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@ngn :)
What is the shortest Java program?
class A{public static void main(String[]a){}}
@Anush ^ or something like that
Public static void main....wow
I am so glad I have never written a line of java
@ngn is k no good for the knapsack challenge?
@Anush why wouldn't it be?
You haven't submitted an answer in k yet :)
I am tempted to add a bounty for answers in my favourite programming languages
@Anush maybe later. i want to solve the latest project euler first, seems easy.
C, C++, nim, rust, Julia
Any other fast languages I could include?
K is pretty fast
i'm not sure how i'd performance compare with those langs
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

NeilIs this a valid Temtem character name? Given a string of between 0 and 15 (inclusive) printable ASCII characters, determine whether the string represents an acceptable character name for the game Temtem. The following rules apply to character names: Names must have at least 3 letters (a-z) Names...

@ngn good idea
@Anush haskell can be pretty fast too
@EliteDaMyth good point
though i dont know any haskell, i feel a functional approach to this would be interesting.
Actually the knapsack challenge in Haskell looks interesting
Snap :)
most imperative algorithms get interesting when you want the same efficiency in a different paradigm
I can imagine
I guess it would look a little like that
my first post on CGCC was a knapsack problem
Q: The Rod Cutting problem

EliteDaMythGiven a rod of length n inches and a list of prices that contains prices of all pieces of size smaller than n. Determine the maximum value obtainable by cutting up the rod and selling the pieces. For example, if length of the rod is 8 and the values of different pieces are given as following, the...

@EliteDaMyth nice!
@lyxal what did I do wrong?
@math What do you mean?
@lyxal the rickroll
ain't that catchy?
@math too much supply in a small amount of time
The effect of being rickrolled is lost once there's too many links circulating the market
Because once you pass a certain quantity, if someone falls for your trap, it's not as clever as it would be as if you got them on the first try
@math it's catchy, but you gotta be more subtle
Less obvious
ok thanks

Lyxal explains how to rickroll part 2

3 mins ago, 2 minutes total – 5 messages, 1 user, 0 stars

Bookmarked 6 secs ago by math

for others
There's a part 1?
I wanna see it
wait a sec
@lyxal you did it

Lyxal explains the rickroll economy

yesterday, 9 minutes total – 25 messages, 4 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked yesterday by lyxal

Wasted a perfectly good opportunity there
See you coulda bait and switched on that link and epicly pranked someone
That would have been an exception to the rule of subtlety
oh no
I had a list of 22 tips for rickrolling once
@user was it you I shared the rickroll tips list with?
Regardless, I'm off to sleep now
maybe a diagram would be useful
or a link to the oeis page (it must be in there)
@PyGamer0 "non-negative non-zero odd integer" - you can omit "non-zero"
@PyGamer0 grid should be size n×n
you should probably rip a graphic off the internet
and maybe link to an algorithm
@PyGamer0 elaborate on allowed moves, are diagonal moves allowed
oh no, what happened to wikipedia
Does someone have a link to that challenge where you have to print an ascii art keyboard? I'm not finding it.
do save your links next time
I have a bunch of good questions saved in notion
@ngn its layout relies on its ad scripts!
@lyxal Yep
@ngn Even with an interface pr a static initializer , it’s kinda long
but thats not a great meadure of a language anyway
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

mathI pressed a key In this challenge, Magic Octopus Um challenged you to print a keyboard in ascii-art. In this challenge, I'm giving his keyboard as the input... but with a key pressed. Your program should output which key I pressed. What is a pressed key A pressed key is an individual key, but the...

@math it's "Urn" not "Um"
ninja'd :P
your comment was posted at 15:10:02 UTC time
my message was sent at "3:09" in the chat log (so 3:09:59 at the latest) therefore I ninja'd you :p
Yes, you ninja'd me
Ninja'd 9edit)
is there any way to see when a message was sent/edited down to the second?
Hack into someone's computer and install a script that records when they send messages?
i mean at that point it's easier to just log activities via a chatbot
But you won't see when they sent a message if their internet's laggy
true, but what matters is the time that the server received it
That's punishing people like caird who have a bad internet connection because of telepathy :P
@SandboxPosts CMC: Given a multi-line all-ASCII input, return the one and only sequence of non-space characters that immediately follow |
APL: '\| ([^ ]+)'⎕S'\1'?
@user You can save 2 bytes with \S instead of [^ ]
Oh nice
More of a Perl golf than an APL golf.
i was trying to work out how quads worked so i got
\| (\S+)
which is literally the same thing as user's xD
QuadS and QuadR are practically cheating /s
Or put differently: Dyalog APL has such powerful built-ins, that three of them warrant packaging up as separate programming languages.
wait, what's the third?
A.k.a. the Game-of-Life operator.
@Adám Oops, I keep forgetting the name
Quad Diamond, apparently
@Razetime idk where is the algorithm
~ not +
@user That's Domino, a.k.a. Quad-Divide, a.k.a. matrix division/inversion.
All the little squares look the same to me :P
how many quads are there even
In use or in Unicode?
⌺⌹⍠⎕⌸⍞ (honorary mention for ⌷)
@Adám both, i suppose, unless there are too many unicode ones to count
oh wait ⌺'s official unicode name is APL FUNCTIONAL SYMBOL QUAD DIAMOND?
APL predates unicode doesn't it? or i think i heard smth about that
@hyper-neutrino Unicode
I've never seen most of those before, are those used by other APLs?
@hyper-neutrino APL predates almost everything with connection to today's computing.
that's not every one in Unicode
(+ squish quad )
APL feels really modern to me even though it's one of the oldest. that might just be because array languages are somewhat new to me and since they're really powerful for manipulating arrays and math-like things it feels more modern to me even though the math concepts have been aruond forever ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@user is used for dzaima/APL's Diagonals and APL/700 used both that and most of the rest for file operations.
Oh, I see
Unicode normally only adds glyphs that are already in use. E.g. Iverson used but not the mirrored one, so that wasn't added (though and exist as Canadian Syllabics).
I wish they added all of the over/under-dot modified latin characters
cuz like, even if some of them aren't used by any languages, if they're needed in the future, won't the codeblock be broken apart or smth
and also because it'd be nice for golfing language codepages to have them all xD
@hyper-neutrino codeblock consistency is not typically one of Unicode's high priorities
@hyper-neutrino that's why I use Braille, because it's 100% consistent for bytes
@hyper-neutrino They are only there for legacy compatibility. Unicode's vision is using combining characters for diacritics.
@Adám oh, i see. that makes sense
In principle, even APL could use combining characters, as it originally did.
@Adám is the part where it says "would instead be typed using APL+O for ⍟ followed by backspace" supposed to have ○ instead of ⍟?
also that's a cool bit of history
@hyper-neutrino Yes, typo. Fixed.
@Razetime how do you supply command line flags using your TIO function for APLgolf
or do I need to modify the function
do you see the comment in the TIO function
yes - i think i roughly understand that
I don't supply flags to the api since APL doesn't use them
i think all args need to be separated by null bytes
oh, okay thanks. i'll try that out
if you understand python better, here's caird's script for jelly: github.com/cairdcoinheringaahing/JHTBot/blob/master/tio.py
let fLength = encoder.encode(flags).length;
let rBody = "Vlang\x001\x00" + lang + "\x00F.code.tio\x00" + length + "\x00" + code + "F.input.tio\x00" + iLength + "\x00" + input + "Vargs\x00" + fLength + flags + "\x00R";
@Razetime oh yeah i'll look at that instead lol, thanks
it uses args since jelly needs them
should make a lot more sense
also, caird had a message somewhere with a full explanation in talk.tio
probably bookmarked
okay i got it working, thanks :P
in talk.tryitonline.net, Dec 30 '20 at 14:32, by icecub
Hey everyone. Got a small question. Is it possible to approach TIO through an API or maybe CURL or something like that? Reason I'm asking is because I'm interested in making a chat bot where users can send small code snippets towards it and get the result returned :)
just for future reference
nice, thank you
This is what TopAnswers uses.
@NewPosts "Old question, closed as opinion-based" "New question, asks the same opinion based question"
I am thinking of adding a bounty for the answer that has answers in the largest number of languages. Is that allowed?
do you mean the question that has answers in [...] ?
also you're free to do pretty much anything (within reasonable restriction of course) with bounties; after all, it's your own rep
(aisde from the obvious voter/reputation fraud, but if you're operating in good faith, you don't need to worry about that)
@hyper-neutrino yes and thanks!
what's the intended purpose of the bounty though @Anush?
Also, you can't award bounties to questions
@hyper-neutrino @Razetime TIO.Run in APL
ooh. that's cool
this has no conga right
only Httpcommand stuff
Bounty posted. I hope it's clear
@Razetime HttpCommand is an interface to Conga.
@hyper-neutrino to get answers from the list of languages given
oh so you did mean "the answer that has answers in the largest number of languages"
@cairdcoinheringaahing is for answers
@hyper-neutrino I did!
oops. i thought you wanted to select a question that currently has been answered in the most languages
No :)
Check out the and tags
although, answers in different languages, or even just that use different solutions in the same language, are typically encouraged to be posted as separate answers
That's fine
I suspect it'll be the latest answer the "Add a language to a polyglot"
basically anything from stasoid lol
I'll just award the bounty to one of the answers from someone who posts several
the bounty is to get answers in multiple languages on a specific challenge :p
specifically the fast continuous knapsack one - not just "most languages in one answer across the site"
The only hard one is Haskell
isn't even a polyglot challenge/bounty
It isn't!
I feel I may have done something new :)
You should be and to translate the python code to Nim or Julia really easily
i'm not gonna do that especially to claim a bounty though lol. and i don't typically like solving restrictive challenges including fast time/algo and restricted src / radiation challenges
i pretty much only just do vanilla golf lol
@hyper-neutrino shame :)
the python answerer might be interested in the bounty and do it though ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I meant..it should be really easy to translate...
@hyper-neutrino and then they have Haskell and C to worry about :)
i assume the bounty is for whoever has the most first answers across all languages
@Razetime yes....well sort of
if you port nim rust julia and C you win easily
what counts as a language?
@ngn what do you mean?
whatever is listed in the bounty
@Razetime what about Haskell?
haskell is tough to engineer efficient solutions
Yes! But I know it's possible here. You can find linear time median code online
And this is similar
it's in about the same level as APL for the difficulty in finding an optimized route for a problem
@Anush for instance are different c standards different languages? what about different compilers? different flags?
@ngn one in each language
You can pick your favourite C standard
But you should only have one C answer
I feel a bit sorry for Nim because Julia might have made it irrelevant
If anyone does all 6 I will be very impressed
nim is pretty different from julia
@Razetime tell me more please
most people in this chatroom could probably sweat out all 6
if I really wanted to I could but TBH it's a) not worth +50 and b) I really don't want to just port the same thing to 6 languages
considering there's more than one O(n) implementation to borrow from
with enough time and effort i could port to most languages with reasonable documentation, at least in theory
@Razetime I am impressed
@hyper-neutrino how much is it worth?
depends who you ask. some people might want to take up the challenge just for fun :p
I hope so!
Q: Continuous knapsack but fast

felipaThe input for the continuous knapsack problem is as follows. For each item 1...n we are given a positive weight and profit. Overall we are also given a positive capacity which is the maximum weight we can carry. The goal is to pick items so that the profit is maximized without exceeding the capa...

Okay wth I had a dream one of the users here (I think it was HN) didn't actually exist and was just someone I knew like ten years ago playing a prank on me
Of course hyper neutrino doesn't exist, there's only 3 types of neutrinos
@RedwolfPrograms But that means HN did exist, doesn't it?
In your dream, I mean
I have no idea
@cairdcoinheringaahing I didn't know that!
I just got this error message on SEDE because I forgot to type one character ಠ_ಠ
Wow, of all the invalid names I've seen, that's got to be the invalidest one
Generates TIO links
Works without any APIs, requires one dependency due to TIO using compression, but that's only 40 KiB or so
@RedwolfPrograms dammit, you figured it out?
Why does google translate think my name is in arabic lol
But only sometimes
Becauase you keep putting RTL overrides everywhere ಠ_ಠ
‮Lies! Redwolf would never do that!
omg Redwolf backwards is flowdeR
that would be quite a neat alter ego
Here’s a tricky question: working on a challenge, with a handful of example entries in the project. Trouble is, the latest one is kinda indomitable... should I keep that in or nerf it before posting to encourage more entries?
Is this is Dwarf/Troll game KotH?
Is completion of it required?
That’s the one
If not, then just leave it in with a note saying "this is hard; your program doesn't necessarily have to be able to do it in practical terms" or similar
If a KotH has a somewhat simple solution that's extremely hard to defeat, that's likely a sign of a low skill ceiling
Generally, when adding example bots for KotHs, you don't want any to be especially good
Completion isn’t required, but it’ll probably show up on the scoreboard.
You've had more time than anyone else to prepare bots for this, so if you create one that is basically undefeatable, it's not exactly fair
Sounds like the consensus is for the defaults to just be simple examples.
If you have a good bot, I'd suggest posting that as an answer a week or so after the challenge starts
This KotH sounds interesting, is it sandboxed somewhere?
It’s got an entry in the Sandbox post. Search for “Thud”.
You can play with the game (in progress) at ajfaraday.github.io/Thud/dist/index.html
It was sandboxed maybe a week back
Does shoving a troll do anything to dwarves in the way, or does it just "teleport" to the destination?
It kills all adjacent drawers, same as moving. It just allows moving a bit further
If you’re taking a look at the code, I’ve accidentally put the “too strong” version of the spread_out troll behaviour online.
1 hour later…
Can y'all believe that no post from WindowsPhone.SE has ever hit HNQ???
Believe it or not, I can :p
@cairdcoinheringaahing yes :)
Other sites that have never hit the HNQ: Language Learning, Russian Language, Cardano, Beer/Spirits/Wine, ExpressionEngine, Eosio, EBooks, ElementaryOS, Stellar, Tor, Vegetarians
Cardano most certainly has
There's a Vegetarians site?
Seems like a subset of Seasoned Advice
@RedwolfPrograms there's Beer/Spirits/Wine! much more interesting :)
Those are the sites that didn't hit HNQ in 2020. The actual list (never hit HNQ) is: Vegetarians, Windows Phone, ExpressionEngine, EBooks, Language Learning, Russian Language
(Plus Meta and StackApps, but they can't hit HNQ)
I swear I've seen a Russian Language question in the HNQs...
I think there are 2 Russian Language sites (similar to ELU and ELL), and it's rus.stackexchange.com that hasn't hit HNQ
Oh, that makes sense
Don't worry, they get plenty of attention via chat flags.
Quick reminder, btw: Don't click "not sure" for chat flags in languages you don't know, because it counts as a fraction of an "invalid" response
1/5 to be precise
@RedwolfPrograms Oh, thank you. I didn't know.
(That seems like a strange system to me.)
I thought of that yesterday and meant to post it here and that reminded me :p
@Adám I agree
@RedwolfPrograms I tend to use auto-translate to get the gist of the message
But by then it is too late
My browser auto-translates as soon as I enter the room, which I always do with flags
Aside from someone being very spammy, or incredibly offensive, you generally need context to make a proper judgement
Plus, you can see all pending flags at /admin/flagged
Revert #11 of this is unhelpful, but I don't yet have the rep to flag it.
My revision?
I'm writing out a comment response now, but I'll do it here in chat if you'd prefer
@smci What do you mean, you don't have the rep to flag it? You've got 179 here, flagging requires 15
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

user197974Generate the shortest regex to match these but not those Given two lists of strings where each string is of length 50 and each list is also of length 50 generate the shortest regex you can that fully matches all the strings in the first list and does not match any of the strings in the second lis...

Something to remember for Winter Bash: Mods can set the Community user's hat on their site :P
Not sure why the pings from GRT don't play until the tab is focused
@cairdcoinheringaahing I can't rollback or flag the revert, like I said. Anyway your later edit is good.
@smci I'm not sure what you mean by "the revert"? I didn't roll back/revert your edit, I rejected your suggested edit if that's what you mean
Can you even flag revisions? (Also, there was no revert, like caird said) If you want to bring attention to a review task or a revision, probably just flag the post for mod attention and explain it, or you can just ping a mod here if you don't mind it going public (by which I mean you can ping me)
Aha, apparently the issue is from trying to load the audio file from an inactive tab. Downloading it on page load should probably fix the issue.
Don't click that yet
Okay you can now
Had the refresh time set way too low for testing purposes
posted on June 27, 2021 by AndrewTheCodegolfer

Get ready for a comparatively dry question - this is intended to be one of the "the"s of the code-golfing dictionary. Create a program which inputs a base 10 non-negative whole number (w...

Wait, when did Codidact get leaderboards?
@cairdcoinheringaahing it's not actually sorted by bytes though
It's sorted by votes
Unclick "Group by language"
That gives a ranking across all answers. If there are multiple answers in the same language, "group by language" will (probably) rank each language together by score
@cairdcoinheringaahing how tf do I click a button that isn't there
It's a tickbox
Which tickbox caird?
I ain't seeing no tickbox
Ugh, now I have to do screenshots :/
Wait...the bird thing didn't win the poll, did it?
Oh, I guess it did
That's kinda disappointing
We had a theme
Must be a desktop thing
Surprised it got seven votes...there were only four stars on the "vote here" link
leaderboard by bytes is in development
Should've been a pixel art codidactyl at least :(
or never mind, maybe not. either way, this was posted earlier
And yet, that wasn't posted to Code Golf's specific meta? Weird
@RedwolfPrograms what minimum byte count were you expecting for your mountain range challenge?
As in, how many bytes did you expect would be the average for golfing languages?
Average? 6-8
No, it looks like you outgolfed someone called "xnor-gate". I wonder if they're related :P
i just came across a function called gen_sha256_with_variable_scope_protector_to_not_pollute_global_namespace(), what i would normally call g() :)
Let me guess... Php?
python (close enough)
Oh wow
In a library or in actual production?
Wow, it took a week for one of my suggested edits to be reviewed on CS.SE
@ngn I wouldn't expect anything less from implementing bitcoin in python

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