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@user Brachylog, 5 bytes: ↔?d≤₁
Assuming d ("remove duplicates") preserves order, which it appears to.
Mmm, undefined behavior, that's invalid. -1
Pff, this is Code Golf. We eat undefined behavior for breakfast and ask for seconds!
Many take until the heat death of the universe, not seconds :P
Aha! d uses Prolog's list_to_set, which says "The left-most copy of duplicate elements is retained."
Huh, Brachylog's implemented in Prolog?
@DLosc My screen is awful, and I read that as
> List is hype-checked.
Predicate fails if List isn't hyped enough to be deduplicated :P
How do you hype a list?
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 9] -> [hype, Hype, HYpe, HYPe, HYPE, HYPE!!!!!]
The longer the list, the more hyped it is :P
If it gets long enough, you can throw a neutrino at it, and you'll get a hyper neutrino :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing Haskell *puts on sunglasses*
turning my apl train into a hype train
[1, 2, 3, 4] = HypeList, list_to_set(HypeList, Set).
@cairdcoinheringaahing @hyper-neutrino Can you confirm that this is how you were created?
@JoKing This is the ultimate goal of the APL Orchard :P
I thought a hype train was just throwing random bits and subs at stuff
i thought a hype train was a hypixel lobby gadget
Nah, a hype train is where you get more and more hyped
and where you get free twitch subs ;p
Alternatively, you could read it as a "Hip E-train"
I thought a hype train was the opposite of a lowpe train
A very cool train that runs on the internet
@lyxal That's the Gamer Girl Bath Water Emporium :P
@user Dang hipster Millenials ruining locomotives for everyone ;P
@cairdcoinheringaahing We do not speak of that here
Correct. We type of it here :P
Kindly move your message to the Trash
@cairdcoinheringaahing ಠ_ಠ
@user Hippie Train?
+50 to whoever comes up with an awful pun involving hippies, trains, and APL
> developed in the 1960s
Who gets the +50? First pun or worst pun?
That checks out.
Given how much weed was being smoked around the time APL was being developed, I'm starting to understand the design process :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing Worst pun
Add++ dev is going well:
> TypeError: Wrong number of arguments provided; "€" ("Each") takes 2, 2 provided
@cairdcoinheringaahing Maybe it expects 2.0000001 arguments and you're only giving it 1.9999999 arguments ;p
See, the thing is that it's supposed to expect 1 argument :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing oh.
@DLosc Does Pip have a transpose operator?
@BrowncatPrograms that should be ZDa
where a is the list you want to transpose
Ah, thanks
> ZDa Zip a List of Lists together, filling missing values with nil
I tried Ctrl+F'ing a dozen things but I didn't find the right word I guess :p
Monadic zip is usually the same as transpose IIRC
Okay this is going to sound stupid but...how do I call a function in Pip?
Oh I just realized I missed a whole paragraph of the docs
Never mind
I can't find a way to flatten a list
I've Ctrl+F'd for iterable and list and looked through them all and can't find one that looks like the right thing :/
Finding the key(word) is not so easy, young wolf
deep-flatten, or concatenate
i have never so much as looked at pip documentation but still worth asking
You must travel the four corners of the document before you can find that which you are looking for
Do I just fold AL?
Why would you do that to poor Al?
@UnrelatedString I've looked at every operator which has a description containing the words iterable or list :p
1 hour later…
@BrowncatPrograms Yes :P
Something like M that flattens the result could be useful too, maybe
@lyxal @BrowncatPrograms If the list of lists isn't ragged, you can also just use Z instead of ZD.
Also, in a nested function, are there better ways of referring to the arguments to the above function than just assigning them to another variable (like (x:a))?
@BrowncatPrograms No :P
Proposal: b through e hold the above functions' arguments if unused
E.g., ({({[a;b;c;d]} 4 8)} 1 2) would be [4, 8, 1, 2]
@BrowncatPrograms That's a big reason why you want to use lambda expressions whenever possible. You can do _+a where you wouldn't be able to do {a+[above function's a]}
Unfortunately I'm writing something really scary that involves a nested lambda which needs access to variables in three different scopes :p
But that's probably not too common
Nope :P
In an earlier stage of the language design process, I was planning to make \a be the next outer scope's binding of a, with possibly unlimited numbers of backslashes for unlimited numbers of scopes... but then I realized it wouldn't ever get used, so what's the point
Referencing the top-level arguments inside a function is sometimes necessary in practice, though, which is why I figured making global variables to store those was a good compromise.
I think using the next outer scope's binding actually makes more sense
@DLosc That's exactly K-ism
@BrowncatPrograms It's rare that that won't just be the top level arguments
@DLosc hey same. Vyxal v1 had the ability to move up and down function contexts, but I saw that no one used it, so I just removed the context changing stuff
@BrowncatPrograms Yeah, but is that lexical scope, or dynamic? Because lexical scope is much better IMO, but also more difficult to implement.
It's not necessary to have properly nested scopes, though they can be handy at times (especially if you need to construct functions in order to pass them into some higher-order built-in)
One way is to have an implicit "argument stack" and reference args at higher scope by index
Okay, I have a problem. I have (ka@>(x:_))M, where there's stuff after M that's mapped over, and k is a function (and a is from the outer scope). I think a@>(x:_) is being parsed as a lamda which is passed to k, when I want the whole thing to be a lambda (k and all). Am I going to have to use a normal function instead of a lambda?
If I understand correctly, yes. There isn't a way to build a lambda that includes a function call.
Now I'm really curious as to what you're making...
Okay, thanks. I should probably have picked an easier challenge to start with :p
@DLosc It's a secret! :p
Of course! Which only makes me more curious :D
@BrowncatPrograms That's what you get in a language with complex grammar :P
I love the fact that if you look at Jeff Atwood's posts on SO, you get the feeling that they developed SO by asking people on SO "How do I do X?" :P
I love that math captcha :P
Wow, there's somebody whose only post on the site was a single Pip answer. I feel... honored, somehow.
Only post on all of StackExchange, as a matter of fact.
("A single pip answer" is what you get when you have to choose one of six options, you roll a die to decide, and it comes up 1 ;P)
@cairdcoinheringaahing i'm kind of disappointed that the worst captchas of all time link in one of the lower answers is to some kind of long defunct file sharing website that managed to serve the actual content in a way that's opaque to wayback machine
CMP: Functions (with args) or subroutines (without args, everything is accessed globally)
depends; for what
@DLosc Is there any way to set a local variable?
Yeah, just assign to it as usual.
The value will be lost when it goes out of scope, of course.
Problem is, it seems like they get overwritten when there's an inner scope
For simplicity of implementation, subroutines. For usability, functions with args.
@BrowncatPrograms They shouldn't get overwritten per se, just shadowed. Example?
Shadowed is what I meant, yeah
Hang on, I might be able to set a global variable holding a copy of the local variable
Right. If you need something to be accessible in multiple scopes, use a global variable.
Those have the issue of getting overwritten when using them inside a function doing recursion though
I'm really doing some weird stuff :p
I can tell! XD
You with your high-level, readable, slow languages. I'm using BF.
... which is still slow, but not readable or high-level ;)
@emanresuA I actually was using a language I made that compiles to BF earlier :p
@BrowncatPrograms How does that work?
Is it something similar to asm2bf?
@emanresuA Same way as any other compiler I suppose
@BrowncatPrograms You might try passing extra arguments to the recursive call?
Or is it stack-based and various operations compile into different snippets?
@DLosc I've got the recursion inside a function for a map, so I don't think that'll work
Not sure
Well you can have the map pass one argument in, and each recursive call pass a second argument, and you can distinguish between the two cases by checking if #g is 1 or 2...
@emanresuA yes i have subroutines, the only thing is that i need to figure out how to make the map/filter/reduce with these subroutines
(or checking if b is nil, but that's probably less golfy)
Wait, I figured something out
It works!
/ \
DLosc, why have you been cutting people's heads off?
Not true!
If you think about it, I've actually been cutting their torsos off
Out-of-context quote of the day
is 2^x a good fuction for a glyph (diagraph, triagraph, so whats for 1?)?
Yes, but overload it.
so what would it do for arrays?
You'll need to find something else you want
@pVCaecidiosporeadduced What do other arithmetic operators do for arrays?
@DLosc Vectorise (kinda similar to jelly)
i havent started working the rewritten interpreter though.
@pVCaecidiosporeadduced Okay, then vectorize 2^x.
If you have an x^y glyph, 2^x should be at most as long as x^y to have a meaningful golf using it (or could be one byte longer depending on the syntax or paradigm, e.g. if it's stack based then doing 2^x using x^y would involve a swap)
@lyxal Hi!
@DLosc No, you've just gofled them down.
I want to try learning it neo
@BrowncatPrograms Hooray! Also: wow, that's long. Also: wow, that's a tough challenge to tackle!
@emanresuA I'm not Neo, but I support your ambition ;D
@BrowncatPrograms Do you want any golfing tips, or do you want to find some golfs yourself first?
If you have any golfing tips I'd love to hear them!
The two things that immediately jump out to me are 1) you can remove all the semicolons and 2) you can replace == with Q (string comparison) in this case, I think.
Oh, better idea: that function checks if a list of strings is a palindrome, right? That can just be {aQRVa}, which can then be a lambda expression _QRV_
someone also made a game without using tickers (before the update)
@BrowncatPrograms Try {z@<aAL_M(kz@>a)} for your nested function. I'm not 100% sure it'll work, but I don't think I see a reason for all the assigning back and forth there.
Doesn't work because of the global variable
Ohhh, I see what you're doing. Never mind.
@pVCaecidiosporeadduced You can certainly write games without being TC
> For each valid input string, your code must finish in less than one minute on my machine (Intel Core i7-3770, 16 GiB RAM, Fedora 21).
@Bubbler yes but i want to know if it actually is TC without tickers
does that still count?
seeing as how Dennis hasn't been around for a while, how does one verify that requirement?
@lyxal get a Intel Core i7-3770, 16 GiB RAM, Fedora 21 computer
I just noticed that :/
Working on making a version that's faster though
Because I have an epic 16 byter that takes forever for longer strings
@pVCaecidiosporeadduced I can't watch the full video series right now, but having an infinitely increasing slider doesn't give you TCness unless you can stop it using an internal global state (not user input)
@Bubbler wait i think you can
Without using ->?
No, it updates t forever based on the value of a, because t is simply a mathematical function applied to a
It counts as running forever
All right, it's pretty late for me. Good night! o/
I was just about to say the same thing! o/
I'd wave but SE chat requires me to not repeat my last message
there we go
you can wave using; o- o/ alternatively
so many decapitated heads oh god
Dammit, deleted comments don't onebox
> Did C hurt you in the past? Emotionally? Do you want to talk about it? It's alright. – Martin Ender Jun 5 '14 at 22:16
Heavily negative scored answer gives the information that it is not something many users agree with, so I'd keep meta answers in general
i don't think votes should solely determine whether a post should be around / be nuked anyway, meta or not. and i don't see much else about the post that's negative
Can you tell when Lyxal and caird VTD'd this?
7 months ago
Oh wow lol.
also, there isn't really any reason to VTD old posts that haven't been active for 4+ years
@hyper-neutrino Oops
well Java is fun
To me Java is the ultimate CISC
or as @lyxal calls it esolang
^ that carries marks
i dont get the first one though
int a, b, c - accepts and stores 3 integers
would i call that WET?
Are they function parameters?
the others arent
I'd call the entire comment block WET
lol yes
but that carries marks soo
Is it marked by a human or a machine?
(just curious)
@Bubbler i dont think a machine can understand text (unless it uses AI/DL)
our teachers correct everything by hand
Oh, ok.
this time we have MCQs and written
i think thats just done by MS-Forms
Just that machines can perfectly check the existence of comments that mention the variable names
ok what was that *nix command that takes a.out and disassembles it.
@hyper-neutrino TIL vtd votes don't age
@emanresuA February 11 this year to be exact
@lyxal Lol.
i almost crashed my computer
oh i crashed neovide
i learnt a little pandas
@pVCaecidiosporeadduced this?
Frick, the moment when I 100% surely put KI -> SK in the optimizer but the output still contains tons of KI
I should have given up and moved on to something else already
i was typing random things on termux and i found objdump
i got rickrolled by the dataset
I recognize that Jelly code...
wait what even is this
@hyper-neutrino jelly code
Lol, HN was summoned
ah, so that bit of code is from that one troll answer i wrote
@hyper-neutrino presumably a corpus of some sort
well, guess I rickrolled you then. GOTTEM LMAO
@Bubbler i've been here most of the past few hours i was just playing league so i only checked just now and saw something about jelly and rickrolls lmao
jelly looks just like 05AB1E
all are random unicode chars
personally disagree, but that's just cuz i know jelly so i can spot it sometimes
Well, the codepages are somewhat different so there are quite a few chars that only appear in Jelly and some others that only appear in 05AB1E
there are a couple of patterns that are somewhat recognizable and the character set isn't the same as any other language i know of at least
i am about to edit text with 466 cursors
well, that's one way to interpret "flags make it a different language"...
That's not the first time I (or Aaron) have abused that.
it looks like you have an explanation or two in there but i honestly can't be sure
at least L#275 looks really suspicious but it also doesn't look like an explanation since there is no actual explanation... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
> pattern := '' | pattern_string
pattern_string := (SAFE_CHAR | ASCII_RANGE) pattern_string*
ASCII_RANGE := '[' CHAR '-' CHAR ']'
@hyper-neutrino yes there were explainations
@Bubbler where?
That looks like something from a challenge text actually
lines 12-14
45, [[26, 16], [38, 41]] -> [[22, 43], [29, 37]] at the end of line 18
¢ +⁴
¢+ ⁴
This is one of mine :P
@hyper-neutrino whats the link to your jelly jht website?
Btw Given a set of integers, find the sum of all integers in it. on line 95 is part of code, I recognize the challenge too
I'm really seeing all sorts of weird code fragments from various s and and stuff. They should be removed in order to get some meaningful results I guess
@Bubbler i got some results
> In this answer, I coded it so that the program errors when executed․\nAlso, according to code-golf statistics, only a small percentage of people who view my answers actually upvote․ \nSo if you enjoy this answer, please consider upvoting - it's free, and you can change your mind at any time․ \nEnjoy the answer․
@pVCaecidiosporeadduced Your dataset is buggy.
That is definitely Lyxal.
@emanresuA now whats that line
actually i dont care now
Just warning you, up to line#80 is old vyxal
@emanresuA oh
hmm the most used char in 05AB1E answers are ` `
is that nop or something else? :P
by far + seems to be the most useful operator
(    100
while loops seem useful
wait what does J do?
hey are
@pVCaecidiosporeadduced I think it's sum if list, else sum of stack, but I might be wrong.
wait look at the last lines of the osabie.corpus
@emanresuA append / prepend / merge / concatanate
@pVCaecidiosporeadduced You can blame Makonede for that one.
@pVCaecidiosporeadduced Oh, I thought you meant in osabie.
Q: Broken question?

WansenI don't understand how this happened... It was asked 2 months ago but was closed 3 months ago, I'm assuming this is a bug?

just SE being inconsistent with date stuff as usual
I love the fact that you can track the origin of that "bug" to this, one of the first questions on SO :P
^ when your friend doesnt know that you can edit html with <F12>
Imagine not being able to get 141234 CPS :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing i had to make the numbers realistic
I don't think 31 is realistic lmao
@pVCaecidiosporeadduced considering the world record is apparently 15 CPS, I suspect your friend does know that
@rak1507 drag clicking
seen some minecraft youtubeter get that high
@pxeger shh i increased it
Hold your mouse down, and claim that's a click every time the computer clock ticks :P
what's with the new name lol is it a new account?
Looks like a Jelly decompression of their original username?
oh right
@cairdcoinheringaahing correct
That's not optimal btw: “æƁKẆṚ¿N» is a shorter string that decompresses to pVC aecidiospore adduced :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing actually if you decompress “PyGamer0» it puts a backtick between the last 2 words
That'd explain it :P
Huh, “PyGamer0» is optimal for that string :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing do you have a keyboard that inserts a :P as soon as you press enter? :P
> this is in 5 seconds
i asked in 1 second
^ my friends reaction
No, chat just auto-inserts that for me :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing time to write a userscript that actually does that :Þ
Could be interesting. Cause, it'd have to actually make sure it was at the end, so it could only add it once the enter key is pressed, and assuming the message doesn't end with :P
You can overwrite the event handlers :P
ok how do y'all use userscripts? :P
Yeah, they press random keys and sooner or later, the desired userscript behaviour happens :P
No one picked up the name Caesar apparently
I can think of someone, goes by Julius, who did :P
Julius Scissors :P
Ceasar → Scissors → Cisors → Cigars. Conclusion: Juilius Caesar used to smoke.
How prevalent was smoking in Caesar-era Rome, I wonder?
@cairdcoinheringaahing @pVCaecidiosporeadduced Oh, that's where it came from.
@cairdcoinheringaahing Given Tobacco came from the Americas, I'm gonna guess not at all
Opium and cannabis can both be smoked
Also, there's conspiracy theories that the Romans reached the Americas :P
Yeah smoking was popular in the middle east prior to the arrival of tabacco.
@cairdcoinheringaahing I assumed you meant smoking tobacco because we were talking about cigars
However I don't think the romans actually smoked.
why do most of the documentaries have sadish music.
although I suppose there's no reason you can't have a cannabis cigar
@pxeger I did, then I remembered that tobacco was part of the Columbian Exchange :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing i read that as Columbian Stackexchange :P
@pxeger If you had a cigar of pure cannabis, I think you'd be so high, you'd make Bezos' space flight look like a jump :P
There are reports of Romans mixing opium/cannabis with wine, but not smoking it :/
why are we talking about history during my history class
because we're all your teacher - get back to work or I'll give you a detention!
Why is there Look Ma, no Unicode!, but not Look Ma, no ASCII!
Because it is much more common in codepaged golflangs?
True lol

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