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Interesting that Worldbuilding's Sandbox has had a total of 312 questions posted from it. If we did their directory answer thing, it'd grow crazy large
@BrowncatPrograms so it was you at the store that time
I think that of all the SE sites that use Sandboxes, that might be the largest after us
Instead of being productive tonight like I wanted to, I watched a playthrough of superliminal, even though I've already watched markiplier play it last year
anyone heard of tpt
the powder toy
Aw I thought you meant the Australian wealth management company: tptwealth.com.au :p
Guess you won't be committing tax evasion with me then :( :p
I mean, you can if you want
@PyGamer0 Would you like to commit tax fraud with me? :p
@exedraj no lol
would anyone like to commit tax rod?
I would like to tax rods
Let's say $0.01 per rod, $0.02 for fancier ones
@BrowncatPrograms okay Mr irs agent
Okay I'm gonna unignore y'all, I can't bear to be alone
If a green cucumber doesn't have to pay taxes, why should i?
What the browncat programs didn't realize was that it was 1904, but the federal income tax wasn't established until 1913
@exedraj why don't you turn yourself into a pickle to avoid tax?
He just slams the door in the face of the irs
@user That might've been a mistake lol
TNB's incoherent as always
Hey I'm only slightly incoherent tonight
@user whl;aisudghpaiuwghaerp;iugbaerip;uhiuhaeliugaeliugraliugaer;igre;iugare;
@user this is one of my better nights so leave me alone
@pxeger asfdjoiwe iaj;efhispdfausdf;ajiowe fiwaeuaef
Fine then
@exedraj I shall respect your wishes
I'll go sleep if y'all ain't commit tax evasion with me
I'd commit tax evasion but I don't have an income :P
@user I mean neither do I
@user Neither do I wink wink (looks around for IRS agents)
But see y'all
@AaronMiller Seconded
Q: Tips for golfing in The Powder Toy

moonheart08Have fun with this one, The Powder Toy is a interesting challenge for golf, especially with filt logic. The thing that makes TPT a challenge is the many many many many ways to approach a problem: Should I use Cellular Automaton rules, SWCH logic, Filt logic, subframe filt logic, and/or wall logi...

@BrowncatPrograms That's a good idea, although it's not too readable for humans, which is what I was going for (should've mentioned that in the CMC)
I'm just training classifiers (LogisticRegression, SVC, RandomForest) (they all have distinct names) and trying to store their results
Presenting: The Julia language bar.
@emanresuA no particular reason
i changed my pfp because apparently "pixel art" is one of the sides in the pfp war now and so since i don't want to side with anyone i abandoned my pixel lambda pfp lol
Is there still a pfp war?
I hope not
I unignored y'all now, so I don't have any protection against c*ts
I plan on changing my pfp back when I go back to caird tho, so y'all can enjoy the picture of my cat for another couple of weeks :P
also i forgot new posts isn't a feed so i was wondering which mod 11'd its profile picture lol
@hyper-neutrino ngl, I thought you did it until I remembered the Redwolf has the login details :P
as for why specifically は, again no real reason i just think it looks nice and also it's what my username starts with
ハイパーニュートリノ is how it's written IIRC
@Adám I literally just got out of the first session of a class using Julia
@hyper-neutrino yeah that should be right
just looked it up on jisho and hyper is ハイパー and neutrino is ニュートリノ (or 中性微子【ちゅうせいびし】apparently, lol) so that should be right
i like how は looks more than ハ tho :p
ハ looks like someone hanging upside down, は looks like a headless person holding a staff
That's what the psychologist said about me the other day too!
@Dudecoinheringaahing So I'm The Redwolf now, huh? :p
@BrowncatPrograms I meant "that" Yes, do you see any other Redwolfs? :P
I can word good today
wolf → wolfs
The plural of my name is redwolfs program :p
Like "surgeons general"
redswolf programss
The plural of "Redwolf" is definitely "Redwolfs". "Redwolves" is the plural of "Redwolve"
"To redwolve"
The world doesn't redwolve around you, y'know
that looks almost like an owo-ified version of "to revolve"
CMC: Define "to redwolve" :P
when one says "vyxal bad"
I thought that was me. Redwolf complains about vyxal's flag usage :P
to redwolve: to express frustration at flags
A redwolf redwolves, but redwolfs redwolve
just found this java code (yes this is in prod; it's in a file from work)
List<UserEntity> findTop500ByEmailContainsIgnoreCaseOrNameContainsIgnoreCaseOrGivenNameContainsIgnoreCaseOrFamilyNameContainsIgnoreCaseOrderByLastSeenDesc(String email, String name, String givenName, String familyName)
Did they accidentally move the method summary into the method name lol
i mean i get it's because that's how the spring JPA thing works so you don't have to write the SQL query yourself but bruh
@user spring framework automatically turns that into a database query for you but you have to name it a specific way :p
Oh, that's weird
It can't use annotations?
may as well just use a different language at that point
may as well use a different language at any point lmao
If you're gonna use Java, might as well make it worse
also true
@hyper-neutrino Yes, y'all should use Scala!
like this structure usually makes sense for example another method in the same function is findByEmailIgnoreCase(String email) but for more complex things it is quickly very ridiculous :p
If it uses reflection, can't it use annotations or something else rather than method names?
learned some kotlin over the weekend because what better way to procrastinate on writing important emails and it's cool how java it is without having so many java problems
I love the contracts and smart casting
Scala is better than Kotlin in many ways but it lacks that
smart casting definitely felt overly magical the first time i saw it but it's grown on me
kotlin good bc you can have spaces in variable names
In reasonable languages we call those "underscores" :p
Scala literally lets you name methods !_bleh$_&#^#_$
Imagine needing variables :P
This post made by SKI gang
@user Only ASCII‽
I think it lets you use Unicode
@hyper-neutrino How about zwsp?
@Adám Actually, it only allows certain Unicode characters directly. However, you can use backticks to put basically anything inside (except backticks themselves)
See that's really cursed imo
Why would you ever need something other than [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*
Yeah, no one bothers abusing it
@BrowncatPrograms idk, maybe you're not an English speaker and prefer Chinese/French/whatever names or something
@BrowncatPrograms for reserved words
That too, yeah
@user Those could be included too I guess
But...#!~@&$^*@&$^&# is never going to be a good variable name
It's not
But <*> would, as would :: or +: or ++ (all real method names)
$#!+ would be a nice variable though.
None of those seem like good names
Why not?
Unless operator overloading and variable names use the same identifier rules
There's no real operator overloading in Scala
ngl, can't say I've ever wanted variables to have non-alphanumeric characters in them
Other than underscores ofc
They're not meant for variables anyway
Except for preceding them with a dedicated symbol (e.g. $)
@BrowncatPrograms Personally, I can live with underscores, but I can understand people liking them
They're meant for methods so you can define operators like > or >> or /
No sane person names variables !!!!!!!!!!! anyway
Does scala have a different way of calling them other than xyz.+:(abc)
haskell letting you put single quotes in identifiers for use as a prime symbol is nice
@BrowncatPrograms Yes, xyz +: abc
Oh, well that's reasonable then
Although I'd say a different syntax would be way better
There's almost always alphanumeric alternatives (append in this case)
@BrowncatPrograms (no one uses that syntax for operators btw, it's downright ugly)
@user (in fact, Scala 3 has deprecated such infix operators without an alternative alphanumeric name)
@BrowncatPrograms Do you really want mybigint.plus(myarray.append(foo.concatenate(bar)))?
(okay that example makes no sense but you know what I mean)
No, I think it should use a separate syntax for defining operator-like things
@BrowncatPrograms oh like Haskell?
@user No ugly backticks, and separation of clearly separate goals
Personally I like the ability to just do infix op precedence (like Haskell I believe)
@BrowncatPrograms wdym, there's no backticks necessary when defining or using them
yeah being able to define fixity and precedence is big in making custom operators worth having
And I've never really been a fan of tying builtins to types
@Dudecoinheringaahing That's nice but also probably hell when you try to remember the precedence of each op though
@user Then simplify your code, jeez :P
@user you define it to make sense for what you use it for
If you're trying to decipher 1+5%3$8?0<2!6 by remembering precedence, you're doing it wrong :P
@UnrelatedString Fair enough
@Dudecoinheringaahing e.g. bitwise operators should require parens IMO
@Dudecoinheringaahing If you're writing that code, you're doing it wrong :P
i feel like non-shift bitwise operators should have multiplication-like precedence
@Dudecoinheringaahing CMC: Does this do anything meaningful in your language of chocie? :P
@user that's the point I think lol
Outputs 126 in Jelly
@Dudecoinheringaahing K has entered the chat
and then shift operators should have... higher precedence? i always forget which way precedence goes
@UnrelatedString I can't even remember which way round high and low precedence mean
loose and tight make more sense to me
@Dudecoinheringaahing And why it outputs 126 is so bad :P
i think looser = lower?
higher precedence = it is calculated first = it binds more tightly
in terms of parsing that makes sense but then you can also think of things which bind less tightly as governing larger swathes of an expression
It's print((1 + (if {8} then {5} else {1%3})) > 0); print(2!); print(6) :P
so it's super easy to get mixed up
@pxeger is that not 4 ellipses
yes lol
well done :p
in Vyxal, 48 secs ago, by PyGamer0
also i am JoKing's sock
@PyGamer0 Nah, I don't believe you, you're joking :P
i keep leaving this tab open forgetting what pfp i have
several times while i had my catperson pfp(s) last night i got confused by my absence from the user list :p this pfp is similar enough to my lambda pfp that i can recognize it
I can't get it out of my head now that hyper is a headless old man with a walking stick or something
yeah it's actually super easy to recognize as being in the same spirit
dark border, dark symbol, white background
@user well, i'll take suggestions for a different character :p
wait is that diacritic actually called a dakuon
i've always heard dakuten
wait wot
i've always heard dakuten as well
what is that pdf on then
What about that pa thing?
It looks like a headful old man with a staff
> The following table summarizes the phonetic shifts indicated by the dakuten and handakuten. Literally, syllables with dakuten are "muddy sounds" (濁音, dakuon), while those without are "clear sounds" (清音, seion). However, the handakuten (lit. "half-muddy mark") does not follow this pattern.
(from wikipedia)
so the dakuten indicates dakuon
yep :p
@hyper-neutrino ゐ
the obsolete wi hiragana
huh, don't think i've ever seen that before
it probably doesn't exist outside of historical texts
I've gone to CS class twice and I'm already more than 10% of the way done with the year's assignments :p
And they still haven't taught us about if/else, loops, functions, classes, or any of that useless stuff
@BrowncatPrograms are you using nothing but goto?
(and don't worry, they won't teach you about classes; they're a PhD-level concept)
No, I'm using no control flow at all. That's too a d v a n c e d
I remember doing my whole class's assignments in one line each (and this was Python which isn't always too easy to put in one line)
This has so many obviously invalid deleted answers lol
So many interpreted languages
Do you get a 404 from abrudz.github.io/tasks?
Ugh, cacheing, I guess.
How do I get around the cache‽
Fun fact: The number 255 appears more often in JS answers than 256
That's to be expected.
because it's used as a bitmask?
probably 15 more than 16 too, and 127 more than 128.
Weirdly, numbers like 61, 33, 29, or 97 appear more often than either
97 is A in ascii
@Dudecoinheringaahing Isn't it lowercase a?
One of them :P
@Adám Use a private window maybe?
61 is A, right?
Or F5
@Dudecoinheringaahing 65, right?
yes 65
man ascii > all websites
Man ASCII is way more masculine than UTF-8
@pxeger I just guess random numbers and do print(chr(x)) :P
local programmer has never heard of ord /s
lambda c:[c==chr(x)for x in range(256)][0]
@hyper-neutrino That's too efficient :P
CMC: Implement BogoSearch. Given an integer and a list, find the index of the integer in the list (it will always be in the list) by randomly choosing an index and seeing if that's the integer :P
@Adám 16 and 128 are both more common
@Dudecoinheringaahing Better way to do it: Bogosort by distance to the integer, then take the last item :p
@BrowncatPrograms Can you even bogosort by a key? :P
I suppose you change the check to issorted(list, key)
Also, imagine not calling it a comparator :p
When I need to find the ord of a character X, I just do \XC
A key and a comparator (cmp) are different things :P
cmp compares two items to determine their order (what I think JS's sort does), a key maps each item to a value, and that value is used to sort the item (what Python's sorted does)
from random import*;f=lambda a,x:i if a[(i:=randint(1,len(a))-1)]==x else f(a,x)
Yeah that makes sense
A key can easily be made into a comparator though, comparator = (a, b) => key(a) - key(b)
yeah. not vice versa tho
@hyper-neutrino if x==a[(i:=randint(1,len(a))-1)]else saves a byte
python has functools.key_to_cmp which uses some rather cursed methods
@hyper-neutrino Just sort the array with the comparator and take the indices :p
you can convert between them easily ^
@hyper-neutrino ninja'd dammit
from random import*;f=lambda a,x:f(a,x)if x-a[(i:=randint(1,len(a))-1)]else i
should work
@Dudecoinheringaahing APL: {⍺=⍵⊃⍨i←?≢⍵:i⋄⍺∇⍵}
CMC: valid Python code containing the most unique symbol characters in a row (e.g. -~-x is 2) (no strings or comments allowed)
What's a "symbol character"?
just need to copypaste a random symbolic python answer
@Dudecoinheringaahing !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^`{|}~
except since no comments, not "#'
and ?$ are never valid Python
Is there any intuitive reason Jelly's parsing/chaining rules work the way they do?
by valid do you just mean syntactically valid
like can i do 2@3 even though that's not gonna work
Does it have to be completely error free, or just syntaxically valid ninja'd
@BrowncatPrograms Or do you just memorize what all the different patterns (like dyad-dyad-nilad) do?
@BrowncatPrograms They're modelled heavily on mathematical notation and what is golfiest
@Dudecoinheringaahing completely error-free (but setup code to make it not error is allowed)
also I forgot have decided _ should count as a symbol character
oh that will definitely help
does ` do anything lol
not in Py3
How does Jelly determine the arity of the main link? E.g., would 1++2 be monadic or dyadic?
but you can use Py2 instead if you want
depends on the arity it's called with
@BrowncatPrograms Sort of. Some of them, such as +,_ being (x + y) , (x _ y) intuitively makes sense for me, as do stuff like dyad,nilad (how else would you interpret it?). Others, you have to remember
@BrowncatPrograms depends on the number of inputs given
the main/last link's arity is just the number of arguments (capped at 2)
@BrowncatPrograms That would always be monadic (given an argument), but normally it depends on whether its passed 0/1/2 arguments
That's interesting
@pxeger ''!='"!=$%&()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^`{|}~'
its behavior does change depending on arity tho
> no strings
well you can have strings, but the characters in them don't count
what about the string delimiters?
e.g. an empty string
@hyper-neutrino No? 1++2 will always be (1+w)+2, or (1+l)+2, where w is the monadic argument, and l is the left argument
well if it's niladic then it's ++2 called on 1 :p
@pxeger 15: `()<{_}>[]!=+~-5` (Python 2)
16: a;`()<{_}>[]!=+~-5`
python 3, 16: (*{~+-_,})[:]!=. (surrounding code: f(*{~+-_,})[:]!=..., setup code: tio.run/##K6gsycjPM/7/X1lBUUlZRVVNXUNTS1tHV0/…)
Requires a and _ to be defined (as anything) before
Can we have whitespace in the middle @pxeger?
@Dudecoinheringaahing hmm yes but I think that should be a different category
@Dudecoinheringaahing you can put ... in the ()
Not in Py 2
Ellipsis doesn't exist
I think I have 18, but I think I can get 19 :P

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