And, I think that's optimal. The only ones not used are %&*+/>@^|, which are all infix operators, and there's no way to define a new object using them to have as the other argument
so it needs to just be a bunch of symbols in a row and the score is the number of distinct chars in that sequence? that is a lot different than what i thought
> Write a program that takes the input of an integer number from the keyboard and prints "Positive" if it's positive or zero, and prints "Negative" otherwise. You must use an else statement to gain full credit for this exercise.
Create a maze
Your challenge is to create a maze. All mazes must be possible.
Mazes should be surrounded by walls of hashtags. (#) The starting point should be marked by an O. The ending point should be marked as an X. Obstacles are also marked as hashtags (#). The maze should be 16x8.
So, an exa...
Shortest common superstring
Your challenge is to find the shortest common superstring (SCS) for a sequence of English words. The SCS for a sequence is the smallest string that contains all the words in the sequence. The words should be passed as a function parameter.
Answers should be posted in t...
We spent 39 months between graduation and getting a design, second only to Anime & Manga. However, currently, both Philosophy and Law have spent 61 months waiting for their designs so far O.o
I finally managed to find it because I remembered one answer had mentioned advanced medicine and space travel, so I searched for "hospital rocket" and managed to find it :p
A hosptial rocket is probably not a good invention, though
Distances between keys on a QWERTY keyboard code-golf math kolmogorov-complexity
Inspired by this video by Matt Parker
The distances between the letter keys of a QWERTY keyboard are somewhat standardised. The keys are square and both the horizontal and vertical spacing are 19.05mm (so if there we...
@Dudecoinheringaahing Could she change just her profile on CG.SE? Or would she have to set that account as her chat account's parent user in order for the change to show up in chat?
@DLosc I think she should be able to change her parent user if she wanted to without that affecting mod powers (unlike e.g. HN who has to have his parent as CGCC to be a mod in chat), and she could change her profile picture on just CGCC, but I'd still be surprised :P
We've yet to convince any of the SE staff to take part in code golf (even Jeff Atwood, who has 3 gold badges here) tho :P
@Catija This is supposed to stay, even with the new Staff indicators on metas right? Cause it looks like your staff indicator on your main profiles has disappeared. (Same with JNat and Yaakov, so it's not just you)
I've added Johnvertisements to the Cursed site. When the window is too small, the johnvertisements grow and shrink when the buttons expand to fill that area. Does anybody know how to stop it from doing that?
@emanresuA I like the unicorns, but after looking at them for about 2 hours while working on the site, I like them marginally less, so I think I'll stick with the blue background for the time being, if for no other reason than to give my eyes a break, but if you or user or anyone wants to put that in a fork or a branch or something, I'm down.
I feel like it should be one or the other. I guess I understand not having staff on main sites but... I kinda would rather have "Staff" on main sites for people like me... but, whatever.
@Dudecoinheringaahing New question, I think. That other one is old enough we should consider this a new issue.
Here's what the username line looks like on RPG main
And meta (sorry @Slate, I just happened to spot it on your profile):
From a brief investigation, this appears to affect all staff and consistently across other main/meta sites. For staff without diamonds there is no indication on their profil...
@Dudecoinheringaahing So, in general, the idea is to let staff members be more anonymous if they're just using the site like a regular person. Most staff members don't actually do work related things when they're asking or answering questions on sites... only when they're interacting on meta.
So, having people who are staff mods (like me) marked as mods but also having staff will help explain the actual situation... essentially, "how are you a mod but not on the mod list?"
Anyway, I'll see if we can at least make the colors match properly.
I think that we could also do an if/then - so if mod, then if staff,also show staff.
@Catija Yeah. That's why I support not having the "always visible" Staff marker on mains, like on metas. But, I still think that Staff members should be easily identifiable, given some basic investigation, so I support having the Staff marker on every staff profile page (including main sites)
@Catija I think the mod + staff is a bit redundant tbh, and maybe even a bit misleading. A better solution might be if {staff} then {staff_label} else { if {mod} then {mod_label} else {no_label}}
I think Yaakov is working on a staff marker with a diamond in it... but that makes profile pages more complicated... if I'm a staff mod, do main site profiles show the mod only or the staff mod icon? :P
We do actually need to distinguish staff with mod abilities from general staff.
There's actually very little that a staff only user can do that a regular user can not, like editing on meta sites and adding red tags - yeah.
That said, as a CM I have even more access. We have special markers for CMs that grants us access to CM-specific pages that even other diamond staff don't have access to.
... we really are careful with how we let people access data. :D
I think I saw a mockup - probably a suggestion, not official - of a staff marker with a diamond in it. I think that's probably the best way, as the double labels can take up a lot of space
@Catija For which I'm very glad :P
@Catija If I asked "Like what", would you have to kill me after telling me? :P
Nah. Mostly it's some dashboards with site metrics and network-wide things... like I have a page that shows me all of the community-specific close reasons network-wide and one that shows me the bulletins network wide. :D
@Dudecoinheringaahing Interestingly, (and as I'm sure you can probably verify, Cat) I still don't trust SE enough to fill out the "Full Name" field in my profile
@user community-specific close reasons for each site are a 10k+ stat as well, just because HN got a diamond here doesn't mean he should necessarily get the same info elsewhere
@Catija Speaking of, I have many requests. #1 being: can we have control over those for us? And, if #1 is a no, if we provide you with texts that we'd like in those sections, could you consider replacing them to be more accurate to our site?
@Catija Speaking as a child, you'll always be cool to your kids at least (however much they'll deny it :P)
@Dudecoinheringaahing It's not so bad, we only show the ones with any content...
I think they're in order by site ID.
@Dudecoinheringaahing I think I've talked with @hyper-neutrino about this... for y'all, we can customize some of the pages but we'd rather y'all create the text for the pages and we edit them for you... so I guess that's a yes-ish answer?
@Dudecoinheringaahing It's cute that you say that... I should find your parents and tell them :D I know my kids now think I'm the best but (as I mentioned at bedtime last night) I'm not always sure whether they think I'm the best or they think I'm their slave...
@Catija So if we create a meta post similar to this to create drafts for some of the most important pages, you'd be open to changing the pages to our versions?
The important caveat is that ... we're not just going to change a few words, so find pages that you think need a big overhaul - and I know that y'all have different question types, so we can help address that.
I think there's already a meta post for at least one of the pages. Not sure which one.
This question is somewhat in response to The one limiting stat for us still being in beta where the consensus seemed to be that question quality was the main issue. I definitely agree.
I believe that the biggest culprits for badly asked questions are:
People that ask generic programming question...
So, the issue here is that this is a really old suggestion and y'all need to update it, so feel free to make sure the text is current now and we can look at updating it.
We have 3 status-deferred questions about the help-center, and one status-review. However, none of them really ask for drafts, so I'd be happy to create one to solicit drafts on pages that need to be changed
I think a question that has the format of "Post an answer containing a page you believe needs refining, along with a draft for what it should look like" would be a good idea
@Catija Yeah, I'm aware of a couple of drafts floating around meta, but they could do with unifying and updating
should we put it into one question asking for help center changes and we can have each answer marked as completed each time, or would it be easier to just have them separate?
Unrelated: I have mad props to you guys for not going crazy under the amount of spam/lost souls you get on SO and MSE. I know Charcoal and your internal spam systems must help, but I've gotten 472 flags in 4 months by flagging off-topic stuff on MSE, and y'all have to deal with a lot of that
@hyper-neutrino @Catija Thoughts on having a "nominate pages for rework" thread, then people can post questions + maybe self answers for specific pages?
The mods and the active users on MSE do most of it. I'll close the occasional lost souls question but they do a lot of work leaving comments and getting people redirected when they can.
@Dudecoinheringaahing Sure, having a hub for it to track it is good. Can also use a tag to help find things easily.
we might want to clean up that tag a bit and close/reject obsolete questions in that case, or a new tag like catija suggested might be better for posts about rewriting it and not just general questions surrounding it
I think I'd like to re-assess just how much of it needs rewriting tbh. If it's 2/3 pages, then help-center plus some status tags should work. If it's a large amount, then a full, organised effort might be in order
If y'all have a short blurb for that blog post about 10 year sites, and maybe a couple of your favorite questions, let me know. I can hand them off internally for whenever it gets republished.
Honestly, I think they want it by tomorrow, but it's just 2-3 sentences and you'd get to write it (or draft it at least) rather than having one of us do it. ;)
That said, when we proposed this project in January, it was supposed to include user-generated stuff like a brief description and some favorite questions, so... yeah.
@Catija (I know its obvious but) I actually really like that :) As I said, it shows just a little bit of caring to the communities to signify a pretty impressive milestone
Quest for Tetris has to top any "amazing stuff from the site" list. I don't know if it's a great question per se, but it's got the greatest (multi-part) answer I've ever seen.
I am trying to solve this... Now, when I go to bed, I see gliders everywhere, colliding in a giant mess. My sleeps are full of nightmares where pulsating pentadecathlons block my way and Herschels are evolving to absorb me. Please, John Conway, pray for me... — dimMar 7 '17 at 19:50
Whenever we're asked to demonstrate a good answer, it's always QFt. Not to say that it doesn't deserve it, but there are a lot of absolutely crazy good answers on the site, and they're often overshadowed by QFT
Also, quite a few people find QFT controversial - the question is a poor fit for the site, and the answers are more of a proof of concept than an actual answer.
Your task is to build a Game of Life simulation representing a digital clock, which satisfies the following properties:
The clock displays the hours and minutes in decimal (e.g. 12:00, 3:59, 7:24) with a different state for each of the 1,440 minutes of the day — either the hours will go from 0 ...
This began as a quest but ended as an odyssey.
Quest for Tetris Processor, 2,940,928 x 10,407,936
This project is the culmination of the efforts of many users over the course of the past 1 & 1/2 years. Although the composition of the team has varied over time, the participants as of writing ar...
@Dudecoinheringaahing ... Which leads into the other thing I was going to say about a "best of" list, which is that most of the things I would consider "best" or "favorite" do have a tenuous relationship with the site rules. Tweetable Mathematical Art was simply wonderful--but it's off-topic because it's too broad. :/
Tbh, I think a post from 2017 or later would probably be best. We got a lot stricter about what is and isn't ok here after that, and more recent posts are more indicative of what we're like as a site now
@DLosc I'm not sure. But the blog post will go out to quite a few people, so I believe we should put our best foot forward
If a disclaimer was put on Tweetable Art, I wouldn't mind showcasing it as "Look at what members of our community have done", but even with the closure and the lock, I'm not sure that we wouldn't get a couple of people posting similar challenges afterwards
That's fair. IMHO our "best foot" includes some of the old stuff that's off-topic now... but it would give people the wrong impression if they decide to come here looking for similar content.
I think we could probably get away with demonstrating Tweetable Art, and (if it has to be a question), I'd nominate "Hello, World! in zero lines of code"
Improving our Tour page and our help center pages has been long in the works, in particular our Asking and Answering pages. Some already existing posts about this are:
The "How To Ask" page is misleading
Can we get a custom Tour page?
Let's rewrite the help center's on-topic page
A Better Help C...