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@Bubbler could you clear the starboard?
how do i know if my question is a dupe?
it doesn't matter that much if it is
but someone will probably tell you
Draw an ascii lightbulb
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Please format that correctly lol
You can edit your messages, you know
Draft: Given a list, find its depth; scalars give 0, while each nested list adds one to the depth. Examples: 4 -> 0; [] -> 1; [2] -> 1; [3, []] -> 2; [1, [3], [[4]]] -> 3
Draft: Draw an ascii cookie. 🍪
Draft: Given an array of numbers, square each number then add all of them together and find the square root of the number. Ex: [3,4] -> 5
Draft: Given two numbers a and b, calculate: a²+b²-2a²b²+a!-b!²
Draft: Exponentiate a number by itself and subtract one, n times
Draft: The input is a string. Now encrypt the string by alternatively adding 1 and -1 to each char's ascii value.
Draft: Given two numbers and an operator (+-*/), calculate those two nubers with that oepratorl
3 hours later…
Draft: Given two digits x and y, and a character z, do the following: If z is non-numeric, return a. If int(z) == x return b. If int(z) == y, return c. Otherwise, return d. a b c d can be any distinct, consistent values.
Draft: Given a positive number, if the number is odd, print the previous three even numbers, otherwise print the next three even numbers

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