@cairdcoinheringaahing Actually, forget my advice and take a look at this masterful example from Mark Hamill instead. That guy is rapidly becoming one of my favorite people who happen to be actors.
Hmm, just fell upon this esolang. Wonder how that fits within CGCC's policy. I'm sort of curious now where the limits are with explicit stuff in SE, but not curious enough to do the research. Does anyone know?
Wow. It has 1.4k stars on Github. I'm really surprised; I've never heard of it. Has anyone else?
i think fetlang would probably fall under fairly legitimate use of language i'd otherwise try to remove just because it's just barely under the limit of too explicit to be unconditionally unacceptable
i would still rather people not use it because there's no real reason to and i don't want to debate the semantics of what's "acceptable enough" especially since it's so subjective, and deal with how it might affect the site image and users' experiences on this site
> Note: 2021-10-01 04:00Z - Maintenance is complete. We didn't finish all the tasks and will schedule another maintenance window soon. Thank you for your patience!
oh that's interesting. here we have grade 9 and 10 as just science joined together, then grade 11 and 12 splits into bio, chem, phys, and earth&space science
and you can take "pre-AP" for the grade 9/10 ones which prepares you for the AP 11/12 ones
i was in a full-time enrichment class after grade 5 so i didn't even have a split science class; pretty much half of our subjects were merged into just one large class, except like phys ed, french, and art in grade 7/8
that class was pretty fun cuz of the people there but i learned like nothing in the last two years lol (nothing from the class that is; i learned a whole lot of math and programming outside of school tho)
@RedwolfPrograms 6th was physics and space related stuff (very basic obviously), 7th was biology and environmental science, and 8th was chemistry and some other random stuff
Computer science is half math and half applied math. Computer engineering (which includes programming) is half applied math, half applied electronics, half applied psychology
here the only thing we really split across grades is like geography and history between grade 9 and 10; outside of that, i think mostly you have the same stuff per grade distributed out, so instead of a year focusing on one thing, all years spread out focus across all things (until they split in higher grades but that's in parallel)
for example, named functions, if-else blocks like vyxal's, and its looping structure are, IMO, good integrations of traditional aspects into a golfing language and are very well-designed
they obviously draw inspiration from existing practical languages rather than golfing ones, yet are still concise, can be reasonable used in golfing contexts, and still fit within a golfing paradigm
To me, if one were to design a truly practical golflang, it should have a verbose ASCII-only format and a binary golfy one that compiles from the verbose one
i am still not sure OOP is really necessary to achieving that but hey, i am in no position to say how you should or shouldn't design your language; as long as you (specifically lyxal) like it
This sounds less like a golfing language that takes inspiration from practical languages, and more like two people with totally different visions that got stuck in the same person's brain :p
@RedwolfPrograms (I'm on 768p which is why I need a smaller font size)
@RedwolfPrograms look, I'll be the first to admit that classes inside a golfing language aren't that useful (I barely use classes in other languages like python yet alone in a language with terseness as a primary goal). But I still think having classes would be cool and something fun/unconventional
@RedwolfPrograms Since "terse" seems to be less important than it is with more conventional golfing languages, "elegant" is questionable when you combine two paradigms in that way, and "readable" is a terrible measure for comparing golfing languages
Vyxal's cool because it's a bit different from the rest of the golfing languages, and it's easier to pick up as evidenced by it's massive growth (especially among newer users).
True - 2 is generally slightly golfier in situations where the method is easily portable or can use `...`, 3 is golfier when you're using features not in 2.
It looks like Lean is our new LOTM, and I'm guessing the OP isn't active to write up the post.
Does one of the brave souls who always seems to effortless write stuff for things like this want to? Let the Fire Nation attack @cairdcoinheringaahing @hyper-neutrino @RedwolfPrograms @Bubbler @DLosc!
@Anush It looks like that statement (|R-T|≤O(√(MT/k))) is true with arbitrarily large probability (but not 1), with the constant of the big O depending on the probability needed.
It looks like Lean is the LOTM for October 2021! Feel free to write up the post (this is a good standard template). If you don't want to do so, or if you aren't active anymore, someone else will write it up in the next couple of days — caird coinheringaahing8 secs ago
If there isn't one by tomorrow, I'll post it (if anyone else wants to do so, let me know and I'll be happy for you to do it)
Yes, but it doesn't need to be done at the exact time the month switches
So long as it's done on the first couple of days, it's fine. If anyone posts any Lean answers before then, just make a mental note to edit them in once the post goes up
Increment Time
Every digital clock contains a small creature that has to advance the time every minute [citation needed]. Due to the popularty of digital clocks these are nearly extinct which is why in this challenge we try to automate this task:
Given your string of a given time in the...
300+ rep for any nontrivial code golf answer in Lean or Coq
Partially influenced by the LotM of October 2021 (Lean), but not limited to this period.
Coq and Lean are academic languages mainly designed to establish and prove mathematical theories. Due to their type-theoretic and logical nature, th...
If you've got the opportunity to use something better anyway
@Bubbler I've got a hierarchy system where Python 2.7 would be separate from Python 2, but any Python 2.7 answers would count as both (same with Python 2 and Python)
See, if someone posts a message saying "We now have 30k starred messages", it''s going to get starred. But, do you post that when there's 29999 (what if it doesn't get starred), or when there's 30000 (so there'd almost immediately be 30001)?
anyhow, before I go, I just wanted to say that I thought today was Saturday, so I went and changed my main bio joke, went to change my chat bio meme and realised I didn't have to struggle to think of a meme for the week today and that I get to struggle tomorrow
so meme song suggestions for my chat bio tomorrow are appreciated
and with that, it's that time of day when people like me should get off the internet and obtain sleep
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\o (thank you to everyone who's arms I stole)
@DLosc However, I have done a lot of code golf, I've cast a lot of votes, and I once wrote a solution that people liked a lot better than the accepted answer (possibly because it included a picture).