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Most interesting matrix wins :P
[[1, 0], [0, 0]] returns [[1, 0], [0, 0]]
is not a multiple of the identity matrix, therefore is valid
7 mins ago, by caird coinheringaahing
Most interesting matrix wins :P
Can't say I find that especially interesting :P
wdym it's the most interesting and unique example ever
An n x n matrix filled with n^3 has a square root of n :P
oh interesting
@cairdcoinheringaahing [0]
> (2x2 or larger)
Plus, that's 0I, and is a constant multiplied by the identity matrix :P
Got my laptop!
The end of an odyssey :P
Currently on Windows 10, gonna have to fix that soon :p
@user Congrats on 10!
Coincidentally I also got a new phone yesterday, so I've been very busy :p
@RedwolfPrograms I wish I had 3628800 rep :P
@RedwolfPrograms Can you dual boot?
Currently in a meeting, and I'm slightly pissed off by this person using the "How it started/How it's going" format but showing things get better instead of getting worse
@user Yeah, I'll work on that tomorrow probably
Seems a shame to throw away something that costs money
I've already uninstalled at least ten products Windows has helpfully pre-installed for me :p
Gotta restart now, to finish uninstalling some sort of thing
There's too much random junk on my computer!
*deletes system32*
*the bloatware keeps working anyway*
That's how you know it's good bloatware :P
CMP: I'm trying to get GPT to generate a somewhat workable esolang from nothing but the name. What names should I give it?
> I've come up with an idea for a new esolang, called "Vyxal".

The language is designed for one purpose: To be the most confusing language possible.
First try
I've got a slightly newer graphics card on this laptop, let's see what FPS I can get on Minecraft
probably at least 3
maybe even 4
I'm gonna take a risk and say at least 6
Maybe, if you're lucky, you'll get 10
@AaronMiller 10 randomly chosen languages from here maybe
I can get to 180 or so on pause menu, 60's not too much of a stretch during gameplay. Looks good.
Huh, I thought I got the i7 one, guess I did end up dropping down to an i5
Hang on, I need to download more RAM it seems
yeah, that helped me a lot when I was getting low FPS
@RedwolfPrograms downloadmoreram.com here yo go :P
I'm using 100% of the 2 GiB it allocates by default, that's probably what's lowering my FPS
(This is completely pointless since it's a 60 Hz refresh rate screen :p)
not really
@cairdcoinheringaahing Perfect, just downloaded some more ram :P Been a while, needed a refresh :P
higher FPS can affect PVP because you can only input between frames I believe
> © Copyright 2020 All The Rights, all the RAM
so if you have 300 FPS you can react faster even if your screen isn't actually showing it
at least that's what i remember
@hyper-neutrino Omae wa mou shindeiru
@AaronMiller 何!?
Nice, closer to 100 FPS during gameplay
I'll just leave VSync on and keep it at a stable 60, I don't do much PvP
> In order to write programs in Hexagony, one first needs to learn how to write programs in Hexagony. This is a relatively simple task.
yeah, that sounds about right
wait no i misread that
i thought it said "in order to learn, you must first learn" and i was like "yeah that reflects how easy hexagony is"
Was wondering why I wasn't taking fall damage, got worried it was bad lag, remembered I was in creative, and now am feeling stupid
The circle of life
> The idea behind PHP is to make a programming language that is supposed to be readable by humans, but unreadable by computers.
wait wat
Given PHP's reputation for being buggy, and my experience trying to use it, it is completely unreadable for anyone
I think we have done something horrible and this is our punishment from the programming language god
well that means it's accomplished 50% of its goal
PHP is completely unusable without at least ten manual pages open
@RedwolfPrograms Huh, I thought it had improved since that "fractal of bad design" article
I have an idea...I can set up my Minecraft installation so that Windows and Linux share the same world folder
I wonder if that would work
@cairdcoinheringaahing No, that's not English
If that doesn't work, I can get mega jank and make two separate ones, but symlink the saves folders
> It is considered a very effective technology that offers a convenient development process with many additional tools to aid it. In fact, according to the Popularity of Programming Language Index (PYPL), PHP is the fifth most popular coding language in the world.
This is probably just me being lazy, but I'm halfway considering sticking with Windows 10
Go to Windows 11 + WSL for the Linux experience :P
i've been considering upgrade to win 11 but i think i might just wait until it's fully released and won't be buggy or w/e
@user Not sure how to feel about WSL
I quite like it
I kind of feel like it's just Microsoft trying to keep people from switching to Linux by taking advantage of the fact it's open source
Windows can have a Linux subsystem, whereas you have to use things like Wine for Windows on Linux
Windows Terminal + Ubuntu + XFCE totally original Windows 11 desktop = 😀
I use wsl a lot since I get the convenience of the linux shell and the familiarity of the windows os
@RedwolfPrograms Wine ain't legal here, so I'm forced to use WSL on Windows
i use it because it's easier than swapping between windows and linux all the time and also for whatever reason audio output on my installation of ubuntu is really glitchy and audio input does not exist, and if my computer goes to sleep while running ubuntu, I have to restart it via the power button to get it to respond again
@AaronMiller @RedwolfPrograms See? The sysadmin supports WSL
I'm trying out Firefox, it's been fairly painless so far
It appears most of my scripts work with Greasemonkey, so that's made things pretty easy
i just use tampermonkey on ff lol
Why are they named *monkey tho? I also saw a Violentmonkey thingy
I'm quite disappointed that the latest XKCD isn't actually interactive D:
@user Isn't it a reference to Monkey See, Monkey Do or similar?
to quote my friend after seeing the XKCD this morning: "bruh" "bruh the minefield isn't consistent" "with any placement"
There's no such mine placement for which the numbering works I think
he saw the xkcd and thought it was unsolveable lol.
It is solveable
I spent a while figuring it out, tried to click it, and it did nothing :|
Oh right, it includes diagonals. I thought the top 1 didn't have any :?
So that was a waste of time
@Bubbler Doesn't workanyway oh well
It's a static image :p
My buddy GPT and I are brainstorming a language called StackAttack
nice lol
Anyone know what the Tarpit's Silliness is about? There's no room topic or anything, and it looks pretty dead
Mar 1 at 21:21, by Redwolf Programs
We could fly to SE's headquarters, then in the dead of night we break in. We pick the lock on the server room and inject a custom payload. The site goes down for a little while. Then, we sneak out through the air ducts. We fly back to our homes, and the next morning the site's magically updated. A few people wonder how, but the meta posts magically vanish. Nobody will ever know.
Redwolf beat you to it :P
It's not an attack if you're improving them :P
@user The Tarpit is a frozen room for discussing esolangs. It started to get overrun by people making jokes, so that was created as an off-shoot
@cairdcoinheringaahing lol
@cairdcoinheringaahing Oh, so the Silliness is also supposed to be for esolangs?
True ,why do we need this when we can just hack SE?
The Tarpit is for esolangs, I have no idea what the Silliness room is for (I guess Silliness)
I couldn't find anything in The Tarpit's transcript on April 22 - 24, 2020 that seems to indicate why The Tarpit's Silliness was created.
it's been referenced four times, twice as message moves, and twice as direct links quite a few months after the room was created
How did you not hit the char limit on that?
See the leading blank line?
if you do shift+enter, you can type as much as you want
(it gets removed if it's below the limit tho)
would be nice if it just collapsed long messages behind a "read more"... so you could still use markdown formatting
when I exceed the limit, in order to multiline, I tend to make my messages even longer because the lack of markdown means I now have to resort to layout formatting, so I have to reword sentences to be clunkier so I can just append a link since I can't []() it
and also links get cut by read more and become broken because SE chat is broken :p
I just draft then entire thing, then cut it into pieces if I need formatting and send them one after another
I mostly do that if I explicitly don't want my messages to be collapsed behind "read more" and want to occupy a large amount of space in chat, lol.
Clearly the best way to do it is to abuse RO powers, put the room in timeout and chat for as long as you need :P
typically when I'm sending messages as a follow-up to a flag
(or freeze it if you're a mod)
@cairdcoinheringaahing i for one have never put this room into timeout :p (ok granted when I did that it was just to halt conversation and not to give myself time to type, it was purely a coincidence that I timed it out for exactly as long as I needed to type)
@hyper-neutrino "never"? :P
also mfw i forgot to supply a timeout reason lol.
The thing is - Do people ever return from year-long suspensions?
That;s sort of irrelevant. The idea is that if they do, there's no bad blood, or negative assumptions about them
I've been suspended for voter fraud twice here (back when I first joined 4 years ago). If I returned after that month was over, and everyone called me a fraud, insisted my votes were fake etc. I never would've stayed
Instead, I had a couple of people ask about it who noticed while I was gone, and that was mostly it
I've seen a someone return from a year-long suspension elsewhere on the network, but I probably shouldn't go into more details for the same reason suspensions shouldn't be publically discussed.
A diamond in the wild!
@Ausername There are over 500 of them :P
@hyper-neutrino Does this search query show questions for you?
Why what?
Why are the diamond badges still there?
Because mod badges only show on meta sites. On main, they still have diamonds
@cairdcoinheringaahing 48 results
That's good
someone has been pardoned from a 20-year network suspension and then became a mod, or so I've heard
How much have you trolled us hyper?
@hyper-neutrino When was the newest posted?
@hyper-neutrino SE hasn't existed for 20 years.
@cairdcoinheringaahing oct 8, 2019
> pardoned
@cairdcoinheringaahing Nice job getting to 40k!
@hyper-neutrino ಠ_ಠ Why was this tagged with ???
We haven't had Jelly yet for LOTM...
It's used a lot, and LotM's for languages that need more exposure
Wait... or APL or J for that matter
Again, they're used very often
> It should not be one of our most commonly used languages on PPCG.
We also haven't had Python
Yeah, I see that now
Maybe K, caird's fork, or yuno
Yeah, I was saying APL/J to agree
yuno is uh
it's not complete, may never be, and isn't stable if it will be completed
K has been nominated, my fork is just an extension of Jelly, can't speak to yuno :P
But I do think other esolangs should be included, even if used a lot here
@hyper-neutrino No it's not, it's yuno
In the not-CGCC world, Jelly doesn't have much exposure
But Lotm is only a CGCC thing
@AviFS I think esolangs that aren't used a lot should be prioritized, and there are a lot of them, so popular esolangs shouldn't be included
I know, but I think there are like 3 active Jelly users right now, who make it look popular
If we had more influence elsewhere, perhaps. But there's no point promoting langs that are already used on every question
I'd be willing to bet that the majority of CGCC users don't actually know it
@AviFS At least 6 very active, 4+ more who use it from time to time
Jelly is the third most popular language on the site
there are many more than that and also no language is that dominant on this site; we have a pretty diverse amount of languages
a very large proportion of cg&cc challenges have multiple jelly answers
Okay, I guess I'm outvoted!
the thing is many languages on LotM have no actual regular users
Let me just say for myself then:
I could def do with a bit of a push to learn Jelly, haha
and some LotMs (*cough cough*) only have TWO users during the entire month even when it is LotM

 Jelly Hypertraining

Practice your Jelly :) Rules and stuff are here: golfingsucces...
just surrender your account details to jht
I've been a member of JHT for over a year : P
It's one of those things that's been on my todo list for ages
Give us your credit card details and social security number and we'll teach you :P
And I'm sure other people have the same for langs like APL/J
So I do see now your whole point re: being underused
@cairdcoinheringaahing Wait, y'all didn't ask me for that when I asked for access
If I give you that information, will I immediately become a Jelly expert?
But once we've sort of covered that, I do think another nice use would be to give people the umph to learn that lang they've been putting off
@user Admin error. What's your credit card details?
Well, I don't have one :P
Admin error. Debit card.
I don't have one
Tbf J might be a candidate for Lotm. K has been nominated and I think coltim is the only primary user (and there are a couple of less active users). J only has Jonah and xash as "primary" users
I can give you a mean grilled cheese sandwich, though
I'm willing to bet that the majority of us active TNB folk don't know one of APL/J/Jelly/(other popular lang)
I'll see that bet and raise you $100 :P
Also... what about R, Rust, Scala & Vim
I feel like you guys let loose a tad :P
With that precedence precedent, we could def do Haskell & Scheme
@AviFS so what you're saying is perhaps should be lotm so i actually make it
that is perhaps what he is saying
I hate SE md
@AviFS Scheme would definitely qualify for nomination. Not so sure about Haskell tho, it's pretty well used
CMP: Which of these languages do you know?
---strikethrough--- strikethrough
@AviFS No, chat
@user What do you count as "know"?
and @hyper-neutrino saves the day again
@AviFS I think Vim got a decent amount of activity, but R, Rust, and Scala didn't do too poorly
@cairdcoinheringaahing Can write an answer to a medium difficulty challenge
i just stole that from caird's chat script; it's just /​strike for me :P
@hyper-neutrino Same, you ninja'd me
er, as in that command types out ---strikethrough--- strikethrough, not strikes through a message for me
@user Jelly, Python, English (kind of)
I selected a mil but the poll only took the first one I did: APL
@cairdcoinheringaahing I knew you didn't know APL!! Or J!
@user can write at all or can write competently
I think it's come up before
@UnrelatedString At all
because i definitely can write js but i cannot write js competently
Basically, anything beyond a trivial Hello World-like challenge
@AviFS Well, I "know" APL, in ^^^ sense
@user APL, Jelly, Python, JS, and if constantly looking at language docs counts as being able to answer a medium-difficulty challenge, probably J and possibly Befunge
@cairdcoinheringaahing I'm sure your js qualifies
@UnrelatedString Same but for English
if i can look at documentation i can probably figure out J, but i know nothing about K
K doesn't seem too bad
@UnrelatedString What, what am I saying
honestly i probably understand js by osmosis at this point i just haven't the slightest clue how to like build a webpage with it
I can write a program in Jelly, APL, Python, JS, English, VBA, Brainfuck
ok boomer
@hyper-neutrino After all that, I still failed, lmao
@user Had to use it for a job
My condolences
@AviFS @hyper-neutrino 11 pls :P
(I don't actually know if it's that painful, just heard bad things about it :P)
look, intercal has no precedence so as to have no precedents, so really it's just the same thing
@cairdcoinheringaahing Kinda doubt you can write a bf quine but ok :P
@user I had to write a curve fitting program it it. I wrote it in Jelly first, then ported to Python, then translated that to VBA :P
VBA was the most hated language language in all of the recent dev surveys, r]ight?
think so
if not it was up there
@cairdcoinheringaahing Ah, I remember you saying that before
Had to do that about 4 times, so I just changed their system slightly to run an external Jelly program for me
Meaning that I can claim Jelly is a production lang :P
Honestly, someone could write a library for Jelly
Have to do a mil important calls before 5pm on Friday
@user Dennis did
Stop procastinating, Avi. Better get on that!
@cairdcoinheringaahing wdym
You can pip install jelly, then use import jelly in any Python based system
(1.5 hrs here 'til 5)
@cairdcoinheringaahing NO WAY
I know what I'm doing when I get back
@cairdcoinheringaahing Oh
Actually, that's super cool since you can then use it in Jupyter notebooks
@user Surprised no one here knows English
Maybe it's a good idea to make esolang interpreters in Python available that way for notebooks?
To run a program, either use jelly.jelly_eval(program, [left, right]) or jelly.main(program, [left, right], end) (I suggest jelly_eval, it's easier)
@AviFS Why would you ever want that?
Awesome, thanks caird.
Will do
@user idk... seems cool
It can be a useful way to prototype repl-style
While still keeping easy track of what you've done before
Yeah, you can use it to create a Jelly repl really easily
Eg. Dyalog went to the trouble of making a Jupyter notebook thing for APL about a year ago
It's open source and on github
@cairdcoinheringaahing Way cool.
@AviFS Oh nice, I need to check it out
Hi @m90, nice ARM answer
@user Apparently, no one here knows English
CMC: Interpret English
caird, 0 bytes:
Give me an English program, I'll tell you the intended behaviour :P
"Yeet yourself out the nearest window and have a nice day!"
CMC: Play the among us theme song using only suspended chords.
pancakes < waffles
pancakes < waffles < crêpes
i feel like it's been years since i've had any of those
microwave burrito for breakfast gang
Grass for breakfast gang
Or grass waffles
@Wezl Eh, depends on the crepe. Waffles are much more reliable imo
@user Have you looked at the memes page yet?
The sweet crepes don't taste that good, and while the savory ones with cheese and chicken taste nice, you can't really compare a savory crepe to a sweet waffle
@Ausername Indeed I have, one of the first things I did :P
Feedback? (will post tomorrow UTC because badge progress)
@user That sounds like a yingluck thing to do :P
Ah, Revision 38
@AviFS don't stop
Procrastination is half the fun
I use code golf as a means of procrastination all the time
My problem with procrastination is that I'll always do it later
I even use code golf to procrastinate while I'm doing code golf
@cairdcoinheringaahing Procrastination is the one thing I don't procrastinate on
Holy crap trying to sign in to SE on Tor is low-key painful
Like for a start, the sign in with Google page isn't in English because it thinks I'm in the Netherlands
And it required me to try and verify it was me signing in twice
@lyxal Why are you doing that anyway?
Tor is for keeping you anonymous, signing in to a site defeats that purpose
Because I wanted to see what tor was
Not because I actually plan on using it
You should, it's very good for hiring hitmen, I've never had anything traced back to me thanks to Tor
(for legal reasons that's a joke)
@lyxal You use DDG's browser?
@user on mobile, yes
And when they release it on desktop, I will
You can use FF until then instead of Vivaldi
@Ausername Looks okay to me
Btw, why did you name it "Quantum quine"?
00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

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