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you'd gimp your ability to use full unicode that way but it's still interesting
Modding by code page size sounds like an unusual detail
This is intended for a language where a lot of operations vectorize over lists, with the idea that the same operations would vectorize over strings too.
@BrowncatPrograms @UnrelatedString "Code page" could be "all of UTF-8" if desired
@DLosc Why not just have a different set of overloads for strings, that only vectorize when needed (and do it reasonably)?
More work, less orthogonal?
More golfy
3 hours ago, by Browncat Programs
Readability is very important for a golfing language imo
Better idea: represent strings as lists of code points, then represent everything according to
Aug 24 at 23:54, by Dude coinheringaahing
CMC: Given a list containing either integers, or lists of integers or lists (and etc.), encode every list as a base n+1 integer where n is the largest element in that list. [1,[2,6,7,[8,9]],3,[[4,[10]]],5] -> 10324088012575466278494485 Steps
i would say also that using a smaller implicit modulo could be useful for, like, multiplying by a magic constant to transliterate something
@cairdcoinheringaahing Sooner or later, I'm creating a language based around this
IMO there are two reasonable string representations, and anything else is just overcomplicating one of the two
@BrowncatPrograms *cough* Vyxal *cough*
@AaronMiller He said "reasonably" :P
@BrowncatPrograms Either strings are strings and that's it, or strings are arrays of a character type
@AaronMiller not mine :P
ok i am kidding
only weaknesses? :P
@BrowncatPrograms I think arrays of integers representing code points is also a valid representation
Especially for lower level languages
I'd just call those characters though
fair enough
Might be semantics, but I'd see a slight difference between the two
Not enough to argue about tho
Why not just get rid of strings completely and just use binary?
Well, I'd consider it a third then
But that's not one golfing languages would usually use
replace all arrays with a single bigint
that's actually an interesting idea
just get rid of strings completely
no more strings. this language cannot solve string manipulation challenges
@hyper-neutrino You say that jokingly as I write a string manipulation library for brainfuck :p
@UnrelatedString Sounds good
@UnrelatedString *cough*
You underestimate how far people will go to do things totally outside a language's intended purposes :p
Ooh Java-to-Python translator program guy is doing a presentation on his work
Why not just remove everything? That's the most readable of all!
keep us posted on the details
He just used other people's Java and Python parsing libraries >:|
O.o Lynn just golfed my code by 25%
Pepper (my new puppy) is literal chaos, turned into puppy form :P
She keeps winding up Patch by stealing his ball, and hiding it in the garden :P
༼ つ ◕o◕ ༽つ
I am going to break into your house and steal pepper for myself.
(For legal reasons that's a joke.)
Good luck, she'll bite you non-stop as you pick her up :P
and I will love her anyway
@AaronMiller Works for C
(I'm a bit embarrassed about how long it took me to get the syntax right for that)
@cairdcoinheringaahing i was like halfway to suggesting you add a leading bit to each pattern instead of padding but... that definitely works too
TIL you can mute specific tabs in Chrome and Firefox (and, I assume, most modern browsers)
That's nice because I can play music and not have to worry about being startled by the chat ping noise
Q: Silly sentence generator

Alan BagelYour challenge is to input a word and find all words enclosed within angle brackets. (< and >) Here is an example: The <adjective> <noun> biked across the bridge. Next, replace all <noun>s with a random noun, all <verb>s with a random verb, all <adjectives>s with a random adjective, and all <adverb

i mean i'm tempted to do something for ^^ that in Python but i know i'll instantly be outgolfed xD
@NewPosts OP definitely needs to start using the Sandbox
i also agree with ^^ that
@cairdcoinheringaahing sounds like you should comment that saying "Start using the sandbox first!"
'test cases: none" doesn't sit right with me
there's always ways to create a test case and show example output
(even if 'random' is involved)
@ThomasWard yep, they are very prompt with that.
@DLosc Beware, using it on chrome messes up the audio playing permissions, so if you've made it so a tab can always play audio muting it will restore it back to requiring interaction first
That's why I stopped using it for TNB
@NewPosts Alas... I sympathize with what OP is trying to do, but it doesn't fit the squeeze-every-byte spirit of code golf.
@ThomasWard Done that :P
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Alan Bagelcode-golf Silly Sentence Generator Your challenge is to input a sentence and find all words enclosed within angle brackets. (< and >) Here is an example: The <adjective> <noun> biked across the bridge. Next, replace all <noun>s with a random noun, all <verb>s with a random verb, all <adjectives>...

I have a quick comment (alt+4) specifically with "You should start using the Sandbox" prefilled
@cairdcoinheringaahing It's working!
Not exactly as intended tho :P
Should the question be closed until it's done in the sandbox so that people don't answer it?
I've advised them to delete the main post (then undelete and edit once clarified)
@BrowncatPrograms I... don't know what that means. :P But anyway, I'm on Firefox right now.
Ah, ok :p
I have TNB set to always be able to play audio, since it usually requires interacting with the page in some way first, since I wasn't getting pings if I had it open in the background and it reloaded. Any time I'd mute the tab and unmute it, it'd reset those settings.
yeah well it's not being kept
I'd suggest not keeping the code, preparing answers for Sandboxing questions can be frowned on :P
this isn't being kept
it's literally just what i typed up in Python xD
it erases since it's never kept
@ThomasWard Ah, you ninja'd me :P
it isn't being kept, but minus capitalization, 127 bytes, but requires an import from standard libs xD
literallyw as bored
fair enough :P
127 bytes in Python sounds reasonably short for that tbh
@ThomasWard random?
122 bytes because i realized i added extra crap that wasn't needed
but basically, yes. random.choice
probably against the rules, but i was curious if i could just do it :P
i.e. not competitive, "took it as a micro challenge for myself"
@ThomasWard Nah, standard libraries are perfectly fine
I'd be surprised if you could get <200 bytes on a challenge without using import random (or any other imports) in Python
@cairdcoinheringaahing well, that's the core bits, making two assumptions: (1) the string to parse is stored in a variable (s in this case), and (2) the list of words and word types is populated (like specified in the original post) already and not part of the actual 'how to do this' stuff).
it becomes too large to be considered 'golfing' if you have to include population of the word lists (tio.run's 'header' is good xD)
little microchallenge to make sure my brain can do stuff :)
@ThomasWard That's my biggest concern about the challenge tbh, I suspect that most answers are going to waste/spend a lot of bytes just encoding the word lists, and that's never the fun part of golfing :/
yeah their sandboxed version rewrote it to provide the lists
so there's no 'use your own' but yeah that's a question: "Should we include populating the word lists or the string to parse and process in the code count" is a concern
i'd ask but i'm lazy
and i'm still working i just needed the break from the Postfix hell i'm in
@ThomasWard I remember a couple of years back, someone would see a post in the Sandbox, immediately draft up an answer and spend the time working on golfing it, so that when the challenge was posted after a few days, they'd have an answer posted in seconds that was already golfed
i'm assuming the answer to that would be "no, just your implementations"
hah yeah well
as i said before, this is me just microchallenging myself
i have no intention to ever post it, even if i forgot to delete the code
Understandably, people got annoyed and so we discourage working on actually solving (and saving) answers to sandboxed challenges :P
I use CGCC and some of these things as random coding challenges for me to take a stab at privately
i have no intention to actually compete right now :)
@ThomasWard I do the same :P I also try to create a solution to the Sandbox challenge to see if it's clear enough to be on main, and to find areas that aren't as clear :P
like in this case i have a question for clarification :p
@cairdcoinheringaahing there used to be a meta thread with 'generally accepted assumptions and rules' for golfing, where'd that go, or was it replaced/removed?
(i.e. the statement that 'standard libs and usage therein are permitted' being stated as a general rule)
There's the standard forbidden loopholes, but that's about what isn't allowed rather than what is
There's also the unspoken challenge rules
I think that generally, unless something is explicitly banned, it's ok to do here (such as using standard libs)
well I'd assume that if someone's happening to golf in a language that has standard libs, like Python or such, it'd be too restrictive to not use them when is at play
CMQ which words start with the sound of a letter which is not the letter it starts with? E.g. euphemism?
because otherwise you have to write a random number generator, which in itself is painful as heck, and needs standard libs in Python anyways xD
(just for fun :) )
@Anush Any word beginning with eu (euphoria, eutopia, etc.)
@BrowncatPrograms good
@cairdcoinheringaahing yes
@ThomasWard It'd be interesting to see if you can write a PRNG in vanilla Python
I think id is kind of random
@Anush Potentially "era"
@Anush xylophone
@BrowncatPrograms which letter the sound for era?
Others with "ei"/"ey"
@Anush A
@BrowncatPrograms I like it!
@BrowncatPrograms got you
Any pt words that start with the sound tee?
Or do you a long e?
@cairdcoinheringaahing isnt that teh?
@cairdcoinheringaahing i'll eat my hat if someone does
@cairdcoinheringaahing I think you need a long e
@Anush "effort"
@BrowncatPrograms eh?
@BrowncatPrograms ... how do you pronounce that?
@ThomasWard I've implemented xorshift128+ in JS, it's like ten lines of code :p
@cairdcoinheringaahing It starts with the way you say "F"
Eh-fort starts with an e :P
@BrowncatPrograms Hmm
Maybe it should be on puzzling se?
@BrowncatPrograms good point!
Lots of "el" words
Elementary, electric, elephant
Those are good
and other with "ca"
words starting with xeno-
We need a list to see which letters are missing!
@hyper-neutrino Ooh nice one
@hyper-neutrino which letter is that?
@Anush Z (in the American way of saying it, "zee")
Ah for Americans!
@hyper-neutrino nice
(just because)
@BrowncatPrograms what letter does that start with
... wait how do you pronounce that
B, D, G, H, J, O, P, T, W are the only ones left I think
also doesn't "air" start with the "a" sound too
@BrowncatPrograms Ewe
@hyper-neutrino Wait it does yes
@hyper-neutrino and 'ex-' starts with the X sound
@BrowncatPrograms I misread that
Art is R, Ink is E, Air is A
double-u (:p)
Unless there's some obscure loanword, I don't think any more progress is possible, except maybe for O
If you have a weird accent, ate for H maybe
Actually I have a weird accent apparently
Ate ~= H when followed by some words
Like "your"
surely there's a word starting with J that sounds like it starts with the name for "G"
Plus some names and loanwords
There's gotta be something for O
@BrowncatPrograms I've always been unsure whether the "ing" sound is pronounced with the vowel in KIT (/ɪ/) or the vowel in FLEECE (/i/)--my instincts told me /i/, but the IPA transcriptions I saw all said /ɪ/. Now I see that the Wiktionary page for ink says some American dialects do pronounce it with /i/. Interesting!
@BrowncatPrograms I was thinking "eau," but apparently that's still considered French, even though it's a technical term in perfume ingredients.
B, D, P, and T are almost certainly impossible I think
@hyper-neutrino Jif
@Anush Gif
How...how do you pronounce that
"Gif" is with a soft g, "Jif" is with a hard g, duh :P
even then it's not the name of "J" if it's "ji" and not "jay"
please don't tell me you pronounce the i as a long a
What, what's "the name for G"?
First part of "Jingle" or "Jeer"
(Go with Jeer if you're not a speaker of certain American dialects)
Or Jeep
Jeer/Jeep start with a "djuh" sound :P
R, L, and nasals mess up the pronunciation of vowels
@cairdcoinheringaahing Yeah, "djee"
Do you pronounce it with an actual g sound?
@BrowncatPrograms I think so
So like "geek" without the "k"?
That sounds very weird to me :p
@BrowncatPrograms No, I meant like saying the letter G
@BrowncatPrograms Did we find one for V?
I forgot V was a thing
It would almost have to be some borrowing from a language where that sound is spelled w or bh
@BrowncatPrograms DJMcMayhem is sad now
@cairdcoinheringaahing well, I don't have much choice do I?
Four circles to the kissing come.
The smaller are the benter.
The bend is just the inverse of
The distance from the centre.
Though their intrigue left Euclid dumb
There’s now no need for rule of thumb.
Since zero bend’s a dead straight line
And concave bends have minus sign,
The sum of the squares of all four bends
Is half the square of their sum.
@cairdcoinheringaahing I'd be careful using absolutisms like "any" when we're discussing the English language
@BrowncatPrograms LOLOL
Notice that the guy on the left actually transformed into a different person, while the guy on the right stayed exactly the same. Therefore, the guy on the left wasn't originally Frank, thereby explaining why he had to specifically state that he was going to be Frank, instead of the other person expecting it from the start.
@cairdcoinheringaahing still doesn't make it edible
@AaronMiller Smort
@cairdcoinheringaahing link?
@cairdcoinheringaahing why wouldn't you be able to?
The main PRNGs most languages I've seen use, xorshift variants, take like ten lines :p
of course you need a seed; depending on your definition of "vanilla" python that might be hard
Just write another PRNG to generate the seed
A: Neural Processing Lattice Checker

caird coinheringaahingJelly, 20 15 bytes ị“???7ȷ%Ñ£¡‘&\Ƒ Try it online! -5 bytes thanks to Lynn! How it works ị“???7ȷ%Ñ£¡‘&\Ƒ - Main link. Takes a list of integers on the left “???7ȷ%Ñ£¡‘ - Integer list; [63, 63, 63, 55, 26, 37, 16, 2, 0] ị - For each i in the input, get the ith element of the list ...

Oh no
@cairdcoinheringaahing neat!
My laptop is going to die and I didn't bring a charger
This is so sad
Ask friend
Does you has friend?
Not one with an acer chromebook
@emanresuA Who needs friends when you have code golf?
@AaronMiller So true
@pxeger I don't think you wouldn't, just that it'd be impressive
Have you ever seen a PRNG?
It takes all of ten minutes to implement even some of the fancier ones
Nope, never seen a PRNG source code
I used to think they'd be complicated too until I saw one lol
uint32_t xorshift128(struct xorshift128_state *state)
	/* Algorithm "xor128" from p. 5 of Marsaglia, "Xorshift RNGs" */
	uint32_t t  = state->x[3];

    uint32_t s  = state->x[0];  /* Perform a contrived 32-bit shift. */
	state->x[3] = state->x[2];
	state->x[2] = state->x[1];
	state->x[1] = s;

	t ^= t << 11;
	t ^= t >> 8;
	return state->x[0] = t ^ s ^ (s >> 19);
I just close my eyes and press a random key on the keyboard. Boom, RNG :P
In case anyone wanted to see Python 3's random.randint source code:

def randint(self, a, b):
"""Return random integer in range [a, b], including both end points.

return self.randrange(a, b+1)
Wait no markdown?
Not in multiline messages, no :/
Chat is very very janky
I should do this for the lols
I could see the sussiest place with my own eyes
> A friend bought a new desktop Windows PC. He bought it with only 46B RAM, and, as you would expect, it runs excruciatingly slowly.
I would expect so with 46 bytes of RAM
Me: downloads pycharm computer: out of memory
> public static final int THREE = 3;
That's right people, magic numbers are bad, so use this
Gotta love when people insist on using best practices but don't know how to use them
@BrowncatPrograms I recently upgraded to 64B RAM, and the difference is mind-blowing
I'm not using my computer for gaming or anything, so I just have a couple bits of ram
Perfectly fine for web browsing
TIL Vim has a builtin g? to ROT13 text
I just download more ram whenever my computer is slow :P
Anyone with some rep on earth and space science who can downvote this absolute masterpiece of an answer?
I've seen a lot of conspiracy theories, but the ozone hole being a hoax invented by refrigerant manufacturers is a new one to me :p
Is promoting conspiracy theories a valid flag reason?
Could be worth a mod flag if it's promoting misinformation
@BrowncatPrograms That answer actually bade me laugh out loud.
@RedwolfPrograms Ad hominem attacks along the lines of "anti-science nonsense by two no name authors" are not a valid criticism. — Muidhan Budghif 1 min ago
@BrowncatPrograms Additionally, the book is 30 years old
I can't think of any climate science from 30 years ago that is still being cited as accurate
ಠ_ಠ SD just tried to gaslight me :P Went to flag one of the posts it detected only to be told that I'd "already raised [a spam] flag on this post" (SD's autoflagging) :P
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

YousernameHow many flights of stairs to climb? Challenge Given input as a list/array of strings that each represent the room of a class a student has to go to, output the total amount of flights of stairs the student has to climb to get to each class. Rules The student starts on the first floor. The stude...

Can you flag a flag as very low quality?
(I didn't actually click the flag button, in case anyone's wondering)
The power of inspect element.
Btw, how long did it take you to create/explain/animate your answer for Totally Cubular?
The first commit was Jun 25th
Aug 26 at 20:23, by tjjfvi
(I also have an answer to Totally Cubular, I'm just finishing up the explanation)
A bit of the time was spent writing the explanation
A bit?
(Though a bit of that time was also spent getting distracted by other things)
Amazing explanation though, very easy to understand, especially with all the animations. This is definitely going into Best of CGCC.
It seems I had a working solution Aug 3
@emanresuA :D
@tjjfvi Wait, no, July 25th
So 7 weeks between start and posting, maybe 4-5 weeks actually working on it?
@Razetime IIRC Charcoal tried to be readable, at least to start with... some of the later operators seem a little random
@DLosc There are other modern browsers?
does opera count
also i think edge can be considered a modern browser
Edge or Edgium?
@hyper-neutrino Edge (the new one) just uses Chromium, so I don't think that distinction is necessary
Most browsers seem to use Chromium these days, and some Firefox's lizard thingy
oh i see
@user Geico? :P
Oh right, I forgot Mozilla branched out into insurance (or is it the movie business? I can never tell with GEICO ads)
Those are all trailers for the GEICO movie they're working on
That would honestly be amazing
Even a movie made entirely out of GEICO ads
wait this thing? is made by mozilla??
Firefox wasn't doing too well, so Mozilla decided to get into genetic engineering and created a talking lizard (the (genetic) code is all open source, of course)
Coincidentally, they proved the theory that British English is the most natural dialect of English and a posh British accent is the most natural accent because their lizard immediately began using it to advertise their insurance
Ngl, I always associate "Mozilla" with "Godzilla", so them having a lizard mascot kinda makes sense :P
Godzilla? hah i'm LOLing around on the floor now xD
CMQ: Which CS related site should I post my question on? has an entry for CGCC that is sort of... not great when it comes to clarifying what questions we accept here. I have a draft for something to replace the current one, but does anyone have any suggestions/things they think should be included?

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