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@pVCaecidiosporeadduced Some APL influence…
@pVCaecidiosporeadduced What is the difference between and ²?
@Adám one is 2^x other is x²
> Raise to the power of 2
Should probably say "Raise 2 to the power of"
> Lesser than or equal to, vectorised.
@pVCaecidiosporeadduced Seems a lot of operations are missing, e.g. for sorting descending (̀S or ś?), e or e-to-the-power-of, logarithms, factors, OR, 0…n-1 (ɹ?), etc.
ah those ones are diagraphs; havent put them yet
is sort descending actually useful?
sort then reverse
Right, more useful for grading.
Are you not worried about confusing bitwise xor with increment? ^ vs
hmm i will change them
i need to find those tiny versions of > and <
@pVCaecidiosporeadduced Why not use for xor?
actually i orginally wanted to use the tiny (or squished) versions of > and <
For increment/decrement?
I'd have a hard time remembering which one would be up and which one down.
How about using harpoons or other arrows?
a > increment as in number line and < decrement
and or and or and or and or and or and etc.
ok i used the first 2
:-) You're welcome.
Yay, I have 15k rep! I can... protect questions... yay.
@Adám added some of those
to the list
Vyxal uses ‹› for inc/dec
@pxeger Hmm...
2 hours later…
@emanresuA thank you
@pVCaecidiosporeadduced No you know about shapecatcher.com – best tool for language design.
@pVCaecidiosporeadduced A very useful trick: . is short for 0.5 in Jelly, and due to the indexing behaviour, .ị gets the 0th and 1st elements of a list, i.e the first and last elements
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

JadefalkeApply gravity to this matrix Given an \$m\times n\$ matrix of \$0\$'s and \$1\$'s, apply "gravity" to it. This means to drop down all the \$1\$'s as if they were affected by gravity. For example [[1,0,1,1,0,1,0] [0,0,0,1,0,0,0] [1,0,1,1,1,1,1] [0,1,1,0,1,1,0] [1,1,0,1,0,0,1]] Should result i...

Oooh nice, I have exactly 42000 rep on main :P
Now to get 7 upvotes and to downvote an answer :P
@Adám cool
so why are some elements repeated in langs?
@cairdcoinheringaahing check your rep
@pVCaecidiosporeadduced No it's not
Your data is wrong
@BrowncatPrograms ok
; is the most common atom, is the most common symbol
@cairdcoinheringaahing its super close
@BrowncatPrograms concatenate?
@pVCaecidiosporeadduced If you undo the downvote, I can downvote something to get to 42069 :P
caird and I both have independently developed corpuses (corpii?), which mostly agree on the top 10
Also, not entirely sure I'm happy about that voting :/
@cairdcoinheringaahing ok
I think a skunk died in my high school
@cairdcoinheringaahing now you have to lose a single rep
@pVCaecidiosporeadduced Was this question for me? And if so, can you explain what you mean in more detail?
user image
Behold: funny numbers :P
@pVCaecidiosporeadduced :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing haha funny number go brrrrrrr
@Adám like in jelly there is U and
both say they are reverse?
U reverses at depth 1, is flat
@cairdcoinheringaahing so x[::-1]
Try them both with [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]] as input
@cairdcoinheringaahing i dont know jelly
Hang on, I'll get a TIO for you
@pVCaecidiosporeadduced U reverses each item while R underdot just does the whole list
@pVCaecidiosporeadduced Try it online!
Top line is result of U
@lyxal Yes but actually no
so now i would have to implement these
@cairdcoinheringaahing how no?
@lyxal U reverses at depth 1, so it recursively looks for lists of numbers, and reverses those lists. For example, Try it online!
The second line would be "reverse each"
Q: Setting up Al's R session

JDLAl wanted to use my computer to do some simple calculations, so I lent him the use of my R terminal for a bit. He complained though, saying it wasn't set up how he liked it. I said "No problem Al, set it up how you like and I'll just revert it later." This suited Al, and I left him to it. After a...

i should probably just learn a golfing lang rather than making my own :/
No, making your own is a good idea
It'll give you a good understanding of how they work
Both are good ideas tbh
@NewPosts Feels weird to review this as "Looks OK", but I'm not sure what else I'd do :/
So is CGCC getting any IGS recently?
Just generic spam
@BrowncatPrograms i think i already know how they work (or maybe not)
An even better understanding of how they work then :p
I made my first golfing language (attempt), Ash, before I tried learning any golfing languages
@emanresuA no comment
@BrowncatPrograms how did ash go?
how many Pokémons did he get? :P
I decided to stop working on it as it was consuming too much of my time and the parsing code was getting too scary
Plus I'd made some stupid decisions early on, that were holding the language back
@BrowncatPrograms what were those?
this is the 2nd rewrite of dinoux
Some decisions about the code page and its layout, the general structure of the language, and some operator choices
@BrowncatPrograms codepage?
howdo you implement it?
Code page as in SBCS
isnt it placing 256 chars on a table and calling it sbcs
I mean sort of yeah
But you want to make sure the characters are aesthetically pleasing, correctly spaced/rendered, nicely organized, easy to differentiate and associate with the right operator, grouped by function, etc.
@BrowncatPrograms how does that make a difference?
It doesn't make it golfier, but it makes the language nicer to use
Well, if operators that look similar have similar functions (i.e., lower cased letters always being dyads), it makes it easier to read and write the language
also should the comment char be in the codepage?
You probably shouldn't waste a code page space on comments
@BrowncatPrograms like jelly
@BrowncatPrograms But if you put it outside the code page, it means comments can never be used in an answer using the SBCS
golfing languages do not need comments
@pVCaecidiosporeadduced How about ignoring everything after an unrecognised unquoted character and until the end of the line?
because they don't need to be readable
You might want to try Pip's method of two spaces being a comment
at all
@BrowncatPrograms vyxal
@Razetime I disagree
They should be as readable as possible until it gets in the way of golfiness
and since your language is stack based you can just push a string to stack and immediately delete it
makeshift comments
@Adám no i am using apl's comments
@Razetime hm....i dont have strings
@pVCaecidiosporeadduced So why not leave that char out of the charset?
no string syntax?
i am trying to make dinoux readable
@Adám ok
@Razetime ???
This gives you comments for free.
again, you're making a golflang, readability is the last thing you need to be worried about unless that's a key goal like in vyxal

Strings are useless.

Sep 14 at 5:56, 35 minutes total – 47 messages, 4 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked Sep 14 at 6:34 by pVC aecidiospore adduced

Vyxal's the opposite of readable lol
Jelly's readable, Vyxal isn't
Readability is very important for a golfing language imo
nothing is readable if you dont know the lang :P
They're still used by humans
On a good day i can't tell the difference between jelly and vyxal code at a glance
So they should be human usable
There's a lot of ways to accomplish that that don't compromise golfiness
Like having a good code page
Having used it for a while now, I find Vyxal to be extremely readable/usable.
husk is the most readable golflang
Husk is pretty readable, yeah
Jelly and Husk are my two favorite golflangs for aesthetics/readability/code page design
H Return the head of the array. Ḥ Return everything except the head. Ḣ Pop the head. T Return the tail of the array. Ṭ Return everything except the tail. Ṫ Pop the tail.
^ head and tail are H and T
@BrowncatPrograms ehh ok
most golflangs look awful in default fonts due to codepage
all the explanations are misaligned
best looking golflang is APL /s
The characters should be chosen to ensure they're all the same width in most fonts
@Razetime use fixed sys, the best font
@BrowncatPrograms That's a huge thing for readability
use iosevka with terminal spacing
you're forced to use latin1 if you want a "readable" golflang, and you end up putting 5 different versions of 'A' that are barely distinguishable from each other, combined with othe randoms symbols you're forced to assign functions to
Jul 17 at 2:42, by Aaron Miller
Solution: Now we just need to make Vyxal Mono font
golflangs are not meant to be readable.
programmable, sure but not readable
@Razetime Uh...no?
There're plenty of characters in various blocks that render fine in most fonts
@AaronMiller mod an existing font maybe
Jelly is almost never misaligned, but it has characters from all over the place
Plus its code page has a really cool feature
Every character on it can be typed on a US-INTL keyboard
That's the coolest part about it
how do you type them
alt codes?
@AaronMiller Fairfax HD has the entire Vyxal codepage
@BrowncatPrograms Having characters that are easy to type has nothing to do with readability, though. I'd much rather have and for ceiling and floor than Ċ and . The symbol makes it much more easy to see what the command does than a simple letter, even if it may throw of the alignment of an explanation. The readability of the program is increased by using those characters.
renders at the wrong width in most fonts, though
(And by "readability" I also mean "writeability")
i doubt that any jelly golfer types jelly on their keyboard
it's either the language bar or copypaste
I do whenever I use Jelly
@BrowncatPrograms I'd argue that they are two very different things, personally.
I don't see why y'all are opposed to readability though
I could see not caring, but how could readability ever be a negative thing?
On the contrary, readability is an integral part of Vyxal.
Maybe in theory :p
it's almost as if two people can have different opinions of what's readable or not surprised pikachu face
@BrowncatPrograms do you use jelly as a scripting language
@rak1507 What? Impossible! /s
⌈⌊ over ĊḞ any day though
@Razetime No, but it's still a language humans use
So it should be usable for humans
And if that comes at no cost to the byte count, why not?
@Razetime If I could figure out how to config my second keyboard to do so, I would :P
@rak1507 I have to disagree there :p
I always thought being unreadable and hard to use is part of the fun of golflangs(or even esolangs in general).
@BrowncatPrograms fair enough
I think we just have differing priorities on what exactly makes a golfing language usable
Golflangs aren't unreadable tho, so long as you know what the builtins do
@cairdcoinheringaahing Unless it's Ash
I regularly use Vyxal for things like formatting text, converting to/from ascii codes, generating large repeating texts, etc. that are unrelated to code golfing.
Same way that Java is unreadable if you don't know what the various builtins do
I know what all the Vyxal builtins do, they solve FizzBuzz!
Seriously, if you show me a piece of code from any lang that I don't know, esoteric or practical, I'll tell you it's unreadable, because duh
It's like if someone were to show you some text in Swahili or Tamil or something, you'd say it's unreadable.
@AaronMiller 256 bytes to solve FizzBuzz? I thought Vyxal was supposed to have a short FizzBuzz program :P
I will also offer a +100 bounty to whoever posts the 30kth starred message
@cairdcoinheringaahing Readability > Golfability tho
We have hit 29900 in the last few hours
@AaronMiller Exactly. "Unreadable" is a stupid way to describe a language, because of course it's unreadable if you don't know it
Well, "unreadable" could mean "the learning curve to read it is too steep", which is a perfectly fine criticism
Heck, I know English and I'd still say it's unreadable sometimes! :P
@BrowncatPrograms I'd argue that Jelly has a steeper learning curve than Vyxal, but I suppose that's not the case for everyone.
For the language itself, definitely
Without a doubt it does
Stack based is way easier than Jelly's tacit
But when you factor out the necessary complexity, I think Jelly's more elegant and intuitive
But anyway, gtg o/
I'd argue that Jelly's style of infix tacitness (meaning it relies on specific parsing rules) is the most difficult form to understand
@BrowncatPrograms well my messages get starred rarely
I learned Vyxal and got the bounty for 5 answers in a single day. It just made sense to me. I've tried learning Jelly twice and can't seem to get the hang of it.
Husk's prefix tacit means that you can more or less parse it mentally without having to know any rules aside from "how many arguments does this function take?"
and i cant learn any golflang
APL's tacitness can get weird, with the arity being determined by the pattern, but it's fairly easy to get started (and difficult to master)
@pVCaecidiosporeadduced well apparently you can program in your own golflang
With Jelly, it makes sense until you start adding in dyads, at which point you need to understand the parsing rules, which can be fairly complex
Also, with things like or instead of or , I generally find Vyxal's commands to make more sense for what they do.
does jelly repeat arguments?
What do you mean?
a tacit system has to plug in arguments
@AaronMiller Even Dennis has gone on record saying he regrets choosing ‘’ :P
so imagine I plug in a,b,c and there's an empty space to fill
does it plug a again
@Razetime Oh right. Yeah, if you have a dyadic chain with 1 argument, it reuses the left argument
@AaronMiller Most of Jelly's commands, being letter based, have mnemonics to remember them by, if you can learn them :P
For example, an underdot often (but not always) means that it is the inverse of the dotless function (H is halve, is unhalve (double)). Most of the commands' mnemonics are words that start with the letter (İnverse, ijective base, żip)
husk doesn't auto repeat, I suppose that helps with some of the reading
@AaronMiller That's the program layout not things I'm talking about, like code page readability
I'm mostly talking about how well you can tell what each character is and what it does, not necessarily how the program is structured
Since Jelly having a much more complex structure is a feature, not a bug
So I noticed on this question that there are several answers that are technically invalid because they use the wrong output format. I've commented on a couple where I know the posters are still active here, but there are also some older ones where the posters might not be around anymore. Should I comment there too? Flag for moderator attention? Leave well enough alone?
I'd say leave a comment, then come back to them tomorrow/in a few days, and flag for mod attention if unaddressed
@BrowncatPrograms Corpora. It's a third-declension neuter noun. :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing Makes sense, thanks
Among other intresting things, this contains some ideas that could be nice for golfing challenges, in case someone is interested...
1 hour ago, by Aaron Miller
Also, with things like or instead of or , I generally find Vyxal's commands to make more sense for what they do.
1 hour ago, by caird coinheringaahing
@AaronMiller Even Dennis has gone on record saying he regrets choosing ‘’ :P
> I generally find Vyxal's commands to make more sense for what they do
@BrowncatPrograms Quick explanation for someone who doesn't Jelly?
‘’ is a very cherry picked example though
@DLosc Those are increment and decrement
Ah, okay
My biggest frustration in putting together a SBCS has been the number of really nice mathematical symbols that don't monospace in supposedly monospace fonts >_<
Same :/
@BrowncatPrograms More examples include ; for concatenation, or _ for subtraction, although again, that's just my thoughts.
Ash had those exact operators for those two things and I hadn't even seen Jelly's operator list before
I think they're pretty intuitive
But + and - are even more intuitive to me
isn't + addition
also i suppose you could use - for subtraction but then you'd need like _ or ¯ or smth else for negatives
+ overloads to concatenation for strings. It's intuitive because it's addition for strings.
@AaronMiller [laughs in Julia]
Also, why does Jelly have an identity command?
I assume it makes some tacit thing easier or something
@AaronMiller so then how do you concatenate lists
you Join them
my main complaint with vyxal is that half the time there's a good array builtin i need it's only available for strings because it's an overload of a vectorizing math operator
@AaronMiller purely for chaining
Strings and arrays should behave identically with almost all operators, IMO
jelly's approach to that is to simply not have strings :P
@hyper-neutrino Also sometimes for filtering
granted, and I think I've said this before, jelly is pretty bad for string manipulation most of the time and vyxal is considerably better (not sure how it compares to 05AB1E which is also better than jelly for strings), but if there's a math/array problem, i'm sticking to jelly
That's understandable. Every language has its strengths and weaknesses
@DLosc That's decidedly different from how Vyxal multiplies strings: For example
is that behavior actually useful
@hyper-neutrino That said, Jelly's string support would be much better with some more dedicated string manipulation atoms
It;s string weakness isn't in the typing of strings, it's in how the language deals with them
i suppose jelly could do string overloading by just observing when the argument is a list of characters, since those usually don't work with any mathematical operations
@hyper-neutrino That feels kind of hacky though
One of the nice things about the overloading in Vyxal is that it basically just goes "If this errors because of typing, make an overload," which means that there are pretty much no errors due to typing
there are no errors due to typing (as in argument types) but there are errors due to typing (as in code typos or improper implementation) :P
lol there are some exceptions, though: Try it Online!
@hyper-neutrino Yeah, the subtraction/negation/negative numbers trio can be problematic for golflang codepage design. Pip gets away with using - for all three, but only because of the non-tacit infix syntax, which is less golfy in general.
toki pona and code golf fans unite! toki sona, a language with 14 tokens and a 1000-character interpreter: github.com/dmadisetti/sona.js
@AaronMiller lol I just realized, the beginning of the code for that cop looks like somebody's reaction after seeing the flags: "oh f***"
> why
why not
Perfect ^_^
@AaronMiller That's a pretty common thing to do
oh lol I've only ever really looked at Jelly so I figured it wasn't typical
05AB1E doesn't seem to overload anything either
They're both like 5 years old
It's pretty well known now that errors are typically bad
@hyper-neutrino jli (Jelly v2) was intended to have only 2 types: lists and numbers, and numbers would have an internal flag to indicate character-ness for printing
Essentially, every operation on numbers would be as well-defined on characters as they are on numbers
oh that's interesting
i had that as an idea too but it felt too restrictive to not have strings at all
@cairdcoinheringaahing That sounds like a really bad idea
Dennis also played with character arithmetic in Jelly before essentially marking the idea as :P
@BrowncatPrograms It takes away any opportunities for overloading for literally no reason
But it doesn't
does being able to do math operations on characters even really offer much?
@cairdcoinheringaahing Well then what's the difference between "character" and "number with character flag"? A fancy name?
Overloading doesn't rely on the "types", instead it simply modifies the internal flag
does vyxal have a flag that automatically converts I/O between characters and codepage index / codepoint
Are you thinking of K?
idk how to program in K yeah looks like it
@hyper-neutrino Kind of
If you want to get the next character, it's a lot easier to increment than it is to convert to numbers, increment, convert back
@BrowncatPrograms I saw some prototypes that Dennis was playing with a few years ago, and they seemed to save bytes more than add them
For what sort of challeges? All I can imagine that being helpful for is character arithmetic
jelly doesn't exactly have a ton of overloading so i can't see there being a loss there
@BrowncatPrograms No idea, I'd have to go digging through the Jelly room transcripts
To me "numbers with an internal character flag" sound like the exact same thing as characters without overloading
still cleaner than length-1 python strings
What's wrong with ḤL being the same as L on strings? :P
@UnrelatedString Sounds like an implementation detail?
i'm barely following this conversation because i'm in the middle of a semantics lecture but isn't this half about implementation details
and then you get to have completely illegal character values in intermediate steps of computation
Sounds like an extraordinarily niche need
Another idea, please critique: There is no character type; strings are a separate type that is essentially a list of numbers, where the list is automatically flattened and the numbers are automatically converted to ints modulo codepage size.
Sounds like a string type with extra steps :p

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