@cairdcoinheringaahing I think we should definitely have it here: Smokey doesn't take up too much space, and messages could be moved if they become a nuisance
@rak1507 Yeah, it's been 2 days, so I think most TNB regulars will have seen it
but supposedly it would not be too hard to implement that so i could open an issue on gh
the thing is in theory a !!/coffee or two every now and then shouldn't be too harmful and we could just go with "use your common sense and don't spam or you might get kicked/banned" but... despite how many bots TNB has now none of them have commands (except the RO/mod-exclusive status commands on NMP/NSP) so it'd be a totally new thing
@ThomasWard oh, huh. i was told by tripleee that it wouldn't be too challenging but i guess we all have different measurements of what's easy and hard xD
yeah that is true. the thing is our site gets comparably little spam (*knocks on wood*) so it isn't like the bot itself will generate too much noise (and we can just throw it out, since we already do that when our current new-question bot relays spam over)
And the SD CMP is inviting discussion on a topic that may impact the chat room for the significant future, and I'd like to get feedback before acting on it
@rak1507 Yes, that's the primary discussion. The secondary point, that applies to us, is the idea that people on the Internet != people IRL, and I think that's actually something we as a chatroom should consider
@ThomasWard that's good to know. I trust it to not misbehave too much cuz it's been running for a while in many places and i haven't heard of any mass casualties yet :D
@hyper-neutrino 'cept when my infrastructure explodes or is under a power loss, yeah there's no mass casualties from it being an overlord :) (underling Metasmoke system relies on my infra right now... power outages are rare but do happen in more severe TStorms)
@cairdcoinheringaahing Does that matter, though? It's not as if you're going to kidnap them and then take over TNB like a weird villain or something :P
I honestly wouldn't be shocked if any of y'all referred to me as "Chloe" instead of "caird". But e.g. WW might be if you referred to them as "Eamon" (or "Sriotchilism O'Zaic", etc.) Privacy is an important point, and Rosie raises that point well through that discussion. How private someone wants to be here is their choice, and having a high ranking user such as a CM raising that discussion is important
Idk, I guess I'd prefer for that discussion to be starred rather than pinned, Becuase I'd hope that other users would recognise that. But, when it didn't get starred, I pinned it because I thought it importabt
@cairdcoinheringaahing I'd say practically everyone here knows that (and someone just passing by who for some reason doesn't understand how the internet works wouldn't bother with reading it anyway)
There are some things on the starboard that aren't too interesting/funny (and might drive away more users like Wezl), but it's probably okay because they'll move off later anyway
In the same way as e.g new CM hires, there are some posts, often on MM that would potentially benefit from the input from this site (among many), and so, I believe, as an RO, my job includes pinning those discussions
It's better than using desktop chat on mobile, but it's nowhere near as good :/
@user Have you read Catija's answer? That's sort of it's point
If someone genuinely referred to me as "Chloe", I would be somewhat surprised as people who know me here, know me as "caird". Referring to me as "Chloe" either shows you know me really closely, or that you don't know me
Even when I was "Dude", people still referred to me as "caird"
Hell, I've met both pxeger and Adám IRL, and I suspect they'd both call me "caird" before they'd call me either "Jay" or "Chloe". Anonymous profiles can easily become just as personal as posting your full name and your favourite movie, and Rosie brings up this concept: Rosie is Rosie, including any details she's happy to share, and that persona is specifically less than who she is in real life
CLC-INTERCAL, 221 bytes.
How I generated the code above.
There is other "H...
I really don't think SD belongs in this room. Honestly I'd rather if no bots or feeds posted here, but those are reasonable enough and useful to most people. Smoke detector seems like a more technical thing that only a specific group of people will care to see, and I think that would be better as an opt-in thing (i.e. another chat room)
Usually branching off more rooms is bad since they'll die out, but one that's primarily about a bot will do fine because there's a constant source of outside stimuli keeping it active :p
Plus we can call it something more generic like "CGCC Moderation", and add more bots there as the need arises
But if we did have a CGCC Moderation specific room, we could combine its function with that of what the Guild was supposed to be
@emanresuA OSP's also here :p
There'd been plans for me to make some bots to post a lot of information about sandbox posts, and maybe even have a way for under-20-rep users to request that their posts be reviewed, but those never ended up being made
I'd be glad to start again if we feel that's needed, of course
@emanresuA Yeah, I'd been planning on having it detect comments like "I'd like more feedback on this", then the bot would notice that and post it in the room
I'm considering making a script that does something similar, since chat has limitations when it comes to providing useful and nicely formatted information
But the main reason I don't is that I don't really feel motivated to do all that work when almost no new users post in the sandbox anyway :/
@Mithrandir Who gets authorization in a room has generally been left up to the room's ROs and/or mods. For rooms that have commands enabled, there are four types of commonly used permissions settings: A) inherit from CHQ, B) inherit from CHQ with additional people listed per the ROs, C) have a separately list where the RO's permission is required to add people, and D) moderators only. Which is used in here, is really whatever the people in charge here want.
question though: what really is the point in this even, or like what originally motivated this to be considered
i have SD in CHQ set to ping me whenever it detects something on CGCC, which people can do if they care - I don't think I've been pinged in at least a few weeks, anyway :P
Escalators are fun. Last year my family went to get christmas card pictures taken at a mall, and it had escalators and the manager yelled at me for sprinting up the down escalator
Despite there being maybe two other people in the whole building :p
Challenge Given the roots of a polynomial (that is, the $x$ values where the polynomial evaluates to zero), as an array of real numbers, return the polynomial's coefficients. T...
This challenge is currently under beta release. If given enough positivity, it will remain here and stand as a fully released challenge. Otherwise, it will be deleted and put back ...
How many Jimmies does this platform need?
Platforms are stretches of - characters separated by one or more characters. For example:
------ -- ------ -
Has 4 platforms sizes 6, 2, 6 and 1.
Platforms that are not supported will fall. To be supported platforms need Jimmies. Jimmies look lik...
I could actually simplify the rules to say that each platform requires 2 Jimmy parts to support it unless it is 1 wide in which case it only requires 1. I don't think that actually ever changes the output.
Platforms are stretches of - characters separated by one or more characters. For example:
------ -- ------ -
Has 4 platforms sizes 6, 2, 6 and 1.
Platforms that are not supported will fall. To be supported platforms need Jimmies. Jimmies look like this:
They are three units wide. D...
@emanresuA That's because undefined = xyz is valid JS (but does nothing), due to a bug in IE that had to be supported for backwards compatibility reasons
@hyper-neutrino Yeah, they got cracked in <5 mins in chat :P
@BrowncatPrograms SE, just as an example, promises to some employees that they won't be poked with a sharp stick. Hopefully, JS devs aren't also promised that :P
CMC: given a list of coordinate pairs (x,y) in increasing order by x value, integrate the step function it defines. E.g. [(0, 1), (1, 3), (3, 3)] -> 7 (graph)
Starting with a set of 10 coins at the start where all coins are tails up, and given n number of integers x_1, x_2, x_3... x_n. We randomly flip x_i number of coins in sequence in each of the n rounds.
Write a function takes as input a list of integers, and calculates the expected number of head...