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11:01 PM
ooh, your pfp looks really cool when it shifts to purple
They do work, but only in specific parts of the network :P
I bet YT is going to interesting with FwF on
Q: "Top Network Askers" bar shows animated user picture

val is still with MonicaThe grand return of Animated profile picture on stackexchange.com homepage Apparently, user Snow became a Top Network Asker, getting their avatar to show on main SE page. They also happened to have animated profile picture, which does not animate on in almost every place on SE, but does on its ma...

@N3buchadnezzar None of the still frames are really that strange, it's the effect of the hue changing on a video that's weird
11:06 PM
Too much work :p
Hooryay, I'm Wezl again
idly wondering why everyone is using script to animate css when it has animation built-in...
Does jelly has a file ending? I know you run it through a python compiler and usually through the command line
My first guess would be jl but that is reserved for julia, so maybe jy? :P
11:28 PM
i don't think it has one dedicated :p
@N3buchadnezzar You can always do .jelly
that'd probably be the most sane option
like, file extension is no longer limited these days
Imagine a golfing language, not golfing its file ending
Dockerfiles have extension .dockerfile
which is 10 chars
If you wanted to golf the file ending, you'd have to golf the language name first :P
11:30 PM
jelly is pretty short tho :p
@N3buchadnezzar Yes, .jelly
IIRC Dennis basically just said that's the "official" extension, not that it actually matters
11:50 PM
@cairdcoinheringaahing Eh, its good to know =)

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