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00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

@cairdcoinheringaahing Actually, forget my advice and take a look at this masterful example from Mark Hamill instead. That guy is rapidly becoming one of my favorite people who happen to be actors.
This answer definitely deserves attention
Haha site read only mode go brrr
At least they were kind enough to announce it this time
It's not too bad today because I have a meeting going on during the downtime, so I can't SE anyway
wdym? meetings are the ideal time to code golf :P
@Bubbler sounds like you need glasses then :p
I'm the speaker today :/
@Bubbler how tf they gonna make you blast audio? :p
ah... well it's still possible, you just have to multitask
'latest news: all infrastructure will be immediately rewritten in Jelly!'
@Bubbler Feel free to drop a link to that in chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/123200/cgcc-blog-chat so that we can add it to the net underappreciated posts section
ಠ_ಠ Maintenance?
1 hour ago, by lyxal
Haha site read only mode go brrr
Is it just me or does this feel like an Undertale final boss theme:
Feels like, if you lived in Scott Pilgrim vs The World, and instead of Gideon being the bad guy, it's lyxal :P
It's really weird that SE chat doesn't go immediately off but has hiccups (trying to post something twice and second one always fails)
@lyxal You gotta breathe from the diaphragm, that's how you get volume ;)
but like how tf they gonna blast rick astley out of Bubbler?
> I'm the speaker today :/
that means they're using Bubbler to play sound ;p
hopefully they'd use wireless technology
They make those speakers that use a table as the cone or whatever, just put one of those on your leg or chest or something
@lyxal thats_the_joke.jpg
They can blast Rick Astley out of Bubbler as long as Bubbler remembers to breathe and has a nice baritone
^ how the hell did dinoux get into that list?
and theres no jelly
wtf is Modiscript
for whatever reason extended jelly tips is on it
@hyper-neutrino ooooof
the jelly repo has no tags which might have prevented it from being detected
@hyper-neutrino oh
Hmm, just fell upon this esolang. Wonder how that fits within CGCC's policy. I'm sort of curious now where the limits are with explicit stuff in SE, but not curious enough to do the research. Does anyone know?
Wow. It has 1.4k stars on Github. I'm really surprised; I've never heard of it. Has anyone else?
I've heard of it a few times, but I think it's more of a joke language
IMO it's borderline, but I don't think it's explicit enough to not be allowed
It's been an hour since I got online...
Now I have my chemistry exam. H20
i think fetlang would probably fall under fairly legitimate use of language i'd otherwise try to remove just because it's just barely under the limit of too explicit to be unconditionally unacceptable
i would still rather people not use it because there's no real reason to and i don't want to debate the semantics of what's "acceptable enough" especially since it's so subjective, and deal with how it might affect the site image and users' experiences on this site
^ very cool 64
But I might be about to lose that streak..
who gets it first
my chemistry exam is going to start
Me, if I don't lose the strak.
@pVCaecidiosporeadduced What sort of chemistry?
@RedwolfPrograms you think my chemistry is divided
@emanresuA What, your first gold isn't fanatic?!
@pVCaecidiosporeadduced 36 days before I can greet you with this message
@RedwolfPrograms i have like basic stuff: elements chemical reactions valencies, electrovalent and covalent bonding and isotopes
@Bubbler I may have spent a month getting Electorate because I wanted a shiny new badge...
> Note: 2021-10-01 04:00Z - Maintenance is complete. We didn't finish all the tasks and will schedule another maintenance window soon. Thank you for your patience!
> another maintenance window soon
@pVCaecidiosporeadduced Lol I think we're taking roughly the same chemitry class this year then
@RedwolfPrograms which grade are you in?
That means another day without SE >:(
@pVCaecidiosporeadduced 10th
@RedwolfPrograms oh
well i got the mcqs
@RedwolfPrograms As my maths teacher says, chemistry is just applied physics, which is applied maths.
and biology is applied chemistry
so everything is math
And sociology is applied psychology is applied biology :p
What's programming then?
@RedwolfPrograms (that's from an xkcd, don't bother starring it :p)
Too late
@emanresuA is applied electronics is applied physics is applied math
everything is just math
@pVCaecidiosporeadduced do y'all not even have like a slight division between organic and inorganic
like for us they're the same class but at least we do mention the difference and talk about them somewhat separately
@hyper-neutrino no i am 9th
at least as far as i remember
oh i don't remember grade 9 science lol
wait do you have chemistry as its own class or just science
At my school it's biology in 9th, chemistry in 10th, and physics in 11th
Then you either take an AP variant of one of those in 12th, or earth and space science
(You can take Physics I AP in 11th without taking Physics first, though)
oh that's interesting. here we have grade 9 and 10 as just science joined together, then grade 11 and 12 splits into bio, chem, phys, and earth&space science
and you can take "pre-AP" for the grade 9/10 ones which prepares you for the AP 11/12 ones
grade 6th splitted science
Ours were called pre-ap up until last year
When college board started getting mad at people for using that without paying license fees
So now it's just "Advanced" :p
i was in a full-time enrichment class after grade 5 so i didn't even have a split science class; pretty much half of our subjects were merged into just one large class, except like phys ed, french, and art in grade 7/8
that class was pretty fun cuz of the people there but i learned like nothing in the last two years lol (nothing from the class that is; i learned a whole lot of math and programming outside of school tho)
Even in middle school we had somewhat distinct types of science in each year
@pVCaecidiosporeadduced because I don't think Jelly is tagged esolang on github
41 mins ago, by hyper-neutrino
the jelly repo has no tags which might have prevented it from being detected
@RedwolfPrograms 6th was physics and space related stuff (very basic obviously), 7th was biology and environmental science, and 8th was chemistry and some other random stuff
Computer science is half math and half applied math. Computer engineering (which includes programming) is half applied math, half applied electronics, half applied psychology
I just realised - Vyxal is becoming stack-based APL.
All languages that automap arithmetic operations converge to something APL-like
It's called Iverson ghost
More just the half prac-lang, half golf-lang thing.
here the only thing we really split across grades is like geography and history between grade 9 and 10; outside of that, i think mostly you have the same stuff per grade distributed out, so instead of a year focusing on one thing, all years spread out focus across all things (until they split in higher grades but that's in parallel)
@emanresuA Any golfing language becomes somewhat practical if you're used to it
@emanresuA ok but vyxal has golfing as part of its main design philosophy
APL is purely practical (it just happens to be really short)
I really don't think Vyxal can be claimed to be anything close to practical
agreed; it is a golfing lang with aspects of traditional practical langs
like the repo description itself says :p
We're adding OOP, and we have functions, variables, and loops.
@hyper-neutrino what tags does it have?
microwaving a rock does not make it food
@lyxal none
@RedwolfPrograms because it's always been a design goal of mine
What does that even mean?
@hyper-neutrino nvm I can't read
@hyper-neutrino forget where i saw this but i love this quote
What's the point of OOP, a famously boilerplate-filled and annoyingly long programming practice, in a language designed to be short
@emanresuA adding extra components from other design philosophies does not make vyxal not a golfing language with added bells and whistles
> with aspects of traditional practical langs
that doesn't mean you have to add every aspect in existence
Pip is considerably closer to existing practical languages but I definitely wouldn't call it practical
So Vyxal's even farther toward Reacreational
for example, named functions, if-else blocks like vyxal's, and its looping structure are, IMO, good integrations of traditional aspects into a golfing language and are very well-designed
they obviously draw inspiration from existing practical languages rather than golfing ones, yet are still concise, can be reasonable used in golfing contexts, and still fit within a golfing paradigm
@hyper-neutrino i am not the one making the lang
never said you were
> that doesn't mean you have to add every aspect in existence
ah. just english things
oh well that might be plural
i don't usually remember to say "one" when talking in english but "you" doesn't necessarily mean you the reader specifically
You can be used to refer to someone in general, like "you should eat fruits and vegetables often"
To me, if one were to design a truly practical golflang, it should have a verbose ASCII-only format and a binary golfy one that compiles from the verbose one
@RedwolfPrograms because I'd like to have the option to use vyxal outside of code golf for more practical stuff
Seems like a weird idea for a language that advertises itself first and foremost as "terse" :p
When you waste code page spaces on OOP :p
We were thinking about rewriting Vyxal in Vyxal, at least partially. The main problem was performance :p
@Bubbler charcoal?
@RedwolfPrograms We don't, really. It's mostly going to be digraphs
@RedwolfPrograms oh you're thinking we're adding it as single byte stuff
Yes, Charcoal is one
i am still not sure OOP is really necessary to achieving that but hey, i am in no position to say how you should or shouldn't design your language; as long as you (specifically lyxal) like it
@emanresuA i got ninja'd
@lyxal well you still need to consume space in your set of character sequences
Seems kinda kitchen sinky though
there are more than enough digraphs available in a 256-byte codepage tho lol, not like any golfing language is gonna run out of them soon
@hyper-neutrino lol they'd just be miscellaneous digraphs
Also, if you want a self-hosted language, you eventually need a way to compile it into a fast representation (machine code or some kind of bytecode)
CMC: Write a BF interpreter in this :P
@RedwolfPrograms A kitchen sink including cups of cold Java, plates with Jelly, and corn Husks :p
@RedwolfPrograms you, uh, looking for a new kitchen sink? Because this is the second day in a row you've mentioned kitchen sinks
Not that there's anything wrong with that
But it just seems odd
No, it's just that Dinoux and Vyxal both seem to be moving that direction in some ways :p
I mean we could always use a sink in The Nineteenth Bakery, so keep going if you want :p
@RedwolfPrograms And a Chef.
@RedwolfPrograms it's always been a long term goal of mine to have classes
Didn't Pyth have those?
Or was it GS
Also, classes will make package managing way easier once we get to that
Package managing?
Oh no it got worse :p
CMQ: What's the font size in your editor set to?
Usually 12px for me, but experimenting with 10px
@RedwolfPrograms vypi
default 14 but currently on 15... for some reason? idk
@RedwolfPrograms sure, it's a little extraneous, but it doesn't hurt to have
@RedwolfPrograms 14-22
This sounds less like a golfing language that takes inspiration from practical languages, and more like two people with totally different visions that got stuck in the same person's brain :p
@RedwolfPrograms (I'm on 768p which is why I need a smaller font size)
Package manager is something even APL has never got to, so good luck with that :P
Also, progress on the ranking system is going well. Should have deduplication working by tomorrow.
After that, language classification/hiererarchy stuff, then the actual ranking process
@RedwolfPrograms i was thinking of module imports for dinoux
@RedwolfPrograms look, I'll be the first to admit that classes inside a golfing language aren't that useful (I barely use classes in other languages like python yet alone in a language with terseness as a primary goal). But I still think having classes would be cool and something fun/unconventional
> I barely use classes in other languages like python yet alone in a language with terseness as a primary goal
@lyxal Seems like you should be trying to advertise Vyxal more for the fun/unconventional aspect rather than "terse. elegant. readable."
@pVCaecidiosporeadduced as in, I barely define classes in python
Classes are overrated
@RedwolfPrograms the primary goal is still golfing, classes are just a nice addition
@RedwolfPrograms Since "terse" seems to be less important than it is with more conventional golfing languages, "elegant" is questionable when you combine two paradigms in that way, and "readable" is a terrible measure for comparing golfing languages
Vyxal's cool because it's a bit different from the rest of the golfing languages, and it's easier to pick up as evidenced by it's massive growth (especially among newer users).
@RedwolfPrograms sounds like you'd be interested in joining our public relations team :p
Something like "different. friendly. short." seems like it'd be a better list of adjectives to go with :p
Although there's probably better synonyms to use
@RedwolfPrograms Well why didn't you suggest this before the community ads were locked in :p
Anyway, it's kinda late here so o/
"different" might interfere with Apple :P
well i am done with my chemistry MCQs
well i will be back in 2 hrs to write my written
@pVCaecidiosporeadduced pi * 10
(generated by dice roll, lol I'm so random)
@lyxal oh yeah
wait its 100pi
@RedwolfPrograms 16–22, but occasionally smaller for a broad view or larger for demo purposes.
dang, my free openai credits expired
now I have to write text for my assignment myself
No more GPT-3...
not from me at least
@AaronMiller How many openai credits do you have left?
time to go apply for a new trial with a new email kekw
but I still have unlimited access to codex tho
@lyxal the neat thing about DuckDuckGo's email protection thing is that it gives you infinite email addresses you can manage from a single inbox
@lyxal how?
also my written is about to start
@pVCaecidiosporeadduced codex is free
The other text gen models aren't
ah shoot you should be 18 yrs to join waitlist
@pVCaecidiosporeadduced *laughs in being older than that*
@lyxal 19??
Oneplus 18?
close enough
48 secs ago, by lyxal
close enough
well the exam started
thank you vs code for inserting 5 closing tags for address when I just wanted 5 <br/>
Line 1 </address>
Line 2 </address>
that's what it gave me when I tried to use multiple cursors at once
very cool
When tag autoclosing goes aggressive :P
Meanwhile I'm independently working on a rating script
Do you mean language golfing rating?
How does it work?
I'm planning to parse the data, collect into some json files, and invoke this
Cool! How are you going to deal with, say, Vyxal vs Vyxal 1.3 vs Vyxal D ?
or even Vyxal 2.3.1 vs Vyxal 2.3.2
I'm simply discarding flags and (also likely) version numbers
Python 2 vs Python 3 is quite different tho
Not that different in terms of golfiness
True - 2 is generally slightly golfier in situations where the method is easily portable or can use `...`, 3 is golfier when you're using features not in 2.
1 sucks.
Also might eventually write down all language names by hand and collect slight variations into the canonical ones
You could just parse the version number and get rid of it unless it's in a specified list of languages.
i am now in the process of submitting
the exam was hard
I wish my handwriting was better :/
1 hour later…
@Bubbler This is the socialist agenda :P
hello all
I am trying to read some CS lecture notes but am totally confused. Any CS/maths people in?
@Anush Yes
@m90 slide 10 of cs.columbia.edu/~andoni/F15_AlgoTechMassiveData/files/… has a line starting "Chebyshev"
but what on Earth does it mean? First Chebyshev's inequality gives an upper bound for probability and second, where does the square root come from?
there is no square root in Chebyshev's inequality
@Anush Square root of the variance, to get the standard deviation.
@m90 The variance is \frac {t} {k} \left( \binom {n} {3} - t\right) for this problem
I hope that is readable
how do you get that line from the variance?
@Anush As written above, the variance is bounded above by M/k*T.
I agree the variance is bounded above by M/k*T.
how do you get from that to a statement about the standard deviation?
The standard deviation is the square root of the variance. Thus the standard deviation is at most √(M/k*T).
but I don't see how you get an inequality in terms of the standard deviation
chebyshev doesn't seem to give you that
but I am probably wrong
It looks like Lean is our new LOTM, and I'm guessing the OP isn't active to write up the post.
Does one of the brave souls who always seems to effortless write stuff for things like this want to? Let the Fire Nation attack @cairdcoinheringaahing @hyper-neutrino @RedwolfPrograms @Bubbler @DLosc!
Am I forgetting anyone who writes stuff?
@Anush It looks like that statement (|R-T|≤O(√(MT/k))) is true with arbitrarily large probability (but not 1), with the constant of the big O depending on the probability needed.
Hey... pureferret. Long time no see!
@m90 how do you show that?
oh I see what you mean.
Chebyshev's inequality is Prob(|R-μ|≥cσ)≤1/c^2.
Fill in μ=T and σ≤√(M/k*T), to get Prob(|R-T|≥c√(M/k*T))≤1/c^2. Then set c as necessary.
@m90 thank you
thanks so much
@m90 it's a terrible bound :)
It looks like Lean is the LOTM for October 2021! Feel free to write up the post (this is a good standard template). If you don't want to do so, or if you aren't active anymore, someone else will write it up in the next couple of days — caird coinheringaahing 8 secs ago
If there isn't one by tomorrow, I'll post it (if anyone else wants to do so, let me know and I'll be happy for you to do it)
Don't we switch at UTC?
Yes, but it doesn't need to be done at the exact time the month switches
So long as it's done on the first couple of days, it's fine. If anyone posts any Lean answers before then, just make a mental note to edit them in once the post goes up
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

flawrIncrement Time code-golf Every digital clock contains a small creature that has to advance the time every minute [citation needed]. Due to the popularty of digital clocks these are nearly extinct which is why in this challenge we try to automate this task: Given your string of a given time in the...

@cairdcoinheringaahing Lean!
How would you remove the gap from that image?
preferably from the command line :)
I know you can do it in gimp but I like code
@Anush use Pillow?
interesting... you mean in python?
let me see how hard this is going to be
seems like the easiest thing will be to just use an image editor
CMC remove the gap from the image I pasted above in your favorite language. This must be done in code.
@cairdcoinheringaahing yes I am sure you are right.
but it will be more fun to do in code
@emanresuA About $4 USD
1 hour later…
Didn't we have a feed for deadlineless bounties?
A: List of bounties with no deadline

Bubbler300+ rep for any nontrivial code golf answer in Lean or Coq Partially influenced by the LotM of October 2021 (Lean), but not limited to this period. Coq and Lean are academic languages mainly designed to establish and prove mathematical theories. Due to their type-theoretic and logical nature, th...

I was about to say "you should probably link to the LoTM post" until I remembered there isn't a LoTM post
oh hey redwolf
don't mind us having a very active conversation rn
@Bubbler It's a bit slow, as least compared to the butter powered bots :P
@Bubbler Why use ELO?
If you've got the opportunity to use something better anyway
@Bubbler I've got a hierarchy system where Python 2.7 would be separate from Python 2, but any Python 2.7 answers would count as both (same with Python 2 and Python)
Oh hey lyxal
yeah took you long enough to notice me senpai
smh ;p
I was reading the transcript :p
We're now 5/6 of the way from 29900 to 30k
This is getting pretty intense
actually, that should probably be this->intensity++
because pointers and stuff
No it's fine, the universe probably uses JS
That explains why bad things happen to good people
JS does not care
It wants you to die
@lyxal (*this).intensity++ if you're not a coward
See, if someone posts a message saying "We now have 30k starred messages", it''s going to get starred. But, do you post that when there's 29999 (what if it doesn't get starred), or when there's 30000 (so there'd almost immediately be 30001)?
but what if the 30kth starred message is deep in the transcript and y'all never know?
You post it at 29999 and hope for stars, and if it's not starred you wait for something else to get starred then people star it at 30k fr fr
@lyxal I developed a bot that would star something far back immediately after 29999 but I'm too much of a coward to use it
OTOH, having the ability to clear stars, I could just 12 it so that it becomes (and stays) the 30k one :P
mfer how you gonna clear stars from the transcript
I've done it before
anyhow, before I go, I just wanted to say that I thought today was Saturday, so I went and changed my main bio joke, went to change my chat bio meme and realised I didn't have to struggle to think of a meme for the week today and that I get to struggle tomorrow
so meme song suggestions for my chat bio tomorrow are appreciated
and with that, it's that time of day when people like me should get off the internet and obtain sleep
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\o (thank you to everyone who's arms I stole)
(very cool)
(lyxal stole my arms)
Wow he literally did. That's so sad.
@lyxal aren't you older (:p)
LotM still needs added as an event
will do when i get to my computer
@lyxal That's why I use GPT-3 for my chat bio memes
@RedwolfPrograms Elo-MMR isn't what you know by plain Elo. It's the best known system for multiplayer competitions
wait does the LotM post even exist?
doesn't look like it
I just got an idea for an esolang that is a cross between brainfuck and Hexagony
@Bubbler Nope. I'm just not fanatical enough.
> Also I am a sock of someone :P
wow, I didn't know plates could have such talented socks
who is milk lol
plates don't even have feet!
@AaronMiller TFW you outgolf your own sockpuppet
who said anything about sockpuppets?
@AaronMiller yes
i am a nice sock
made of cloth
cotton to be specific
well brownie points to anyone who guesses my real ownere :)))))
is he online?
> seen 1m ago
oh wait he is
@DLosc However, I have done a lot of code golf, I've cast a lot of votes, and I once wrote a solution that people liked a lot better than the accepted answer (possibly because it included a picture).
@milk is u pvc?
@milk me!
it's ok guys, mystery solved, I own milk
got milk?
(i had to)
I need some milk
@pxeger Now I kinda want to create a sock account so I can name it AlmondMilk
> milk me!
00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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