in chinese "tap/faucet" is just 水龙头 which literally is "water dragon head" (makes more sense when you consider the cultural context that dragons are good creatures in most asian mythology and (at least in chinese culture) are associated with providing rain/water)
my japanese class actually doesn't allow us to use kanji even tho our textbook has it (w/ furigana ofc) so like for writing we have to write in hiragana
i guess i shouldn't be too surprised a university taught language class has to slow its trajectory down from how much half of my classmates in russian seem to be suffering from the class going at an actual good pace with intermittent exposure to material that we haven't been taught yet
to be fair we kinda just see it in the textbook so we sort of get a bit of exposure to it but just don't have to use it, and ig to be fair and make sure we have kana mastered they just don't let us write it for assignments
we had a reading test a few weeks ago (literally just read a script in jp) and it was easier to read the kanji copy from the textbook than the hiragana script on the assignment page
i'd expect reading hiragana, which is literally just the pronunciation written down, to be easier for a test just seeing if your pronunciation is good, but apparently not; having the kanji there made it easier even though i had to recall how the kanji were read. weirdchamp
my mom (from nanjing (south)) can't really distinguish -n and -ng in chinese words but my dad usually can (beijing (north)) and i think generally northerners care about/distinguish that more
korea is connected to the northern-ish side of china I think (or is at least closest to that) and japan would've been reached by more southern chinese people
> Katakana was developed in the 9th century (during the early Heian period) by Buddhist monks in Nara by taking parts of man'yōgana characters as a form of shorthand, hence this kana is so-called kata (片, "partial, fragmented"). For example, ka (カ) comes from the left side of ka (加, lit. "increase", but the original meaning is no longer applicable to kana).
> When it was first developed, hiragana was not accepted by everyone. The educated or elites preferred to use only the kanji system. Historically, in Japan, the regular script (kaisho) form of the characters was used by men and called otokode (男手), "men's writing", while the cursive script (sōsho) form of the kanji was used by women.
> Hence hiragana first gained popularity among women, who were generally not allowed access to the same levels of education as men, thus hiragana was first widely used among court women in the writing of personal communications and literature.
searching for definition of зани---йцукшгзщгшюбьтясмчясчс---маться
also reminds me it fucks me up that я is on z in the actual russian keyboard layout since i used to occasionally use the mac phonetic-qwerty layout where я is on q which is the same finger but in the opposite direction
like i am currently on it right now but it seems to default to literally just typing latin letters and i can click the icon to make it kana but i feel like there has to be a keyboard shortcut for that
i actually had to go back to the normal english keyboard for most of that because the layout in the ime has funky symbol placement
it pretty much went hyphen backslash backslash backslash underscore open paren alt+shiftshiftshift alt+tilde tsu tab*18 close paren backspace alt+shift close paren backslash underscore forward slash hyphen
(also 4 layouts because russian and japanese are nice to have on hand and greek is occasionally easier than copy pasting the letters for symbolic use outside of typesetting environments)
...looks like caps lock alone switches between latin and kana mode
not sure why i never tried that
so caps lock alone toggles that, then shift+caps lock toggles actual caps lock, and as far as i can tell alt+caps lock does literally nothing for some reason
> The Shift lock key was introduced so the shift operation could be maintained indefinitely without continuous effort. It mechanically locked the typebars in the shifted position, causing the upper character to be typed upon pressing any key.
> Because the two shift keys on a typewriter required more force to operate and were meant to be pressed by the little finger, it could be difficult to hold the shift down for more than two or three consecutive strokes, therefore the introduction of the Shift lock key was also meant to reduce finger muscle pain caused by repetitive typing.
and then it probably carried over to computer keyboards through a mixture of raw inertia and there being far too much cause to write things in all caps back in the day
Shift (and the name alludes to it), would actually lift up the entire typing mechanism to expose the lower of the two characters on the type arm's head. Lifting an entire mechanical machine with your little finger is painful.
@UnrelatedString Lawyers like writing uppercase – see license texts.
Actually, uppercase might have been physically above the lowercase due to criss-crossing of levers.
CMQ: What was your progression of ides, like which ides did you start programming from and which ides/text editor have you used in chronological order.
my first language was python (shhh Visual Basic doesnt exist) so: IDLE => Vim => IDLE (again!) => Atom => PyCharm => IDLE (yet again!) => VSCode (with vim keybinds) => Pycharm (for a day) => VSCode => neovim (currently using)
i think eclipse was the first ide i ever used and it's also currently the only ide i use because i don't really use ides except for one class i have where like half of the extra credit relies on an eclipse plugin
come to think of it eclipse is probably the only ide i've seriously used at all except like i guess the godot editor
TI-BASIC (Z80), 1 byte?
Store: (just enter the string)
Retrieve: Ans (byte 27)
But if that isn't valid:
TI-BASIC (Z80), 7 6 bytes
-1 thanks to Jakob.
Store: Prompt Str0 (bytes DD AA 09)
Retrieve: disp Str0 (bytes ED AA 09)
An assignment said "open your textbook to chapter 22", and I opened it, and it happened to be exactly where chapter 22 started
It's over 1000 pages long and I've never opened it once
@Bubbler I actually was planning at one point to make this happen sometimes; it would edit the post right at the two minute mark, so any major changes would show up.
@PyGamer0 My first editor was the crappy one in Khan Academy. Then I wanted a "real" editor, so I used Notepad++ (but I didn't use any of its more advanced features and still haven't learned them). At this club I joined later, I first started using IntelliJ, then I had to use Eclipse for school (D:). I think I used VS Code from time to time for Python and later for Scala 3 (then called Dotty) because of the official support (and because IntelliJ didn't support Scala 3 then)
At Dyalog, we tend to add an X to the name of old build-ins when we add a more modern replacement, e.g. ⎕DM → ⎕DMX, ⎕AT →⎕ATX. I think we need to add a replacement for ⎕SE.
Huh, I would've agreed with @pxeger about partial functions, but the Wikipedia page indeed matches @user's definition (which comes from mathematics). WP calls the other concept partial application.
clam and voovoos were examples where I came up with the name and then built a language to use it. vacui was named after the theme of the language. 2col was named such because the source code has to be arranged in 2 columns. PoilerBlate was named such because it's a joke taking boilerplate code to an extreme, and Mango is a bastardization of Mingo which is short for Minimal golf
@thejonymyster Not always very well. :P I usually try to focus on the central idea or "gimmick" of the language, and if there's a pun I can make, that's a plus.
Ouroboros: the execution model is inspired by the mythical creature BitCycle: 2D language where bits are moving around the playfield, often cycling through the same path over and over tinylisp: Lisp dialect with very few builtins Regenerate: portmanteau of regex + generate
Acc!!: the language does everything using a single accumulator, and "ack!" is the noise you might make after trying to use it
Pip: I thought it would be clever to do a recursive acronym like "Gnu's Not Unix" or "PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor"; also "pip" has several meanings that connote smallness, which is good for a golflang (and I didn't know about the Python package manager at the time :P)
@thejonymyster the best approach for naming things is to occasionally think of names for projects that don't exist, and write them down, so that next time you need to name a project, you can use an old one
that's where tictac came from (a pun[?] on tacit and tactical)
alternatively, use tr -dc a-z</dev/urandom|head -c4 to get a random string of letters (c.f.
@thejonymyster I'm working (read: abandoned halfway through) on a language called Verity that's got first-class-ish proofs. I chose the name partly because of the truth stuff and partly because I could make a logo with a tick mark from the V :P
@pxeger Alternatively, keyboard mash until you get something that sounds cool, then modify it slightly to get the language name (c.f.
Oh, and I also came up with the name for Charcoal: it's a material that is used in making art, and also "char" for "character" because the language focuses on ASCII art.
@AaroneousMiller This is really a good point, though: the name doesn't have to mean anything as long as it's memorable and preferably Googleable. It might be an advantage if it's not an actual word.