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idk how Python works, but the JVM performs better once it's warmed up
Does English have any words with a heap of vocals in a row?
vowels? or am i missing smth
> In some cases the letters EUOUAE can be further shortened to E----E
onomatopoeia has four distinct consonants vowels at the end
@cairdcoinheringaahing ah good old euouae
valid scrabble word
as is the plural, EUOUAES
I find it endlessly disappointing that onomatopoeia isn't onomatopoeic
CMC (no looking it up!): what is the shortest English word containing all 5 vowels?
@pxeger euouae?
oh it doesn't have an i in it oops
@pxeger alphabet
let me grep /usr/share/dict/words
how do you get that so badly wrong
@thedefault. that counts as looking it up!
I thought you meant the shortest word with 5 vowels in a row
I obviously just can't read
(I have one, but I don't know if it's the shortest)
@pxeger (I looked it up) why is english so weird?
yesterday i was trying to figure out the longest grammatically correct japanese sentence with only vowels in it
hmm, eulogia? I doubt there's a 6
oh sequoia as well
i tried smth like 青い王会う「あおいおうあう」 (aoiouau) but IDK if it's grammatically correct
Do science names count?
@rak1507 There is a 6
@rak1507 stop cheating, or I'll teach you a lesson!
I'm not cheating
@cairdcoinheringaahing why not?
@cairdcoinheringaahing :O
There is potentially a 5, if we count latin animal names as English :P
Does system of a downs song I-E-A-I-A-I-O count?
Isn't that Old MacDonald Had a Farm?
not sure if that counts as an english word
that's French
That's very French :P
yeah :P oh well
You'd struggle to convince anyone it's English
@RedwolfPrograms if you want one with a y in it, that looks like it might be the shortest
Huh, apparently eutopia is a valid spelling of utopia
I'm not convinced
CMC: English word with the most phonemes in one syllable
@N3buchadnezzar we don't speak German here :þ
> Eunoia is the goodwill a speaker cultivates between themselves and their audience
> It is also a rarely used medical term referring to a state of normal mental health
not a valid scrabble word therefore not a word imo :P
"imo" is definitely not a word
> The word Iouea, a genus of sea sponges, contains all five regular vowels and no other letters.
strengths is probably a good contender with 7 phonemes.
i think it's one of the longest words containing only one vowel
@WheatWizard I have a 9
It's the longest in my dictionary
(depends on your dialect I suppose though)
It is the longest word containing only one vowel
Yeah but you can still have 1 syllable with 2 vowels and letters aren't quite phonemes.
At least according to GWR
@AaronMiller Not anymore :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing Iouea has 4 syllables, and 5 letters, I hate it
@pxeger What is it? I'm dying to know.
Find an english word with 6 consonants in a row (there are multiple)
@N3buchadnezzar is y a consonant?
tsktsks is a valid scrabble word so there
Are we talking about consonant phonemes or letters?
@N3buchadnezzar rhythm, or rhythms
i usually consider y a consonant iff it is at the start (either of the word or like in lanyard)
@WheatWizard Well if you'd scrounged better I'd have told you it already, but I guess you'll have to wait :þ
@rak1507 No y's
@N3buchadnezzar crwths
@N3buchadnezzar Depending on how aggressively you throw it, yeet can have as many e's in a row as you need :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing yet (small underhand toss)
yt (drop on the floor)
For a slightly different challenge strangled has only vowel but 7 consonants.
However it is 2 syllables.
isn't that two vowels?
No, only one.
@WheatWizard no, "however it" is 4 syllables
@WheatWizard it's basically "strangulled", though, isn't it?
@WheatWizard str a ngl e d
... am i bad at reading or are "a" and "e" vowels
or is this another "3 isn't a number" thing?
Not in terms of letters. In terms of sounds. the e is silent in strangled.
we're talking about phoneme vowels, not letters
@WheatWizard you need this function in your shell rc then:
gimme () {
	python -Sc "print(end='\\N{$*}')" | xclip -selection clipboard
@pxeger You can pronounce it with 2 vowels, but a) usually not and b) its more fun to select the pronunciation that leads to 7 consonants and 1 vowel.
but would you not say there is always something resembling a vowel between the G and L?
No, English allows certain syllabic consonants at the ends of words. This is the case in strangled.
I mean you can say that an l resembles a vowel.
It certainly looks like an i.
I mean when you say it out loud
say the "gl" over and over, do you not think that noise between them is basically a vowel?
It's syllabic and vowels sound syllabic usually.
It does share some features with vowels and some speakers will put a vowel there in some registers.
It's easier to see in something like bottle which can be pronounced [ˈbɑ.ɾɫ̩], two syllables with 1 vowel.
what the hell
how does this happen
Looks like it's reverted back to the default gravatar
someone unhash the gravatar to figure out what the key is
anyway, I can 11 the profile back, but like... what...
I'm working on restoring it network-wide - we ran a backfill that did something... unexpected — Dean Ward ♦ 26 secs ago
Q: My avatar icon has reset, but only on Stack Overflow

Vilx-Just now when I went to Stack Overflow I noticed that my avatar icon has changed. But only the little one at the top of the page, next to my reputation. When I open my profile, or even my Network Profile, all shows up fine. On further inspection, the URLs for the icon seem different. On SO it's: ...

so uh. looks like some funny glitch happened \o/
I have made a list of 16826 words which can be reached by changing a different word in the list by exactly one character
I'm surprised there's so many in a dictionary of around 60k words
> Not written primarily to be compact but for efficiency and speed
> Uses Œ! as the first atom in the main link
@RedwolfPrograms 17 steps is the longest I can find, searching by hand a bit:
amending -> mending -> bending -> beading -> bearing -> baring -> bring -> ring -> rang -> range -> ranger -> anger -> angler -> antler -> anther -> panther -> panthers
that's inconvenient
less errors instead of just doing undefined behavior or showing no color if you reference a non-existent variable
so if you save your current theme with a typo in dev mode atom just crashes immediately
or rather, atom's less interpreter/compiler/whatever errors if you have undefined variables and then atom just dies
i had it in dev mode cuz ctrl-alt-r for whatever reason doesn't reload for me :/
even when i'm using ENG-US - with the APL keyboard, ctrl-alt is the same as altgr so it just types ⍴
Oh, I thought you were replying to Redwolf
Do you mean (noun) Less (verb) errors?
Or (adjective) less (noun) errors?
Less is a CSS preprocessor
yeah i should've probably capiatlized that
I know, was just a bit confused about what HN was talking about
I thought atom referred to Jelly at first lol
though it would be "fewer errors" in this case, but i don't think i am particularly known for always adhering to grammatical rules :p
i think we could use a new hyperoperation question
the current one seems pretty under-specified for current standards
Don't we have a ton already?
@att Tbh, that looks more like it should be edited, not reposted
or that, yeah
idk the usual way to approach this
huh. blue background looks like it's raised higher than red background, so if my background is red the text looks more raised than if my background is blue
This looks really promising from Phillipe
> I’m also, hopefully very soon, going to begin a “listening tour” through the various stack exchange sites, once we get the logistics figured out.
i know this because my atom is currently cycling through red and blue every second and my eyes hurt
> from those who ran big subreddits like r/news to those in more… esoteric parts of the site
Hey, we're a pretty "esoteric" part of SE! :p
well there are certainly many opinions on chat
I kinda agree with Kevin, in that chat just about works as is, and I wouldn't want it to be ruined in the name of improvement
On the other hand, chat needs improvement :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing I'm tempted to pin this as it's pretty directly relevant to us. On the other hand, that feels a bit too much like self-promotion. Thoughts y'all?
Baby shark doo doo doo
@cairdcoinheringaahing I upvoted it, seems good =)
Man, the vote counts on it are so weird :P There's me and mith on 10+, then two very controversial posts at 0 and -3 :P
I'm waiting for Glorfindel, Shadow or Machavity to write an answer that hits 100+ within the hour tho :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing it's not self-promotion if I do it
You make a good point :P
ok but if anyone disagrees feel free to let me know, don't wanna seem like i'm force pinning it, any ROs can unpin any time if they want
@cairdcoinheringaahing tbf one post says "chat is great and epic" which is wrong and one says "don't fix chat" which is also debatable :p
but yeah advertising chat as "the place without main site rules" isn't a great idea
"Hey check out chat! Got question banned for spam? Have we got the place for you!"
More RO tools would be cool, being able to 12 people out of existence is something I'd really like :p
Editing any message in the room should definitely be an RO privilege, even just for updating pinned announcements without writing whole new ones or pinging a mod
I have a string and a dictionary and I want to cover as much of the string as possible with dictionary words. What's a good way to do that?
@RedwolfPrograms do you mean editing your own messages without a time limit, or editing any message
@Anush do you need efficiency
@hyper-neutrino yes please
@hyper-neutrino Either's fine, but I'd like both for maximum RO abuse helpfulness
I don't think the latter is necessarily a great idea :P but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@hyper-neutrino I feel there is probably an undergrad algorithm for it but I don't know what it is
Are the words guaranteed to be space separated?
In the input and the dictionary?
@RedwolfPrograms You can think of the dictionary as just a list/array of strings
the input is just one string
you can probably just dp it and if you really want build a trie or smth
dp it?
dynamic programming; for each prefix, cover as much as you can
that sounds greedy
yes dp is somewhat greedy
for each sub-state, find the best, building on previous states
DP is good for counting permutations/paths and finding optimal something of a list
how about using "weighted interval scheduling"?
for example, my jelly compressor is basically a DP - it could be converted to a true DP, but since I want to have a cache for efficiency, i memoize-recurse instead which is basically the same thing
also i have no clue what the hell that is
maybe the weight is just the length of the dictionary words
This meta post from the new community VP is a very good sign I think
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i just know how to do some basic random shit lol. sorry can't really help you out beyond some basic algos for cp
no problem
I'd just brute force it, and when people call it slow just blame python (even if it's not in python)
I need some algo nerds!
Ugh! Wanted to try to crack some more Vyxal solutions in that C&R challenge but half its codepage doesn't render on my phone :\
looks like my programs are safe
for now
Yep, they're the ones I want to go after, Aaron.
I'm reckoning the character to change in the "FizzBuzz" one is the one between the 2 strings but that's one of the ones that's not rendering.
i can go crack that one if you want aaron :p
nah, im good
Ooh, I wann a try
Nice job cracking Vyxal's Lyxal solution
Or is it Lyxal's Vyxal solution?
look at the source of that answer
my crack, that is
Was that your intention?
dang it. I missed that. The intended solution was much more hacky and bug-exploiting
@Ausername Weird; I tried that, too but got the original, spaced output
my crack so you can update it
your intended was k`...`F wasn't it
Was the interpreter updated recently? The font keeps changing for me the past few minutes between one that renders most of the characters on my phone and one that doesn't.
the language itself frequently does but i don't think anyone's touched the frontend in a while?
Unless you count bugs with Vylight that I've been fixing
@Ausername Wait, no, that's not what I tried. Think I'll just have to give up on trying Vyxal on my phone.
Oh well
The site looks really weird on mobile
@hyper-neutrino yep, and I've added an explanation
Nice lol
@hyper-neutrino The online interpreter is setup to automatically pull from the repo whenever there's a new commit
> Cracked Vyxal's Lyxal answer <!--Yes that was intentional-->
Well, Vyxal and Lyxal are the same person, right?
@AaronMiller right but that shouldn't modify the frontend only the behavior of the code right?
@Shaggy It's kinda funny how you're cracking everyone by just trying random things...
probably a sign that we need better submissions /s
@AaronMiller I honestly didn't know about that glitch.
@hyper-neutrino oh, yeah. I wasn't really paying attention to the conversation :p
@Ausername which glitch are you talking about?
I only discovered it a little while ago
in Vyxal, 4 hours ago, by Aaron Miller
I've discovered something, but I'm not sure what or why or how
btw, I've got one more uncracked Vyxal answer
@Ausername I actually did have a quick look through the Rattle documentation. And then tried random shit!
That one looks... harder.
I think I have an idea for another JS cop
More fizzbuzz, seriously?
I bet this is all a red herring...
@Ausername I can neither confirm nor deny those allegations
oh holy shit this language is broken
You're individually uppercasing each one...

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