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How many bytes was the answer?
inb4 code-bowling
@BrowncatPrograms 273
@emanresuA One of the early vyxal answers? :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing No, my arguably best JS answer
Ah frick
For 2 hours today, I'll have to suffer through JavaScript at uni
Q: Non-sums of distinct positive powers

caird coinheringaahingThere are 31 positive integers that cannot be expressed as the sum of 1 or more distinct positive squares: 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 15, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28, 31, 32, 33, 43, 44, 47, 48, 60, 67, 72, 76, 92, 96, 108, 112, 128 There are 2788 positive integers that cannot be expressed as the sum...

@NewPosts I think that hardest thing for this will be finding an upper bound to terminate at. Bounds on Anti-Waring numbers aren't great or simple (OEIS has a(n) < d*2^(n-1)*(c*2^n + (2/3)*d*(4^n - 1) + 2*d - 2)^n + c*d, where c = n!*2^(n^2) and d = 2^(n^2 + 2*n)*c^(n-1) - 1)
@lyxal JS isn't that bad to learn
@BrowncatPrograms I don't doubt that it is
But this is from a uni course
It's only cursed when you start doing things more practical than what you typically learn in classes
Or when you specifically look for weird issues with the type system
@BrowncatPrograms maybe it's fine when learning it normally. But this is the same course that makes us learn XML and style sheets for XML
Oh, good point
But to be honest I use JS basically every day and almost never encounter type-cursedness-related issues
@BrowncatPrograms ^
@BrowncatPrograms as I said, it's normally fine
But the context of the learning will probably make it cursed
@cairdcoinheringaahing I'm pretty sure it can be pessimized into some simple superfactorial or superpower
Ugh I hate the 6 character minimum edit size for suggested edits
JS's two-way-binding system for objects can be helpful, and can be really cursed.
What's that?
@Bubbler Yeah, I think there's a way to create an upper bound that is ridiculously over what is necessary, but it's still surprisingly hard to find one :P
Like a=p=[] doesn't work
"Doesn't work"?
Ditto with a=Array(x).fill(z=[])
@emanresuA It sets a and p to be an array, what else should it do?
a's bound to p, so changing p will change a, often when you don't want it to
It's going to be identical in any language where objects are pointers
That's nowhere even close to being unique to JS
it's annoying though
a=p=[] literally means a=(p=[]), where p=[] returns the value being assigned to p. If it assigned a different copy of the array to both a and p that'd actually be much, much, much more cursed
Does the same in Python
@BrowncatPrograms Because it'd either mean = returns a copy of the value being assigned instead of the literal value, or a=p= is special cased
python have the same logic
Objects being pointers in JS (and basically every other language) is actually quite useful since it's the only way to pass by reference in languages without direct pointer manipulation
I wish that languages that did that though provided a way to explicitly pass by value sometimes
How would that work?
also, python can't accept a,p=[]
It'd mean the language would need to know how to safely deep copy arbitrary data structures
kinda sad
The golfy part of my brain dislikes a=b=[] failing, and needing a=[];b=[] :P
@BrowncatPrograms Like have a byvalue keyword that modifies function parameters
Well not syntactically
I mean ^^^^^
Unless you mean it'd just shallow copy, but that would be even more confusing
No I mean deep copy like how passing arguments in c++
If you did a=b=<value>, then the interpreter would simply treat that as a=<value>;b=<value>
@BrowncatPrograms languages like python do
It has a deep copy library
So surely that could be utilised
Not all languages are designed in a way that'd be possible
Of course, and I understand that
Of course, languages where things like JS's Proxy exist in the first place don't deserve nice features anyway :p
I just wish it existed sometimes
It doesn't sound that useful to me tbh
It's much slower, and making sure you don't mutate stuff isn't that hard
@BrowncatPrograms it'd more be for convenience than usefulness
Mutation is evil :P
Mutation can be super useful, but I do think it should be opt-in
@Niko The second line redefines p
so you can deref a and p by simply doing so
No, you're basically shallow cloning p by doing that, and writing it back to p with some changes
Just use itertools.tee for safely duping iterables lol /s
Just use Jelly, but without Ḣ and Ṫ :P
You were right the first time
Aug 24 at 23:42, by Dude coinheringaahing
Imagine using lists instead of representing lists of integers as a single base-n+1 number, where n is the largest element in that list
That method of storing lists is way superior
@Niko In more detail, a and p are still separate variables, they just point at the same array. p=p+[1] basically says "take that array p points at, make a copy of it, add [1], and make p point to it". So now a and p point to two different arrays.
(s/array/list because Python)
@lyxal Indeed :P
@BrowncatPrograms sounds nice
@lyxal (that actually is a very useful way of storing lists in quite a few esolangs, coincidentally, just s/largest element/a constant chosen ahead of time)
@BrowncatPrograms The problem with a constant is that it automatically prevents the lang from storing arbitrary lists
I don't mean in the implementation of the language, I mean when using it
If you have a limited number of registers or cells on a tape, for example
Seems like it'd be easier to just have a "deep-max" builtin and work from that
I'm talking about pre-existing esolangs you don't control
Like if you want to make a program using lists in an esolang without lists
@BrowncatPrograms Why do that when you can make your own language??? :P
@BrowncatPrograms BF
@hyper-neutrino Do you want a copy of NP/SP's log-in details? Seems like it'd be easier than waiting for it to post then editing that :p (I'd been meaning to ask anyway, since I don't wanna be the only one responsible for forgetting the password if I ever do :p)
@BrowncatPrograms Not being hyper, I can't answer that, but if anyone could 11 a bot's message, it's hyper. It's not like he needs the log-in to change NP/SPs messages :P
Plus, it's fun making 11 jokes :P
True, although the second reason (having a backup in case I lose the password or go inactive for a while) still applies :p
Actually, now that I think about it HN does already have their credentials
Yeah, I'm not opposing it, just pointing that out :P
They have the source code for NP/SP, which contains them in plain text
Security 101, hosted by Redwolf :P
Plain text is honestly the second best option in that case, other than using environment variables or a read-restricted file and a separate user purely for running NP/SP
Both of which are too much work for something that'll only ever run on my (and HN's) server
Just store them as SHA256 encoded strings :P
It's not like it's a situation where hashing could work, and if anyone has access to the source code already it's quite likely they can just access the credentials in the exact same way the code does, regardless of how obfuscated or secured it is
(or through intercepting the outgoing packets)
@BrowncatPrograms (as I'm sure you know) OSP just uses an encrypted credentials file :P
I have no idea how it encrypts it, that's part of the chatbot library that I used
Which is of course useless because the key has to be somewhere in the source code anyway :p
It's like if you want your friend to take care of your goldfish, but you think there's a risk someone will break into their house and steal it, so you put the goldfish in an unbreakable safe and have your friend put the key to the safe in their bedroom :p
@BrowncatPrograms Yes and no :P
For the version of OSP that runs here, yes. For the generic version, no, as it asks for the key every time you run it :P
I just realised what day it is if you write dates as dd/mm/yyyy like a normal person
(which is a bit pointless, why not just ask for the password directly :p)
@lyxal 06/09/2021?
@cairdcoinheringaahing nice
d/m/yyyy would be nice
dd/mm/yyyy isn't :P
It's close enough for me
Although using 2021-09-06 is the obvious format, anyone who still uses dd/mm or mm/dd is someone I wouldn't want to be friends with :p
Ok Texan
@BrowncatPrograms When you first run it, it asks for your login details for the bot's account. It then gives you the option to save those behind an encrypted key + file for convenience
@cairdcoinheringaahing (In Texas, just like the US, mm/dd/yyyy is the normal format and it's awful)
Imagine not using 06-Sep-2021 :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing That makes slightly more sense, I guess
I have no idea what genius (north?) american decided to put the day in the middle of the month and year, it makes absolutely no sense
Presumably the same person who decided on using imperial units
Imperial was originally British, right? :p
Yes, and then we kind of realised the problem and sort of switched to metric :P
(I do actually like the imperial volume units though, fight me :p)
Speaking of @OldSandboxPosts, how you doing? :P
@BrowncatPrograms The only one I can use are the ones for length
And pints
@OldSandboxPosts go commit sand
Cups/tbsps/tsps just look so nice in recipes compared to "xyz ml"
@lyxal I hate sand. It's rough, course and irritating, and it gets everywhere
Pints, quarts, and gallons are fine enough, I have no opinions on those
@OldSandboxPosts yeah well commit sand regardless sussy baka
I wish cups and tbsps/tsps were nice round units in metric so we could have the best of both worlds
@OldSandboxPosts To pin or not to pin, that is the question :P
Like if a cup was a quarter liter, that would be very nice
Honestly we probably could retroactively redefine cups to be 250ml, it's not too far off and it wouldn't mess up recipes since those tend to not mix customary and metric
While we're at it we can redefine pounds to half a kilogram :p
Lets just use metric :P
No, let's use centifeet, gigayards, semicups, etc!
Y'all are wrong
@cairdcoinheringaahing No, don't you get it? This lets us use metric, while still having the nice intuitive customary units like cups and tablespoons
Gamers use gb/metre to measure length
So just rename all the metric units to old timey unit names :P
I'm half joking, but I seriously support redefining cups to be 250ml
What happened to the other half of JoKing?
a half life, a cursed life
Maybe JoKing's just my dad, so I'm half joking
Texas is America's Australia :P
Aww code golf family reunion. Wholesome 100
Redefining cups would make gallons about 6% larger, which might be confusing for anyone doing precise computations with customary units but frick those people anyway
Gallons are nice when you have exactly one of them (or a half), but if you ever have more than ten gallons of something you're using the wrong unit
(BTW, does anyone here actually know the ratios between all the different customary volume units, from teaspoons to gallons? I feel like that's really uncommon to actually know, since converting between them is basically never necessary)
The liter was redefined at some point, can't be too much more confusing to do it with a unit nobody needs to use for precise measurements anyway
I've never seen more precision with cups than quarters
Actually, pounds being changed to half a kilogram would be just as good, although the only problem there is that pounds are used much more widely and with much more precision and accuracy
It'd also mean that tons == tonnes, clearing up that whole thing
And it'd also mean that the weight vs. volume of water thing would remain mostly consistent
Or, and I know this might be crazy, we all use metric
Yeah, but you gotta admit some of the customary units are kinda nice
It'd mean people can keep using them while still actually using metric, making the switch easier later on
Just don't measure stuff!
Like, I use mph and pints, but would be fine with km/h and litres
Yeah, but the customary units feel "friendlier" sort of
If that makes sense
Like a teaspoon or a cup make sense; they're about the size of a teaspoon, or a cup.
Best idea: measure everything in bytes; for length, you see how many uniformly lengthed 1s span a distance; for volume, you see how many 1s can fit inside the container or whatever
They also let you use smaller coefficients; instead of "250 ml" which sounds like either a lot or very little, you can say "1 cup", which you can immediately get an intuitive feel for
I'm pretty familiar with metric units despite being an american, and I'd consider metric's length and weight/mass units to be way better, but for volume I really do like customary
I have no idea how much 1 cup is
Slightly redefining them to fit nicely with metric gives customary users the precision of metric, and metric users the option to use the nice intuitive unit names of customary
@Bubbler Once you do though, it's much more intuitive than liters
It's roughly how much you can fit in a small glass :p
I'm more familiar with 500ml and 2L water bottles, so 250ml easily comes to me as "half a small bottle of water"
Of course the units aren't currently going to be intuitive to metric users, because they have any reason to know them
"half a small bottle of water" actually is coincidentally the exact same way I think of a cup quite often :p
On the other hand, my cups are of incredibly varying sizes, so I don't know which cup to use
Part of it is that customary volume units are often used in situations where precise amounts isn't really that important, which makes them feel friendlier imo
It doesn't matter until you ruin your soup (or ramen) :P
Making a cup exactly 250ml would mean that you only need one set of measuring cups, either metric or customary, and you can measure both with the ease of customary (if you want that) or the precision of metric (if you want that instead)
That's true, but it comes with the cost of having those standard measuring cups
Sure, it'd be a huge breaking change, but only for the people who currently use customary, who deserve it
Okay there is some seriously bright lightning and strange sounding thunder outside right now...
There must've been some sort of weird interference or resonance or something, because the thunder sounded like it was getting louder and quieter a dozen or so times a second
I wonder if the right conditions could cause two simulataneous and nearby thunderclaps with slightly different frequences to produce the sort of interference that would cause that
(sort of like this, but with the frequencies adjusted to be reasonably close to that of thunder, which I didn't do since it makes it hard to see)
I'm so stupid, that's just a link to desmos >:|
Not a permalink
Sussy equation - that's ungolfed!
sin(\frac{40}\pi x)+\sin(\frac{48}\pi x)
There, ya happy? :p
Wait, can I use / instead of \frac?
Lemme try
Ooh I can
sin(40/\pi x)+sin(48/\pi x)
Moving x saves two bytes
And the parentheses are no longer necessary
Wow, this is surprisingly golfy
Compared to the original
It's all the \left\rights
The \frac{}{} is also not helping
You can use π instead of \pi, so I think -2 bytes
Ï€ is not 1 byte though
@cairdcoinheringaahing Desmos doesn't have an SBCS, does it?
it is two, and \pi is 3
No, but \pi is 3 bytes and the character is 2 ^
And it's used twice, so -2 bytes
I was looking though my old languages ideas, and found something interesting. A language where all functions without a return returned an object, where the properties are the function's local variables. It used : for assignment, so functions and objects used the same syntax
Also I managed to simplify the upper bound for anti-Waring numbers to 7 bytes of APL
though it practically won't work even for n=2 :P
@BrowncatPrograms Every time you say "I found something interesting", you always talk about something cursed :P
E.g., { x: 4 } would mean an object where x is 4, but { print("Hi!"), x: 4, y: x } would be {x: 4, y: 6} and also a function that prints Hi!
It's actually really cool sort of
@Bubbler Just go A(nG64,nG64)
It had a feature where if a boolean-returning function was followed by a function, it would only run the function if the boolean was true. That sounds a bit cursed, but it means you can implement things like if and for as libraries instead of built-ins
Dammit markdown
"Hey, I was looking through my local cemetery and found something interesting! This is Gerald, a ghost, he was murdered in 1873 and hates everything but isn't that kinda cool?"
E.g., if: condition -> { return not not condition } would create an if statement that works how you'd expect
With curly braces even
And since there's no code blocks, only nested functions that look a lot like code blocks, variables can be function scope but feel local scope
I'm equally in love with and horrified by this language concept tbh
Out of interest, why is JHT a gallery?
@hyper-neutrino I think the "resources" page on your Jelly site might be better if it were named something like "info", since usually "resources" is used for links to pages on other sites
But idk that might just be me
@emanresuA My language of choice doesn't have those builtins, so...
Never mind
the formATting was a mess
Posted. There's some lol parts though, like pessimizing c^(n^2+2n+2) into c!
Langs with Ackermann or other fast-growing function built-ins might be able to do better
adds Ackermann to Vyxal
@Bubbler again, very cool math
1 hour later…
woo I got to make the funny joke that java is javascript in the same way a car is a carpet in my lecture
car + pet = death of pet
Isn't that the other way around? (javascript is to java like a carpet is to a car)
ooh the median mark last year for the web tech course I'm taking was 69%
@Bubbler I think it's interchangable
why did people name it javascript
did java used to support web development?
Because Java was popular at the time
@PyGamer0 yes
@PyGamer0 Sort of
there were web applets
ah those
From what I've heard though it was just a way to get people to use JS
Like advertising
@BrowncatPrograms that doesnt make any sense
@BrowncatPrograms they could have named it webcrawler
I don't think that was where it originated
Wasn't it originally JScript?
Q: Why is JavaScript called JavaScript, since it has nothing to do with Java?

MatthewSince JavaScript is not derived from Java, why does it have "Java" in the name?

ahhh there is a connection
@BrowncatPrograms (no it was not apparently)
@BrowncatPrograms that's what microsoft was going to call it
> That’s right. It was all within six months from May till December (1995) that it was Mocha and then LiveScript. And then in early December, Netscape and Sun did a license agreement and it became JavaScript. And the idea was to make it a complementary scripting language to go with Java, with the compiled language.
@lyxal where is the v?
> JavaScript is the programming language of the web.
WebASM: *cries*
(source: JS lecture)
(the quote that is)
(emphasis not mine)
The thing is you still need JS to run wasm
and i have to install neovim to complete my setup
oh i also need tpt
2 hours later…
can i tell github workflows to use python wih fontforge bindings?
when you type mksir instead of mkdir: O_o
that could simplify name title grinders
if someone wants a jq tutorial I am now obsessed with this language so please ask me
@ROs can we clear up the pins please? It's ruining my enjoyment of the quality entertainment provided by the actual starboard
sure, just for you, i'll unpin the wiki link
it'll go away in a few hours anyway
the CM announcement could go too
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Wheat WizardWhen's the Listening Party? A listening party is an event where a bunch of people get together to listen to some music (like a viewing party, but for music). In the age of the internet you can do Listening Parties online with friends, where you just all hit play together. The problem is on the i...

Going to post this later today.
i see Johnathan already mentioned fractional timezones (though it's best to keep the question simple)
feedback: uhh timezones
@OldSandboxPosts *coarse
2 hours later…
> quality
> quality
> quality
@BrowncatPrograms I think cause it was created for Leaky and Erik to teach hyper (and so they didn't want other people joining it), and it's sort of become how it's done
It's a good way to keep track of who's a student tho via the access tab
@cairdcoinheringaahing oh, to teach hyper, hence the name "Jelly Hyper Training"?
in Jelly Hypertraining, Jul 31 at 22:52, by caird coinheringaahing
...can't believe it took me so long to figure out why this room is called "Jelly Hypertraining": cause it was originally a room to train hyper (as in hyper-neutrino) to use Jelly :P
Totally hadn't been a student there for 4 years without realising that :P
I like jelly, it's a cool language.
Chaining can be pain though
Good but painful
@BrowncatPrograms check your email
The Garanti BBVA Bank Turkey got back to me
> Date: 6th September 2021

Attention: David Alexander,

Hello David Alexander, And Welcome to Garanti BBVA Bank Turkey.

Your eMail message dated 4th day of September 2021 also was received and acknowledges which content duly noted therein.

As you may, there procedure for fund release so we have contacted Hank Chief, which you don’t have the legal right to contact us so go ahead and communicate to Hank Chief, for further information as we have contacted him this morning.

Thank you for choosing Garanti BBVA Bank Turkey.....My Bank and I
This is hilarious
@lyxal is that a scam mail?
It's redwolf's operation
I just joined in for fun
ah i dont get any advance fee scam mails
so i cant troll them
Q: When's the Listening Party?

Wheat WizardA listening party is an event where a bunch of people get together to listen to some music (like a viewing party, but for music). In the age of the internet you can do Listening Parties online with friends, where you just all hit play together. The problem is on the internet everyone is in diffe...

@lyxal Hank Chief? I think I've heard of him - is he married to Anita P?
@lyxal Mention issues with their supply chain (Don't specify what of) and suggest they fix it by building a chicken farm.
@emanresuA my email was only a throw-in to confuse them
Redwolf has the main thread
@BrowncatPrograms ^^^^
Also send them on a wild goose-chase of some sory
that culminates in a rickroll
CMQ: Do you hate Marvel or not?
Do I hate what?
@WheatWizard marvel
What is Marvel?
@PyGamer0 Can't say I really have an opinion on it
@WheatWizard Superhero movies
I'm not finding anything by google.
what are review queues?
Oh that Marvel
I don't see how I could possibly have an opinion on that.
It's like a nebulous multi-billion dollar entity.
Posts go into them for higher rep users to double check that an action should or shouldn't be taken
@WheatWizard no it is the coffee shop marvel :P
I had figured you meant some sort of platform or tool.
Like hadoop, flutter, ferroseed, skaffold, etc.
ah shit i broke the key on my keyboard again (the piano not the typing)
@cairdcoinheringaahing wait it exists?!
2 hours later…
@PyGamer0 glue
@lyxal I love how they clarify "My Bank and I" at the end, as if we're suspecting whether it's the real bank or not and that's sufficient to make us trust him :p
I was sent this
@Razetime fun fact: i just now put the glue
@BrowncatPrograms I like that their website, garantibbvatk[dot]com, has literally nothing there
at least they have the decency not to try and scam you through their website as well
I'm trying to find the ridiculously fake ID I used last time I got a similar scam
for some reason everything I get is links to websites that allow me to bet money on extremely-short-term currency exchange rate change directions while using a magic algorithm that wins 96.3% of the time
Does this at least look somewhat realistically like it's a real ID that's been scanned?
if you fixed the photo, it would
You're a minister of finance now? :P
No, Hank G. Chief is :p
@BrowncatPrograms Ngl, I saw that and my first thought was "Isn't that DB Cooper's id?" :P
Okay I think this one might be a tiny bit worse if you look at the image in detail, but it fits better at a glance I think:
It looks much less stock-photo-y, the weird ghost effect of the lower half of his shoulders is kind of obvious, but the scammer might just think it was a new photo taped in over an older one or something
If I had a real photo editing tool I'd blur/blend that specific area a tiny bit to make the jump between solid and semitransparent a bit less noticeable
@BrowncatPrograms The Abu Dhabi and Hank G. Chief don't fit in at all
It's good enough :p
Gotta go all in if you're going to scam the scammers :P
Where did you even get that anyway?
I made it a few years back with an image of a passport off google images, then I added in a picture of some random dude also from google images
Well, I originally made it then but this edited copy is from now
> I have attached a copy of my I.D. Good to hear you've accepted my offer to send all $10.5 million to me directly instead of splitting it with Mr. Koffi; please notify me when the funds arrive so I may know to send your 10% cut.
Sent :p
(Mr. Koffi was the fake name the scammer used in the first email, he said he'd take a 50% cut for arranging it all)
I'm sure the scammer knows you've caught on by now but is just continuing just for a laugh :P
I don't think so
They usually stop as soon as they realize you know
How would they not be able to tell that you're messing with them, though? The new deal with them should tip anyone off that you're just kidding
All they want is my personal details and bank info, so they don't really care what I say as long as I go along with it in a halfway convincing manner
If they stop talking to me when they think there's even a small chance I'll actually go along with it, that could mean they lose thousands
I probably shouldn't have gone ahead and sent the fake ID, I probably should've stalled for a little while like I did with Western Onion
@BrowncatPrograms You should at least use typewriter text for the inserted bits.
@BrowncatPrograms This is so horribly cursed it wraps back around to amazing and then continues on to horribly cursed and then wraps back around to amazing and then continues on to horribly cursed again
@BrowncatPrograms if you wanted to make this a somewhat practical language, a more scalable approach would be something like that of Ruby, Swift, or Kotlin: function calls can be followed by "blocks" (here more functions) which are passed to the function call
Or you could go the Scala way, where foo{bar;baz;bleh} is equivalent to foo({bar;baz;bleh;}), where the last expression inside the block is the result of the block
It's kinda a superset of the Kotlin way
that's what Ruby does
(except that blocks in Ruby are not quite first-class; you can only pass one block per function call)
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