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It looks like Lean is the LOTM for October 2021! Feel free to write up the post (this is a good standard template). If you don't want to do so, or if you aren't active anymore, someone else will write it up in the next couple of days — caird coinheringaahing 5 hours ago
I'm not really sure, how should we review a first answer like this one where there's already around 20 other python answers, several of which are almost identical to this one?
Ignoring, at the moment, the formatting issues and such
I think the best things to do are to edit the formatting, then leave the classic welcome comment, with a note that there are already duplicate Python answers
We allow duplicate answers, so VTDing/recommending deletion is inappropriate, but people do often delete their own answers if they find out its a dupe
I didn't know redwolf was a sock :P
Ooh nice, a fellow sockpuppet — Redwolf Programs 39 mins ago
Why am I having to find the derivative of pi^x for a calculus problem
If I ever have to do that in real life something very bad is occuring
Every time someone writes "ln pi" another person dies a horrible death
Q: Print a rectangle shape using asterisk

junaid AshrafPrint exactly like: *************** * * * * *************** length and breadth = n.

Welp, forgot that I have a close-hammer. But I don't regret closing the question.
can anyone help me extract the Hebrew text from this image please?
I am not good at this sort of thing but I know for experts it is easy
@Anush Programmatically, or by hand?
@DLosc either way I am happy
I don't know how to do it either way
@Anush I can.
@Adám thank you!
@Adám can you translate it?
> Peaceful and blessed sabbath
> A sea of health
> And good tidings
did you just copy that from somewhere?
I ask because of the formatting
No, I just translated it from reading the image. My 3 lines correspond to the 3 lines in the image.
I was wondering if it was a quote
@Adám I have a lot of trouble reading Hebrew without the vowel points, but I did manage to recognize the first two words before seeing the translation :)
@DLosc that is good already!
@Anush It isn't the usual Friday afternoon phrasing.
@Adám what is the usual phrasing?
Just the first line. The last line is usually coupled with other types of greetings, not sabbath greetings. The middle line is new to me.
ah ok. Thanks so much again. This chat room is definitely the best place on the Internet
The initial line is kind of archaic/formal though. When speaking, people will just say the first two words "Peaceful sabbath".
got you
@Adám when you say "first two words" - how are the words ordered in the original hebrew text? since the translation is "peaceful and blessed sabbath", does the original word ordering end up being something like "sabbath (that is) peaceful (and) blessed"?
posted on October 01, 2021 by celtschk

Imagine you have only one byte (8 bits) to store a value, but need to store values from $0$ to $4032$. Impossible, until you are also told that an error of 1/64 of the exact value does not matte...

Can someone try quickly starring and unstarring something?
Glad to help :) ... What was I helping with?
Interesting, it'll include the name and user ID of who starred the message, but only if that person is you
Which makes me think that during development, it was possible to tell who starred something in chat
I've got logging set up now, so I'll be able to announce which message was the 30kth to be starred
ooh, i forgot that this challenge exists. I might just have to finish my Malbolge interpreter in Vim and post it there.
I have 5 WIP esolangs and I'm having trouble motivating myself to work on any of them. :/
Welcome to esolang development :P
Never understood why SOes, SOpt, SOja and SOru are on the chat.stackexchange servers instead of chat.SO
I wish you could opt-out of flags from SOs in languages you don't know
Or rather, opt-in
I'd bet a lot of people click "not sure", which is not the correct thing to do when you don't know the language
@cairdcoinheringaahing Thanks, it's good to be here.
Ooh, but I did accidentally pick up that flag with my logging, so I now know the format of event type 9
@RedwolfPrograms I ignore it, ever since I learnt that "not sure" counts as a partial "helpful flag"
other way around
not sure is worth -1/5
Yeah, it contributes to deleting it, right?
That should be what a "not sure" response should do
hmm now I can't remember but IIRC it contributes towards invalidating
Yeah, and that would make sense
If you're not sure if something is offensive you could argue (not very well) that it's not super offensive
"Not sure" should just dismiss the flag dialog box, and get rid of the blue icon
It should, yeah
Is chat acting really weird for y'all?
Not more weird than normal
@RedwolfPrograms Fun fact, there are 25 different event types that SE explicitly has ids for, and most of them are unknown as to what they mean
But rather than be 1 through 25, it goes 1 through 22, then 29, 30 and 34
Ooh nice, I just hit 50k network rep!
@cairdcoinheringaahing I am aware :p
SE chat telling me why I didn't win in the mod election: data-users="[{"name": "caird coinheringaahing", [...], "is_moderator":false,"can_moderate":false, [...]}]" :P
@RedwolfPrograms I did write NP/SP and the library they use :p
I do wonder if there's other events in the gaps that are either so rare they've never been seen, or deprecated or used internally
I found an MSE answer that listed all of the different events that are known (IIRC it was by an SE dev), and even that had a couple that were "We think it might be X"
Can't find it now tho :(
CMC: A number n which results in n search results on the OEIS wiki
according to this, "not sure" counts for 1/5 of an invalidation
Q: Maximum burned digital display segments

The ImpalerMy timer LCD display has one burned segment. No big deal, since I can still differentiate between all 10 digits without the burned one. --a-- | | b c | | --d-- | | e f | | --g-- But what if more segments started to fail? Write a program that finds the maximum ...

I went to the sandbox and didn't realize it was sorting by votes and got really confused
Good job.
What if the sandbox had an accepted answer?
Does anyone have a userscript to make the starboard show all messages by default, and scroll?
We're now ten stars away from 30k
@RedwolfPrograms Conjecture: Suppose you type a number in the OEIS search box, take the number of results as the new number, and iterate. Unless there happens to be a fixed point or maybe a 2-cycle somewhere, all inputs will immediately start oscillating wildly between large and small numbers until they fall into the cycle 1 -> 347064 -> 3 -> 276859 -> 2 -> 322139 -> 1.
I was actually doing that for some time
I kinda want to ruin it...
To anyone who's planning on starring something far back in the transcript as the 30kth, please don't
We don't need an arms race :p
If we do have an arms race, it's clear that lyxal has already won ;)
9 to go now
I starred that at the exact same second as someone else, the timestamps are identical :p
Lyxal taking all of our arms brings a whole new meaning to "armed robbery"
More like "arm robbery"
Depends on how many people Lyxal's robbed before getting to you :p
Overarmed robbery
in CGCC Blog Chat, Jun 10 at 20:09, by Wezl
I just got rickrolled... three months after the message was posted. I think that's a new record.
> For enterprises, DoH has been a nightmare ever since it’s been proposed. DoH basically creates a mechanism to overwrite centrally-imposed DNS settings and allows employees to use DoH to bypass any DNS-based traffic filtering solutions
"Security sucks because it means we can't spy on people anymore"
1 hour later…
Would outputting lambda calc be considered metagolf?
My mind has been on combinators every since the BCKW one
@RedwolfPrograms Stop doing that then, you monster!
@RedwolfPrograms I hate this game. I've found that 876 gives 786 results which is the same but the digits moved around, and I've found some close ones, but no match yet. It's so noisey it's hard to tell exactly where to look.
I've had some really close calls too, but yeah it's so noisy and unpredictable
My closest by the way is 782, which has 784 results.
Oh wow, that is close
783 works.
Wait it does?
No way!
Wait it doesn't for me
The 780s are all really close.
Oh maybe I made a mistake?
I'm getting 846
I reloaded and I'm getting that.
766 is working for me right now.
Reloading and all.
Works for me too
I just discovered uni.xkcd.com
@RedwolfPrograms no I don't think I will
What's the scoring criterion here?
@RedwolfPrograms but that doesn't mean I'm not gonna invest in machinery to do so
Largest number?
@WheatWizard Not sure, I wasn't entirely sure it'd be possible to be honest :p
@emanresuA I couldn't help myself, I'm reading the code for it :p
Already found some cool easter eggs
Such as...\
I didn't liik
Konami code
@emanresuA you didn't liik?
I expected better of you than to not liik.
Smh /s
Smh my head.
For posterity
Ooh, unixkcd has a lot of Zork references
@WheatWizard Dang it! My thrown-together web scraper didn't find any results... I started it at 800. :(
1 -> 347067 is a 2 step loop in the oeis. 1 has 347067 results and 347067 has 1. I would bet that most starting points end up caught in this loop, seeing as 0 -> 286011 -> 1 as well.
The other lesson here is that the numbers keep changing. I had 1 -> 347064 -> 3 -> 276859 -> 2 -> 322139 -> 1 earlier.
Ooh new pfp?
It's spooky month =D
Yeah the small numbers are constantly in flux.
Oh yeah I have a October pfp set up. I should do that.
Are you going back to blurry pictures of cats? :P
That took forever to set.
Ooh, a name change too
Aww, your previous pfp was so much cuter
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