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CQ: Do you drink H²O or H₂O?
i drink the latter
I prefer dihydrogen monoxide
@exedraj my first answer on this site was in Befunge-93
oh wait, golf not esolang
probably MathGolf
@PyGamer0 some say dihydrogen monoxide is poisonous, and that 100% of people who consume it die, but that's a risk I'm willing to take
Because I live on the edge
@exedraj thats just h2o
wow way to ruin the joke
dihydrogen (2h) monooxide (o)
22 secs ago, by exedraj
wow way to ruin the joke
@PyGamer0 <- a number
why can you do that ^?
@exedraj because replying to yourself is cool
I guessed the number wrong
@Razetime lol
:1 hi
wonder what the first message in here was
Jan 28 '11 at 4:35, by Feeds
Hello, world!
Welcome to chat for: Code Golf.
Jan 28 '11 at 4:38, by Chris Jester-Young
tap tap tap Anybody here?
@Feeds hello there
TIL that mathematicians weren't satisfied with normal cartesian forms of 2d lines, so they went and studied 3d lines and vector equations
:58978493 Anyone tried to reply to the future yet?
@JoKing that's a long way in the future
the current message id is only around 58978410
only 80 more messages to go
which is the id of the message I sent
I wonder what will hapen
The message'd have to be here for it to work
@exedraj lol
@exedraj hi future if it works
inb4 no
@PyGamer0 yeah did didn't update
okay now it did
@emanresuA mHello from the past
@exedraj it worked?!
inb4 no was the message
I have a userscript which shows message ids
@emanresuA nmsg
@emanresuA udate your previous one
@exedraj hi again
@exedraj you need text for it to expand the ping
wait i put a random id lol
@exedraj like this
@user so
wait what
inb4 caird or redwolf (or bubbler or adam) move all this to trash or something
:58978480 It works, you can ping the future!
@emanresuA but you have to update the thing
alright I'm now taking bets on who'll move this to trash
reply with who you think'll move these messages
I'm not the one who trashes stuff :P
@exedraj Doorknob, from the past.
Where's hyper been all day?
@emanresuA You failed
oh hey 58978480 is in another room
idk where
but not here
what about my message?
probably not here
It has not come
okay it has now
^^ was it
@emanresuA this
see how I have the ids showing
my original message doesn't appear to have updated though
@exedraj yeaaaahaaaaa
@JoKing Try editing it
@JoKing we tested that out about 50 messages ago
80 probably
^ is that apl's rotate and rotate first?
@PyGamer0 Only on matrices, afaict. Would fail on 1D and 3D arrays.
@Adám how would i make it then?
@Adám seems to works with 1D matrix Try it online!
@Adám and 3d Try it online!
CQ: How does numpy's pretty printing of its arrays work?
@PyGamer0 1D is a vector, not a matrix. Also you just implemented reverse, not rotate, and the one without _first is reversing the second axis, not last
@PyGamer0 Lazy answer: read the numpy source code :P
I think it is printing each nesting level as an array [item1,<nl><pad>item2,<nl><pad>item3...,<nl><pad>lastitem] with pad = ' ' * nesting_level
@PyGamer0 Dunno. I don't Python, and implementing APL is not trivial. Have you looked at how others have done it?
@Bubbler so This?
oh yes its reversed
so ¯1 ⌽ and ¯1 ⊖
@PyGamer0 Those are single-step rotations. Reverses are and
@Adám yes i implemented the single step rotations
When Gmail gets confused about time zones and all that:
user image
@Adám wow future people have contacted you
@Adám tomorrow, 0 minutes ago
That sounds about right
@Dudecoinheringaahing Try it online!
doesnt work like jelly with your method
so is it modulus % or is it modulo?
cause i saw in a math book that modulus is another name for abs(
how do i make matrix multiplication?
many algorithms exist onlin
@PyGamer0 It is quite involved.
def matmul(xa, ya):
    return reduce(lambda x, y: vectorise2(lambda a, b: a + b, x, y), vectorise2(lambda r, t: r * t, xa, ya))
^ doesnt work
@Adám wdym?
def matmul(A, B):
    return [[sum(a * b for a, b in zip(A_row, B_col))
                        for B_col in zip(*B)]
                        for A_row in A]
^ found that on geeks for geeks
@PyGamer0 You want to to work for arrays of all ranks, not just 2?
@Adám nah 2 is fine
it will be a limitation for 51AC8
That's ÞTẊƛ÷*∑ in Vyxal
@emanresuA i am not making 51AC8 in vyxal
not helpful
Or transpiled:
global stack, register, printed, output, MAP_START, MAP_OFFSET, _join, _vertical_join, use_encoding, input_level, raw_strings, retain_items, reverse_args, this_function
rhs, lhs = pop(stack, 2); stack.append(cartesian_product(lhs, rhs))
    global context_level, context_values, input_level, input_values, retain_items, printed, register
@PyGamer0 OK, then it isn't so bad. Looks like you have some algorithms.
That helpful?
@PyGamer0 in that case, you could just do the manual product
CMC: Multiply two numbers/lists jelly style vectorisation
Future 51AC8: ×
Jelly, 1 byte: *
@PyGamer0 Works in APL too.
@emanresuA Works in J and K too.
@emanresuA Wait, isn't it × in Jelly?
@Adám Shows how much I know about Jelly
Although its weird
Why is it weird?
@Adám ×_×
Literally every other language uses / and *.
/ isn't always so common
but *
m-modulus or modulo??
apart from you know, Jelly's parent language
@emanresuA Only because they can't use the proper English symbols.
@JoKing grandparent.
> In computing, the modulo operation returns the remainder or signed remainder of a division
@Adám And that's the way it's been for thousands of years.
@Adám right. i was going to say "parent languages", but that didn't sound right either
Since this has four upvotes and no problems so far, I'ma post it.
modulus/modulo is a bad term, as it can mean all kinds of things. Much better use use the terms residue and magnitude.
@emanresuA Is it a graphical output challenge?
@Adám modulus is abs right?
modulo is the remainder operation
Usage varies.
As you can see in the comments, a rendering version where you're given a shapecode and have to render it would be interesting, once I figure out the specs.
@Adám wait, does it?
i am talking about the latter
(other than most languages using % to represent remainder and calling it modulus)
... I'd gladly kill off the latter and keep the former
also now i have to implement the pretty print functions (hard) for this
In mathematics, the term modulo ("with respect to a modulus of", the Latin ablative of modulus which itself means "a small measure") is often used to assert that two distinct mathematical objects can be regarded as equivalent—if their difference is accounted for by an additional factor. It was initially introduced into mathematics in the context of modular arithmetic by Carl Friedrich Gauss in 1801. Since then, the term has gained many meanings—some exact and some imprecise (such as equating "modulo" with "except for"). For the most part, the term often occurs in statements of the form: A is the...
The terms should be burninated for being too ambiguous.
english is confusing; sometimes
replace all math words with APL symbols challenge
Luckily, APLs use the same symbol for remainder and residue, so there's no confusion.
Q: Make me a shape

emanresu AThe game shapez.io has a huge variety of shapes you can produce, such as: Each shape has a unique short code, for example the above is CrWbScRu. This means, going clockwise from top right, red circle (Cr), blue wedge (Wb), cyan star (Sc), uncolored rectangle (Ru). There are four different shapes...

And you find this glyph on the M key, as in M for modulo/modulus.
^ Have fun!
CMC: A simple 2d language simulation. ><v^ for bouncing the ball around and @ to spawn a ball. ; Finish the program. As soon as the program finishes, print how much number of steps the ball took to end the program.
oh yes the default spawn direction of the ball is right
@PyGamer0 Looks like a main challenge to me, but you need examples in any case.
@    ; # Outputs 4
@   v # Outputs 4
BMG is in 3 hours; get drafting!

 BMG Drafts

Draft voting for Biweekly Mini Golf
@Dudecoinheringaahing I eat my crunchy peanut butter on sunflower seed rye bread. I can't see you being able to drag that type of bread up with the peanut butter...
@exedraj probably Charcoal
Are any mods and/or Browncat Programs available to clear the starboard in ^ BMG drafts?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

mindoverflowFletcher's 16 bit checksum code-golf Intro No story this time :( This is something that I needed for a program and I thought that it would make for a fun little challenge. I'd love to see some unusual languages here! Challenge Implement Fletcher16. The algorithm is very straight forward, as seen ...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Wheat Wizardsource-layout code-golf Hello, Toroidal Earth! Your task is to create a program that outputs the string: Hello, Toroidal Earth! with an optional trailing newline. Additionally if I remove the first line1 of your program and add it as a line after the end of your program the new program should be...

@PyGamer0 What happens if the ball foes off the grid? What about infinite loops?
@pxeger done
@WheatWizard ball is like a laser if it fall of the grid it is reflected
@Dudecoinheringaahing FTFY: Middle-aged women who insist that people who work for minimum wage aren't people, and therefore don't deserve respect, aren't people and therefore don't deserve respect
@WheatWizard infinte loop is err infinite loop
@Adám time to make an APL with those symbols swapped :Þ
Ok, who downvoted my shapes question? I'm not holding it against you, I just want to know why.
And I know it was someone here because both the sandbox version and the main version got downvoted, and I didn't even link to the sandbox version.
Not me, but I imagine it was someone who thought it doesn't add much to the so many existing "generate a random thing under these hard-to-golf constraints" challenges
(Because that's what I think, even though I'm not gonna downvote)
A: Things to avoid when writing challenges

Wheat WizardConsider if your challenge really needs random output Challenges that require random output require extra clarifications that challenges with deterministic output do not, and additionally exclude languages with no source of non-determinism. Often times randomness only acts as a cumbersome outpu...

Oh, ok
But there's 1977980197799639651080320 possible outputs :P
CMC: Multiply the input by zero.
No test cases required
That's unobservable
Python, 0 bytes. Outputs via exit code
@PyGamer0 Vyxal: 0
@pxeger thats smart
@PyGamer0 What kind of input?
Vyxal, 0 bytes - outputs via the 'server' at data:text/plain,0.
@Adám number
@PyGamer0 More interesting if an array.
@Adám ok array
@emanresuA that's sneaky lol
@PyGamer0 Extended Dyalog APL:
Vyxal 2.6 (beta) - v0.
@emanresuA wait does that actually work?
Should work
vectorising a nilad = fill
CMQ: Tea or coffee?
@PyGamer0 Both are equally good when ρᵢ → 0
@PyGamer0 Milk, no sugar.
@PyGamer0 vtc as dupe of the debate I accidentally started when I asked that

The Great Debate over tea and milk and water

Jan 18 at 22:20, 53 minutes total – 137 messages, 9 users, 12 stars

Bookmarked Jan 21 at 3:01 by exedraj

CMC: Given two lists/arrays/sets/strings/whatever collection type you want, determine if they have any shared elements.
@Adám Vyxal:
@exedraj Really? How do you find their intersection then?
That is intersection
Empty list = falsey
Ah. :-(
List with stuff in it = truthy
@Adám ∩¬¬ if you want a scalar answer
Intersection, not, not
Right, that's pretty readable.
Then I've achieved my primary language design goal :)
how do i join?
@LeakyNun Stay here.
typical, it's just when I have to leave
@Adám ≢∪ I suppose
if you can answer as 0=no, nonzero=yes
Ah. :-(
@rak1507 Can you do it in 3 for 1/0?
∪≢, ?
@rak1507 Yup, that's what I had.
ah cool
@Adám and?
i presume @PyGamer0 and @emanresuA should start posting their drafts?
@LeakyNun Wait for it…
@JoKing emanresuA is gone though
so is pygamer
how do BMGs usually work?
an RO announces that the BMG is starting, pins that message, and people who posted drafts start putting them here I think
but there's never been a BMG where the drafters aren't present to post the cmcs
oh and there needs to be an announcement in BMG drafts that drafting is closed, and that voting has started
voting lasts for 5/10 minutes I think
maybe we should just start posting some of them?
lol I haven't posted an answer in 2 weeks (wait, it's been 2 weeks? dang, it's been a while), but somebody suddenly went and upvoted a bunch of my non-vyxal answers, as well as a bug report I made on MM.
Golly, I wonder who it was
was it you?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Wheat Wizardsource-layout code-golf Hello, Toroidal Earth! Your task is to create a program that outputs the string: Hello, Toroidal Earth! with an optional trailing newline. Additionally if I remove the first line1 of your program and add it as a line after the end of your program the new program should be...

I think I'm going to post this. Last chance for pre-post feedback.
I agree with JoKing
in most languages it will be extremely hard
and in some it's trivial
Joking stated a fact. I don't know how you can agree with it.
I think it's too hard in most languages
and therefore not a very good challenge
Also, the challenge doesn't specify a minimum line limit, so you could make a one-liner and effectively remove about half the challenge.
I don't actually think that the vertical interchange is very difficult at all. One liners are fine.
if it did specify a minimum line limit, you could just get around it in a lot of languages with blank lines
so when are we starting BMG?
Bleh, is this new?
> Asked 5 years, 5 months ago
The formatting, not the question
That was in the review queues
@BrowncatPrograms it's not as bright green for me
I would bet it's new since the spacing is broken.
@pxeger It's not the color of green that I'm talking about
I know, I'm just saying your screenshot looks weirdly bright
I was hovering the link
oh ok
(why isn't the cursor in the screenshot then?)
The cursor disappears when you're taking a screenshot, but it pretends it's still there so you can screenshot stuff like right click menus
Future project: Make 20 chat bots, then sync them up to rickroll people with chat pings
Q: Hello, Torodial Earth!

Wheat WizardYour task is to create a program that outputs the string: Hello, Toroidal Earth! with an optional trailing newline. Additionally if I remove the first line1 of your program and add it as a line after the end of your program the new program should be a valid solution to this challenge in the same...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Irsu85Add 2 numbers using a graphics card Introduction Graphics cards have great performance when doing big calculations. So lets make a small calculation Challenge Inputs: 2 floats of choice output: the addition of the two floats. The addition should be calculated on the graphics card, but it doesn...

ok so has BMG started
in BMG Drafts, 4 hours ago, by PyGamer0
Draft: Given a list, find its depth; scalars give 0, while each nested list adds one to the depth. Examples: 4 -> 0; [] -> 1; [2] -> 1; [3, []] -> 2; [1, [3], [[4]]] -> 3
in BMG Drafts, 4 hours ago, by PyGamer0
Draft: Given an array of numbers, square each number then add all of them together and find the square root of the number. Ex: [3,4] -> 5
in BMG Drafts, 4 hours ago, by PyGamer0
Draft: Given two numbers a and b, calculate: a²+b²-2a²b²+a!-b!²
@BrowncatPrograms Where is this from? I think I know the user in question irl
@PyGamer0 ²∑√ in vyxal
nvm, found it
@exedraj i was about to the same for 51AC8 but apparently i forgot how the operator precedence works in python, so the square root is just division by 2 lol
25√ == 12.5
@PyGamer0 well played
in BMG Drafts, 4 hours ago, by PyGamer0
Draft: The input is a string. Now encrypt the string by alternatively adding 1 and -1 to each char's ascii value.
@exedraj i should really write unit tests for everything
@PyGamer0 Vyxal k: ẏu$e+C
@PyGamer0 it's harder than it seems
purely because it's extremely tedious
@exedraj ?
Because you have to come up with the test data
and then depending on variable names/structure
you have to write a lot of stuff
> -a Output into an array, that is printed later.
^ i think that flag is going to help me write unit tests for the interpreter
@PyGamer0 JS: s=>[...s].map((c,i)=>String.fromCharCode(c.charCodeAt()+1-i%2*2)).join``
Also morning!
@BrowncatPrograms night
@BrowncatPrograms v3ery much eys
I too have very much eyes
I meant yes
and I thought you would have picked up on that
I did, but much eyes are more fun :p
in BMG Drafts, 1 hour ago, by Aaron Miller
Draft: Given two digits x and y, and a character z, do the following: If z is non-numeric, return a. If int(z) == x return b. If int(z) == y, return c. Otherwise, return d. a b c d can be any distinct, consistent values.
(x,y,z)=>+z==+z?z==x?b:z==y?2:3:0, using 0, 1, 2, 3 for a, b, c, d
CMC: Return the first truthy element of a list of integers
JS: x=>x.find(d=>d)
Scala: _ find 0.!= or _.find(0!=_) if you're sane
@user @AaronMiller brownie points if you find my 2 byter in Vyxal
no flags
returns as a single item list
Ash, 1 byte:
did you ever actually get as far as implementing the unicode stuff?
Yes, dynamics were implemented
@user nvm it's 3 bytes lol
Okay apparently doesn't work
Welp tahts enough golf for me for one day
I'll see y'all again tomorrow to feed my potentially unhealthy addiction to code golf and memes
Ḥ_ works
@exedraj lol that's what I had and I was freaking out trying to figure out how you outgolfed me
Does Vyxal not have a find operator?
@BrowncatPrograms ḟ = a.find(b) # Index of
There's not one that returns the actual item?
Like JS's .find
[0, 1, 2, 4].find(x => x == 2) is 2, x == 4 would be 4, etc.
That just sounds like ~c* with extra steps
Or...with less bytes, which is important for code golf :p
And yes I said I was off to bed, I had TNB open while teeth brushing
@BrowncatPrograms I don't think I've ever seen a need for that
.find is one of the most common functions I see in JS code golfing
See that's the problem
You're looking at JavaScript
Having a list and needing to find the first item that matches some condition is very common
Filter then head also works
And takes another byte
Actually it doesn't
You're suggesting [...;¢
@BrowncatPrograms Gotta agree with Redwolf here
(imagine ¢ is find like you say and [ is lambda)
find is incredibly useful
@BrowncatPrograms '...;h is the same length
I'm not just talking about Scala, it's useful for Husk too
@exedraj Ah, fair enough, although that doesn't work if you don't have a function literal
@BrowncatPrograms because filter is a separate structure
@exedraj That's just a quirk of vyxal then
It's a feature of vyxal
@user what?
'...; is a filter lambda
@exedraj Like if you have a higher order function where the function to filter by comes from elsewhere
Then you just do Fh
Suppose the function to filter by is in some variable f
@exedraj For Ash, all of the dynamics are like that, so filter and find are the same byte count
You never need to explicitly start a function
@PyGamer0 Charcoal, 6 bytes: I₂ΣXA²
@BrowncatPrograms Ḥ...} is find, Ḷ...} is filter

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