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TNB can get a little silly at times, but if anyone here ever wants to discuss something more on-topic or serious, please don't hesitate to break up the silliness a little. We're first and foremost a CGCC discussion room.
I've pinned that because I want to make it clear, and obvious, that, as an RO, I'd prefer to make people comfortable here above all else. That includes jokes, memes and other fun; we're a room about discussing code-golf first, and a fun room second
And, I hope that the other ROs and mods agree with me
I certainly do!
Thinking about why SE chat don't add thread so that the topic problem can be solved easily
@Niko It'd be tough to determine when to branch into different threads, and if the topics start to merge it'd make it confusing as to what should happen next
Threads in chat are a common
Oh really?
I mean, no chat room can prevent the problem of mixing topics and having multiple topics running at the same time, messing up chat room a bit
I think replies and the ability to edit (especially the ability to edit) are enough to keep the conversations separate enough
Anyway, gtg for dinner o/
And the best solution I have seen so far is 1. thread 2.reply 3. sep chat
That depends on how in depth the chat is
Discord's new thread functionality perfectly prove that
@Wezl See you around CGCC
@Niko If that chat is very in depth about something that isn't entirely related to the topic on TNB, then a separate room is appropriate
Otherwise, it's likely a valuable discussion to have here
It's not great, as separate rooms tend to die out, but sometimes, it makes more sense to have a discussion elsewhere
Oooh, I'm one answer away from being the first person to get a bronze tag badge on meta
But for this type of problem, it's mostly about the inconvenience. Having sep rooms dies out and needing to reply a very far chat and reading so many reply that jumps between different topic
thread just perfectly solve all those problems.
@Niko That is a problem. However, please, don't hesitate to ping us ROs if you'd like a message/messages (no matter how old) to be moved to a separate room for such discussion
@cairdcoinheringaahing thanks for pointing that out for me, I'll keep that in mind
wish discord had a move messages functionality
@BrowncatPrograms I think you're counting the explanations
Even on the new set of data, isn't producing more than 1.6k counts
@hyper-neutrino It have a much aggressive identical function: remove messages
Removing isn't the same as moving
off-topic for a room / channel != off-topic for the server
Wait, we can make a Discord bot that move message
i already did that
it's not the same though because unless you mess around with webhooks it's very hard to make it look like the original convo, and you can't insert it in correct chronological order, and the history gets messed around with
@hyper-neutrino Looks like you 3 parallel universes ahead of me
@Neil Sorry for the ping, but, if you don't mind me asking, how did the surgery go?
anyway, i stepped out for a second earlier so i didn't get the chance earlier but i fully support what caird said above earlier
Hey, SE mobile chat, why are you like this?
That's how everyone remembers it
You really expect people to actually memorise which symbol does what?
That's just down right stupid
Real gamers draw the teeth on the symbols to really be one with the crocodile
Everyone should use 🐊 instead of >
@cairdcoinheringaahing I count a lot of long but still valid jelly programs
I filtered every single one by hand to get rid of explanations
@Bubbler dang it why isn't there a crocodile facing the other way
@lyxal I do that :p
You actually memorise what < and > do?
What a loser.
Oh wait I only count 17 with a length > 100
There are 114 s in those
@lyxal You don't need the other symbol, you just flip the two sides
But not enough to get from 1.6k to 2.3k though
@Bubbler <p🐊 html text </p🐊 doesn't look quite right without the other crocodile though
It's HTML's fault :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing I'm really not sure how we're getting such different numbers, I'll send you my parsing/corpusifying code
Threading is terrible. Slack is awful. The end.
@Catija ... did... you just happen to bash Stack Exchange? XD
I just accidentally invited someone to a chat room
Whoever that was, please ignore it
How? They were talking about chat threading.
@ThomasWard Slack
ERR: Slack read as Stack
Someone send me caffeine
@lyxal How did you accidentally confirm the invite, you have to choose a room too :P
@ThomasWard !!/coffee ThomasWard
@Catija YOU try reading tiny text on a flipping tiny kerning of a 4k item xD
Wait, no, SD isn't active here :P
@BrowncatPrograms probably a default room
I'm on mobile
You should add the bot in here.
@Catija We have a strict anti-bot policy
@cairdcoinheringaahing bap
Reposting from Vyxal Bot has nearly gotten people kick-muted before here lol
well @cairdcoinheringaahing knows where they can execute that command and still reach me :)
here or not :P
@lyxal looks like it was Bubbler who I ended up inviting to Vyxal
Big brain moment
@BrowncatPrograms you don't have to confirm the invite
Just clicking it sends it
@Catija I'd support that if SD could only post CGCC spam here, but New Posts is fast enough that it sort of seems unnecessary
CMQ: Currently in Pip, comments are indicated by a semicolon at the beginning of a line, or two spaces anywhere on a line except at the beginning. Should I change the latter to be two spaces followed by a semicolon?
(Which would make the comment syntax "semicolon, either at beginning of line or after two spaces")
It won't affect code golf at all, but it could affect and
@cairdcoinheringaahing that's actually possible, as far as I'm aware?
@DLosc for restricted source, it seems better to keep both options
@DLosc What does one space or one space + semicolon do?
Ooh, two spaces as comments is a really cool idea
I like that
I wouldn't change it
@Bubbler One space separates tokens: for example, 12 is twelve but 1 2 is one followed by two. One space + semicolon is equivalent to semicolon. (Semicolon serves as an expression separator when it's not at the beginning of the line.)
@BrowncatPrograms Why, thanks!
That's exactly the sort of clever use of an otherwise redundant bit of syntax that makes me like code golf and language design :p
The main reason in favor of doing away with two-space comments is the surprise factor: when people aren't as familiar with the language, they try to add spaces to their code to make it easier to read, and sometimes their code mysteriously stops working.
That's true
@DLosc use tabs for comments /hj
Two consecutive spaces don't make the code easier to read than one space, so no problem :P
@lyxal I would consider it, except it doesn't format well on StackExchange /hj
@DLosc then I have an even better idea
two zero-width spaces
@lyxal Nah, Imma use those for block comments /s
oh that's even better
Proposal: ;<space> ... <space>; as a block comment
Surely you don't need spaces around when you separate expressions :P
Not in golf, no, but I am fond of writing lists like [1;2;3] and adding a space after the semicolon seems like a natural "more readable" style, so I think I want semicolon-space not to be a comment indicator.
I'm considering ;; ... ;;
That could work, or maybe (; ... ;) for distinct start and end (inspired by ML-style comments)
(; You get some winks as a bonus ;)
Ooh, I like it
I think that wouldn't step on the toes of any actually-useful syntax.
And I always like languages whose block comments are nestable.
For some reason whenever I see your pfp at small sizes it looks sort of like an anime girl
The hat looks a bit like a face with black hair at first glance
And the dog's head like a dress
Yeah, I think I can see that. Facing to the left?
If I try to look for the illusion though, I just see a dog again :p
It's only when I just barely see it out of the corner of my eye
I meant to change to another character after a week, and I think it's been two. Let me see here...
Is there a more detailed description of each of Jelly's quicks/atoms anywhere, or do you just have to read the code/figure it out with trial and error?
E.g., G just says "Attempt to format z as a grid.", which doesn't really give enough details
I haven't had any success trying to read the interpreter code, so I just try it on some inputs and figure it out
Oh, looks like HN's JHT site has quite a lot of useful details on what atoms do
Like for G it says "Format a 2D array of values into a grid as a string."
Does anyone have any suggestions for codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/2140/…?
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 36 secs ago, by SmokeDetector
@cairdcoinheringaahing brews a cup of Affogato for @ThomasWard
Consider yourself caffeinated :P
@BrowncatPrograms Yeah, me, Unrelated and hyper :P
> A symbol defined as HALT will act as a halting symbol. Some example definitions would be: "a[1]=a[1]a[1], a[2]=HALT" or "a[1]:a[1]a[1]a[1]a[1] a[2]:a[1]a[1]"
How does the second one define a HALT symbol?
A halt symbol is optional.
The utm.b version allows one, so I added one.
" The halt symbol plays no roll in calculations
You can edit chat messages for up to 2 minutes btw
I guass it just complicates things.
I will remove it.
as an example, I just did :)
Thanks for the advice. I am unfamiliar with this chat.
Yea, it can take some getting used to
Sorry, I was slow.
I can no longer edit it.
Given that m = 2, I'd suggest allowing people to take input as a two element list. Additionally, what format are you expecting the input to be in? "a[1]:a[1]a[1]a[1]a[1] a[2]:a[1]a[1]" is fairly vague
Is it a string? A dictionary of functions? etc.
It would be best described as a dict of symbols to lists of symbols
But if the symbols are encoded as consecutive integers then something as simple as [[1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1]] should be acceptable
Also, why doesn't the example expand out to the following, then expand forever?
No, it runs cyclically so it looks like this instead:
It computes the collatz conjecture.
The input format can be anything that represents the needed information.
@Bubbler I have no idea how you're mapping a[1][1] -> a[2][3]
Delete two symbols from the front, add the list of symbols to the end based on the first symbol deleted
The first a[1] maps to a[2]a[3], and second a[1] is simply deleted and takes no effect
@NimUser That isn't rigorous enough, unfortunately
@Bubbler ...It might help if I read the "how 2-tag systems works" bit :/
@cairdcoinheringaahing Just read the second quote block more carefully
Would reading a string work?
> m elements are removed from the beginning of the string; call the first element removed a[k]; P(a[k]) is appended to the string.
Nonetheless, while the idea now makes sense, I think the I/O needs improvement, and it could do with a worked example
@Bubbler Yeah, if I actually read it, it makes sense
Weird, that
@NimUser I think a blackbox function makes the most sense
A blackbox function? I am new to this, sorry.
@cairdcoinheringaahing I disagree, blackbox function here is just equally effective as a dict or a list
Not all languages can handle dicts tho, and the current spec doesn't adequately explain how a list would work
@NimUser A function whose body is unknown, and that takes a number of arguments and returns a value
Just googled blackbox function. Ok, I will change it to work that way. Thanks
A: Standard definitions of terms within specifications

flawr"Black-Box-Functions" The content (i.e. the code) of black-box-functions may not be accessed, you can only call them (passing arguments if applicable) and observe their output. They should also have no side effects, except for e.g. accessing RNGs or time, but no communication with the rest of the...

^ is a good definition to go by
Banning dicts because "not all languages can handle dicts" isn't good IMHO
Same can be said for blackbox functions
I'm not saying that OP should ban them, just that they should offer an alternative I/O method for langs that can't handle them
I have a call. I will reread this thread later. Sorry.
Python might be able to use a dict, but Jelly (for example) won't. OP should include an example either using a black box function, or using a list
Showing some examples of "sensible format" would be definitely nice, yeah
Also a question (related to whether a list encoding is acceptable) is whether I can use the numbers 1, 2, 3, ..., n in place of the symbols named a[1], a[2], ..., a[n]
CMP: It could be possible to get Smoke Detector, a network wide spam detecting bot, to post reports about CGCC spam posts in here (i.e. it posts messages linking to posts on CGCC/CGCC meta that may be spam). This could be useful as spam answers aren't posted here, and it provides extra confirmation for any spam questions that New Posts posts here. I'm in discussion about setting this up, and it's entirely optional. Do we want this, or not?
@cairdcoinheringaahing the link you included 404s
Ugh. why does https://chat.stackexchange.com/users/120914 work, but https://chat.stackexchange.com/u/120914 doesn't, when /u/ works on main as a shortcut?
@cairdcoinheringaahing the only thing I'd say against it is that do we really get enough spam for it to actually be useful? And would it allow for flagging through chat with the usual -tpu etc or would it just be for notifications?
Otherwise, I wouldn't mind seeing smokey here - it might actually remind me to do my daily reviews for it lol
I think it would allow the normal chat flagging (we'd probably be able to set it up to be the same as the Tavern), but yeah, the spam volume would be my concern
NP is already lightning fast, would we really need another spam-reporting bot?
Although NP doesn't do answers
Yeah, there is taht
the bot would help for detected answers, which isn't all that common but is a thing to consider (basically ^)
Question: could it be configured to do only answers?
that'd be useful
I can see benefits to both sides, which is why I'm asking rather than going ahead and setting it up/ not bothering
@cairdcoinheringaahing If y'all have questions about SD/Charcoal, Charcoal HQ is the appropriate place for questions about the bot/system, rather than about it potentially being in here
@pxeger I'd suggest adding an answer to the meta thread
@Bubbler I tried fixing it up, is this a bit clearer?
@NimUser Test cases should go after the input/output format, and should be presented in that format. Otherwise it is confusing (like, it's currently unclear how the rule a[1]:a[1]a[1]a[1]a[1], a[2]:a[1]a[1] would be actually given in the input)
Got it. I will fix that.
Thanks for all the advice.
@NimUser Also check out default I/O methods. We usually allow both full programs and functions as answers, and restricting it may impact how your challenge is received by other users.
Thanks. I will try and modify it to allow function answers as well.
@NimUser "Symbols are chars" - the range of characters that can appear is important. Lowercase alphabets only? Lowercase and uppercase alphabets? Or can other chars like digits or other symbols (ASCII or Unicode) appear in the input?
I will specify ASCII chars, full range (Upper, lower, digits, everything really). Thanks.
That...would complicate with your use of colons and spaces in the example input
I guess I did not think it through properly. Digits & Uppers & Lowers would make for sense, then.
Yes, that works
@hyper-neutrino Wasif hasn't done anything, can you nuke the bounty?
Mods can nuke an active bounty?
Let me find th ediscussion
8 hours ago, by hyper-neutrino
@emanresuA well you still have 12 hours left (+24 grace) so if you want i can cancel it now or you can wait longer to give wasif time to fix it, and then cancel if they don't
Around htere
When I posted this, I thought they might actually mistake it for a homework question :p
@lyxal Hi
I've discovered that exedraj was my fault.
May 29 at 23:21, by A username
CMC: Find out what your username decompressed in Jelly is. Mine's Assuredly\ denotated Bothered aalborg.
it's quite simple :P
alright, done
@emanresuA JbighakNPHete Gala4 bionomic furan
@hyper-neutrino What does 'Merge' do?
Also, is there a bug report on MM about how positive rep changes don't show up when your net change recently is negative?
that's not a bug
also idrk what merge does
i think it moves all of the answers (undeleted only, maybe?) from one question to the other
I.e. if I start a +50 bounty and get a +100 bounty, it shows +50.
wait how is that a bug
is 100 - 50 not equal to 50?
Oh wait
@hyper-neutrino What about 'Remove post notice'?
it removes the notice on the post
in this case the bounty notice
the option no longer exists cuz... well, the bounty's gone
So... the bounty still exists, people just don't see it?
probably? not sure
@Bubbler Łøł
@emanresuA l plyersE aachen, but I prefer the output after lowercasing the L: Unbespoke Medit (with a leading space)
I like how it manages to decompress Adám when á isn't even in the codepage
@DLosc I didn't even realise you were you.
hi i'm new here ;)
Welcome to the site!
(; Welcome ;)
@Bubbler doesn't Jelly just ignore everything in the source code not in its codepage lol
@Bubbler BTW, I'm now leaning toward {; ... ;} for block comments, since { ... } is the syntax for code blocks.
More of a winky Grinch face.
I wonder if it's possible to have a Jelly-decompression quine.
So like “xxx» returns xxx, where xxx is some sequence of characters
@DLosc Never mind, new favorite: DLOSc => MetamathematicianAirest
Testing testing
Holy frick
I did it
Di dwhat?
Just a sec
Okay I'm back
I found a way to bypass my school's internet filtering
I wrote a tool that can encode SOCKS5 over websockets
That should automatically give you highest grades in CS (or whatever you have).
So I'm running two SOCKS5 servers; one on my laptop, and one at home
Wait so... Are you actually on the site, or have you made a page that communicates with the websocket?
So when I connect to the one on my laptop, before the server has a chance to try to act as a proxy the data is read from the socket and piped through WS to the server at my house, which treats is like a normal SOCKS5 connection, then pipes the results back through
@emanresuA I'm using the proxy feature built-in on the networking settings on my chromebook
I just proxy it through socks5://localhost:1080, which pretends to be a proxy and pipes it to the real one at my house
So I can now SSH and access github.io from school :D
Wow. Just wow.
My best attempt at that sort of thing was docs.google.com.document.surge.sh (Not a rickroll, I promise)
It's broken anyway
The teachers had a tool called Hapara that allowed them to see the tabs you had open
So I made it customise the tab name and logo
Oh, that's neat
If you have tampermonkey as an option, you could theoretically use document.title and document.favicon
Although if your school's at all smart they'll have blocked tampermonke like mine :p
No extensions except school-installed ones
I also messed around with crosh a lot, but I couldn't figure out how to get anything to work.
Crosh is weird, I have no idea what it's for
I guess it's mainly meant for debugging chrome itself
Not sure if there's any useful tools in it besides ping
Me neither, and I couldn't get it to do anything.
I did make a bookmark that emulated developer tools (badly, but it worked)
As in I had a console (no error logging, just running commands), a CSS editor, and a HTML editor (raw text)
@BrowncatPrograms Just remember, with great power comes great responsibility
@DLosc Don't worry, I'm not going to misuse it and/or give others access to it
@BrowncatPrograms You're a good kid, Peter
@DLosc *Ryan
@emanresuA I'm sure they're quoting something, not just assuming my name's Peter :p
@BrowncatPrograms @emanresuA Yup
My favorite's purgativelyscabrously acrimoniousnesses
Oh, I just remembered the biggest thing this changes: I can access TIO from school now!
They had it blocked because it had the word "brainfuck" >:|
> Buḅblėr: congratulant. Pekinaardvark
Buḅblėṛ: congratulation. Pekinaardvark
Buḅblėṙ: Congratulative. Pekinaardvark
Somehow Pekinaardvark is getting lots of congratulation
factorabilities babesiaacrimoniousnesses
Is Isogeothermquinquagenarian seriously a word in Jelyl's dictionary?
TIL "odontophobia" is a word. (Fear of teeth, I assume.)
@BrowncatPrograms That is big.
> ḃubḅḷeɼ: antiseizureo$ gyromancy
ḃubḅḷėṛ: backstretcho$ gyromancy
ḃubḅŀẹr: waitresso$ gyromancy
Gyromancy is a method of divination in which a person spins around inside or walks the circumference of a circle drawn on the ground, the perimeter of which is marked with the letters of an alphabet. The divination is inferred from the letter at the position where the person either stumbles or falls across the circle's edge. The person would repeat the practice "...till he evolved an intelligible sentence, or till death or madness intervened." The dizziness brought on by spinning or circling is intended to introduce randomness or to facilitate an altered state of consciousness.The word is derived...
> "...till he evolved an intelligible sentence, or till death or madness intervened."
Sounds like a solid strategy :P
@emanresuA hello
@hyper-neutrino which question is that?
I see
@Bubbler dictatress Right bedkey
@hyper-neutrino @Catija @Mithical @JoKing @Slate can someone grant chat.stackexchange.com/users/524169/awagga write permission for chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/90748/the-k-tree please?
please don't ping so many people
anyway, done
@hyper-neutrino should i ping only you in such cases?
@ngn if i'm already in the room you'll most likely be fine just pinging me (no guarantees). usually people will just ping me and joking (or ww if he's around too)
Up to two among CGCC mods. No need to ping CMs
in any case i'd definitely recommend against pinging CMs for things mods can solve, much less two of them
how do i know who's a "CM"? (unless written in their profile)
if they are a mod on every single site they're probably a CM or above
@Bubbler s/CMs/CMs and other sites' mods/
otherwise unfortunately you just kinda have to... know I guess? in any case I'd just ping only CGCC mods
@emanresuA x rajes aA
did anyone else's google chrome suddenly change their dark theme colors (on android)
i don't know because I use DDG on android
i usually have this tab open in the background, so i should be available whenever i'm awake
i'd say the same but "when i'm awake" is not the most helpful information
It's pretty rare that something is extremely urgent in any case.
@hyper-neutrino @Bubbler i don't mean to be rude, but if CMs and other sites' mods don't wish to be pinged about matters related to our community, then why are they in this chat
probably because closing the chat window doesn't leave the room if you have other chat windows open and sometimes we just forget about rooms we were in
@ngn Surprisingly enough, mods and CMs like to socialize and just chat sometimes as well.
that too. some mods have a life, don't take me as an example for the rest of us :P
having a life - luxury
i wish there were a way to invisibly join a room
as it is sometimes i end up just constantly reloading the transcript or opening a private window to stalk rooms without announcing my presence
userscript to plain lurk via transcript?
stalking the past huh
no, stalking the present
How would stalking the future look like
if we make a bot that fetch this page
@Bubbler i told you tomorrow already
@hyper-neutrino I do that to read TNB after I've said I'm going to sleep and clicked leave room
Purely because it's too hard to leave
@hyper-neutrino "Or above"?
yes there are people above CMs in the SE hierarchy
i'm not really sure about the exact hierarchy but you have like the vp and head of community, definitely the ceo at least... lol, etc
Oh true lol
idk if devs are considered "above" or "below" CMs. probably just different people for different tasks, no point making a comparison really, they're both necessary
2 hours later…
is microsoft down?
Not for me.
viewing tnb’s first day transcript
ḃuḃblėr:¶ stratospheric JohnsonvilleC
what would NOT 3 equal?
CMQ: How do you pronounce sidereality?
like it was two words
Where do you split it?
/ˌsɪdəriˈæləti/ (IPA)
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

emanresu AJelly compression quine code-challenge The golfing language Jelly has a very complex and clever string compression system which I'm not going to go into depth about here. You can find a very good explanation here. Basically, Jelly's string literals are represented as “...», where ... is a string ...

If someone could do a better check for trivial results, that'd be nice.'
@Adám side|reality
@Razetime That's an odd split. Wouldn't sidereal|ity make more sense? Or maybe sider|eality?
Q: Genetrate the flow chart

SSSplease generate flowchart from this python code

@NewPosts That is one very large, very low resolution image.
@Adám just my logic, not really following english
@Razetime You do realise it derives from the Latin sideris (stars), not from side + reality, right?
not at all
@Wezl Sorry to hear that
Q: Unlolify a lolified message

André Diego PiskeUnlolify a lolified message! I had to ask a coworker if they wanted to have lunch with me, but we're both hackers so it could not be in a lame way. The message asking that was roughly this: please respond with 011110010110010101110011 if you'd like to join lunch today The colleague being a hack...

00:00 - 11:0011:00 - 00:00

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