps lock alone toggles that, then shift+caps lock toggles actual caps lock, and as far as i can tell alt+caps lock does literally nothing for some reason
huh, weird
My head! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ッ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ッ)_/¯ ¯\_()_/¯
Why do we not use ¯\_㋡_/¯ ?
When I first used a computer, I used caps lock 'cos I didn't know about shift :P
Then at school we got gmail accounts on chromebooks, and my password had a capital letter in it...
@emanresuA well same
then i learnt about the shift from my father
and now i wonder why capslock is a thing
Same lol :P
> The Shift lock key was introduced so the shift operation could be maintained indefinitely without continuous effort. It mechanically locked the typebars in the shifted position, causing the upper character to be typed upon pressing any key.
> Because the two shift keys on a typewriter required more force to operate and were meant to be pressed by the little finger, it could be difficult to hold the shift down for more than two or three consecutive strokes, therefore the introduction of the Shift lock key was also meant to reduce finger muscle pain caused by repetitive typing.
Typewriters == pain
and then it probably carried over to computer keyboards through a mixture of raw inertia and there being far too much cause to write things in all caps back in the day
Shift (and the name alludes to it), would actually lift up the entire typing mechanism to expose the lower of the two characters on the type arm's head. Lifting an entire mechanical machine with your little finger is painful.
@UnrelatedString Lawyers like writing uppercase – see license texts.
Actually, uppercase might have been physically above the lowercase due to criss-crossing of levers.
ô/ (I'm Jewish)
I'm dabbing
My head is melting away
Y'all need to stop mucking around with the experimental limbs
Like seriously we keep those in an underground facility because we don't know the side effects of them
And I really don't feel like explaining a lawsuit to the organisation because some code golfers got hurt screwing around with our stuff
⍺/ (left argument)
⍵/ (right argument)
so many options
○/ is the only one that's valid APL.
@Adám how do i type subscript numbers in your keyboard layout?
E.g. AltGr+Shift+U,8 gives ₈
oh thanks
@PyGamer0 403?
@PyGamer0 403
404 - 1
@PyGamer0 ^
it's a 403
oh wait
there we go
₄₀₃ yay subscript
sarcastic numbers be like: ⁶₉
@PyGamer0 compound modifiers → catalysts
@Adám oooh good idea
That sounds like jelly but with extra steps
thats why its jelly but chemistry
hey so question for all y'all javascript mains: is there a python equivalent of repr in JS?
@lyxal um i dont know javascript but maybe json.stringify?
hmmm that didn't quite seem to work
it mangled my newlines and didn't actually escape the quotation marks like I wanted it too
this is what I ended up with:
function repr(str) {
    return str.replace(/'/g, "'").replace(/"/g, """)
Fun story: pythonanywhere (site that lets you host python online) allows you to have multiple accounts with the same email address
And so I have both lyxal.pythonanyhwere.com and vyxal.pythonanywhere.com (two different accounts) registered with the same email
now I forgot the password to the vyxal account (idk why I didn't save it anywhere)
and so I go to reset my password
@lyxal lol
and it asks for my email address
and uh
it sent out password reset for both my accounts
I mean, what did I expect having two accounts on the same email?
@cairdcoinheringaahing hey I'm not really available right now, is it ok if we postpone Zsh being the LYAL until next time?
(assuming I'd be the one leading it)
user image
that's cool, but I present to you: recursive bookmark:
Source: random programming-related discord

Recursive Bookmark

2 mins ago, 27 seconds total – 2 messages, 1 user, 0 stars

Bookmarked 1 min ago by lyxal

@Bubbler pip.
@AlanBagel i just realised what your pfp is
...what is it
@UnrelatedString alan becker's popular stickmen from AVA4 and AVM
CMQ: What was your progression of ides, like which ides did you start programming from and which ides/text editor have you used in chronological order.
my first language was python (shhh Visual Basic doesnt exist) so: IDLE => Vim => IDLE (again!) => Atom => PyCharm => IDLE (yet again!) => VSCode (with vim keybinds) => Pycharm (for a day) => VSCode => neovim (currently using)
@PyGamer0 Notepad => Notepad++ => Notepad++/Vim
@PyGamer0 My language is python. Mine is Pycharm. Occasionally use IDLE for small tests
@PyGamer0 Started with DarkBASIC, which is both a language and an editor => Visual Studio (C#) => IDEA (Java) => Sublime Text => VSCode <=> neovim
There's been a lot of bouncing back and forth between VSCode and neovim over the past 4 years
but currently I'm on neovim
i think eclipse was the first ide i ever used and it's also currently the only ide i use because i don't really use ides except for one class i have where like half of the extra credit relies on an eclipse plugin
come to think of it eclipse is probably the only ide i've seriously used at all except like i guess the godot editor
Éclipse is okay but getting kinda outdated
@PyGamer0 APL*PLUS → Dyalog IDE → Dyalog IDE/Notepad++ → Dyalog IDE/Notepad++/VSCode → Dyalog IDE/Notepad++/VSCode/Dyalog Editor
I skipped the DOS Edit and QBasic and TurboBASIC as I guess they don't count if VB doesn't.
Oh, and how much more so would MSWord not count (I used it program MSWord macros…)
@Mayube hello fellow nvim user :)
@Adám vscode for what exactly?
i thought you only programmed in apl
I use it for resolving git merge conflicts. Btw, there are VSCode plugins for APL.
@PyGamer0 His highest-voted answer is in TI-Basic:
A: Shortest code in your language to persist a string across a reboot

AdámTI-BASIC (Z80), 1 byte? Store:  (just enter the string) Retrieve: Ans (byte 27) But if that isn't valid: TI-BASIC (Z80), 7 6 bytes -1 thanks to Jakob. Store: Prompt Str0 (bytes DD AA 09) Retrieve: disp Str0 (bytes ED AA 09)

@PyGamer0 Some of my colleagues program APL in VSCode almost exclusively.
@AaroneousMiller Oh right, I guess I forgot the TI calculators' built-in editor.
I guess I've done quite some BASIC in my youth. At least 4 flavours.
@Adám Vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, and what else counts as a "basic flavour"? :P
:=) QBasic, Borland TurboBASIC, TI-Basic, VBA.
why does SE chat constantly seek to maximise I_want_it_to_onebox XOR it_actually_onboxes
A: "Hello, World!"

JustiniscodingJavaScript, 101 bytes console.log([72,101,108,108,111,44,32,87,111,114,108,100,33].map(i=>String.fromCharCode(i)).join("")) Try It Online!

An assignment said "open your textbook to chapter 22", and I opened it, and it happened to be exactly where chapter 22 started
It's over 1000 pages long and I've never opened it once
@Bubbler I actually was planning at one point to make this happen sometimes; it would edit the post right at the two minute mark, so any major changes would show up.
@Hello,World! but uhhh.
@user Is possible to add a leaderboard to my question?
CMQ: How many of y'all who do JS golfing know about String.fromCharCode(...array)?
It is, through a Stack Snippet, but I'd recommend against it. The graduation userscript adds leaderboards, gimme a second
I'm going to be making a leaderboard userscript today btw
Using the gradscript for its leaderboards is like buying a supercomputer as a bedside table
It's worth it to use the gradscript
Nooo it big ugly
I think you can disable the ugliness
What else does it add then?
Byte counts
Don't...answers already have those?
Or am I missing something lol
@pxeger Ye, here's my version without the green
@RedwolfPrograms In case answers don't have it, and it lets you verify they have it
Maybe I'll add that to GLT
@user do you make snippet
I have to admit, a lot of it doesn't seem to work anymore
There was feature to do with TIO but I don't see any change with TIO links using the userscript
@Fmbalbuena You don't have to make it yourself, it's somewhere on Meta
@RedwolfPrograms Wait, what? You don't need [] for ... to work?
@user ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
@Adám Wdym? It works in arrays, objects, and argument lists.
I certainly didn't know.
It's pretty cool, and it means you can do stuff like Math.min(...array) for minimum
(Except it'll error if the array's too long since there's a finite limit to number of arguments provided)
@Adám ... wouldn't be very useful at all if it was only for arrays
Huh, so in general, f(...array) is the same as array.map(f)?
If you only use it for concatenating arrays together, you could just use .concat
@Adám No, it's f(array[0], array[1], ..., array[n])
No, I only use it for turning objects into arrays.
@Adám No, it's just f(array[0],array[1],array[2],...)
@RedwolfPrograms @user So how do we know if a function maps itself over its arguments?
in general, functions don't
What do you mean?
@pxeger Ugh.
it's only if they're explicitly written to do that
Well, yeah, but like all scalar functions should do that by default.
@Adám You're bringing too much APL into JS :P
10 ninjas moved to ­Trash
JS isn't used too much for math stuff, is it?
@PyGamer0 Specifically I use SpaceVim on nvim :)
Is that like Spacemacs but more Vim than emacs?
maybe? Dunno, I don't use emacs
Oh, I thought Spacevim was like Spacemacs in that it was a combo of both Vim and Emacs
@user One cannot bring in "too much" APL into anything.
You know what I mean :P. They're different paradigms and applications
@Adám what if I'm allergic to APLs? :P
Eat BQN.
hah I never noticed before that BQN could be read as "Bacon"
I decided to take a break from unanswered challenges to answer the BF explainer question in BF
@Mayube BQN's equivalent of the APLcart is the BQNcrate.
@Adám why would you keep BQN in a crate? Won't it go bad?
I guess you could stick the crate in a walk-in fridge, next to the parked cart.
@PyGamer0 My first editor was the crappy one in Khan Academy. Then I wanted a "real" editor, so I used Notepad++ (but I didn't use any of its more advanced features and still haven't learned them). At this club I joined later, I first started using IntelliJ, then I had to use Eclipse for school (D:). I think I used VS Code from time to time for Python and later for Scala 3 (then called Dotty) because of the official support (and because IntelliJ didn't support Scala 3 then)
@Mayube Would ⎕SALTing it help?
@Adám you mean the friJ?
@user There's no ⎕SALT – we only go for 100% natural ⎕SE.SALT
Whoops, right
Btw, I just came up with that one. I never realised ⎕SE.SALT could be read as "sea-salt"
I quite prefer Himalayan mountain salt to sea salt myself :P
@Adám StackExchange salt
APL, the only language with an SE built-in!
At Dyalog, we tend to add an X to the name of old build-ins when we add a more modern replacement, e.g. ⎕DM⎕DMX, ⎕AT⎕ATX. I think we need to add a replacement for ⎕SE.
alright Elon Musk
3, not E
@Adám obligatory notice that DMX is also a rap group, and ATX is also a motherboard form factor
Sure, plenty of abbreviation clashes there. We also have ⎕AI which does kind of have a life of its own.
And ⎕CS is not Computer Science. Wait…
⎕IO is not for I/O.
⎕ML is not for machine learning, though sometimes I wish it did.
⎕VR is not for virtual reality, though it does show how something looks in "3D".
Sorry, off-topic, but cool-looking editor: Onivim. Seems to combine Vim and VS Code
@pxeger I actually keep my ⎕SE extensions in ⎕SE.x
@Adám Oh cool, APL has a Meta Language built-in? :P
Heh, ⎕ML kind of is, as it does alter the behaviour of the language.
I meant this ML but I guess that is true
Grammar pedantry and a golfing mindset? I think I love this comment:
+1 But answer can be shorter by one character: it's -> itsrexkogitans 10 hours ago
..Can I not open a bounty on a question that has a bounty on it
I think not
thats a bit annoyying if so lol
its sensible just like
unfortunate for how we do bounties
@UnrelatedString why bother downloading an executable to steal your data when your browser can steal it for them?
@Adám Pip has an SE built-in too: Try it online!
What does it?
the fact that it wraps is a whole letter grade up
CMQ: Can bounty to already bountied answer?
Yes, you just have to wait until the first bounty is awarded before starting the second bounty.
like 50 bountied and 200 bountied just adds and the number changes to 250?
Btw @DLosc you might want to link to your HBL interpreter in your Github repo's description
this may be the first time I've used proper genuine continuation coroutines: github.com/pxeger/tictac/commit/…
@Fmbalbuena Yup
@pxeger What is this?
What exactly are partial functions here?
Game of life meme?
@Fmbalbuena Here's an example. If you hover over the bounty amount, you'll see that it consists of bounties awarded by two different users.
@thejonymyster is there name?
@user essentially, functions that have been applied with fewer arguments than they need (i.e., partially applied)
@pxeger Does it curry?
@user yes, it's also called currying
Ah, I see
@Fmbalbuena boardroom suggestion according to kym
@user I will, I just haven't yet because I was working on the gh-pages branch and that requires an update to the main branch.
I'm used to partial functions meaning functions that only work for a subset of the type of their argument
Wait, you said description not readme
I've never heard that definition before. In what context did you find that?
PartialFunction is a Scala class
@DLosc Yeah (I'd have PR-ed to edit the README otherwise)
cmq how do you guys name your esolangs
or, langs i guess too lol
depends on the lang. I don't have a common method
Braingolf was named pretty arbitrarily
Lean Mean Bean Machine was I think named after a challenge that inspired it
Huh, I would've agreed with @pxeger about partial functions, but the Wikipedia page indeed matches @user's definition (which comes from mathematics). WP calls the other concept partial application.
@thejonymyster I made a language called Stack Exchange so I could pretend everyone means my language instead of the site
@DLosc Ha, take that curryers! Partial and complete functions ftw!
clam and voovoos were examples where I came up with the name and then built a language to use it. vacui was named after the theme of the language. 2col was named such because the source code has to be arranged in 2 columns. PoilerBlate was named such because it's a joke taking boilerplate code to an extreme, and Mango is a bastardization of Mingo which is short for Minimal golf
@user I made a language called Pip so I could pretend I'm programming with the Python package manager /s
@thejonymyster Not always very well. :P I usually try to focus on the central idea or "gimmick" of the language, and if there's a pun I can make, that's a plus.
If all else fails, name it after yourself
@user I too am a fan of the language "user"
*technique may work for all names
@DLosc ok, I guess what I meant was "partial[ly applied] function"
Ouroboros: the execution model is inspired by the mythical creature
BitCycle: 2D language where bits are moving around the playfield, often cycling through the same path over and over
tinylisp: Lisp dialect with very few builtins
Regenerate: portmanteau of regex + generate
Acc!!: the language does everything using a single accumulator, and "ack!" is the noise you might make after trying to use it
Pip: I thought it would be clever to do a recursive acronym like "Gnu's Not Unix" or "PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor"; also "pip" has several meanings that connote smallness, which is good for a golflang (and I didn't know about the Python package manager at the time :P)
@thejonymyster the best approach for naming things is to occasionally think of names for projects that don't exist, and write them down, so that next time you need to name a project, you can use an old one
that's where tictac came from (a pun[?] on tacit and tactical)
alternatively, use tr -dc a-z</dev/urandom|head -c4 to get a random string of letters (c.f. github.com/pxeger/kvdf)
The best programming language name I've ever seen is Hexagony. But we can't all be that lucky.
@thejonymyster I'm working (read: abandoned halfway through) on a language called Verity that's got first-class-ish proofs. I chose the name partly because of the truth stuff and partly because I could make a logo with a tick mark from the V :P
@pxeger Alternatively, keyboard mash until you get something that sounds cool, then modify it slightly to get the language name (c.f. github.com/Vyxal/Vyxal)
Oh, and I also came up with the name for Charcoal: it's a material that is used in making art, and also "char" for "character" because the language focuses on ASCII art.
and also "coal" because the language is cool :p
@AaroneousMiller Oh, I thought it was because the language had been naughty and wasn't getting any Christmas presents =P
@AaroneousMiller This is really a good point, though: the name doesn't have to mean anything as long as it's memorable and preferably Googleable. It might be an advantage if it's not an actual word.
yeah if you look up vyxal the top 13 results are all about the language or something related; the 14th is about some thing called Vyxal Leonheardt

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