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00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

i wonder if this picture looks decent or if it sucks
well i don't like it. wonder if the other way around is better
It's not loading for me D:
Pumpkin Spice hyper-neutrino :P
I think it looks pretty good.
It loads for me everywhere except for next to your messages
well that's inconvenient
I'd change my pfp to something spooky, but it already represents something spooky so dang
@cairdcoinheringaahing Odd, it wasn't loading for me before either, but it is now. Maybe a userscript is messing it up?
To be totally honest, Lean isn't looking all that approachable, golfable nor particularly unique as opposed to other theorem provers, that is, not at the level we'll probably be able to get into in a month.
Wondering what you guys think of making all theorem proving langs within the scope of this LOTM?
We haven't had any as LOTM before, and I've hardly seen any on CGCC before.
I think no.
I want to golf in Lean.
@lyxal You're just ahead of the curve
@lyxal What is it?
@user I'll tell you once Aaron understands it
More seriously though. People have upvoted it, that's an indication that people want it as LOTM. You might have a personal dislike of it, but it's the top post.
because it's kinda a Deltarune Chapter 2 spoiler
This would open the door to learning more mainstream langs like Agda & Coq, which seem interesting. But likewise, I don't think any of us will want to dedicate a whole month to golfing Agda. And then to golfing Coq. My sense is at the level that we use them on CGCC, some of the theorem provers might be a bit too similar.
(I don't know about Agda vs Coq specifically, but my sense is that there are at least a few big name ones out there that look very similar to Lean, while being more approachable and better documented.)
I don't know Lean but Agda and Coq are very different.
I am a skeleton now :p
From each other or from Lean? (or both?)
From each other.
And since we don't have any other theorem provers suggested, it might be nice to take advantage and do them now.
@WheatWitch I know, but I'm sure Lean is very similar to at least one already out there. I'm guessing Agda.
Once my new pfp loads I will also become spooky
You are become spooky
I just used Agda & Coq as examples because the names are recognizable.
Lean is more similar to Coq than Agda. Lean is really a theorem prover while Agda is more programming language like.
@emanresuA That's pretty fun!
Agda isn't too much fun for golf, because it is too much like Haskell, but with a bunch of really annoying restrictions.
@WheatWitch Interesting, thanks. I guess I was wrong!
At least IME.
Tbh, I've only ever seen Agda. I don't know what Coq looks like.
Lean is syntactically more like Agda.
That's what I was thinking!!
That it looked similar
@WheatWitch What about Idris?
@user Dependently typed lang. But not theorem prover, afaik
Idris is just too similar to Haskell when it comes to golf.
Or do you mean whether it's fun to golf?
Like dependent typing doesn't really effect golf at all.
I don't really like Idris anyway though.
It's a bummer, it'd be neat to come up with a CGCC obj crit where neat things like that meant something.
@WheatWitch @RedwolfPrograms Halloween time? Slightly creepy :p
The fun Haskell-likes are curry which has non-determinism, and elm which is bizarro world Haskell.
Where things like dependent typing could yield interesting submissions, rather than just losing ones :P
@WheatWitch Oh? Why's Elm bizzaro?
Curry I just saw, though! Do want to look at it more!
@WheatWitch Do they have Halloween in Germany?
It's not bizarre it's just significantly different. Golfing in it is like golfing in a alternate timeline version of Haskell.
@RedwolfPrograms If you could, would you change your username to Greyghost Programs?
@AviFS Not really. My office does something for it, but it's like "Look at this American thing!"
@WheatWitch Haha, that's what I figured! But... your pfp :P
@AviFS I was interested in whether it was fun to golf
@emanresuA Of course :D
@WheatWitch I like the sound of that!
gtg, bye
I should go too! ⍤/
@cairdcoinheringaahing A friend of mine who worked at Starbucks wrote an Ed Sheeran parody a few years ago, so now my head is stuck in a repeating loop of "I'm in love with the pumpkin spice / I'm in love with the latte"
@emanresuA Maybe, although it was intended to be a skeleton
Grayskeleton Programs :p
Grayghost is better, actually
I'll just say this is a ghostly version of my normal pfp, rather than a skeleton
1 hour later…
@RedwolfPrograms it looks like it has hava
I can already tell this is going to be an epic troll
So I'm not going to ask what hava is
@RedwolfPrograms s/epic/wholesome
hava ❤️?
@DLosc hava great day!
Lmao got em
That is not what I was expecting lol
10/10 troll, would get epically pranked again
23 mins ago, by lyxal
@RedwolfPrograms s/epic/wholesome
That's better than updog.
Hater's gonna hate, but this is 100% the most optimal way to arrange a form:
Ah, the "I haven't learned about display yet" strategy
Actually wait they must be doing something super janky
It's actually the "float labels to the left and float inputs to the right" strat
and it's actually a sample from an assignment I'm working on
because I wanted to see what would happen if I did that
and it's funny as frick
If you ever become a UI designer I'm jumping off a cliff
*becomes UI designer to epicly troll redwolf*
besides, it's still WIP
I actually like this pawprint a lot
It could work for december too, since it looks like a print left in the snow
@RedwolfPrograms Me too, although due to my partial red/green colorblindness it doesn't look that different from your usual one
Oh huh. Out of interest, what's partial red/green colorblindness? Do they just both look much closer to each other?
I can generally tell red and green apart, but pale green and pale orange/pink look pretty similar, especially in low lighting.
For example, I can tell that this has some orange dots and some green dots, but I can't tell what number it's supposed to be.
Wait, did the gravatar thing change everyone's identicons?
I just noticed mine would be different now
holy crap I actually like my identicon now
thank you for oneboxing that chat
very cool
My identicon's pretty nice now too
My old one was this weird gross dark blue thing, but my new one's an alright shade of light red or purple, with a nice pattern
i can't remember what my old identicon looked like but i don't think it was this kind of red pattern
So the idea is that changing your email updates the identicon right?
because if so, I can just keep rerolling pfps until I get one I like thanks to DuckDuckGo email protection
2 hours later…
laughs in [literally anything] @pxeger.com
I had a dream yesterday that I was able to buy the domain 1.com for the standard ≈ £7. Unfortunately this didn't happen
i am back
@pxeger yes
does anyone know whose sock i am??
cause i forgot
@Milk you forgor 💀
@lyxal bruh what the crap just happened
i just finished ch 2
@AaronMiller what part do you mean?
the end
Yeah it is low key creepy
also the rest of it
@AaronMiller Imagine how I felt seeing it at 11pm at night
"fever dream" was putting it lightly
it's literally 3:45 in the morning
That's the best time to experience it
Sep 28 at 13:48, by lyxal
Not after [hyperlink blocked]
@AaronMiller do you understand this now?
i do
he reminds me of burgerpants
Sep 23 at 4:12, by lyxal
CMC: get the banana 🍌
i got the potassium
but im not sure i quite get the exact moment referenced by your pfp
I can tell that you didn't fight the secret pacifist boss
@AaronMiller because you haven't seen it yet
Because it's from the weird route
oh yeah i also forgot to use the keygen
so ill have to go back through and do that
And what do you think of berdly?
loveable(ish) idiot
Would you say he's a cool gamer?
it would seem to be so
Do weird route next
You won't regret it
sounds good
should i try to figure out how to do it myself, or find information online?
@AaronMiller you might have to look up some parts
Because there's a few parts that require thinking outside the box to unlock it
But I can tell you those parts in hint style
First hint: look at Noelle's spells and see what you find
That's all I'll say for now
i remember a sleep thing and a snow thing
Very interesting
Dozens and Dozens Of Shovels attack
coming from an IT background, that joke made me very happy
just an unrelated sidenote
Queen is objectively one of the best video game characters of all time
@AaronMiller do you know how much TP you get from Kris defending? Because you might want to find out that stat (by experimentation of course, don't look it up)
@AaronMiller "I only play mobile games"
in CG&CC-gaming, yesterday, by lyxal
People have described her as "Toby Fox perfectly encapsulating internet humour"
@lyxal i didn't pay attention to the exact amount, but i feel like it was somewhere around 20ish
@AaronMiller that's close enough
I'll leave you to figure out how to weird route from there
will do
But I will say that the first portion of the run is the same as neutral/pacifist
are there any ch 1 requirements for weird route, or am i able to just jump right back into ch 2?
You can do it on a fresh chapter 2 file
Trust me, that's how I did it lol
58 secs ago, by lyxal
But I will say that the first portion of the run is the same as neutral/pacifist
It doesn't start until a fair bit into the game
Up to the bot shop and the roller-coaster is all the same, so don't spend too long there
Also, not sparing enemies helps out too (as in, only fight in those areas is recommended, but not mandatory for the weird route)
since it's past 4 in the morning and I just spent around 5 1/2 hours straight playing a game that is essentially sh*tposting with plot, i should prbly sleep now
(those areas being up to and including the roller-coaster)
@AaronMiller you should
Enjoy the memories of pacifist while you can
*flashbacks to back-to-back undertale genocide routes*
hmmm I don't like my new identicon's colour but the design is nice
what's the recommended way of downloading the old identicon?
hi i am back
@lyxal ???
@AaronMiller who is pvc???
I am just a normal sock who knows vim
@Milk that confirms it, you are pygamer0
Pxeger or Aaron or anyone else would know what I forgor means
maybe he just forgor 💀
@lyxal what lol
@pVCaecidiosporeadduced do you know what I forgor means
1 hour later…
Fun fact: in the "Last 6 reviewers" bit for the queues, there are 5 users who are in all 6 queues: me, WW, Redwolf, pxeger and Aaron Miller
Q: Language of the Month for October 2021: Lean

caird coinheringaahingIn accordance with our meta agreement, since one candidate received more votes than the others, we have a new featured language! Throughout October 2021, our Language of the Month will be: Lean What's a Language of the Month? See the meta post for nominations. In short, during October, those wh...

@cairdcoinheringaahing Can't you make a post a CW by yourself? I've converted it for you but I don't think you need me to.
I can for answers, not questions
> In the past, questions could be made community wiki by their authors or by certain automatic triggers but now the only means is by a moderator converting it to community wiki
Ah ok. I didn't know that changed.
I wish we could have CW questions without forcing the answers to be CWs too.
Yeah, CW is (mostly) good when used appropriately in answers, but the question usage needs ...work
Is there a LoTM chat room?
Otherwise I'm going to take up residence in Monads and Men for lean talk.
There isn't a general one, but we've created chatrooms for LOTMs before e.g. Whispers
ಠ_ಠ Why is \coth defined in LaTeX, but not \sech or \csch???
Don't expect rational decisions from latex.
You can make your own \sech and \csch pretty easily.
Just use \operatorname when in doubt
Yeah, I made my own, but I did it for all 3, then it got pissy at me for making my own \cosh ಠ_ಠ
@WheatWitch Well obviously, Latex can't be expressed in the form p/q where p,q are integers :P
Alright I made a Lean room.
Feel free to edit in a link into the LOTM post :)
@cairdcoinheringaahing ez. Assuming a = 01, b = 02, c = 03 ... z = 26, p = 1100190423, q = 1
therefore, LaTeX is rational
Why are you using octal for a, b and c, but not for z? :P
nah the leading 0 is for padding
Not according to Javascript :P
yeah well javascript is weird
how do you know 26 isn't octal?
@AaronMiller if you remind me tomorrow, I'll put some socks on a plate that represents one of you guys, take a picture of it, and upload it here
Also, I've found my new grind: Monopoly Solitaire
Forget blitz, an unnecessarily branded variant of a card game is what I need in my life
@lyxal so you've run out of relationships to ruin?
@JoKing COVID will do that to ya
and besides, once you ruin the relation with your parents, there's no other relations left for people like me ;p
but the joke's on you (quite literally haha insert funny joke here) because it's actually a single player mobile game
@lyxal oof
@user tis the life of a gamer/code golfer
Not all, but perhaps many
@user if it isn't, then are you really a gamer/code golfer /s
I am milk, to be mixed with serial.
or whatever you prefer.
Sorry I'm vegan.
@WheatWitch you are vegan?
i am vegetarian
@Milk I read that as salad and I was about to comment on how weird that sounds
I am vegan.
@WheatWitch no. You're Wheat Witch
I had just said that.
@lyxal lol
@Milk things read differently at 11:30pm shutup leave me alone okay
@WheatWitch is the name change for Halloween? Or just because?
@lyxal milk is the best salad dressing
Really makes the lettuce wilt
@Milk how do you feel about being placed on salad?
@pxeger I'm using halloween as an excuse to change my name.
Time to edit the tnb wiki, adding "Wheat Witch" to the list of known aliases.
@lyxal pog
@Milk how about garlic? (Milk and garlic is my favourite example of two nice foods that, when together, are not nice)
garlic salad?
Milk is a drink not a food.
And it's pretty gross.
Milk is good
@milk is good
@milk are you friends with Joe?
CMQ: What's the difference between a duck?
@pxeger my 12 years of scientific research have resulted in the theory that the answer to this question is [hyperlink blocked]
CMA: One of its legs is both the same!
that's the 30kth starred message...
oh shit lmao
@cairdcoinheringaahing I win, evidently
(why would you star that, unless you were watching the star counter and did so as soon as it reached 29999?)
That's not the 30k th one, the counter was on 29997 before that...
@cairdcoinheringaahing looks like 30k to me
Did Redwolf do his transcript star thing?
the 30kth starred message is among us
@lyxal Yeah, it shows 30k now, but before that got starred, "milk is the best salad dressing" was the most recent starred at 29997
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I blame Redwolf :P
so that's it then
do we all just go home now?
...kinda underwhelming :P
@lyxal yes
all that transcript starring on alts for nothing
whelp see y'all when it's the race to 40k starred
sleep is now yes
(I stole legs and arms tonight)
@lyxal whose arms and legs did you steal?
@pVCaecidiosporeadduced shhh we don't discuss that here
ok bye must study Pythagoras theorem which was discovered before Pythagora
ok idk his name
@lyxal you mean... you cheated, and you didn't even win? Lmao
how to create alts
i tried 2 days ago
@pxeger I've been fudging the results for days now by going back to old transcript messages lol
But not that much that it made much of a difference
Hey wait why does it say that there's 88k stars?
That's the total stars, not the total starred messages
Ah okay cool
I didn't know that
So the average starred message has little under 2 stars here :P
This is probably an above average message if I'm lucky
@cairdcoinheringaahing how whelmed did you expect to be? What did you think was gonna happen lol
it's meaningless internet numbers
@pxeger I expected the entire internet to flood into this chat room and congratulate us on reaching this incredible and unique milestone, before giving us each $1m :P
Y'know, a reasonable and perfectly normal thing to expect :P
@Milk I prefer to mix it with cereal.
I missed it D:
Oh wow y'all were talkative
what happened to your pfp
@lyxal I was watching you do that, you know :p
I didn't have the ability to see which messages specifically until yesterday afternoon, but I could see my counters ticking up
@pxeger it's spooky
Well, pxeger gets +200 now
@RedwolfPrograms lmao bustedd!!
Lyxal is busted
sorry that was slightly cringe
That's to be expected here
@RedwolfPrograms it doesn't look spooky at all
it's ghostly
It's either a skeleton or a ghost
Both of which is spook
actually i was confused in the morning that why some where changing pfp and names
then i open minecraft and see some things have changed and then i realise that it is the month of holloween
@pxeger more like grayscale
wait how do yall celebrate holloween?
or is it halloween?
Nope, I custom ghostified this one pixel at a time
nowadays, normally halloween
It's never been "holloween" has it?
@RedwolfPrograms idk is it hollow or not
the pumpkins are hollow?
Because the name's a shortening of All Hallows' Eve
@RedwolfPrograms wat
That's what Halloween means
All Hallows' Eve
With Nov 1 being All Hallows' Day
It's probably some old religious thing
so October 31st is the eve of hallow day?
ok i get it
@RedwolfPrograms "hallow" was (maybe still is in some places or by some people)? pronounced like "hollow"
i don't think it was ever spelled that way though
For posterity's sake, atm the 30kth message has 2 stars, and has been that way for 2 hours:
Apr 9 at 23:16, by caird coinheringaahing
Chat Mega Challenge: There are currently 28530 starred messages. I will award a +100 bounty to the user who posts the 30000'th starred message, so long as it has 3+ stars
Just sayin' :P
btw, it's maintenance o'clock
Quick, nobody else star it
Oh no that was a bad thing to say
TNB doesn't like to listen
I don't think there's any rule that it has to get 3 stars in a certain time
hovers over clear stars button :p
I mean, there's no rule about anything, I'm simply offering a bounty :P
any argument could lead to a mutiny on the bounty?
Ooh, autodesk is a really nice company for letting people use their ($60/month) software for free if it's for personal use
@cairdcoinheringaahing it has 3 now
I should 3d print a rocket engine and launch my sister into space
I like the fact that its clear that whoever went on a starring spree to get it to 3 clearly had no idea which message was the 30kth one and starred all the 2 star ones to be safe :P
No, that was me and I starred all of the 2 star ones aside from pxeger's
@pxeger Pick an answer you'd like a +100 bounty on
Because I liked them all
Someone else starred pxeger's
@cairdcoinheringaahing codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/230385
not because it's really that good an answer, but because I enjoyed making it and it changed my view on something
I'll start it after maintenance is done :)
not because it's really that good an answer, but because I enjoyed making it and it changed my view on something
another day, another chat bug:
post three messages in a row, so your user card expands to full-height, and then have the third one not send properly
You should use the pronoun script + chat improvements :P
oh, I thought you mean the gap :P
@pxeger The double sending might just be because of the maintenance
00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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