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00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

@cairdcoinheringaahing Yes, in the sense that [-1, 0, 1] means -1*x^0 + 0*x^1 + 1*x^2
I think so, little endian's when it's reversed, right?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

caird coinheringaahingAre you a probabilist or a physicist? Hermite polynomials refer to two sequences of polynomials: The "probabilist's Hermite polynomials", given by $${He}_n(x) = (-1)^n e ^ \frac {x^2} 2 \frac {d^n} {dx^n} e ^ {-\frac {x^2} 2}$$ where \$\frac {d^n} {dx^n} f(x)\$ refers to the \$n\$th derivative o...

hey guys, so uh some important Vyxal news for y'all: youtu.be/EjtBZhRiKeI
@SandboxPosts Would like to get some brief feedback before I post in a day or so
@lyxal Captions plz
feels slightly unnecessary to me, but it's just my opinion
@Bubbler You mean make two different functions?
It's already a complex task to compute either of them
(for some definition of complex)
Not really. It's 21 bytes in Jelly using recursion, which is typically long anyway
> Jelly
That's like 300 bytes in Java :P
If you use polynomial coeff lists, then the recurrence relationship is very easy. Multiplying by x is just prepending a 0 (little-endian), and then you just subtract elementwise for the subtraction
The base case is the long bit in Jelly, otherwise the recursion is just 7 bytes
Q: What if function application was right-associative?

BubblerBackground In Haskell and many other functional languages, function application f(x) is simply written as f x. Also, this form of function application is left-associative, which means f x y z is ((f x) y) z, or ((f(x))(y))(z). Haskell also has a binary operator called $. f $ x does function appli...

time to use jelly, the best language for parsing challenges
it might actually do okayish here tbh
aside from the matching balanced parens but
@OldSandboxPosts no old sandboxed posts?
@lyxal Nope, literally no week old posts in the Sandbox
@OldSandboxPosts what is your opinions on being lyxroll'd?
Interestingly, Dennis considered this as a method/format for ASCII only strings in Jelly
@cairdcoinheringaahing okay...got a working program in Gol><>, only twice as long as Jelly :P
@Bubbler Nice :P I think I got an 84 byte Python answer for He(x), didn't try H(x)
@cairdcoinheringaahing Also got 84 for He(x)
I think simple modification gives 88 for H(x)
@Bubbler I have 81/85
Also now I have a working polyglot of 93 bytes. Turns out J is longer than Gol><>, even after discounting the differences between He and H...
My Github account is finally on the front page when you google my name :D
And also this, for some reason:
> Course Hero has thousands of ryan Tosh study resources to help you. Find ryan Tosh course notes, answered questions, and ryan Tosh tutors 24/7.
I've got a B- in ryan Tosh this year, I really need a ryan Tosh tutor
can't relate, my name is not too interesting :P
oh wait my linkedin profile is actually on the front page of ddg
Searching for my real name gives a couple of (non-social) profile pages, and then a Dyalog blog post. The rest are totally unrelated because both of my first and last names are not that rare
i think the last time i searched my name it was mostly earrings but that was a while ago
@RedwolfPrograms The biggest Korean search engine gives like ten different sponsored results that read like it, for literally any search term (though they're about shopping, not education)
@RedwolfPrograms no, that's just Google personalising it's results towards you
so it's roughly like Bubbler on sale! Grab the opportunity right now! all the way down
it's on the front page of ddg tho lol (for me at least, though supposedly who it is shouldn't matter?)
Not in the front page of ddg either
it's on page 2 now???
(the right tag name is btw)
@RedwolfPrograms Unless of course you mean using redwolf programs as the search query
@lyxal I did it on an incognito tab
it was second from the bottom on the first page earlier and is now at the top of the second page
Probably google "personalizing" stuff
Nope, even "Redwolf Programs" doesn't return your account
It does return your site though
My GH account has no space in it IIRC
Oh neat, I had no idea my website was on the front page
There we go
Second result
For years it was just stuff about charities for red wolves
your site is the first on ddg for me when i look up "redwolf programs"
When I do it without the space the top three google results are my site, my github, and my gists
Followed by SE accounts of mine in a seemingly random order
I do get your github on the first page on google. It's on 3rd page when I search in a secret window (chrome)
i get your site alongside a sub-result with your Merchant game, then your gh, then the risky repo, then your political simulator gh page, then your infosec SE page (???), then SO, then your UX SE, then The Great Outdoors, Physics, and WB (all of the front page is you)
yeah and everything else seems to just be your SE presence (no space)
It seems like it's totally random lol
the top few images are mostly related to you too :P
and then it quickly becomes just red wolves
Searching for me comes up with a youtube video with Lyxal in the url
And it isn't my video
for whatever reason this shows up ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
This is the third image that shows up for me lol
oh wait there are a lot of other random AOC leaderboard pics too
i think your name is indexed there so it causes other images there to appear too
Found one from CGCC gaming :o
Apparently you experienced kinetic energy :p
There are lots of evidence that Google scrapes very random pages on SE
like "page XX" of hot questions, recent questions, etc
which doesn't help me when searching for dupes etc, and gets outdated quickly so the links don't even work
Frick I forgot my phone number and I need it to sign in to something
Okay good I found it
the first ddg result for unrelatedstring is the perhaps repo lmao
i'm actually surprised
that i have managed to be the unrelated string
actually i should search with a space
That's pretty impressive
with a space the first result is my profile on so
then on philosophy
then here
searched my real name again and it's all earrings
at least six pages in it's 90% earrings
i didn't think there would be that much earrings
and still not a single result for me
i should make it my life goal to be below no more than ten results for earrings in search results
there are a few results for people with my first name performing an activity related to my last name but even those are absolutely drowned out by the earrings
@UnrelatedString (without actively trying)
1 hour later…
@Bubbler I need 128 bit ints!
hi all
can any ccgc coding genius see what I have done wrong with my 128 bit radix sort? stackoverflow.com/questions/68492031/… ?
@Anush But why do you need 128 bit ints?
@Bubbler I am using them to represent more complex vectors and that is the appropriate range
uh oh, my meta profile picture has changed
but I do need to sort arrays of them quickly and qsort is much much slower than radix sort it seems for ints. If only I could get my uint128 sort to work!
@Anush I think it actually works? Can you share what inputs you tried?
@Bubbler you ran it before I fixed this part
for(x = 0; x < size; x++) {
t9 = (cpy[x] >> 56) & 0xff;
array[counts.c9[t9]] = cpy[x];
for(x = 0; x < size; x++) {
t8 = (cpy[x] >> 64) & 0xff;
array[counts.c8[t8]] = cpy[x];
so I really can't see how it could have worked
the arrays and cpys need to alternate I think
I fixed that on SO
(I don't fully understand the different roles being played by array and cpy to be honest)
@Bubbler if I fix the TIO I get exactly the same output ...?
do you understand what the roles of array and cpy are?
That's very weird :P
@Bubbler :) I wonder whether the array vs cpy thing is an optimization
@Anush Array and copy are needed because each "pass" of radix sort requires copying the values to another array.
So they're basically swapping roles
@Bubbler ah ok thanks
did your TIO just happen to work as the pass that was wrong was all zero?
does my SO code look correct to you?
It's possible my test was broken I suppose
@Anush I think I found one more bug. See the answer on SO
@Bubbler thanks
Nate's comment makes sense because that many variables will be spilled to memory anyway and GCC can unroll fixed-length loops like this
@Bubbler I was just hoping he might post code as an answer!
the amount gcc unrolls is slightly mysterious to me. It seems to depend on internal heuristics
It's mysterious to almost everyone. The point is that you should trust the compiler to give reasonably optimized program, not fight with it by making the code hard to read and write
And if you can't figure out how to introduce loops in that program, you should study/practice more, not bug other people to do it for you
1 hour later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

BubblerCounting saturated domino placements code-golf grid dominoes tiling Background A saturated domino placement (SDP) on a rectangular grid is a non-overlapping placement of zero or more dominoes, so that no more dominoes can be added without overlapping some existing domino. Alternatively, it can be...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

BubblerHow many dominoes can you fit here? code-golf restricted-complexity dominoes grid binary-matrix Much harder than Can this pattern be made with dominoes? Challenge A grid of width \$w\$ and height \$h\$ is given, filled with 1s and 0s. You can place a domino somewhere on the grid only if both cell...

4 hours later…
Q: Generate procedural images at compile time with C++ templates

spraffThe C++ template system is Turing-complete at compile time. Your challenge is to procedurally generate an image using the template system. You must write a template class or function which takes exactly one template parameter (which is a compile-time integer constant which is the seed which will ...

Well there's a nice surprise
1 hour later…
just hit 980 rep
on Math stack exchange
only 20 more rep till 1000 :)
In this question, it says "it must continually print 1s and only stop if the program is killed or runs out of memory." Would hitting a recursion limit be considered "running out of memory"?
I'd say so
well actually if the recursion limit is, like Python's, a safety mechanism to prevent running out of memory, then no
Alright then. The only way I can find to make a loop in yggdrasil is recursively using the = command, which hits the python recursion limit.
So are you saying that that would be okay, or no?
most answers there eat memory anyway
it would not be okay
:/ Guess I'll have to find something else, then.
Yeah, I don't think Yggdrasil really has a concept of a loop that can theoretically run forever, without consuming resources
I suppose if it were written in a language with TCO, = might work, but without that, it'll just hit a recursion error
maybe make an interpreter which works around that, idk
(...) and some self modification might work, but I don't know how crazy that would be
CMQ: In the spirit of the latest VP Q&A, what brought you to CGCC specifically? How did you get started, and why did you stay?
CMC: answer Caird's flattening the CUBE question in Yggdrasil
@cairdcoinheringaahing found it forever ago on a school computer when browsing the stack exchange communities page
and then completely forgot about it until uni
@cairdcoinheringaahing I was reading the wikipedia article about polyglots, scrolled down to the external links, and saw a really neat-looking one that simply said "A polyglot in 300 different languages"
@Razetime That'll get at least 200 rep in bounties, based on my deadlineless ones, and up to 600ish, depending on the length and method :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing no amount of rep can reward that much effort
@Razetime At the very least, I'd start a +500, then maybe do another one if it's really crazy :P
ah well
I am not insane enough to answer it.. yet
does yggdrasil have documentation?
well, at least in Add++
no it doesn't
The code is self-documenting :P
time to do some source code digging then
plenty familiar with doing that from attempting to understand jelly :P
cascade is another fun tree language
The trick to not having undefined behaviour is to never define any behaviour at all :P
(and 2D so it is already twice as epic)
@Razetime Jellyfish is also kind of a tree lang
Which also looks pretty cool
jellyfish is very good
I used it for 3 days and then realized it had an array model(undocumented, of course)
I did it!
I hit 1000 rep on math stack exchange
It still says 998 rep on my profile
but it's gonna update soon
I am pretty sure reputation doesn't really cache.
Your rep shows as 998 probably because you got downvoted on this answer (likely due to EoQS).
when I get downvoted I feel really sad
@hyper-neutrino EoQS?
@pxeger Enforcement of Quality Standards; it's a Math.SE specific thing to control content quality, specifically questions, since a lot of people think they can just dump a homework question's problem statement and get a free answer (among other poorly formatted and badly constructed questions).
I see
and specifically the policy is around answering - people shouldn't answer those types of questions because even if the question goes like -6, OP still gets their answer
1010 rep
check my profile now :)
1012 now
@AaronMiller For this PR, mind walking me through the changes? Looks like you've modified ? not <>?
We don't really need a live count of your reputation; it's fine to be proud of getting large milestones but you've mentioned your rep at least four times in the past day or two.
ok sorry
@cairdcoinheringaahing Oh yeah, I forgot I made changes to ? as well. I'm not sure if that was what you intended or not, but it was changing that node to be one of its branches, and I changed it to instead change the value of the node to be the value of one of its branches, so the structure of the tree remains unchanged.
@AaronMiller Ah ok, that sounds fine :)
Looks like you might have an indent error with `index +=
1` tho
@cairdcoinheringaahing oof, I could've sworn I used spaces instead of tabs
@cairdcoinheringaahing And as far as fixing the other commands, they worked properly; they were moving the pointer and changing the parents, but the changes were only in the local scope, so I changed it to return the new current_node and parents values
@AaronMiller Ah right, I always forget about scope :/
If you want to fix the indentation bug, then I'll pull when I get back to my computer :)
Fixed :)
@pxeger If you change the recursion limit to be high enough that you get a segmentation fault before you reach the recursion limit, is that "running out of memory"? :p
@AaronMiller but theoretically some computer could have that much memory that it never segfaults
is joke
@cairdcoinheringaahing HNQs, probably. I first stumbled across the site shortly after I started programming (when I was 10 or so), but didn't post anything for a while since I didn't have an account.
I think I first saw the site right as it was graduating, I remember reading the "congratulations, you're graduating" post shortly after it was made.
@RedwolfPrograms Thanks for getting the ball rolling with Nose Poker. It's picked up a bit now :)
Glad to see that, KotHs are a lot of work to set up and it's never fun when they just sit there
Well, that's what happened with my last one. Tho that was much more complex
So thanks for the help. It was even a hot network question for a while
It still is!
It's at the top of the second page
I'm trying to work out what Reverse Pinocchio does. It seems to just grow it's bid really fast
It's exponential, yeah
Currently we just get to round 7 and both ogres decide it's time to give up
A sigmoid function of some sort could be cool
But how do we make that into a nose pun? ;)
Is ;.: a valid yggdrasil quine? ; creates a branch with itself as the root and .; as the branches, then . prints the root, then : prints the left and right branches.
@AaronMiller It doesn't appear to be a "just print itself" style quine, and that it actually "encodes" the data, but quines in self-modifying langs are always a bit weird
Cool. In fact, I suppose . would even be a valid quine. It makes a tree that is just . with no branches, then prints the root.
That seems kinda iffy tbh. IIRC, . isn't a valid quine in SMBF, because of reasons idk
Quine validity has always struck me as a vaguely defined thing
or like 1 in stack-based langs
Not quite, cause . is the actual print command
It'd be a bit like if O meant "Push the string O to the stack, then print it"
isn't there some definition of quines that's something like it has to have two parts, one to encode data and the other to perform the outputting
Arguably tho, . is a valid quine because it gets treated as both data and the outputting bit
hm, that's a good point
i mean yeah like you said the definition of cheating and legal quines has always been a bit up to interpretation
There's also .", which creates a tree with only a left branch, prints the root, then prints the left branch.
I think that, by this definition, none of those are valid quines
@cairdcoinheringaahing I've just noticed: The = command gets both full branches under the pointer, but then only executes the first command. Should line 121 be in a loop, or is that by design?
@AaronMiller That's a bug left over from when run_cmds ran all commands in a program, not just one
So yeah, that should either be in a loop, or be a call to main, might need to test to know which
Easiest way to debug your code: get someone else to try to use it :P
Easiest way to debug your code: get aaron to try to use it. :p There's a reason literally half the issues in the Vyxal repo are from me.
I'm good at breaking things
worst way to debug your code: make it so that I can't read it
It might be a good idea to get the (Jo) King of Quines, Jo King, to have a look at the potentially quines, given that they probably know more about quines than most people here
@AaronMiller So am I, but mainly in my own code :P
@Bubbler thank you so much for the code!
this document claims that list[int] (python) can be used for type signatures/hints but it gives the expected "type object is not subscriptable" error including if i import typing or from typing import *; does anyone know how to actually make this work?
@hyper-neutrino yes use 3.9
@hyper-neutrino Import List, Tuple, etc. for now and use those instead of list, dict, etc.
@rak1507 oh ._. thanks lol
@user i'll do that if i can't update ty
I'm learning JS. Pray for me.
there is no hope. my condolences
Dear God, please free Aaron Miller from the clutches of Satan
I would just use python, but that's not Cursed enough for my plans
@AaronMiller What exactly do you want us to ask for? A quick and painless passing?
@Adám It won't be painless. Like hyper said, there is no hope.
@AaronMiller Uh, I tried, but while I'm not an async, a prayer clearly is, so I can't pray using JS.
prayers are async?
@AaronMiller Just use TypeScript and stay clear of the ugly parts
is typescript even that much better
Or use Scala.JS or Kotlin and transpile to JS
@hyper-neutrino Static typing but still a shitty type system at runtime
@rak1507 Yes, you say them, but they may be answered (or not) at any point in the future.
lol, I guess I no longer believe in 0
I'm happy to inform you that the above is not an illustration of my religion.
@Adám Why the weird cropping btw?
@user Click it
It's a wide image
I know, but why not crop out the white stuff?
I didn't create it. (Stole it from @hsjoihs)
@user But I need the Cursedness of JS, otherwise it won't be the same.
Isn't that top book a bit too thick?
Speaking of Crockford, I noticed crockford.com/sugar.html yesterday.
@AaronMiller That's because of all the dependencies
An instance of
Nobel disease is a hypothesized affliction that results in certain Nobel Prize winners embracing strange or scientifically unsound ideas, usually later in life. It has been argued that the effect results, in part, from a tendency for Nobel winners to feel empowered by the award to speak on topics outside their specific area of expertise combined with a tendency for Nobel winners to be the kinds of scientists who think in unconventional ways. == Implications == While it remains unclear whether Nobel winners are statistically more prone to critical thinking errors than are other scientists, the...
@cairdcoinheringaahing I was working on an overambitious project to kinda extend Java by using annotations and compile-time black magic and made an account on SO to ask stupid questions about that. One day, I came upon the SO account of a classmate I disliked, clicked on his profile, saw that he had a CGCC account and made a mental note to make my own CGCC account and "beat" him by gaining more rep. A while later, I saw some code golf questions in the HNQ, came here, answered a few them the very same day
and was pleased to get upvotes so soon after posting them, so I came back. Didn't have a lot to do during the pandemic, so I came here a lot
so you joined codegolf out of spite
I did a bit of code golf stuff before and saw this site (golfing tips page etc) and then when I joined the APL orchard to talk about APL I saw lots of people posting here, so decided to join in (first answer wasn't even in APL though!)
Spoiler: He now has way more rep on SO than I do, but since he literally has like one post here, I have "beaten" him. Sadly, it's not the sweet victory I imagined
@rak1507 Huh, didn't know there was much golfing outside CGCC
@cairdcoinheringaahing HNQ from Judaism.SE, and then I thought APL would be good for code golf.
me and a few other people sometimes used codingame.com
has anyone used atom's mypy linter plugin? it's giving me an error on line 1 for every python program and the error message is empty
Might be a missing module docstring?
Are you using ide-python?
idrk what that is but it isn't in my package list
mypy src/main.py shows me just a "no module 'discord'" error and nothing else
adding a docstring doesn't seem to help and also the error message is blank and mypy only checks types anyway
not general conventions
VTC as needing more debugging details. Which package is this?
atom-mypy + linter + linter-ui-default
i also have busy-signal + intentions + python-black though i am not sure what the first two do lol
Turn them off and find out, I guess
looks like intentions is the thing that shows the error / warning / whatevers in the sidebar (it got re-enabled by the linter) and busy-signal shows a dot in the bottom bar to show that a package is performing a task (so it shouldn't be causing any issues)
#type: ignore is supposed to make mypy ignore errors yet that itself gets marked with an error so maybe the package is just broken?
:( Time to make your own pkg
i guess i will just manually mypy from the command line before committing/pushing ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
tfw ignore-errors errors
CMC: Given an input with 3 or more lines, output the first 2, joined by a newline
You may assume that every character in the input is unique, aside from the newlines
@cairdcoinheringaahing Vyxal jr, 1 byte: Try it Online!
Ỵḣ2Y in Jelly - but there must be a shorter solution?
I have 3 bytes :P
do you use STDIN?
...perhaps :P
I believe there are 2 three byte versions that use STDIN
@cairdcoinheringaahing Nope, I forgot how STDIN works, only one
i mean there's ɠ,ɠY now i just need to figure out how to shorten that
ɠṄɠ doesn't work cuz of unparseable nilad ;-;
and ɠ⁷ɠ doesn't work in a nilad chain because the first nilad sets the monad argument and the second overwrites the value and gets smash-printed by the third
And ɠ⁷ɠ doesn't either, as unparseable nilads cant be at the start
ninja'd :/
@cairdcoinheringaahing Python 3, 24 bytes: Try it Online!
@cairdcoinheringaahing Zsh: head -2
@AaronMiller -1, takes input from a variable
@cairdcoinheringaahing Scala: _ split "\n"take 2 mkString "\n"
> :\
@hyper-neutrino The second part of the CMC (the assumption) may help you
oh sneaky
@cairdcoinheringaahing Is that not a valid function submission? I don't really remember how those work.
add lambda x:
@AaronMiller No, you need the lambda x: (but not the f=)
oh, that's right. whoops
00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

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