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Non-diamond staff can't see PII and don't have access to all of the privileges - the diamond grants all privileges, even if unearned. So, for example, a diamond staff member with 1 rep can leave comments - a non-diamond staff member with only one rep can not.
(excepting on meta)
I think.
can nondiamond staff do things like issue suspensions
@YaakovEllis I didn't know that SE had such influential people as Troy McClure in their userbase :P
(I so want Staff to have an iconic symbol like the diamond. Is there a Unicode staff?)
It was suggested that hexagons might be used in the original FR
Maybe a Dumbledore staff?
How about the Stack Exchange logo?
@hyper-neutrino No. They don't even have the UI for mod tooling.
We give every staff member an account - we're not going to give them all the trust of being able to do all the things. :D
What;s (roughly) the basis for whether a staff member needs a diamond?
@Adám Staff of Hermes: :P
Part of the PubPlat/CM teams? Engagement? etc.
'Course, that's a useless symbol here
Maybe one of ᒉ⫯ʔɁ
Then I'd associate staff with glottal stops :p
@cairdcoinheringaahing All CMs have diamonds. Most of the devs for pubplat have them, too. I don't know all of the specific rules, though. Usually, if you can get by without it, we don't give it to you.
@cairdcoinheringaahing Not in Unicode. Closest I've found is ≡
A custom font could add any symbol, really
We're generally averse to using them, though. Slows down page loads.
CMM: If I stop thinking a feature request I asked for is good, should I just delete my answer, add a comment saying I don't support it, or do nothing?
@Catija I'd imagine with just one character in it it wouldn't have too much of an impact, but I don't have much experience with that sort of stuff
@Adám Heh, is that from music?
@user I think deleting your answer is fine
Alright, thanks
If someone else supports that FR, they can post the answer themselves
@user Of course not! It is from APL.
Ah, didn't see that
@Adám I thought it was from math, for 'congruent"
Who do you think those mathematicians got it from? :P
@RedwolfPrograms Used in APL to mean "match" or "identical to", as opposed to = which vectorises.
'abc'='aba' gives 1 1 0 but 'abc'≡'aba' gives 0.
@user In the dark ages before APL, mathematicians would write TEN PLUS TWO EQUALS TWELVE. Then Ken Iverson was sent to enlighten them
@user In the dark ages before APL, mathematicians would write [𝑥] or ⟦𝑥⟧ or even ]𝑥[ or ⟧𝑥⟦. Then Ken Iverson was sent to enlighten them with ⌊𝑥⌋.
Later shortened to ⌊x?
Yes, when Iverson's notation was linearised and regularised, so all functions became either infix or prefix, but never postfix (𝑥!) or omnifix (|𝑥|).
I used to be dumb and think that APL meant "Array Processing Language", and I assumed it was a lot like C.
@JosephWalker And what do you think APL means now?
A programming language
yes APL is a programming language but what does it stand for (/s)
Clearly it stands for "The APL Programming Language" (the T is invisible) :P
stop messing with me
Some people have retroactively made APL stand for Array Programming Language, but it doesn't actually stand for anything.
According to wikipedia (the most reliable source in the universe), APL was named after the book "A Programming Language."
APL (named after the book A Programming Language) is a programming language developed in the 1960s by Kenneth E. Iverson. Its central datatype is the multidimensional array. It uses a large range of special graphic symbols to represent most functions and operators, leading to very concise code. It has been an important influence on the development of concept modeling, spreadsheets, functional programming, and computer math packages. It has also inspired several other programming languages. == History == === Mathematical notation === A mathematical notation for manipulating arrays was developed by...
@JosephWalker Yes, named after, but doesn't stand for.
Now i'm more of an idiot. wtf does it mean then???
Someone should make a processing tool for APL and call it "APL Processing Language" or APL for short :P
> but it doesn't actually stand for anything.
Oh come on, surely you can't believe that! Who would be so unimaginative as to name their programming language "A Programming Language"?!
Indeed, the theoretical programming language described in that book, bears very little resemblance to APL.
@user Exactly. Nobody did.
The Address programming language (Russian: Адресный язык программирования Ukrainian: Адресна мова програмування) is one of the world's first high-level programming languages. It was created in 1955 by Kateryna Yushchenko. In particular, the Address programming language made possible indirect addressing and addresses of the highest rank – analogous to pointers.Unlike Fortran and ALGOL 60, APL (Address programming language) supported indirect addressing and addressing of higher ranks. Indirect addressing is a mechanism that appeared in other programming languages much later (1964 – in PL/1). The...
@JosephWalker Maybe apl.wiki/The_name_APL is a more reliable source?
@user This is the successor to the programming language described by Iverson, and it's what newer APL's built off of
Well it's not like theoretical programmers are the best at naming things. Example: The C programming language, The A programming language, The B programming language,
The D programming language
C makes sense because it was a successor to B, and likewise, D was a successor to C
Same with C# and C++
It's not very imaginative though is it?
Making people post in the Sandbox first
speaking of sandbox I edited my perceptron post. Any thoughts on it?
@JosephWalker I'll let you in on a little secret: the C programming language is actually the "Crap programming language," which I would say is a very descriptive an dcreative name
> You cannot just use brute force
That's unobservable, I'm afraid
I can get rid of that and let people do whatever they want then.
If you like, you can make it , but disallowing entire approaches/algorithms isn't a great idea
@JosephWalker Even better!
You could require answers to complete within a minute for a specific input/set of inputs (and add the tag) if you really want that
But ^^^^ is better :P
Ok, if that's it I'm, gonna do an edit and make it a question.
@cairdcoinheringaahing Am I dreaming‽
> The program should then output a list of weights, which will output the correct output 100% of the time when used with your perceptron. (suggestion)
> not the network, not the company, but the specific site community with which you most closely identify
@Adám Well, you don't actually get the magic wand, but it's close enough :P
I edited it. Now is it fine?
@JosephWalker Giving it a quick once-over, it looks good. However, I'd suggest waiting a couple more days just to grab any more feedback - it's not like it needs to be urgently posted :)
@cairdcoinheringaahing Ok, sounds good. :)
Jk, I'll turn into a werewolf if it doesn't get posted right now
Jk again.
Your proposed system of requiring sandboxing seems unncessarily hacky
Just require a user's first post to be migrated from the sandbox, the whole pasting a link thing seems unnecessary and is still a ton of work for them
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Getting a nice tool made specifically for it is probably something they'd decline
@RedwolfPrograms How would you require that, though?
@user It still requires a specific tool though
You'd have to change the ask page
Right, but not as advanced
@user Just...don't let them post a question directly and only enable the "migrate from sandbox" feature?
tbh codidact's custom categories would be a good fit for this site
But that would require implementing a "migrate from sandbox" feature
Although I don't think that's the main issue with the sandbox, and I don't think either option be a worthwhile use of dev time
codegolf.CD has a sandbox section
@cairdcoinheringaahing Ooh, someone from Puzzling. Maybe there's hope for features that target non-Q&A sites…
@cairdcoinheringaahing Maybe we should all collaborate on a draft answer on our meta?
I think an officially supported way to have a sandbox is at the top of my list. Something like a sandbox.codegolf.stackexchange.com.
Having to use answers works fine, but it just feels like a workaround and with thousands and thousands of drafts it'd be really nice if there was something like a per-site-meta where sandbox drafts could be posted as questions and voting didn't affect reputation
@RedwolfPrograms Wouldn't it be better to have the sandbox built into the main site, so you couldn't actually post anywhere else than to the sandbox (unless for tips)?
@Adám I think this is a "if you could have anything, what would it be?" style question, so as to get ideas for future plans. Individual answers may be good and they may be bad, but they accurate represent what you want. A community answer might be a good idea, if we can agree on a single thing. If we do have one, we should also allow users to post their own ideas as well
In short, maybe? Not a bad idea, but definitely shouldn't be the only way we interact with this post
Of course. I was not intending to limit anyone, only to collaborate on make a well formulated answer, as I think many here agree on what we need.
@Adám Do you want to post it to our meta then? Worst case scenario is that we can't agree on a single thing :P
@RedwolfPrograms Something like that would be amazing, but I doubt they'd do it
Even Codidact's Sandbox doesn't seem to let you just finalize questions automatically, it seems :/
@user But TopAnswer's code golf sandboxing works really well, imo.
Unfortunately, not a lot of users will join a site with a UI that needs that much work :/
Doesn't look like there's much activity on TA's code golf site
Actually, the UI isn't that bad
Q: What do we want?

AdámThe Community VP has asked what our community needs. I speculate that a lot of people here would tend towards the same kind of answer to that. Feel free to answer this post with suggestions to how we could formulate a community answer, and maybe we can come to a sort of consensus with a good word...

@cairdcoinheringaahing ^
I suggested making vote counts visible regardless of reputation, although that's not as CGCC centric so I posted it as my own answer
That's the biggest thing I like about Codidact over SE, and the only reason I still use the gradscript. Builtin support would be amazing
(Brownie points for figuring out which question I took the screenshots from :P)
That reminds me, I need to finish my leaderboard userscript
Wow the new mod badge is ugly
You have 53 8-byte answers :p
I wonder what my most common byte count is
Q: Convince me Gabriel's Horn is possible

ihavenoideaFrom Wikipedia, Gabriel's Horn is a particular geometric figure that has infinite surface area but finite volume. I discovered this definition in this Vsauce's video (starting at 0:22) where I took the inspiration for this problem. You begin with a cake (a cuboid) of dimension \$x \times y \times...

That was quick :P
although i must admit i had an advantage here
pabloferz answered this question with an unregistered account and then submitted an edit suggestion with another account
i distinctly remember this because i mod messaged them instructions on how to merge their accounts if they wanted, which i don't think they ever did
searching for 8 byte answers from caird gave too many results
so i picked a name that looked unfamiliar (and thus probably had fewer answers to look through), picked pabloferz, found no answers on their account but 3 rep, and immediately remembered who it was
and then i just had to go look for the edit suggestion which was easy because it gave them 2 rep so it shows in the other account's rep tab :P
@RedwolfPrograms did we ever determine whether or not you could actually get Announcer using this exploit? (don't see why not, but)
If I've previously upvoted a post. Is there a way for me to change my vote to a downvote?
Edit the post
@hyper-neutrino No, but I'm 99.9% certain it's possible
If you don't mind the bump, add a <p> element to the end, then retract the vote
I've done that before on meta
@RedwolfPrograms The only way it wouldn't be is if it was triggered by client side JS, which seems like it'd be a bad idea
@cairdcoinheringaahing you can use a markdown comment, <!-- ignore me -->
i usually just add or remove the trailing newline, but i also advise against doing that under normal circumstances of course
(or make a substantial edit if you can see the opportunity)
i believe bumping posts to vote on them consistutes abuse but i am not certain on that so don't take my word on it
^^ is a better option
it's probably abuse most of the time but for meta polls here I reckon it's fine, no?
I'd advice against doing it unless you have a real objection to your vote staying on the post
Otherwise, I think we can tolerate a little "abuse" so that someone's mind is put at ease
Just don't do it a lot and it's probably ok
> Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go jump up and down in excitement.
I haven't seen Mith so excited about an MSE announcement in a while, clearly this is very good :P
@EkadhSingh - I'd share a screenshot, but it happened in the Teachers' Lounge... ;) — Mithical 15 secs ago
that just reminded me
i am not in TL rn and don't have the room starred? must've forgotten to rejoin it
Your exact reaction was to pull grab a keyboard, hold shift, and press the ‘1’ key twice? Wierd... then again, this is meta :D — Ekadh Singh 14 mins ago
@hyper-neutrino wait you can star rooms?
how did I never know this
It makes it very easy to rejoin your favourite rooms when you leave :P
is there a way to rejoin favorite rooms if you are in 0 or 2+ rooms?
i only can seem to find the option when i am in a room and not in any others
Apparently I have this room favorited and that's it
> The last message was posted 1058 days ago.
@hyper-neutrino Don't think so :/
i have 17 rooms favorited
i wonder how many of them overlap :p
@hyper-neutrino Yes, with the Chat Improvements script
> rejoin starred / other rooms you're in show 1 more
@cairdcoinheringaahing Well, I say 22. I have 10 currently starred, but I have 12 frozen rooms that I will restar if/when they ever become unfrozen
Would it work too simply disallow answers to non- posts until they reach a certain threshold score?
i don't think that's a good idea personally
It doesn't fix the clutter issue
@Catija @YaakovEllis is Community supposed to have the mod badge? Idk why but it seems. ...off
posts can be bad but still clear enough to not deserve closure
@RedwolfPrograms How so? There'd be no more sandbox.
Replacing the Sandbox with a Collective might work
@Adám Cluttering main I mean
the sandbox should not affect rep, but if we have a magic wand, we can just make that happen
The Articles system looks to be what we want: you can't answer, only comment on new questions
@RedwolfPrograms Having a ton of drafts or low quality questions on the front page isn't great
@cairdcoinheringaahing ah. i have two frozen rooms starred lol
@RedwolfPrograms But we want sandboxed posts to be visible, so people will review them.
If we had some way of creating a separate area e.g. a subdomain where you could only post Articles, that would work as a Sandbox
@cairdcoinheringaahing Description?
@Adám let me go dig around on SO for one
Having codegolf.stackexchange.com/sandbox/posts/id would work, and model them as "articles" in the code base
Ugh there's some uncanny valley stuff going on with that formatting...it feels like I'm on codidact, the UI is just slightly different from the rest of SO
@cairdcoinheringaahing I see, but this would have as little visibility as the current system. We'd 1) all new challenges to go there, and 2) automated migration to main.
@Adám I'm just considering the way to remove the Sandbox as a single question with 8000 answers and change it to something that's scaleable, not the question on usage
damn, it actually has
@hyper-neutrino When I clicked on that, well knowing what it was, because I wanted to see it, did that still count as you Rick-rolling me?
The "Newest" page of MSE has so many of the staff/mod markers :P
@Adám It's not a rickroll if you just want to go to that page
Up until a minute ago, it was 4 posts in a row by mods/staff :P
lol my anti-rickroll script is making it so that I can't open that
suffering from success
my script just makes rickroll links red, which is weird on certain sites where the default link color is red lol
@RedwolfPrograms @hyper-neutrino How does that work?
@hyper-neutrino Mine does something really cool. It inverts the color of every link I hover, so if it stops working I can't accidentally self-rickroll or be overconfident.
How can a script detect if a URL is for a rick-roll?
@Adám Presumably it's a userscript that has @match https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ
I just match the rickroll string
It's super unlikely a link will contain that and not be a 'roll
But there are many alternate videos.
Those aren't the genuine thing though :p
An underhanded rickroll is cheating and I don't count it
@RedwolfPrograms If it's an actual rickroll link, it'll also make clicking it do nothing, obviously
var s = document.createElement("style");
s.textContent += "a[href='https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ']{color:red!important}";
s.textContent += "a[href='https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ub82Xb1C8os']{color:red!important}";
s.textContent += "a[href='https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHg5SJYRHA0']{color:red!important}";
I just replace the prototype of as matching the rickroll link so that they don't work
var a = document.createElement("a");

a.id = "location";

document.location.href = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ";
document.location.target = "__none";

[...document.querySelectorAll("a[href='https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ']")].map(x => x.prototype = a);
(Obviously this is a simplified way to do it, I've got additional styling rules that you can apply either with a.style or document.location.style, depending on whether you want it added to the prototype or the actual links)
I have seen this like 573075 times
@cairdcoinheringaahing Very sus
hovers over cancel stars button
You posted this exact thing 16 hours earlier
Clearly this person is copying me :P
Or maybe you're Shivaar...
Mine is clearly 100% original, and I would never steal jokes I've seen on the internet :P
Mwahaha I've successfully doxxed you
@cairdcoinheringaahing I mean, Community does have a diamond in general so... dunno. I'm not sure if there's a way to exempt the bot from the marker.
I stole my joke too:
Shivaar is clearly just a TNB joke generator :P
This is probably the first time I've gotten a notification for +3 rep
@RedwolfPrograms How'd that happen?
Rep capped on meta, with -3 earlier in the day from downvoting and being downvoted once each
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

DjinTonicThe Roly-Poly, Square-Wheeled Quine Code-Golf caddy Eddie Brackets was getting tired of quine challenges, which appeared to be two easy for the best golfers. He has this idea to put some oomph into things: Challenge: Write a quine of n^2 characters that prints itself as an n x n square (no whites...

CMFRP (Chat Mini Feature Request Proposal): Adding captions to images when you upload them, so you don't have to hurry to add context
Or post "here's an image of [xyz]:" then have somebody else interrupt the monologue before you can upload the image
> Chat Feature Request
Good luck with that :P
Chat is something that'd be really nice to have updated, maybe we can bully the new VP into doing it write an answer about it
Oh right, with a magic wand, I might to fix chat('s many issues).
@user You used photo editing, you cheater :p
Fix the markdown, allow pasting images, fix the fonts,…
One problem I have with fixing chat is that it might get ruined in the process
Chat looks surprisingly good with arial or roboto
@RedwolfPrograms How'd you do it?
@RedwolfPrograms That'd be amazing
@user DOM manipulation
@cairdcoinheringaahing Yes, I'd be very worried too. It seems that pretty much everything SE's techs touch, they make worse.
@RedwolfPrograms Ohh, you had the link to the original?
No, I just used google :p
CMQ: Last technical SE change that was an improvement.
@RedwolfPrograms tbh my photo editing skills are nonexistent. I just used Paint
@Adám Starting SO :P (/s)
@Adám I like the staff badges, and am neutral on the mod badges, so I'll say that
@Adám Seems like a bit of a pessimistic viewpoint
@Adám If that doesn't count, the review queues
@Adám Making questions give 10 rep? idk how long ago that was, though
@RedwolfPrograms OK, you name one!
@user That wasn't really a technical change, just a value.
I can't think of too many recent ones, but the main problems with them have been lack of community input rather than just low quality work by the devs
@Adám I'd argue that SE's changes are mainly positive. However, when they make a negative change, it's often really bad
It seems like they do a good job at what they're told to do, they're just being told to do the wrong things sometimes
Things I remember off-hand are all in bad or terrible basket: font stack, side bar, community ads, harmonising site designs,…
line hight, markdown engine, syntax highlighter switch
Two recent positive things I can think of: revamping + improving mod elections; changing the UI of the review queues
I didn't notice those changes.
Pretty sure there was a meta post and all about the review queues
Yeah, I remember, but I didn't register any actual change. I guess I don't review enough.
It didn't significantly change the reviewing process, but it made reviewing on mobile so much nicer
No one does here - we don't get too many of them ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@cairdcoinheringaahing Oh, my phone doesn't know how to access the anything online.
The UI change was really nice IMO
@hyper-neutrino Does Community still raise flags here if more than 10 answers are posted within 7 days to a question?
1 hour later…
@cairdcoinheringaahing yes
That seems somewhat annoying

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