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I have only one question: WHY
We need a cringe compilation of questions downvoted to $-\infty$
@pxeger lol I made one in Scratch once
the lowest voted question on MSE I know of is -2243 although it's deleted (I have an answer so I can see the post but not the vote distribution)
> A tool for people who are too lazy to even plagiarize properly? I doubt it exists.
@cairdcoinheringaahing ninja'd, dammit!
 * In this function we make sure the end user isn't
 * a total moran by checking weather we have access
 * to certain hacker libraries.
> moran
> weather
Oh man, the MathOverflow ones are so funny. "Can we define a probability measure μ that follows all my requirements?" what a bad question haha
deadpan sarcasm doesn't work so well over text :/
 * Stand back kiddies, this is how a real
 * programmer does things.
> substr($file, -4) // Can you see my genius.
hey its urgent thats why asked here.! — user73214 Jun 21 '14 at 12:38
@cairdcoinheringaahing Nah, it's pretty clear with the "haha"
@cairdcoinheringaahing Got it down to an even -50 :)
If it's so urgent, give us the email address of your professor, so that we can hand in your assignment directly. With one less step in the chain, it'll be faster. What time is it due? — Gilles 'SO- stop being evil' Jun 21 '14 at 12:42
> Self-taught programmer. Social butterfly.
Don't worry, we can tell.
> On the first page he claims to be Buddha and also the god of the Old Testament.
@RedwolfPrograms the worst part is that they gained reputation overall for that question. codereview.stackexchange.com/users/12006/…
They probably just posted it for the lulz
@Wezl It's at +6/-56 :P
They must've had a second, positively voted question that got deleted
Oh wait answers are a thing
alternatively they got downvotes while on 1 rep, which prevents you from losing more, and then got upvotes
I can't believe people fall for that carp
@user It's one of the more attractive fish, I don't blame them
@RedwolfPrograms They've only posted one thing
But they'd have the assoc bonus from their SO account
@user That's something you'd read on RPG horror story sites :/
@user "If apples aren't the same as oranges, why are they red?"
I too would like to know how to pirate Minecraft
I'm surprised there isn't a question on Arqade saying "how do i get free robux?" :P
There probably was and then it got deleted :P
> @phenom, anything you read on Youtube is as legit as a $3 bill.
Challenge: Write code in one language that looks like idiomatic code in another. Your code may use hypothetical functions that you haven't implemented and it may require being placed in a specific context.
@user print('hello world'), idiomatic - lots, valid - also lots!
@user fun fact: it's very easy to write C++ that happens to be valid in Zsh
Using #?
nope, not even
How do you do it, then?
Zsh just ignores the errors
Q: Write program in your favorite language in another language

el.pescado The determined Real Programmer can write Fortran programs in any language. from Real Programmers Don't Use Pascal Your task is to write program in your programming language of choice, but you are allowed to use only another language. That is, throw away all coding conventions from one langu...

(PS: I think I broke ATO, so that's a TIO link lol)
What an amazing feature that will never backfire on anyone
(oops, missed a return 0;)
CMQ: How often do you actually right click stuff?
About all I right click is links and images, to copy the URI
what application? nowadays, yep just that
Not that often, but not too rarely either
I middle-click quite a lot more, I'd say
(did you know you could middle-click tabs to close them?)
(and in FF, you can middle-click the space to the right of a tab ro open a new one, but I don't think that's a thing in Chrome)
@pxeger Imagine doing that, made by touchpad gang :p
@RedwolfPrograms triple-click doesn't work?
It does, but I'm not sure what you'd actually use it for that kbd shortcuts don't work for
You can middle click links to open them in a new tab right?
I usually just use ctrl click lol
Right-clicking does that for me :P
@RedwolfPrograms nah that requires too many fingers
Ctrl-right click opens that dropdown menu
and temporal coordination between the hands
And as a musician I have none of that lol
I usually only do that on a touchpad though, so I can click and hold control with the same hand
Although I don't
@pxeger Why, did a crocodile eat yours?
tick tock
Fingers and temporal coordination between your hands aren't unusual things to have anyway, are they?
Too many fingers is an unusual thing to have
@pxeger What do you play?
@pxeger You can never have too many fingers
@user piano' and 'cello
Do you play anything other than string instruments?
@pxeger get out of here with your apostrophes you pretentious &%#! :P
(why the quotes btw?)
because technically they're pianoforte and violoncello
@user piano' is a percussion instrument :þ
@user what can I say, I'm a pedant lol
@pxeger My bad :P
pianoforte is an abbreviation for pianofortress
violoncello is presumably short for violentcello :p
Imagine not being able to read deleted messages (made by RO gang)
Almost moved it to the Raspberry Pi room by mistake, which is called The Bakery :p
ha, why not give them that surprise?
Raspberries taste terrible anyway, they deserve it :P
boo! Raspberries are great!
@rak1507 Btw, I said "I too like soft fortresses" or smth like that
Agreed. I say we vote user off the chat room.
@user Did you never have a raspberry blown on you as a child?
@pxeger I would rather eat a pepperoni pizza than raspberries
(I understand that probably sounds very strange for someone who didn't lol)
@pxeger I did, they trigger bad memories :P
@user Both good options :p
@user yeah, me too?
raspberries are too sour, only nice with something sweet like a chocolate mousse
I would rather have a million dollars handed to me than eat raspberries
@rak1507 get better raspberries then lol
I've had raspberries that are sweet
@rak1507 Yeah, and the texture sucks too
@user uh yeah
@user yeah
they're like, slightly hairy
That's part of the experience
@RedwolfPrograms but for some reason that's not acceptable with peaches for me
If you get good raspberries though, they're not that sour
If I wanted to eat hair I'd just go to the barber
@pxeger They're not hairy, they're fuzzy.
@RedwolfPrograms Guess I haven't been getting good ones
Big difference.
Peach fuzz is hair :P
@pxeger what. you don't eat the outside of the peach!
Yeah you do
That's the best part!
I don't eat peaches at all
@rak1507 Please tell me you don't peel it or something
Please don't tell me you don't peel it or something?
oh yeah nvm I just googled it
The actual fruit part of the peach is kinda gross and slimy, and the flavor's not that good
@pxeger Sure, that works too
the part i hate most about peaches is the last bit; it's always pretty hard to swallow (/s by the way)
not had a whole peach in ages so I kinda forgot what a peach was like lmao
The best part of the peach is the pit
Nice and crunchy, and I love how the inside just melts in your mouth
Cherries are good, but you always have to remove the mushy stuff to get to the good part in the middle
Mangoes have a lot more of the good stuff than bananas and other fruits - 10/10 would recommend
@RedwolfPrograms Same with yew berries!
(/uj note: DO NOT EAT YEW SEEDS)
Mangoes taste kinda bad to me
@RedwolfPrograms heretic
grounds for immediate extermination
mangoes are probably one of my favorite fruits
American mangoes are often sour/weird tasting
(for legal raisins this claim is completely unsupported by statistics)
@RedwolfPrograms have you ever had a Kensington Pride mango?
I hate mangoes, they're completely disgusting, tried all sorts in the hope that I like it one day, but nope
It's rare that you find a nice, juicy, sweet one
It very well could be that all of the ones I've had are just bad, idk
When you do, though, there's nothing like it
(I need some Australians to back me up that KP's are the best thing on God's green earth)
even just the flavour of it is pretty grim though
would much rather have something boring like an orange
@pxeger Impossible, haven't you ever tried meth?
@rak1507 You haven't been eating good mangoes then
@user nah, I've tried plenty and they've all been bad, as well as things like mango flavoured whatever
TIL the "shrove" in "Shrove Tuesday" is the past tense of "to shrive"
@pxeger It'll make you a lot happier than mangoes :P
(for legal reasons that's a joke)
@rak1507 That sucks :(
x-flavored stuff often doesn't taste like x, though
I'll stick with apples + oranges + bananas lol
@user true
Banana-flavored stuff almost always disappoints, although orange juice is usually nicer than real oranges
Which fruit would win in a fight? I'm thinking pineapples have a pretty good chance, though they're probably not the best.
banana flavoured stuff is always horrible but actual bananas are pretty ok
(Assume the fruits are sentient and capable of some level of movement and combat)
@RedwolfPrograms humans fighting using fruit, or fruit on their own fighting?
oh you answered my question already lol
@rak1507 They occasionally turn you into monkeys but yeah, they're nice
Coconuts have good defenses, I guess
@user what's wrong with returning to monke?
Potatoes would be wiped out when the biological warfare starts
tomatoes would be good at disguise
@RedwolfPrograms But if they get injured all of their water leaks out
@pxeger Nothing, it's just that typing is inconvenient now
Prickly pears would do quite well
Not against some of the tougher skinned ones though
@user oh, you have to type random strings repeatedly until you get the right one?
Pears aren't prickly, are they?
Opuntia, commonly called prickly pear, is a genus of flowering plants in the cactus family Cactaceae. Prickly pears are also known as tuna (fruit), sabra, nopal (paddle, plural nopales) from the Nahuatl word nōpalli for the pads, or nostle, from the Nahuatl word nōchtli for the fruit; or paddle cactus. The genus is named for the Ancient Greek city of Opus, where, according to Theophrastus, an edible plant grew and could be propagated by rooting its leaves. The most common culinary species is the Indian fig opuntia (O. ficus-indica). == Description == O. ficus-indica is a large, trunk-forming,...
@RedwolfPrograms mangoes would just seduce every other fruit with their tastiness, of course
Apriums and plumcots would be super-soldiers combining the best of apricots and plums
@RedwolfPrograms They also have tough-ish skin and lots of very hard seeds, so they're not very easy to kill
@pxeger You mean dates?
eww dates are gross
Some are nice
Most mangoes are bad though
They're easier to eat when they're seedless
(I've accidentally turned aromantic with that sentence lol)
I read that as aromatic and was very confused
Dates are aromatic, tbf
I used to be aromatic but I've changed my profile picture since then.
Dragonfruit sounds like a strong opponent but probably doesn't live up to its name
(my old profile picture was a benzene ring)
Passion fruit is very nationalistic and willing to die for its cause
Starfruit would be very popular
@user Well you know what they say, dulce et decorum est
(plz star that ^^)
Durians or whatever would be good at chemical warfare
@pxeger Eh?
@RedwolfPrograms "good"?
@user dulce et decorum est is a poem about dying for your cause (in WWI), and dulce means sweet in Latin
dulce et decorum est
Oh. I need to try eating this decorum thingy sometime, then
@rak1507 oh yeah, my bad
all that latin wasn't for nothing after all!
@pxeger They're supposed to smell bad, right?
So they'd be good at chemical warfare
Mere stinkbombs won't help save the country of Duria!
I'm just disputing that chemical warfare is ever good
Didn't say it was good, I said durians would be good at it
You can be good at bad things, e.g. I am good at procrastination even if procrastination is bad
Coconuts, prickly pears, and durians are probably my guesses at the best fruits in a fight
None of them are mobile, though
9 mins ago, by Redwolf Programs
(Assume the fruits are sentient and capable of some level of movement and combat)
I can't imagine a coconut moving. Are they being placed inside exoskeletons? How are they sentient? I have questions
@pxeger Also do not eat peach pits as they have cyanide in them :P
Probably not enough to do anything to you
A bigger danger would probably just be breaking your teeth
Degrees how many you eat lol
@cairdcoinheringaahing that's the yummy bit
@pxeger Ah yes, it's just like when I got radiation poisoning by eating a crate of bananas :P
For armor, coconuts are the strongest but can't survive a single very string hit. Prickly pears are hard to attack, and the seeds will add structure to make things like brute force less effective. Durians have the spiky outside, but I don't know how strong it is.
Durians would be useful as projectiles
The fruits wouldn't throw themselves...
It's not humans fighting with fruits, it's fruits fighting each other
Suicide fruits :P
brings a new meaning to fruit ninja
The fruits being sentient would make that game so much worse
For weaponry, coconuts are mostly useless. Prickly pears are the strongest here, with a very effective attack against any softer fruits. Durians have a strong chemical attack, but must sustain a serious injury before it is viable.
eating monkeys *lunch* dangerous fruit
You're eating monkeys?!
If the fruits are on their own, prickly pear or durian are probably my top picks. In teams, coconuts become significantly stronger.
@Wezl If you were lyxal, I'd guess this is GPT-3
Wezl is just lyxal in a Wezl costume :P
Hmm, Wezl = lyxal as a weasel, caird = lyxal as a puppy, Redwolf = lyxal as a wolf
Who else is just lyxal?
user is lyxal as a user
@user lyxal is lyxal as a lyxal
@cairdcoinheringaahing >:(
Relevant-ish meme (warning: the meme says "fck" and "cnt")
@user Why would you peel a banana? The skin is the best part
I actually used to eat it as a kid :P
I also used to eat gravel, so...
How does it taste?
Gravel, not banana peels
I don't remember, I was like 2
@RedwolfPrograms I don't remember that either, let me go check
@user If only it were a commonly available material :P
Yeah, I'm not going to go taste gravel :P
Disappointingly, it looks like we're out of bananas
Challenge: Quickest way to acquire a banana
Punch a monkey
How could I punch one of my own kind? Disgusting human
(this site claims :P means "Nyah" or "Bleh" (I went there to look up ._.))
@cairdcoinheringaahing Do you mean MONKE?
I'm Lyxal as a pixellated identicon.
@Ausername Thank you for using the politically correct term. I can't tell you how many times I've had to correct people calling me a "stupid monkey" and tell them I'm a "stupid monke"
@UnrelatedString Nyahaha?
that is the joke
Looks good
Specify just in case that flags countt as the same language
lgtm too
@Ausername Good point, plus I get to grumble about Vyxal :P
That's it! You've now been blacklisted from using the Vyxal interpreter 😡 /s
oh no what a shame how will i ever cope?
I made a really simple drawing thing with JS
Handling touchscreen is surprisingly complicated, but also surprisingly simple
Is it the "difficult to hack together, but easy if you know the way" kind of "complicated but simple"?
No, it's more that there's some seemingly unnecessary stuff you have to figure out if you just want to get something working, but if you want to do it properly it's pretty seamless
Like handling multiple simultaneous touches
@RedwolfPrograms Just use pointerdown events
They are poggers
Yeah, but touchscreen support lets you draw with two or more fingers at once
I spent ages trying to figure out why a bad tutorial wasn't working
This mess, about 4/5 of the way down
@cairdcoinheringaahing Are there any docs for flipbit?
Ok lol
That's about it :P
I just looked at lyxal's videos on YT, and I am so confused right now
Hi @Adám, you missed a long conversation
@user ?
About fruits

Fruit war

3 hours ago, 27 minutes total – 150 messages, 7 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked 7 secs ago by user

@user How is that relevant for me?
@AaronMiller Sorry for the delay, I've merged your latest Yggdrasil PR :)
This is very random
very very random
> The question you're asking appears subjective and is likely to be closed
...I doubt it :P
Q: Are you a probabilist or a physicist?

caird coinheringaahingHermite polynomials refer to two sequences of polynomials: The "probabilist's Hermite polynomials", given by $${He}_n(x) = (-1)^n e ^ \frac {x^2} 2 \frac {d^n} {dx^n} e ^ {-\frac {x^2} 2}$$ where \$\frac {d^n} {dx^n} f(x)\$ refers to the \$n\$th derivative of \$f(x)\$ The "physicist's Hermite p...

@cairdcoinheringaahing I'll coin a new initialism: AIIA (Artificial Intelligence Is Artificial)
@cairdcoinheringaahing Maybe because of the "Are you" in the title?
@cairdcoinheringaahing If this ends up closed for some reason I can't think of rn, I'm going to look very stupid :P
Actually, I almost VTC'd it as a dupe of this, but it turns out yours is unique after all
I actually searched the site for "Hermite" and took a look through , so I knew it wasn't a dupe. Yet, I still clicked :P
This is the one I was actually going to link to, but the Hermite thingamajig is more complicated (imo) and you probably can't use the same approaches there
@user how so?
What is so confusing about sh*tposting
Why did you bother making videos of water boiling and stuff?
I understand sh⍳tposting, but they're usually low-effort
@user because those videos are actually me flexing my glass kettles
Do you not boil water by cupping it in your hands and blowing really hard on it?
My, what...glassy glass kettles you have
@user correct
I also have the same kettle as JoKing currently
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